THL GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Little News o f Vale OW YHEE w ‘ lker were Boi' e vi! viaitors , Word concerning County Assessor buckaroo o f the Owyhee *died"at ti"' Mr. Graham is in a Portland hospital where he is under the care o f a specialist. It is believed that general health treatment will improve the seriouB condition o f his eyes. IKS b r in k a n n o u n c e s GRAD­ ING WILL BE ON NO. 1 AND NO. 2 BIRDS jSOCUTION WILL RECEIVE cat I’lan of Turkey Growers’ riation is to Receive and Pack L 80C Its Own Produce or information of Malheur county eastern Oregon turkey growers, of whom are members o i the -Oregon cooperative marketing iation, Mrs. C. G. Brink, sec- -manager, announces that the pool of turkeys will be sold at oise chamber o f commerce at 2 LJt November 2. Grading will be me as last year on No. 1 and birds. Growers will be notified ie of delivery later, present plans mature, the asso- Oregon turkey growers’ asso- will operate its own packing and these will receive, grade, and pack the birds as they are jt in by the growers,” Mrs. stated. “ This will tend to te any dissatisfaction on of the growers who may offered by having their birds and packed by buyers here- The buyers will be on hand to work o f the association fore receiving the shipments, year the full cash price will on delivery of the birds,” s. Brink, indicating that buy- prepared to deposit a half ollars to pay o ff the associa- mbers. to the heavy Texas crop this re will be a smaller demand 2 birds. No. 1 birds will be in the association pool, eludes turkey growers of d Oregon. No trouble is "d for the growers in de- large quotas of No. 1 birds there has been a great im- t in the stock and fewer dow grade have been rais- Of course, the saloon will never the corner^ back from the chain drug return. How could it expect to wrest stores and filling stations? » . . . _____ time with pneumonia. His brother Riley Horn, arrived from California Monday to make funeral arrange- munis. Mrs Lottie R I ?**/ left ior PortlanJ the -H -+++++ + + + + + + + H -t-Hy B Don M. Graham ..■■ » were in Baker last week end. They j Rev. and Mrs. George Ellis o f the were guests of lelatives of the Law Christian Church were in Boise sev- J rence family, among them James n the Kolony. Fifer returned to Boise . . , , i fice o f the bureau o f reclamation, I H. J. Glenn and Roland Holmes _ James , . . Mrs. Kytharn Claypool was pleased) was here Tuesday to inspect con- j anu and viuis Chas. , Vols o 1 f wregou Oregon | ut s vois Winkler vi miner 0 lNenln8 w 1 11 l)" by the arrival of her parents Mr. and struction on the Vale irrigation pro­ Trail left last Thursday to hunt deer. eTt an am ea. or a eW ayS ,, . j Mrs. John McGivem, of Portland the FOR FULL LINE OF , i Robert likes his work at the Boise | . . .. - — ject. He was accompanied by Engm- ___ ______ Mr. ___ and Mrs. ______ Robert __________ Overstreet o f , forepart of the week. They are at the eer II. W. Bashore and Engineer F. Boise were guests Sunday in the R. i Ne^‘ ians hospital. Drexel for a month’s visit with Mrs. A. Banks, o f the Owyhee project. R. Overstreet home. Mrs. Maurice , Mrs’ A- Prothero 13 convalescing Claypool and daughter Esther. Owyhee work was inspected Monday. Judd accompanied them home for a trom a rct'e" t operation for append- John Boston purchased a Durant _____________________________________ i lcitis. She left Ontario last week and is recuperating at the home of Mrs. coach from A. J. Vanderford last ed this year. We plan to market a Wni. and Robert Toombs and Carl | Sam gmith ¡„ the white Settlement week. quarter million turkeys, mostly top J Schneiter o f the Kolony spent Satur Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dumphy of On­ district. grade No. 1. day and Sunday deer hunting in the Having disposed o f most of his tario were Sunday visitors at the R. •pending the winter in California. Mrs. Joe Kiser’s hand is improving. It was badly crushed and bruised in a washing machine ringer. No bones were broken and it is mending rapidly. Fire Insurance Bonds Notary Public ++♦4 11 H I 4 4 I H I » » 4 4 1 I ML SELL m S i S S S n S s tS U lllik . I 4 See The NYSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY Dairy Feed, Laying Mash And TURKEY FEED J “ Late this year between December and January, it is planned to operate a turkey special, through Idaho and Oregon* to show the outlying dis­ tricts the results to be attained by a careful selection o f stock and proper care o f birds. Assistance o f the Ore­ gon state college and University of Idaho has been assured.” Ironside vicinity, Mrs. W. W. Smith, who was oper­ ated on in the Nazarine hospital at Nampa Monday, is doing well accord­ ing to reports. Misses Fern Lynde and Lila Hite had a birthday party Sunday at the Hite home. Their school mates were guests. dairy herd to C. A. Forsman, Pete Schnurrl is making arrangements to leave soon for the coast section. The Rex Marquis place, which Schnurrl farmed this year, was rented to Earl Boston recently. Coy Wise was here from Ironside Tuesday. Mrs. H. W. Bashore and Mrs. Phone 26 H. DeArmond country home. Miss Vivienne Becker was here | from Weiser Saturday. Her father, I Attorney T. S. Becker, located in the Idaho town. 0^ OREGON NYSSA ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 26 This original estimate shows in parallel columns the unit costs o f the several T.(*evi„eii, material and supplies for the three fiscal year next preceding the current year, (he detail expenditures for the Iasi of said three preceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months of the current year. (“ Six The total amount o f money needed by the said school district during the months of the current year” means six months of the last school year. See Sec. 238, 1W17 School Laws. fiscal year beginning on June , 1929, and ending June , 1930, is estimat­ E x p e n d it u r e s f o r t h r e * Ìi*a ai y * a r i E xp en d itu res and b u dg et a llo w a n ce ed in the follow ing budget and includes the amounts to be received from n e x t p r e c e d i n g t h e la s t f o r six m on th s o f ’ ast the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, -special s c h o o l y ea r Estim ât**! sch ool y ear district tax, and all other moneys of the district. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING |IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters o f School District No. Iheur County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of ’ct will be held at School House, on the 2nd day o f November, o’clock in the afternoon fo r the purpose of discussing the bud- fter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the propo- evying a special district tax. BUDGET Estimated Receipts i»x jx? ndi turca ITEM fo r D e t a i le d th e en su in g school y ear B udget . llo w . n„ E x p en d itu res ,n d e U “ on hand as shown by annual report ‘ ginning of year ................ ..................... . ¡strict tax ..................................................... $ 20,295.20 unty school fund ........................................ 4,261.80 te school fund ............................................. 460.01 ementary school fund ................................ 1,237.04 ition for pupils below high school ......... 200.00 h school tuition ...... ............................... 4,500. venue receipts (d ems 2to 10, inclusive) Non-revenue receipts 15. Interest o n /^ n ^ fn g fund ....................................... 100.00 18. Total non-rrveOtie receipts (items 12 to 17, inclusive f A T otaY receipts $31,233.1 nditures 'Estimate Elemen- tary High School (item s 11 and 18) ............. Elemen­ tary TQTAL a L CONTROL service : A U X IL IA R Y AGENCIES 1. Library: 3. Supplies* repairs, etc................................. 8. Transportation o f pupils: High School V n . $2,062.50 75.00 5.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 16.00 nse of General Control 1 ION—Teaching service: rs .................... ...... .. $8,400.00 $6,660.00 (chalk, paper, etc.) 25.00 25.00 -sk copies and ini nts) 40.00 25.00 pense of Teaching N OF PLANT service: • and other employes .. $ 660.00 $ 720.00 supplies ................... 76.00 75.00 470.00 470.00 power _________ 50.00 165.00 .. 34.00 40.00 1. Personal service $ $ 2,985.00 VII. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance ....... ................................. . $ 150.00 $15,175.00 VIII. CA PITA L OUTLAYS 3. Alteration o f buildings (not repairs 4. New furniture and equipment ........ 7. Total Capital Outlays 70.00 TO TAL ESTIM ATED EXPEDITURES (sum o f items 1-6, II-6, III-6, IV-8, V-4, VI-5, VII-5, VIII-7, IX -9, X -3) ............... 200.00 600.00 Recapitulation school year from June ,.1929 ,to June 1930 of (1-1) (11-1) ( I I H ) ’ , 1-1 , 2-1, 3-1 4-1) ...?_________ $23,375.110 (1-2) (11-2) (111-2) (IV -2) 3-2, 4-2) (VIII-4) ____■>............. 340.00 repairs, sum o f (V -l, 2, 3) 600.00 ' of lIX-1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.) .» - 3,836.00 ■ of <1-3, 4, 5) (II-3, 4, 5) (IV-3 4, 5. 6, 7) (V IM , 2, 3, 4) > $ 164.00 100.00 30.00 Total estimated expenses for th e,year $31,338.16 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax 11,042.96 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax Indebtedness 1. Amount o f bonded indebtedness (include all warrants issued by vote o f electors) 2. Amount o f warrant indebtedness on war­ rants issued and endorsed “ not paid for 1,678.00 lack o f fund«” ...................... ........... .. 100.00 1,409.16 $31,338.16 4. Total Indebtedness (aum o f items 1, 2, 3) Dated this 11th d a y -o f October, 1929. ATTEST: C. G. BROWN Diatrict Clerk H. BOYDELL Chairman, Board Of Director. $42,100.00 ... th e year in deta il S econ d laftt of th e year V lrx t G ive y e a r ly to ta ls Y ear G iv a y e a r ly to ta ls 1 I. GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal service: $ 1,300.02 1. Superintendent ................. $ 2,750.00 62.50 2. Clerk ............. 126.00 4. Compulsory education, 5.00 census .................................... 10.00 $ 31,338.10 2. Supplies .......................... 30.00 22.95 3. Elections and publicity 45.00 4 Legal service (clerk’s bond, audit, 12.60 etc........................................................ 26.00 TOTAL 6. Total Expense of General $ 1,402.97 Control .................................. $ 2,985.00 III. INSTRUCTION—'Teaching 1. Personal service: $ 7,642.60 1. Teachers $15,060.00 25.00 2. Supplies ................ 50.00 p e r io d 100.00 $ 1,300.02 62.50 $ 2,600.04 125.00 5.00 10.00 22.95 45.90 12.50 26.00 $ 1,402.97 $ 2.805.84 $ 7,642.60 26.00 $15,285.00 60.0 o /) $ 4,060.00 IX . DEBT SERVICE 4. Interest on bonds ................................. ....................... $ 2,636.00 200.00 5. Interest on warrants ................ .................... 1 , 000.00 7. Transfers to sinking fund ........................ 9. Total Debt Service X. EMERGENCY ‘ $ 1,409.16 L .............................!................................................... 100.00 z 2,880.00 5 .. Total Fixed Charges Summary of Estimated F.xpenditurcs of (V m -1, 2, 3) n (drivers, etc.) .... 1,170.00 5. Total Expense o f Auxiliary Agencies 1,759.00 NCE and REPAIRS d replacement of ■md equipment ................... % 100.00 ; maintenance of d grounds ________ ____ 200.00 of Maintenance and Repairs 10.00 fo r th re e -y s a r 3. Textbooks (desk copies and indi­ gents .............. 60.00 $ 7,667.50 6. Total Expense of Teaching $16,175.60 IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: $ 314.00 $ 585.00 1. Janitors and other employes $ 1,380.00 48.47 2. Janitors' supplies ................ 150.000 471.80 3. Fuel ..................................... 940.00 107.30 4. Light and power 215.00 37.87 5 Water 74.00 $ 1,249.94 8. Total Expense o f Operation $ 2,769.00 $ 200.00 V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Repair and replacement of furniture 94.10 and equipment . $ 200.00 2. Repair and maintenance of build 180.50 400.00 ings and grounds 4. Total Expense of Maintenance and $ 274.60 $ 600.00 Repairs ................ $ 3,836.00 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Library 5.00 10.00 3. Supplies repairs, etc. . 3. Trasn portât ion o f pupils: 854.15 4,050.00 1. Personal service ..._.... 5. Tefal Expense Auxiliary $ 869.16 $ 4,060.00 Agencies ____ ______ ____ $31.338.16 VII. FIXED CHARGES $ 82.45 $ 314.00 1 : Insurance __ ________ $ 82.45 $ 314.00 5. Total Fixed Charges ...... VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS 3. Alteration of building (not repairs 100.00 272.14 $20,295.20 4 New furniture and equipment 100.00 $ 27214 $ 200 00 7. Total Capital Outlays . $ 687.50 50.00 lsory education and census 5.00 15.00 25.00 . rvice (clerk’s bond, audit, e x p e n d it u r e s 3,000.00 IX. DERIT SERVICE 4 Intere-1 on fionda 5. Interest or warranta 7. Transfers to sinking fund 9. Total ftehf Service ........ X EMERGENCY 1. 4. Total Emergency f 2,686 00 200.00 1 , 000.00 $ 8,836.00 f 1,409 16 $ 1.409.16 $45,100JM) j $81,388.16 GRAND TOTAL ,h . I, C C. Brown, do hereby certify that the by me and that the expenditure, and budget for the three fi»cal years next preceding the $7,667.50 $ 586.00 48.46 471.81 107.30 87.88 $ 1.249 95 94 10 f $15,886.00' [ n U $ 1,170.00 96.93 948.61 214.60 74.75 $ 2,499.89 $ . \ X à 188 20 A/ r V >• f t $ 274.60 $ 10.00 864 16 1,708.80 $ 869.16 $ 1,718 SO $ $ 82.45 82.46 $ 360.00 .160.00 $ 1,818 IX) 100.00 500 00 $ 1,918.00 I 741.18 $ 74113 $14.474.41 741.13 $ 741.11 $14,545.76 « 649.20 5.00 $ 1.818.00 106.53 600.00 $ 1,924 53 »V 861.00 180 50 $ $ 164.90 164.90 $ 412.00 $ 268.80 $ 544 28 644.28 $ 496.57 $ 468.78 $ 2,686.00 t 213.06 1,000.00 3ft49.06 $ 2*668 50 1,482.00 $ 1,482 00 $ 1602.69 »28,948.67 $26,648.34 $ i 967 84 $2$J81M above estimate o f expenditure for the year I62O-1W0 wo. p e g g »bove estimisi-- ... ------------------------ allowance for six months o f the current year and the expenditure current year as shown above have been com ' in my charge and are true and correct copie, thereof,