THE GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON The Vale-Owyhee Government Projects Land Settle ____ ment association accepted its first job— the coloniza- I Owyhee—Funeral services were tion of the Harper unit of the Vale project—seriously I held at the schooihouse here last Sun- and shoulder to shoulder with Uncle Sam conducted a s the sympathy about presented in that item. The provision for expenses o f the entire community is extended compensation, that struggles without individual com­ at the 1929 assembly is now pending in the Supreme to the family in their bereavement. pensation, that toils on, spins on and carries on without She is survived by her husband and compensation, for the progress and promotion of a com­ court. nine children. munity. Among some of the costs as listed for the recent ses­ Miss Juanita Bigelow, teacher of It has been and will continue to be everybody’s busi­ Vale, spent the week end at her home sion are: Senator, salaries, $3,G80; representatives, sal­ in Owyhee. She attended the funeral ness and everybody’s job. Funds were needed and Mal­ aries, $7,280; senators, mileage, $1,327.80; représenta- of her aunt,~Mra7 puiien heur county towns contributed. That is our part. We,, tives mileage, $2,464.75; clerks and stenographers, sen- ' Mrs. Newby and son Harry of too, will carry on to make reclamation an outstanding ate, $24,796.50; clerks and stenographers, house, $36,- Nyssa spent Monday at the s. d . success in Malheur county. 901; printing o f bills and calendars, $21,955; and station- BiK Nyssa Oregon < ♦ ♦ ♦ > ******************em t ++4 ONTHEOLDJOB| H. D. Holmes Transfer and Baggagt ; All kinds o f hauling ii City limits Dr. E. D. Norcott DENTIST I Nyssa, OregonPhone 5 : 1 Oregon Nyssa, Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 BERTSCH CHIROPRACTOR BARBER SHOP Mr, and Mrs. Dick McNall were Sunday guests o f R. B. Karns family Dr. C. A. Abbott, licensed BASHORE PLEASED BY SUCCESSFUL SETTLE­ in Oregon and Idaho. Car­ at Caldwell. Near Ford Garage MENT OF HARPER UNIT Mrs. Geo. McKee and children ver graduate. Consultation were visitors in Boise Sunday. The Vale-Owyhee Government Projects Land Settle­ and examination free. First SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hutton of Nyssa, Nampa spent Tuesday with the Louis ment Association has accomplished very creditable and door west of bank, commendable results and has laid the foundation for Oregon. GEO. E. BERTSCH Patterson family. future accomplishments, said Engineer H. W. Bashore Mr. Roner was a supper guest in PROP. Albert Rust home Friday evening. in an article in the October issue of New Reclamation -t-i-fr-fr-h-M ■I M 4 + + + + ■ »»♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mcsdames F. Fry, Chas. Garrison, Era. This organization must continue to keep active J. Duncan, Chas. Newbill and Fred a n ( J m u s t h a y e f u n d s w i t h w h i e h t o w o r k < Klingback attended the cooking In order that the incoming settlers may be enabled to >*** ► »♦»♦♦♦♦♦»I»»* j t chool held in Ontario Tuesday. weii more quickly place their farms on a producing basis, the The Owyhee P. T. A. held attended meeting in the school house (communities, through the Vale-Owyhee Government SOMETHING NEW TRUCKING Friday evening. Miss Ivers’ room Projects Land Settlement Association, might work for and furnished the entertainment with the passage of legislation which would provide a modest songs and a splended little play. New TRANSFERRING 1 appropriation for financing settlers in the improvement members were added to the roll. Jack and Geo. Mendizona are build of their farms. {• Phone 15 and Phone 2 8 ! ! ing sheep sheds on their feeding If Federal assistance in this connection is not consider­ grounds. ed necessary or acceptable, consideration might be giv- $ C. KLINKENBERG Don’t forget the P. T. A. county en to forming a local finance corporation for assisting council at Vale October 26. «••M-S-r settlers in improving their lands. Leo Hollenberg and Mr. Young of The full development of the two projects depends up­ Nyssa and Werner Peutz hunted Wednesdays and Saturday» ; • as Sunday morning in Owyhee and bag­ on the success in colonization of the various units ged a number o f birds, they are completed; for, if settlers do not desire to NYSSA FLOUR MILL CU8TOM CHOPPING AND GRINDING ALSO ABERDEEN COAL THIS PROPERTY FOR SALE P. M. WARREN, Prop. il City Transfer || Whoopee! Here’s ‘Bottled Health’ ORANGE RYE BREAD YOUNGSTERS, romping the long dag through in the out- of-doors, have a healthy thirst. Nothing healthier to quench it DELIVERED Daily than Shelton’ s Dairy Pare, Fresh Milk TO YOUR HOME 12c S H E L T O N ’S D A I R Y f I Cut Drwn Co 9* r- t of Í P O f)7' » 5 I! Electrica \y i P T 1*7 FASTER More Economical 4 j Than ihcr Methods We are offering positively the most outstanding Electric Range value of the year in our $99.50 It has the new Speed Oven and J fe lU W d li quick acting surface units. This speed means a saving of time and current b ill.......... 3 burner cooking top . . . . 15 x 18 oven with rustproof porcelain lining. Liberal Terms. Our $99.50 MONARCH Coal Range is also an outstand­ ing value in Coal Ranges more unbreakable Malleable in its construction than any other range on the Market to­ day. Vitrifused Enamel protects the flues and oven walls from rust and corrosion. Duplex Draft assures uniform heat beneath all parts o f ♦ BOOR SPORTSMANSHIP It is reported that after this year no more radio ♦ broadcasts o f world series games will be permitted, through the fear of the magnates that it might keep a ♦ few people from attending the games in pert-on. Few persons so situated rs to makp it nossible to see a world’s series game would stay at home even for the radio report simply to save the price of admission. Yet millions in distant parts of the country would enjoy the radio broadcasts, which would create a greater desire I to actually witness the games at a future time. As Wm. C. Gninow, a leading radio manufacturer, recently pointed out. “the stay-at-homes of today are the first in line at the box-office tomorrow.” And this is as true as o f boxing and other sporting events as it is o f baseball. The public has been very generous in its support of professional sports, and the promoters should have busi­ ness judgment enough to see that depriving, the public of these radio reports will cause indignation and resent- ♦ ,ment which are likely to be reflected in the attendance j records of the future. 1 The proposed action of the magnates is petty, narrow minded, and an evidence of poor sportsmanship on their ¡’art. It is to he honed th?t those who control the situa ion may have intelligence enough to see that point anc ■«verse their decision. ♦ Full line of Undertaking Supplies errried in stock at Swan Bakery NORDALE FURNITURE STORE S. D. Gcfhert Will have charge of funeral ar­ rangements Ambulance Service times. at per­ manent blue black finish, needs no polishing, protected against rust. LIBERAL TERMS PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Anyway, the worm can turn without danger of going into a tail-spin. If Mr. Smoot ever endorses a cigarette instead of a sweet it will be news. Some legislators think a flexible tariff is one that can stretch hut can’t shrink. Tourist? nnd others ” ote the beauty o f autumn foliage along the highway di ive through Malheur county. Trees, hushes, fall flowers nnd fields form a picture o f unusual brilliance. The fall tang in the air gives impetus to the joy of seeing and living. Malheur residents are enjoying the usual ideal fall weather. Eighteen million pairs of cotton stockings reported manufactured in this country last year. From all we can see they were made for export. A paint sprayer whieh may he attaehed to a vacuum t cleaner has been placed on the market. *VV*î**I**é**î OWYHEE Barber Shop all B e Specialize an Modern Barber IV or It Phone 60— S. D. Goshert 94—N ordale Furniture Co Beauty Shoppe in Connection Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Burlo«, Owner« Begin To Repair That Roof FOR WINTER * It can not he denied that the liquor problem is stag­ gering. Nyssa, Oregon Funeral services will be held at churches. There is no need for you to send out for your roofing, we will meet the price of the Mail Order House and all you have to do is to come to our yard the cooking top and about the oven. Muro Process finish gives the cooking surface a on irrigation projects, Congress can see no good . ° ■’ - . - ° . ..................... & why some delay at least in the building program of those started will be harmful and that it may be y i beneficial to withhold appropriations until settlement catches up with construction, and can see no reason at .ill for undertaking new ones in those localities where settlement is delayed. The steps which have been taken by the local people interested in the two projects indi­ cate that they are fully aware o f the importance of settling the projects. TRY IT! Ed. Myers o f Payette called at the | locate Peutz home Sunday, after attending1 reason the funeral of Mrs. Pullen. ija I • ******* T IIU CKTV T I T V IH IIP W A I Pneumonia Claims l i l t U n i t t i l I J U U I i l i n L Matron of Owyhee VALE-OWYHEE ASSOCIATION and get it when you want it. Look over your windows and have them glazed now, our glass stock is complete and we make no charge for glazing. Let u* figure with you on any thing you want in the building material line. We will build for you on easy terms .and furnish you with free plans. FREE DELIVERY ON ALL BUILDING MATERIAL Coal and Wood mum Nyssa Lumber Co. PHONE 47