Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1929)
NV8SA, OREGON Gateway to the Owyhee and Black Canyon RKIGATION VOLUME XXIII PROJECTS THE NO. 52 BUILDING OPERA TIONS ABE ACTIVE IN GITÏ OF NYSSA CITY JOURNAL On the main line of the Union P lriflt railroad. Junction of th e Unii n P o o l, i n u blanch lif e to Homedaie and o th er Idaho point*. Northern termtnu* of tl e Icccu tiy incoi poraWd loairo P arlile tail- read to Winuemuera. Nevada. MALHEUR COUNTY’S LARGEST NEWSPAPER NYSSA, ORBOON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 13. 1929. APPLE VALLEY NEWS NYSSA, OREGON LOCAL ANO PERSONAL MENTION *1.50 PER YEAR OPPORTUNITY NOW NYSSA SCHOOLS OPEN OFFERED SOLDIERS WITH BIG ATTENDANCE FOR FREE LAND The Nyssa schools began work NYSSAITES VISI! BOISE IN INTEREST OF I. N. Ladies Aid was entertained a , prjmary department of the The tent meetings which have the home of Mrs. W. C. Morris M E Sunday school will hold a been conducted for the paat three Thursday afternoon. The an- cooked ^ FridaVt September weeks by Revs. J. H. Nolt and in earnest this week; registration, nual election of officers was held jg a^ j^ySaa Packing Co. The David Griffin of the Nazarene Malheur county now offers an buying of books, etc. .having been and those who were elected were: money wm be uaed for the inte- church, closed Sunday evening opportunity to world war sol taken care of last week. President, Mrs. Jess Baker, vice, rjor decoration of the basement. with a record attendance. In There is a decided increase in diers to secure excellent land president, Miss Gertrude Hicks; terest was well sustained through enrollment this year over the first Johnny Cancelmo has returned with water next spring absolute A N u m b er o f H an d som e secretary. Mrs. A. B. Miller; from a month’s visit with rela out the meetings and many con ly free of cost. Seven hundred week of last year, there being M atters of ia ta ro st Discussed treasurer, Mrs. Levi Stephens, versions are reported. acres of government land are 140 pupils registered in high R e sid e n c e s in P rocess of At the close of the afterneon the tives in the East. He reports C. G. Hoover returned Sunday and Pinna Formad for Aid school and 250 is the grades. hostess served cake and sherbet. business conditions in that section from the Walla Walla country, now open for entry in the Har C onstruction. Last year showed an increase of per unit of the Vale project. very quiet. ing Promotor« of Railroad. where he had been working in These lands will have water next 40 per cent and we have every Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ferguson were dinner guests at the Harvey) Tom Coward and family spent the harvest field. spring and soldiers of the world reason to believe that the per- Although Nyssa does not claim Hatch home at Big Bend Thurs- Saturday in Boise taking in the Messrs. Carl Baldridge, super war will be preferred appliamtat0*11*- ** will be greater this sights of Idaho’s metropolis. E. M. Blodgett, president of to have a boom, yet building day evening. intendent of the Payette viviaion for 90 days after date of opening. year. the Nyssa-Wfaraemueca Cut-off operations continue steady in One of the main sources ef the Mrs. Edith Tegerstand and' Mr. and Mrs. Warren Blodgett of the Idaho Power Co., and Kin- These lands are some of the very Association, Larry Haynes, Tom satisfactory volume, indicating a have returned from a month’s zie Robinson, ex-superintendent, best of the Harper unit The increased enrollment in high baby daughter left for their home f Nordale, C. C. Dodge and Frank steady and permanent growth. visit in California. were business visitors in Nyssa soldier making application must school is a new bus which brings in Portland Thursday, after visit-1 T. Morgan were in Boise last At the present time six new resi have had agricultural experience, pupils from the Bend. Nyssa is ing the past week at the Mcln- Misses Ina Nolt and Vivienne Wednesday. week on railroad business. Thpy dences are in course of construc C. G. Hoover this week pur must have 92000 in cash or its very glad indeed to gain new Becker, who have been employed conferred with W. T. Lockwood, tion whose aggregate cost will tyre home. chased the cottage west of the equivalent in agricultural equip pupils from the surrounding on the , Journal during secretary of the association, and , . the sum- probably exceed *25,000. Sev John Imes underwent a n o p e r-| ment and signify his intention ef country, for a growing, thriving removal of tonsils mer. have resigned their positions Parish Hall from A. L. Friis. Attorney O. O. Hags. It was eral handsome residences have ation for the mumv.i v. developing the land. Applica school is an asset to any town. to attend school. Miss Becker Mrs. Green Campbell has treat learned there that the president at Dr. Sarazin’s office in Nyssa already been completed. is taking a post graduate course ed her house on north Third tions will be received at the rec Every effort possible is being ef the Union Pacific, Carl R. Of the new residences under Thursday. He is reported as re in the Weiser high school and street to a coat uf paint, thereby lamation office at Vale, Oregon. made by the school administra Gray, had been in conference construction Dr. J. J. Sarazin’s on covering ricely. tion to so shape the courses of the Miss Nolt is taking the last year enhancing it attractiveness very with the incorporators of the the corner of Fourth street and Clarence Nichols is driving the in the Parma high school. high school pupils that they will materially. proposed Nyssa-Winnemucca rail Park avenue is probably the most high school truck into Parma this meet college entrance require Mrs. Vincent Clarno returned J. P. Dunaway has returned road. expensive. It is a large structure year. ments and still be well balanced from a business and pleasure trip from Portland Monday evening The Nyssa W. C. T. U. met at of Spanish architecture and will The getting of the interested Howard, Pauline and Ralph to Texas. and has taken rooms in the Swan the home of Mrs. Mable Higby for the pupil who does not go on towns behind the movement to cost about $8000. to college. College entrance re Tuesday, September 10. The Elbert Butler, Arthur Boydell Rogers went to Ashland last Dr. F. A. Goeltz and Mrs. apartments. quirements will be published in aid the Idaho-Pacific in its appli Waldon LeRoy Scott, little son annual covered luncheon was celr and Artie Robertson are build week to visit relatives for a few Goeltz and Miss Rita Montgom cation to build wss discussed s i the Journal next week. ing handsome residences on days. length and it was agreed that the ery of Pendicton, B. C., are visit of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Scott, is ebrated for the purpose of giving Earl Summy and family attend ing at the homes of the Boydell’s recovering from a severe illness the ladies a chance to make up Boyer avenue on the corners of Boise Chamber of Commsrce Fourth and Fifth streets. They ed the fair at Ontario Thursday. and Dr. J. J. Sarazin. They have Miss Virginia Thompson left the yearly records, which are to would get the towns in Idaho and are all modern throughout and the Nyssa Chamber those in Ore Mrs. John Wilson returned been spending a month at Ben- Sunday for Salem, where she will be sent to the state department at once. will be a big addit'jn to Nyssa’s home the first of the week from dicton and are on their way home teace the 6tfi grade this year. gon. residence district. The Butler Nampa, where she took Mr. Wil- to Salt Lake City. Mrs. Goeltz It it expected that within a The Tuesday evening Bridge This local received a letter Rev. and Mrs. John E. Garvtr residence will consist of seven son for medical treatment. is a niece of the late Mr. Boydell. Club resumed its sessions this from Mrs Bingham, county pres returned Monday evening from week or two that the place and ident, that a county meeting will rooms, with full basement. The Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Twin Falls, Idaho, where they date of hearing will be an Ole Servoss Tuesday finished week after the summer vacation be held at Vale, Tnesday, Sep walls will be of the Ideal type, daughter Helen were Caldwell had spent a week in attendance nounced. Already the interstate an artistic job of painting the at the home of Mrs. Frank D. tember 17. We understand that something new in Nyssa, the commerce commission has asked Hall. Three tables were in play. at the annual M. E. conference. Oregon Trail school house. It visitors Friday. Vale has aot held an institute brick being laid on edge in such a if Portland would be agreeable to Mrs. Artie Robertson won first It ¡8 at this annual conference Archie Willis and family spent was painted white with a red this year. Now it is the duty of way as to form a hollow space. prize and Mrs. Chas. Crawford that ministers receive their ap them as ths place. The incorpo roof. every local sister here to visit Joe Botts is building two three- the week-end at McCall. rators expressed their 'prefer Becond. Dainty refreshments pointment for the ensuing year. Vale Tuesday. Take a hornet room residences, with double Joe McLaughlin, who has been last spring. They have the sym were served. Rev. Garver was transferred ence for Boise as the place of along and leave it with them to garage, in the west part of town. seriously ill, was taken to the pathy of their many friends in from the Nyssa charge to Boise hearing. Mrs. J. B. Trevey and daughter sting them into action. Plans are being considered for Caldwell sanitarium for treat their bereavement. Virginia visited at the Frank Mil This meeting a t Vale will take Immanuel church, at a substan For Sale—Will eacrifice 80 acres a number of new residences and ment Thursday. tial increase of salary. Miss C. T. Henderson and son and ler home Friday. the place of our second local it looks as though building oper- Elmo Peterson and Miss Kess- Josie Block land, a deaconess First Unit Black Canyon 1 mile Frank Evans and family enjoyed Prepare otions would continue in undi- ler were married in Boise Satur- The Idaho Power Co. had a meeting this month. from Haines, was appointed to from Notus. Accredited High minished volume until snow flies, day. Mr. Peterson was principal a fishing trip in the hills over the handsome display of electrical for a covered luncheon at noon, have charge of the work here. School, also grade school. Ex --------------------- I of the Apple Valley school for week-end. appliances at the Malheur county and Mrs. Higby will take the Miss Alice Payne from Sweet, cellent water right. Good im I1 s S ill nriT V iIA U three years and his many friends Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pettit and fair. AH ladies entering the truck for transportation. Idaho, will be in charge of the provements, deep well and shade. l here extend congratulations and granddaughter, Olive Marie tent were registered and five There will be the usual oooked Apple Valley district and will H. L* Leinger, Caldwell, Idaho Mr. and Mjrs. J. M. Duncan best wishes. The happy couple Bailey, and Mrs. Charles Wells electrical articles were given as food sale this week a t the Nyssa live at the Methodist parsonage R 2. were m:i<Je luippy by the family »re enjoying a honeymoon trip were dinner guests of Mrs. Pat presents. Mrs. Motz of the Kol- Packing Co. and a rummage sale with Miss Blockiand. rick in Caldwell Tuesday. They ony got first, a $10 cooker pot; a week from Saturday at the reunion at their home Sunday, on the coast. Rev. J. J. Fleming, a former NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE August 25. Mr. and Mrs. Dun-i Rev. Harold Wood preached visited at the Charley Paine home Mrs. Crouter of Ontario a waffle Bodfish building. Nyssa pastor, was returned to » r Tirtoa at an execution In foreclosure duly issued by tha clerk at tha circuit can are the parents of five child- his farewell sermon at the church in the afternoon and called at the iron, Mrs. R. C. Berry of Payette his charge at Ashland, Or., and eouit of tha atate of Oregon for tha eouo- ren and the grandparents o f! Sunday morning. He expects to sanitarium to see Joe McLaugh a griddle, Mrs. H. Hamilton a In Memoriam Rev. C. A. Quinn goes to Hunt ty of Malhaar, dated tha Sth day of Sep- percolator, Mrs. R. H. Brown a seven grandchildren. Tne re- leave soon for Corvallis, where lin. Ida Clemintine Bingman was ington. Owing to an automobile tember, IMS, aad directed to naa upon a union included Mr. and Mrs. E he will enter the Oregon Agricul- George Bailey and family and toaster. born June 14, 1924, died August accident from which he has not dacroa and order af tala rendered in aaid tural College. B. Duncan and family of Havre, Rollo Rucker and family attend Ruth Reberger has entered 25, 1929, and was 5 years, 2 fully recovered, Rev. Herehey court af the Sth day af September, 19*9, ia a certain suit wherein Frank D. Hall, training at S t Joseph's hospital months and 11 days of age. Mont., Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Rob Mrs. Emaline Johnson spent a ed the Ontario fair Tuesday. took a year’s rest. at plaintiff. recovered judgment against at Aberdeen, Wash. She likes erts and family of Twin Falls, few days the fore part of the She was a sweet, devoted child Nyssa people will be sorry to Mary'C. Spier, dafaadaat, la tha turn of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stephens her work fine. Ruth will finish and loved her relatives with a lose Rey. and Mrs. Garver from Bight hundred [*800.8#] Dollars, with la- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Duncan and week at the Pettit home. and Martha Rae returned home her course in three years and will great and tener love. She was this community but are pleased taraat therooa from tho 14th day of Oc- family, J. A. Duncan and Mr. and | Nyssa and Ontario ball teams Tuesday from Portland. They then specialize in dietetics. Mrs. R. F. Duncan of Nyssa. A tied in ¡n tj,e ieague games and especially fond of Snnday school that his new appointment is in to bar, 1917. at tho rata of tan (10 par spent one day at Seaside and one cant) par coat par anaum and aigktyalgkt very enjoyable day was spent piayed 0ff the tie in three games, day at Long View and visited the Miss Lena Caldwell of fruitland and the songs that she heard the nature e f a promotion. His aad ao-100 (88.M ) Dollar*, attorn ay’s too. visitin; and retelling favorite tke first 0f which was at Ontario Speer family, former Apple Val visited friends in Nyssa Tuesday. there. She was indeed a spirit church is the second largeet in and the farther turn of ftfteea and 60-lt* stories. The guests left on the Sunday, the second at Nyssa ually minded child and has gone ¡Boise, During his twe year’s ( |15.I0] Dollars coat*, which jabgmoat ley residents. They stopped at Miss Inez Johnson and Miss afternoon train for their homes. Monday and the third at Ontario Hood River on their way home, to that happy home where spirits work here the memdership of the was enrol lad and docketed la tha clerk a Tuesday. Carl Pielstick umpired where Lucile remained to take Katherine Sandon were week-end immortal dwell. church has made a notable in office of said court ia said coaaty on the guests of Miss Lena Caldwell of 9th day af September, IM9. Mother, ha* the Sore that nettled all three games, in which Nyssa up her school duties. They re crease and he leaves the church THXIBFORB. by vlrtae af aaid exseo- Fruitland. Lovingljr upon thy brentt was victorious. in good financial coadition. tloa, judgment aad order af tala and in port a delightful trip. Rev. M. Barton of Ontario was Folded up her little pinion* Again tne Civic Club has put Mr. and Mr*. Clendening have tompUance with the commands of aaid And in darhnet* goat to re*t7 Mrs. W. C. Morris, Wayne, a Nyssa visitor on Wednesday. writ. I will oa Monday, the ldth day af over a successful event in the bought the north 20 acres of the Ah, tha grave I* dark and drtary October. 191», at tha hoar of 10 o'clock in second annual flower show. The place which is known as the old Wilma and Peggy drove to Cald Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cook visited Mat tha loat one la not thera. well Sunday and spent the day tha forenoon of »aid day, at tho north Bear tt thou tha gentle whisper following is the financial state Jackson ranch. Ira Rutledge, a former well main entraun* door of tha toualy court at the Walter Newell home. Wil relatives in Baker on Monday. Floating on the ambient air? ment: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hunt of ma and Peggy remained to spend known reeldent of this vicinity, house at VaU, Malheur county, Oregon, Cleo Spencer returned Thurs Ice cream and cake - - »27.20 Bend, Or., are visiting at the Van the week with their sister. and brother of Mrs. John Ray tell at public auction, to the highest bid day evening from Salem, where Ska it near thee, gentle mother. - 30.55 Near the* at the evening hoar; der for «ash It hand, all tha right, title Cooked food sale Landingham home. died at Boise last Sunday, Sep-, and internet of tha above-named defend Geraldine and Marjory Nickens she has been engaged in evangel Har aaft klaa la In the aephyr. Returns from show - - 58.05 tember 8, of a complication of ant, except the statutory right to redeem, She looks up (ram «vary flower. Friday were dinner guests at the Pettit istic work for some time. She expects to start tomorrow for And when night’a dark shadow flaeing diseases. Funeral service were in and to the following described real - $115.80 and Saturday with her •ister, home Friday evening. Total Low thon bandest the la prayer. property situated in Malhaar county, Ore 34.63 Mrs. Tom Ferguson. Expenses Mr. and Mrs. Ed Copeland Hansas City to continue the And thy heart feels naareat heaven, held in Boise Wednesday and gon, tewit: work. were attended by a large number Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carey and were Sunday dinner guests at the Then thy angel child it there. All of loto one [I ] to fourteen, [Id] of friends and relatives from this bath Inclusive, In Hock e n e l l j o f Mrs. George Schweizer is visit $81.17 son were dinner guests of Mr. Van Landingham home. Total city. Taylor’* addition to Myeea, Oregon, and Mrs. Geo. Bailey Tuesday. For Sale—Mattress, used only Mr. Hobbs and family have re ing in caldwell today. aa shown by tha revised general map Joe Delley and Frank Kelley turned home from New Meadows, For Sale—Cull potatoes, 35c short time, good as new. Phone of Oregon. and daughters Mabel and Flor- where they were working in the per sack. Robt Gilchrist. s l 3 | 2. Taken and levied apoa aa tha property Teachers from Nyssa, Ontario ence left Saturday for a two- peas. Mr. Hobbs was quite ill ef tha abeve-aamed defendant, or to much Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist thereof at may ba aeaaaaaty to eotiafy and Arcadia met at the Arcadia weeks pleasure trip on the coast, with pneumonia while they were Lost— A brindle bull pup one grove Tuesday and enjoyed a Mr and Mrg u ra Robinson there, but is slowly recovering. year old. Missing since last Jr., left Nyssa Monday morning aaid judgment and decree in favor of the Sept. 8, 1929 Thursday evening. Reward if for Milad, Idaho, where Mr. Gil above aomed plaintiff, Frank D. Hall, and delightful picnic. It was in the and daUKhter Star were Caldwell At the school election Tuesday christ is employed as teacher of against tba above-named defendant. Mary Church School 9:45 a. m.. returned.—Don M. Graham. nature of a get-together party tojvigitora Saturday, Fred Fisher and Jack Van Land- mathematics and science In the G Spier, together With all costa aad dlo- gave the teachers of the county, huraements that have or may scare* Albert Meier spent a few days ingham were elected as trustees J. Davis, superintendent A few choice Town Lota f 0 j Milad high school. School opeas Dated at Vale, Oregon, this I Sth day of Morning worship 11 a m. many of whom are new to this last week with Junior Gardner at;to succeed Earl Summy and Fred ale. Apply to J. W. Wood at Monday, the 16th inst, and Mr. September. 1919. section. a chance to become ac Wilder. Miller, whose terms had expired. Charles Jones will preach. C. W. GLENN. the Raymond Hotel. j7-o4p. I»nd Mrs Gilchriet are visiting quainted. It was voted a very Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. The people of the community The Parma Grange gave a so Epworth League 8 p. m., fol- pleasant occasion by all present. Wanted—Children to care for l ri«nd* “ <?.rel\ ti V? #t ^ were shocked to hear of the death cial at the Ray Tener home Mon lowed by preaching. City and other Utah points for a Date af Aral publlcatioe Sept. 13, 19*9. day. See Mrs. Oscar Date af loot publication October 11, 1919. the by Prayer meeting in the church of Mabel Halaas at the Ontario day evening, with about 30 in few days prior to opening of Date of sale, October Id, 19*9, at 10 r, m- ■13-2t St. P au l’s E piscop al Church Boyer. Wednesday 8 p. m. hospital Thursday morning, fol attendance. Games and stunts school. Ladies Aid will have a Silver 10 a. m .—Sunday School. lowing an operation for appendi- were enjoyed throughout the H appy T h ou g h t House to reat, 4 rooms. Apply Wanted—To trade or exchange 11 a. m. - Holy Communion c;tj9 yjje Halaas family lived in evening, followed by a short bus- Tea at the home of Mrs. Charles U w o Iota o u another, nothing In and sermon. tnlth can harm at. whatever ml» carpenter work for raneh team. Mrs. Newby—Root Beer Stand. Apple Valiev for several years, iness meeting. Ice cream, cake Fisher Thursday the 12th. chanca may happen—Ix>ngfell(rw. Address Bos M7, Ontario, Ore. 2 S62t Rev. Frederick Marx Barton. moving to a ranch near Parma and coffee were served. 1 John E. Garver, Pastor W. C. T. U. ACTIVE ANNUAL M. E. CON FERENCE ENDS NON. rAMlLY K UNKJN FINANCIAL STATEMENT IRA RUTLEDGE PASSES TEAGKERS PICNIC LEAVE FOR UTAH M. E. CHURCH