The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, March 08, 1929, Image 2

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A total ot *700.212 58 was collected
last year in state inheritance taxes In
Oregon at a coat, Including litigation,
------ B> --------
ot only 1.7 per cent.
Births outnumbered deaths In Wal-
, Iowa county more than two to one
Principal Events of the Week during 1928, according to official vital
Cop yrig ht by
statistics of tba county. There were
Assembled for Information
The Peon
129 births, of which 59 were boys and
W N U- Service
70 girls. Death claimed 59 persons
of Our Readers.
during the year, most of them more
than 60 years ot age.
“You old fool I* cried the aroused
youth, sitting up In bis blankets, stung
The Vale volunteer fire department
by the dog's caress. "You think Brock ushered In the new term with zu en­ held a big winter frolic Friday and
U p t h e w ild w a t e r » o f t h e u n ­
Saturday nights, March 1 and 2. An
bis pup—like a dirty Indian?" Impul­ istered from Portland.
k n o w n Y e llo w - L e g , o n a w i n t e r 's
antique bar, a souvenir of Vale saloon
a u n t . J o u r n e y B r c c k M c C a in a n d
sively the boy drew the massive bead
G a s p a r d L e c r o ix , h is F r e n c h - C r e e
of the husky to his breast “You fool an old-time fiddler contest will be days, creaky gaming tables and other
co m rad e,
w ith
F la s h ,
B r o c k ’»
relics of the early days, as well as ten-
dog I Brock shoot his Flash to save
p u p p y a n d t h e i r d o g te a m . B r o c k 's
f a t h e r h a d w a r n e d h im o f th e
his own bide?” And the boy crooned held la Estacada. The winner will gallon hats and rodeo attire, made
d a n g e r o f h is t r i p . A f t e r s e v e r a l
Incoherently Into a hairy ear. Aa the play at an old-time dance.
their appearance at the celebration.
b a t t l e s w ith t h e s t o r m y w a t e r s
great plume of a tall waved to and
Clatsop county poultrymen are or­
t h e y a r r i v e a t a f o r k in t h e Y e l­
Congressional action was completed
fro, the deep throat of Flash rumbled dering numerous lots of baby chicks. last week upon the senate bill to
lo w - L e g . B r o c k is s e v e r e l y I n ­
j u r e d in m a k i n g a p o r t a g e a n d
The two hatcheries in the county are authorize *35,000 for improvement of
F l a s h le a d s G a s p a r d to t h e u n ­
Dawn—and a dazed voyager, seek­ operating at full capacity.
c o n s c i o u s y o u th . T h e t r a p p e r s
the Oregon caves in the Siskiyou na
ing the valley of the frozen Yellow-
r a c e d e s p e r a t e l y to r e a c h t h e i r
d e s t i n a t i o n b e f o r e w i n t e r s e t s in .
Conservative estimates based upon tlonal forest, when the house agreed
Leg, shuffled on unsteady legs through
F l a s h e n g a g e s in a d e s p e r a t e
the spruce Into the north—at bis heels telephone and water connections In­ to a conference report conciliating dif­
f ig h t w i t h a w o lf a n d k i l l s h im .
a bony husky drawing a small to­ dicate a population In Klamath Falls ferences of the two houses over some
G a s p a r d t e l l s B r o c k o f h is d e ­
t e r m i n a t i o n t o fin d o u t w h o k il le d
boggan. Through the morning went and its suburbs of 14,138.
amendments. The bill now goes to
b is f a t h e r . T r a c k s a r e d is c o v e r e d
the pair, stopping frequently to rest
a n d t h e tw o b o y s s e p a r a t e f o r
Mrs. Fred Wallace was knocked un­ the president.
s c o u tin g
p u rp o se s.
B ro ck
Basement doors were blown for
was, the husky, owing to bis marvel­ conscious at Oregon City recently
ju m p e d b y t w o I n d i a n s a n d a
w h ite m a n a n d k n o c k e d u n c o n ­
ous vitality, still retained much of his when she attempted to scrape an elec­ over 50 feet and furnishings were
s c io u s . H e is h e ld p r i s o n e r . G a s ­
wrecked generally when a water heat­
strength. For the Ungava, like a wolf, tric iron with a butcher knife.
p a r d r e s c u e s h im w h ile h is c a p -
starves slowly. But the master who
t o r s s le e p . G a s p a r d b e l ie v e s t h e s e
Apple growers of the Imbler section er in the home of George Pier of The
m e n k il le d h is f a t h e r a n d is p r e ­
reeled over the white floor of fore3t of Union county have completed their Dalles exploded. Pier declared that
v e n te d fro m
k illin g
th e m
and barren, neared the end of his ;
I the whole house appeared to rise In
B ro c k . W h ile o u t a l o n e G a s p a r d
stamina. Two—three miles more, and j packing operations for the season and the air and settle down after the blast,
Is s h o t fr o m a m b u s h b y a n I n ­
the numbed legs would crumple under '
d ia n a n d k i l l s h is w o u ld - b e s la y e r .
which the family at first took to be
W h ile o u t o n h is t r a p li n e s B ro c k
him—the snow-shoes which slide me- j The financial condition of the city
an earthquake.
is c a u g h t in a h e a v y s n o w s to r m .
H e is l o s t a n d h is fo o d g i v e s o u t.
Under the auspices of the Coos coun­
cease to move.
ords recently revealed a cash balance
Then, of a sudden, as the uncertain of *103,339 on hand and in the banks. ty chamber of commerce and Coos
eyes of the boy, whom hope had de­
county, an advertising booklet will be
The *9,210,500 appropriation for pub­
serted, peered ahead for the wind-
lic buildings sent to congress by Pres­ issued about March 15. Text for the
booklet is now being submitted to the
The Hate of the Long Snow»
ident Coolldge contains an item ot
I various commercial bodies over the
*175,000 for a new postoffice at Cor
Dawn of the following morning over­
j county to permit of additions or cor-
took the two still heading north. The
; rections which may be discovered as
rabbit had put new life Into the
Tillamook county commissioners ; necessary before the issue is out.
husky. Although thinner, as yet his
have voted an appropriation of *1000
thick coat shone with vitality, and he
Spring has been officially announced
to pay the indebtedness incurred by
still carried his bushy tail Jauntily
in Hood River. S. E. Bartmess, pio­
curved above his back. But the days
neer resident, who annually reports
of starvation and grueling snowshoe-
the first mid-Columbia crocus, found
lng had stripped the flesh from the
Fourteen canneries packed shad on a yellow blossom of this species on
square frame of Brock McCain. Ills
the Columbia river during the year his front lawn. A snow bank occupied
hollow eyes glowed with the light |
1923 and put up a total of 19,192 cases, the lawn a week ago. Mr. Bartmess
that comes from toll without food.
establishing a new record for the Pa­ says that the first crocus appeared a
That morning, as he traveled, bis
cific coast.
week ahead of the average date this
eyes began to play blm tricks. He
Sam A. Moulton, for 10 years mayor season.
found It difficult to focus on objects.
Distant bills danced upon the horizon.
of Tillamook, haa placed his resigna­
The Moro State bank, a new finan­
Black «pots and pinpoints of light
tion In the bands of the council, giving cial institution at Moro, in Sherman
blurred bis vision. Suddenly, like the
111 health and the pressure of private county, formed by the merger of the
chill of cold steel, the th.night that
business as the cause.
Farmers State bank and the Bank of
he could not sight his gun on game
Medford Is to have a new modern j Moro, opened Its doors for business
stopped him dead In bis tracks. Rais­
hotel. It will be built by E. T. Allen i last week. The new bank will operate
ing his rifle, he tried to line the sights
of Portland, owner of the Nash hotel with a capital of $50,000 and a sur-
on a Jack-pine, hut the bead on the
muzzle wavered In and >ut of the
property, and will cost when complet­ ' plus of I^OOO and is located In the
rear sight slot which appeared, .hen
ed approximately *300,000.
building formerly occupied by the
faded, ben appeared, as If mocking
Halsey Is to have a new up-to-date Bank of Moro.
library building in the near future.
Spring has come with a rush in the
"1 guess I’m done for,” he groaned.
Mayor Bert S. Clark has donated the zoology department of the state col­
For a space black despair lived In
the heart of the boy caught In the The Eyes of the Boy, Bright With lot and others have volunteered to as­ lege at Corvallis, with the arrival of
72 croaking frogs from an eastern sup­
pitiless grip of the long snows. Then,
Starvation, Hungrily Watched the sist either with work or material.
Naueeoue Stew.
as he stood brooding, a moist nose
Portland interests have offered to ply house. The shipment on arrival
touched the bare baud bolding the
furnish the city of Estacada water there had but 70 croaking, as two had
rifle. The caress of a wa-m tongue break which would shelter bis last from wells and a pumping system at "croaked” enroute from Chicago and
roused him. He glanced down at the
an estimated cost of $7000 and a were no longer among the living. Th&
eager biown eyes which spoke worship then checked, to pound again furiously monthly maintenance cost of $225.
new immigrants have been housed in
as he swayed on bis feet at what be
of the loyal hear! which beat In that saw,
Ancient knives, pipes, arrowheads the zoology laboratory aquarium.
shaggy chest
“Deer trull I" he gasped. "Deer
Uncle Sam has provide* mail serv­
“What you think, Flash, Is the river trail, Flash! Made this morning 1 He and other Indian relics are being tak­
over those hills? Can we make It, can’t travel far In this! We’U hang en from a mound on the W. W. Hittle ice for Malheur county’s newest town,
ranch near Gold Hill. More than 100 the Owyhee dam site. The new post-
to him, Flash—hang to him I"
office opened with D. H. Henderson
For answer the dog whined, rubbing
Then the boy shivered aa stark fear people visited the mound recently.
against Brock's legs, as the boy's gripped him. Could he aim bis gunt
Surveys have been made for a new in charge. Dam site residents will
hand rested on the massive skull.
Could he bit the game?
bridge to replace the Mary White have a daily service except Sunday.
••You're strong, boy, yet Maybe, If
But there was no place for doubt structure across the Coast Fork river Mall goes through the Nyssa postof-
we hit the river soon, you ran pull here. He had to bit him. It was bit
near Cottage Grove, the old bridge fice. It is transported to Dunaway
me up to the lake. My legs won't last chance.
siding by automobile, and from there
last much longer. 1 can't feel 'em any
Leading Flash on a rawhide thong, having been declared too light for by speeder over the new railroad to
to prevent him bolting with the sled
the dam.
Then at the thought of his father's when they saw their game, Brock fol­
The McMinnville school district
A total of $2,656,183.97 has been
words the boy pulled himself together. lowed the trail. Hope now drove his plans to spend $100,000 on two grade
"Flash, we've got the nerve, you and stiffened logs—hope of red meat, food school buildings to take the place of paid to stockholders of the Eugene
1, If we are young, and shy on bush- —life. And here, at last, the careful old structures, and the matter will Farmers' Creamery, a cooperative
cra ft Tomorrow, we’re going through training of months proved Itself. On be put up to the voters for approval concern, since its organization in 1914,
to the river—over that ridge 1”
a leash Flash had been trained to or rejection.
it was announced at the annual meet­
So Brock plodded on, hoping against silence.
ing of the stockholders in Eugene.
hope for the sight of game. But the
The trail ted through a stand of
There are 252 stockholders in the con­
strange III luck which often pursues acrub spruce and out over the packed guinea fowls will be liberated in Cur­ cern. This sum Includes *2,546,830.67
those whose need Is greatest, followed snow of Icy shell of a brook. Here ry county during the next week. The
the footsteps of the starving trapper. Brock suddenly stopped, his Jaw drop­ guinea fowls take readily to the wilds paid producers for milk, cream and
butterfat; *70.907.38 bonuses paid on
Trails of fox and lynx, rabbit tracks, ping In amazement
and have proven a great success In butterfat and *38,445.92 dividends paid
"Moose P he gasped. "Moose, up other states.
and the network paths of grouse and
on stock.
ptarmigan, he crossed, hut for hours here on the Yellow-Leg 1"
Development of the oil production
Ids peering eyes saw no game—met no
Insteud of the familiar, round-toed
A report was received at La Grande
floundering trail of caribou. They had tracks of a caribou, atumpvd Into the possibilities of the Rogue River valley recently that a band of wild police
hard footing, like the thrust of a die adjacent to Medford are now undei dogs had been partly broken up after
left the country.
Again dusk fell. Agntn there were In wax, were the long, pointed, cow- way. and oil and gas leases for ap harassing a herd of deer near Ladd
no rabbit runways in which to set tike tracks of a moose.
proximately 2500 acres of land hare canyon on the edge of the Blue moun
Following the trail which led In the been obtained.
Rnarea. Again boy and dog sat In si­
tains, a few miles from. La Grande.
lence by a fire. Over the fire hung a direction of a heavy stand of black
Goldfish that were frozen for sev­ Hunters have killed three of the dogs.
pall In which water boiled. In the spruce and cedar, under a ridge.
eral weeks in a pond at the home of The animals are said to use the same
water were strips of the pelts of two Brock led Ills plunging dog.
“Shut up. Flush 1 Steady boy I" he Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Warner at Mount methods as coyotes In hunting, and
rnhblts and small pieces of rawhide
thongs. The eyes of the boy, bright ordered In low tones, “He’s there, in Pleasant, about two miles from Ore­ to have killed two deer recently. One
gon City, have thawed out, and are dog is said to have been killed by a
with starvation, hungrily watched the that bush."
The animal had traveled up w in d - now very much alive.
nauseous stew.
cornered deer.
"It won't help much, Flash,” mut­ tie would not smell them; so It was
The Farmers' Grain Elevator com
Twenty-five persons were killed and
tered the boy. “But It’ll warm us up
pany at Athena has commenced ship­
—warm us up. My feet are cold—are the dog's harness, leaving the sled, ment of 75,000 bushels of wheat which 325 persons were Injured In a total of
1968 traffic accidents during the month
yours? I can't feel my toe*—the lire's Brock led him by the thong. As they
entered the cover of the timber, ears was purchased by outside buyers of January, according to a report by
do good."
With shaking hand the boy stirred and eyea tense, the hesrt of the boy shortly after harvest and which has T. A. Raffety, chief Inspector for the
shook him as an engine shakes a since been held In storage.
the pitiful supper In the poll.
state motor vehicle department. Ap­
“We’re lost—and starved out. Flash. launch. Somewhere ahead In the
The Mount Angel Producers' Pack proximately 760 of the accidents were
My legs are good for one day m ore- spruce was food—life. If only he did ing company, by unanimous vote, has due to carelessness on the part of
not miss!
then I guess I'm through."
decided to come under the federal co­ drivers. In 248 cases the drivers had
( T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
The starving pair flulshed <he stew,
operative ac t Reorganization will be defective brakes, while in 271 cases
then side by aide lay before the Are.
completed I d time for the gooseberry the accidents were caused by failure
“Of course. Flash," wandered the
and strawberry season's pack.
to give right of way.
semldellrloue Brock, "1 could shoot
Farmers of Yamhill and Washington
A new locomotive for the Junction
tny pup—and get back, tots of meut land of quaint medieval scenes and
on your old hones—yet Right through custom! for the occidental traveler. counties have filed claims of about City-Horton "wooden railroad” haa re­
the ears, eh? You'd never know what
$11,500 for damages suffered because cently been completed at Junction City
Brock i!ld to you—and then he'd see all the geological Investigations and of an order of the state board of hor and has been given a trial run on the
home aguln—the family. Wbal d'yub
construction of a high speed tramcar tlculture in May, 1928, requiring them wooden rails of the line. The engine
to plow up their growing clover crops was taken from Junction City to Hor­
With a low whimper, the husky be service. The system will consist of
Tobacco culture will be tried In Coos ton on its own power over the county
side him mizzled Into the hoy’s fere, underground and overhead lines, to be
this season by A1 Bezosky, a road, as the railroad has not yet been
burled In Me hood under the robe«.
rancher of Gravel Ford, who has seed completed as far as Junction City. The
“Don't want Brock to do It, do yuh?" *80,000,000.
for ten acres. Mr. Bezosky had raised rear wheels of the locomotive were
As If sensing the ghastly meaning of
First to Be C rem ated
tobarco in Wisconsin before coming left on the road and the front wheels
the words, the dog again thrust hie
The body of the flrst person to be to Coos county and found It profitable rested on an ordinary motor truck,
noee Into the hood. For an Instant
bis helry muzzle touched the lean cremated In the Tolled States was He will plant between five and seven the latter acting as steering apparatus
rheek of hie master. Then with a that of Damn de Palin at Washing acres this year.
(or the engine.
ton, |>a. In 1S7&
throaty rumble It was withdrawn.
The Lead Dog :
For Colds
problem seems to at-
T HE tract obesity
much attention these days.
Those who are not fat are afraid of
becoming so, and those who have al­
ready allowed themselves that luxury
are bemoaning their condition.
Thus we have a commentary upon
human nature and Its falling*. For the
simple fact remains that those who are
not fat, barring pathological condi­
tions, Deed not become so. And those
who have reached an uncomfortable
stage need not have done 1L
Indeed, the avoirdupois question
could be quickly and effectively solved
If the people who are now thin would
conclude to remain that way. Aa s
matter of fact, the time to reduce
Is when one does not need to do so.
The reduction method at this period Is
merely a state of mind—a proper and
rational attitude toward the food ques­
When considering this question, one
must not confuse a natural tendency
to stoutness with obesity. The two
are as far apart as are the poles.
The former Is according to nature, the
latter Is antagonistic to It. One whr
Is pleasingly plump was likely lo
tended to b3 so; and any sustained
effort to acquire an unnatural thin
nest would be detrimental to health
Exercise which Involves a measure
ot muscular effort, plus enough but
not too much food. In all probability
will maintain the status quo.
I d
cldentally, don’t envy the thin ones.
They are likely envying you.
Those of you who are really un
comfortably fat likely have only your
selves to blame for this condition
You have given your body more fuel
than It required. You have fed It as
If you were a wood chopper, while
all the time you were sitting lazily
In an office or home chair wondering
what you were going to eat at the next
meal. A great life! But not one that
Is conducive to old age.
Well, what Is one to to In such a
case? Three things. First, don’t sub
mit your bod. to heroic measures sug
gested by some well meaning but mis
guided friend; second, avoid all ad
vertised reducing methods and drugs;
third, make a bee line for your physl
clan's office, submit to a thorough ex
amlnatloD and follow to the letter the
advice he gives you. He will know
what you caD stand by periodical
checkings on the dietary he gives. It
will be a bard life, but then you
brought It upon yourself and you
should really not complain.
If it's your nature to be reasonably
stout, stay that way. If unreasonably
fat, then to work. And no cheating I
• • •
as we do In an age of
luxury and mechaDical refinement
How many people you know end their colds with Bayer Aspirin I
And how often you’ve heard of its prompt relief of sore throat or
tonsilitis. No wonder millions take it for colds, neuralgia,
rheumatism ; and the aches and pains that go with them. The won-
der is that anyone still worries through a winter without these
tablets ! They relieve quickly, yet have no effect whatever on the
heart. Friends have told you Bayer Aspirin is marvelous ; doctors
have declared it harmless. Every druggist has it, with proven direc­
tions. Why not put it to the test?
Aspirin Is the trade mark of B ayer M anafacturt
of Monoaceticacldester of Salicyiicacld
T h e P e rfu m e d T ouch th a t
m a ke s y o u r to ile t co m p lete
C u t ic u r a
T a lcu m P ow d er
The finishing touch to the daintiest
toilet. Cooling, refreshing, and de­
lightfully perfumed and medicated, it
imparts to the person a delicate and
distinctive fragrance and leaves the
skin sweet and wholesome.
Sold everywhere. Talcum 25c. Soap 25c.
Ointm ent 25c. Sample each free. Address:
" C u ti c u r a ,” D e p t. B6, M a ld e n , M ass.
Curiosity is seldom idle.
Large, Generous Sample Old
Time Remedy Sent Free to
Every Reader of This Article
More than forty years ago, good
old Pastor Koenig began the man­
ufacture of Pastor Koenig's Ner­
vine, a remedy recommended for
the relief of nervousness, epilepsy,
sleeplessness and kindred ailments.
The remedy was made after the
formula of old German doctors.
The sales soon Increased, and an­
other factory was added. Today there
are Koenig factories In the old
world and Pastor Koenig’s Nervine
Is sold in every land and clime.
Try it and be convince?!. It will
only cost you a postal to write for
the large, generous sample.
Address: Koenig Medicine Co.,
1045 No. Wells St., Chicago, Illinois.
Kindly mention your local paper.
F o r O ld S o r e s
Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh
Money back for first bottle If not rafted. All dealers.
Garfield T ea
W as Your
G randm other’s R em edy
For every stomach
and Intestinal 11L
This good old-fash­
ioned herb home
remedy for consti­
pation. stomach Ills
and other derange­
ments of the sys­
tem so prevalent these days Is In even
greater favor as a family medicine
than in your grandmother's day.
much of the drudgery has been re­
moved from our dally activities. Gas
now propels us whereas formerly legs
did the Job. Machines of wonderful
Happiness is the one real good.
'W r i t e f o r I t T o d a y ”
complexity and uncanny power now
replace the energies expended by hun
M a r k e t S t . D e a r e r . C o lo .
dreds of thousands of hands. Science
has even Invaded the home where are
to be found the electrical sweepers,
P A R K E R ’S
washers, mangles and Ironers.
In short service, reducing physical
R e m o v e * l 'a n d r u f f - S t o p s H a i r F a i l i n g
R e s to re s C o lo r a n d
energy to a minimum, can be pur-
B e a u ty t o G r a y a n d F a d e d H a if
60c. a n d $1.00 a t D ru g g is ts .
chased. And as the itchest nation on
H l i c o ^ C h e m ^ J t s ^ ’a t c h o g m O L ^ .
earth, that service Is bought A fair
F LO R ESTO N S H A M P O O -Id e a l fo r as« in
proportion of humanity rests more
connection w ith P ark er’s H air Balsam. Makes the
hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or a t drug-
or less continuously In consequence
• — W orks,
- - Patchogue,
«, N . f .
gists. Hiscox Chemical
To live In the lap of even compara­ 15-years success in treating Rectal and
tive luxury Is gratifying to the senses; Colon troubles by the Dr. C. J. Dean
NON-SURCICAL m ethod en­
and If the human being were all
able* us to give W RITTEN AS­
brain the Idea would be a magnificent
one. But the fact remains th a t de­
Send today for FREE lOO-page
Q u ick R elief! A pleasant, effective
spite our vaunted civilization and its
k book describing causes and prop-
s y ru p —35c a n d 60c sizes. A n d e x ­
treatm ent of such ailments.
labor-saving devices, man's body re­
te rn a lly . use P IS O ’S T h ro a t a n d
. C h est Salve, 35c.
mains the same as It always waa
R ectad
Merely to clothe It, overfeed It. under
exercise It—as thousands are doing
dally—Is to shut one's eyes to the
fixed law that the body requires real
E n ro ll a n y tim e. Se n d fo r lit e r a tu r e .
physical work and exercise quite as
Some people are never satisfied un­ O Y . R M E G . C O . N A . I B N l d S g T . I T U T E O F P o T r E t l C a H n d N , O O L r O e g G o Y n
much as the stomach demands suffl til they find out something that makes
ctent food If It is to give the best them dissatisfied.
W . N. U., P O R T L A N D , NO. 10-1929.
servlre and last the longest possible
Too many people absolutely disre­
gard the work urge. "Why exert our
selves If we can pay to have some
machine ’or some person do It for
us?" they argue. But the point Is
that all the logic In the world will
not overcome nntnre's necessity. It
Neither pretty pictures nor colorful adjectives will dye
demands. And If It does not get. It
a dress or co at It takes real dyes to do the w ork ; dyea
flops That Is all there Is to It—
made from true anilines.
which Is quite enough!
Next time you have dyeing to do, try Diamond Dyes.
Men and women both were original
She how easy it is to use them. Then comport the results.
ty fabricated on the fundamental
Your dealer will refund your money if you don’t agree
basis of the necessity of physical
they are better dyes.
labor and Its natural sequence—
You get none of that re-dyed look from Diamond Dye»;
sweat And the models haven't been
no streaking or spotting. Just fresh, crisp, bright new
changed either In substance or form
color. And watch the way they keep their brilliance
since the Garden of Eden days.
through wear and washing. Th<gr are better dyes because
they contain plenty of real anilines—from three to five
Of course you are not to change
times more than other dyes.
your office Job for a ditch digging one
hut on the other hand, muscles should
The white package of Diamond Dyes is the original
be exercised dally. Put your body
■‘all-purpose’’ dye for any and every kind of m aterial If
will dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon or any
to work. Discover your muscles. Make
mixture of materials. The blue package is a special dye,
your anatomy mean something more
for silk or wool only. W ith it you can dye your valuable
than frame upon which to hang
articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest
clothes and bold up a brain. Get
professional work. When yoq buy—remember this. The
busy I
blue package dyes silk or wool only. The tsrhite package
P - I S '/««-coughs
O s
X? DYE a dress or coat
(A . I S t t W w t .r u N v w s p s p s r g a t o s .)
Honeym oon Is Over
Fifty years ago E. W. Howe wrote:
“When a bridegroom finds all the
clothes be owna hung one over the
other on a hook behind the door, he
realizes for the flrst time that the
honeymoon ts over.*
will dye every kind of goods, including silk and wooL
Your dealer has both packages.
iam ond
E aty to use
Perfect results