Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1928)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL W. C. T. U. NOTES School Notes The Nyesa W. C. T. U. waa schedai Published »»try Friday at Nyaaa, Or. ed to meet i t the home o f Mrs. J. P. Dunaway Tuesday MarchCth but owing Twenty etudenta answered Coach H. F. Brown...........................Publisher to Illness in the family a change had Frank Newton's csll for baseball tarn, Kir* J. C. Young____________ — Editor to bs made, so Mrs. Frank Miller offer outs Tuesday evening ed bar hosac for tne meeting. The oe From 'he outlook a f things, it looks A REW ARD of S li 00 will bo paid easion waa a Dee Tea to celabrate the as if N. H, S, will again have a win for by Oregon Trail Bchoel, for informa c ore of tha Holdfast campaign. All u ning team this season N, H. 3. did tion leading to the arreat and eonvie. old members who had paid their dues H not lo e a gam« last year. Letuahope tion o f the party or partiea taking the w?re given badge* o f rad, whita and H that she will do as well tbi* year, Oregon Trail Vietiola. bias ribbon surmounted by a bow of Many last year’ s men are back for W. M arshall white. mors baseball this year and if weather A mMt The devotionala war* held by Rev. keeps fit and all are able to practice, n Closing out of a'andard goods. An o| portunity to get High Baby Cbieka and Setting Egg*, Bar N E. H ir s h y , who is one o f the hon it wont be long until bata will be con. Grade A am B Batteries in i Tubes or much lets than red Plymouth Rocks. Chicks 16c orary members, and after the usual neet'ng with balls for the purpose of A former pr ess. Until sold apiece; eggs, 40* dossn. E. A. sod business meting, in whieh it was voied winning for Nyssa High. A mer, boa 1010, Nyssa, Or. Nyaa* to give Vanishing Teas for the pur. and The Nyssa Boy Scouts will meat the A 6 voi' Radio. A Battery . . . ____ ____ ________ $8 ?5 oyse o f raising money, the last tea to Grain and Seed. Vale Boy Scouts hers Friday night in p HEAVY DUTY B B atteries.................................... . 8 50 A Work Wanted—Will do any kind o f -># March filet, in the basement of the basketball game. Usual Small, B Batteries________ j ______ ______ 1 85 wcrk, farm, orchard or teaming, etc •hurch. The president. Mr*. Mabel This proyraes to be an interesting Radio, C Batteries__________________ __________ _ .60 Higby gave an effective talk on why Apply Journal office. the was working for the W. C T. U. game as V»l« and Nvasa, both High R. C. A . Tubes white they last Mrs. Eddie Powell spent last week followed by Mrs. J. T. Long on what and Scout team*, always show a lot of VX-201-A........................................................................ $1 36 end with her parent ot Payette. Prohibition has done for tha S'ate. | competition against each other. VX 171 Bower Tube....................................................... 3 00 LOOK for the Boise Payette Ad on Mr*. C. Klinkenberg then gave a few j Ahhough the scouts have played but the first page. facta on what prohibition baa done for one game with another town thevhav# The Ladies Aid will hold a St, Pat the Community and Mra. Gilchrist the played the high school a number of ricks Tea March 16!h. from 2:10 to 6 p national statistics. The Volunteer time* and at one or two oceassiona, m. in the basement o f the eburch. | Crptains, for the Go Forward move- bast them by a close »core So with Nyssa, Oregon A P'ease come and bring your friends for !ment, Mra. Meyer, Mrs. Reberger and the** facts the Scout* ought to show 77ic s te n the benefit of the Aid. I Mra Dougla* were consecrated to the the speetstetors a fast and i tereating Mr. and Mrs, Dewey Ray and Mrs, work and all knelt in prayer to ask game. Let’s turn out a n d y sllfo r’em Gordon Ray spent Tuesday visiting in ; Div na direction on ihe membership Boise. (campaign. The meeting adjourned till r A M p p C C C A D |C FOR SALE—Extra good work team March 20, which will be Union Signal v D lt ll ItLiuJUlX ID t it i Day in the basement o f the M. E. Weight >200 lbs. Church, Refreshments Were served SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION BEN ROSE. IN THE CIRCUIT C oU R l' OF THE m9i.f Ontario, Ore. Route 1 and a social hour enjoyed. STATE OF OREGON, FOR MAL The following High School students Tuesday evening the compressor at HEUR COUNTY. will take part in the rext W. C. T. U, the town pumping plant blew up dsns OAK EY SPRINGER, Plaintiff, medal contest. Harvey Edwards, ttging the msebinery to th* extent of vs Wasley Herahey, Victoria Worden, »bout $200. EDDIE SPRINGER, Defendant. Ru.Jum Miller end Grace W al'eri. i Wednesday monring C G. Hoover To Eddie Springer, the above named The time that it will take place can- >r(j Art Cook went to Boise to get the not be deeidad yet owing to the pra- necessary repair parts and will havs Defendant, During the next 30 days we are IN THE NAME O FTHESTATE OF everything running smoothly at an making special prices ou every Murray , valence of the mumps. OREGON, Y o j are hereby required to early data. Tire In ear stock. Do not bay any appear and answer th* complaint filed j size until yoa get our prices. We against you in the ab >v* entitled suit E. M. BLODGETT stand back of every Murry tire. within four weeks from the date o ' the Attorney and Councellor at Law 1h* subject for the second in the 30x3 4 coida best grade._$ 9.00 first publication o f this Summons and Practice in ail Courta series of Sunday morning sermons ia 29x4 40, best grade_________ 11.00 in the event o f your failure ao to do, Nysaa. Oregon. "Jesus the Divine Lord " 30x6, 8 plv................................ 30 00 the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for 32x4 4................................. 22.0* Mra. Hershey will preach 8unday th* relief prayed for in the complaint Every day Prices night on “ Tqe Bread of Life” Tues on file herein, to.w it; For ajudgmant CUSTOM CHOPPING AND GRINDING DR. E. D NCRCOTT Ford Radiators ccm plete___ $13.60 day evening the O fllial Board (nesting and decree of this Courtforever disolv- ALSO ABERDEEN COAL Chev Fan Bells______ _____ .66 will be held at the home o f Mr. and ing the bonds of matrimony existing STRICTLY N J GRStH T—GRAIN GOJO A ? C A 38 Car Awnings, por pair_____ 4 00 Mrs. Higby. bitween plaintiff and defendant and W e recently installed the lateat for a decree ol absolute divorce and for The mid-week services will be bald in Balloon Tire Vulcanizing at the church instead of the parsonage such o'her a id further relief aa to the DENTIST Court may seem just and equitable. equipment and do guaranteed- until tha m em bes of the parsonage This summons is served upon you to-hold repair work. family hava recovered from the mumps. under and by virtue of an order of the "W hen religion does something for OREGON N Y SSA Honorable Dalton Biggs, Circuit Judge, you it makes you do something for duly made and entered on the 29th day PHONE 36 somebody else.” Ontario, Oregon o f February, 1228, which aaid order directed that aervise of summons be ^ I do all kinds o f concrete work, had upon youbypub'icationof summons WS plastering, kalaomining, etc , in the Gate City Journal, e#kl» Iso well-digging newspaper published at Nyssa, Mai- A heur Ceunty, Oregon for four conse- CEMENT BLOCKS cutiv* week* and five publications tw of all kinds a specialty INSURED H A U LIN G All kinds of thereof. | _ Satisfaction Guaranteed Long or Short Trips R W SWAGLER, ■ Attorney for Plaintiff, A R easonabl e R a t e s Residing at Ontario Oregon H Date of first Publication, Mtrcb2, 1928. ^ Nvasa. Or Nyssa, Or. Phone 62 Data of lastpublication, Ms ch80. 1928. m For March A Radio Equipment A at Cost HEADQUARTERS Eastern Novelties Candies NYSSA PHARMACY A A A A A A A A HOXIE SERVICE STATION MMMMMMMMMMMMM MAAAAAAAAAAAA THE CATE CITY JOURNAL, NT9SA, OREGON ' AAMMMAMAMMAAA AAAAMAAAAAAAA S q u a re BADLY DAMAGED D e a l” Second Hand Store TIRE PRICES REDUCED We Buy, Sell, Exchange Nyssa, Oregon METHODIST NOTES N YSSA FLOUR MILL P. M. WARREN,Prop. IIIIIIIHIMO PARKER TIRE SHOP ■ GFMFNT WQRK L. A. Higby JRÜCK S ERVICE f Joe Meyers BAR RY GOODS PIES CAKES DOUGHNUTS RAISIN BREAD Let your vacant land produce cantaloupes, beans, peas, radishes carrots I beets and everythin’ THE SWAN BAKERY I I f you s for pleasure Nyesa, Oregon. —then Camels are ma de for you. Mild, mellow, fra gran t—there’s a world o f e n jo y ment in smoking Fresh From the Vine!, W ith the spirit o f spring n ow in your system, polish up the old spade, nx the handle on the rake and get ready to raise a real garden. A ll the early salad varieties, o f course, but as the season advances utilize the land for later maturing crops. T h e bright Sterling Seed Packets help you make selection from more than thirty varieties— At Y our Dealers M ost o f the flower seed packets also Sc C-âo B e t t e r ___ \ A* P rice Northrop,Ming Co.’s Seeds AUCTIONEER FRAN K P1ERSALL The live-wire a.lestian. Farm and Livestock a Specialty Call at my axpensa for dates 1 help with th* advertising Cali Frank Pieraall, Pi one 11J2 Parma Idaho. Refarene* aithar hank in Parma. Camels S ta r H o te l Good clean beds at reason able rates. Rates by day, week or month T od ay, as fo r m any years, Cam els lead First St., 3 blocks north *f Main MRS. J. R. HUNTER Nyssa, Oragoa by b illio n s, and tbey continue to grow O l* tâ , R. J. le y ie lJ i TekacM C o M p a .y , W taaton-Salena, N. C.