Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1928)
THE (¡A T E CITV YOURNAL, N YSSA, OREGON CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE MALHEUR COUNTY BANK NYSSA, OREQON At the Close of Business Decemb er 31, 1927. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts ... $429,526.92 Overdrafts ........ 239.36 Banking House, Furni ture and Fixtures— 13,500.00 Other Real Estate......... 6,006.61 Warrants .......... ....... .... 2,739.63 U. S. Treasury Bonds. 100,000.00 Cash and due from banks _______ 84,761.84 Total Cash Reserve 184,761.81 Capital Stock.... ......... _ $ 26,000.00 Surplus and Profits ___ 57,804.32 Bills Payable.... ....... NONE Rediscounts __________ NONE Deposits ... 553,790.0b Total ......................... $636 774.36 Total ............. $636 774.36 Securities Pledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for Deposits^ NONE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, Vice r.^aiuent J. P. Dunaway, Cashier .. O. G. Bauer, Assistant CashierH. A. Diven, Assistant Cashier J. F. Reece J. J. Sarazin G. L. Phillips The service of this bank has been developed from experience and intimate knowledge of the needs of our depositors. We desire to render always a little MORE service than you expect. IT TAKES CAPITAL It is impossible to grasp the mag nitude of our leading industries, such as railroads, steel, automo biles, electricity, oil and the like. The immense amount of capital re quired in carrying on their opera tions is beyond our power to vis ualize. JUNTURA Mrs. J. S. Gearhart and duaghtei Viola and Josephine Crammer were here from Drewsey Monday. The girls left to attend school in Crane. James Capps and George Farber were also here from Drewsey this week. The P. T. A. met at the school house Friday afternoon and gave a Delicious refreshments were served, surprize party for the school children The children enjoyed it and report it one of the happiest days of school this year. An illustration o f this is seen in the construction of oil and gas pipe lines leading from the new fields in the Texas Panhandle where approxi mately 2,000 miles of 10 to 20-inch lines were laid during the past year, at a cost o f $100,000,000, Another M'rs. K. Claypool was the charm line fer which plans have been com pleted will extend from the Pan ing hostess of a party given at her handle to Kansas Ctty( and still house Sunday evening. The guests were Misses Murphy, Busch, Worth others are in contemplation. ington, Mrs. J. P. Joyce and Mrs. When to the cost of these pipe Dan Gallagher Messrs. Manning lines is added the enormous sums Fleenor, Connolly and Nutt. Dainty spent in drilling the wells, with the refreshments and dancing were en expensive equipment and large joyed. amount of labor required, the total Mrs. Wm. Lytle and children have capital already utilized in develop returned after several years absence. ing this one field alone has already They came from Vancouver, Wash, reached a staggering sum. Yet the and are going to make their home investments necessary in the de with Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs on the velopment of the larger fields of Drewsey stage route. Oklahoma and California have been Erwin Mackey was here from much greater. Beulah this week. This illustrates the fact that with Fred Kingsbury, John Conroy and out immense blocks of capital avail able for these gigantic enterprises it would be impossible for the industry to supply the ten billion gallons of gasoline required to operate the motor vehicles and other motorized equipment. Fred Zink have left for Beul.,h to ax.uat Philip Coyne thru Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kauphusman have rented Philip Coyne’s house and are painting and repair to move in soon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson are the proud possessors o f a new boy born in Vale. Pete Joyce> John Joyce and Philip Coyne left for Ontario Monday to attend to business. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Joyce have left for Boise where they intend to make : n extended visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey McLaren and on Alfred have returned from On tario where Mrs. McLaren had been «ceiving medical attention Mrs. Valter Skiens cared for their older on while they were away. Mrs. Pickle is now assisting Mrs. llalvorsen with the work in the hotel. Mrs. Ruby Smith is permanently employed on the lower Jones’ ranen as cook. Mrs. D. J. Smith of Drewsey pas- ed thru here enroute to Ontario to . isit her mother Mrs. Bartlett this vet k. lack anil Gone Baker of Boise and ■ ’ thers of Mrs. S. D Nutt ire here eying her a short visit. IRONSIDE * -----------------------------------------------------* Eddie Rose and wife of Baker pent a day or so o f last week visit- ng relatives here. William Woodcock and family went to Ontario on business Thurs day. Bill Hart is cutting wood for Bill Woodcock this week. Bill Perkins who expects to move to Unity about the 1st of Mnreli look a load of machinery over last !ast week. Mrs. Perkins stayed with Airs. Elms while he was away. There has been quite a bit of sick ness lately. The Dickson and S. Rose families have been quite sick with the inlfuenza. The Ladies Sewing club met with Mis. Bill Perkins last meeting. A t tendance was not so large as usual on account of sickness and somi i re away. Bert Lawrence went down to Bro gan Tuesday to start working on the road. G. R. Dickson made a business trip to Ontario Thursday. Herman and Sylvester Rose went to Brogan Friday. Lloyd Judy of Unity spent several days in Ironside last week counting cattle for the forest reserve. Mrs. Bert Laurence and Ben Faust went to Unity on business Wednes- evening. Marvin Strout was at Frank Jones Thursday transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laurance went to Ontario on business Wednesday returning Thursday. Coy Wise went to Ontario to have his eyes doctored. Thursday his brother Guy took him down. E. J. Beam went to Unity Satur day after his daughter Vivian. Ver non Laurence came over also to spent the week end with his grand parents. Mr. Lurtd went to Vale on business Friday. The next sewing bee will held at the home o f Mrs. Arthur Nichols. Miss Zelda Rose returned to Baker Sunday. Mrs. Roy Duncan is in Ontario visiting relatives. Hoover took long chances on the California vote by throwing his hat in the ring and then hying himself to Florida. The Supreme Court has decided that a train has the right o f way over its own tracks. But a lot of automobile drivers are still uncon vinced. An Indiana woman had a crack ed skull four years before finding it out. Still, some have cracked brain» a lifetime and never find it out. A movement is on foot to reduce crime among our alien population. Possibly keeping them from asso ciating with the native population would help. ■ i i »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > 1 1 1 11 ♦♦♦♦ *♦ ♦♦♦♦* ^ J ob Printin g f A fellow who wants to work out a universal peace plan might get some valuable experience through trying to keep harmony in a church choir for a while. > We «re equipped to handle any kina of Jab Printing, and whan It comes to Service, we can only refer you to our customers or ask that you give us a triad. 14889208 4 » —-------- ----------- ----- ---- ! I :; H. D. Holmes Transfer and Baggage ■; * * « ► 11 All kinds of hauling ix ;; i> City limits LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. VOTERS ATTENTION^ TO VOTE CATE CITY JOURNAL YOU MUST BE REGISTERED No The law now prohibits the swear ing in of voters on election day. Registration books are now open and will be open until the night o f April 17th. ROSS PARKINSON Nyssa, Oregon Mrs. BARBER SHOP Harper, Bully and Crowley— E. L. Morton. Jones and Beulah— Dan Hot and Cold Baths T :j: Roy Pounds, Prop. t Nyssa Oregor Î CITYDRAYUNE! X C. Klinkenberg $ PROMPT DELIVERY ? SOLICITS A PART OF YOUR Patronage Reasonable Rates Mahogany and Rockville--M rs. D G. E. BERTSCH ? PHONE 15 H. Hayictt. Mulhcur— Mrs. iloiten Worsham. i M -44-4+H M ! î I • i I' M t I i 4 » +■!■ ■FM - í ~FM-4-*-S-4-4-4"Í- - McDermitt— Alice D. Bunkorier. Nysa Arcadia and Owyhee— J. ] i i 1 , 4 . 4 , 4 , 1 1 I 1"M + Boydoll. Ontario 1, 2, 3, Fair and Cairo— E. BOND LOAN S \ \ N O T A R Y PU M A C H. Test. Riverside-—F. L. Armstrong. INSURANCE Snake River -J. J. Spicer. Watson— Mrs. L. E. Palmer. Official Registrars have lists of those who are now registered. H. S. SACKETT, County Clerk. LICENSED R E A L E S I A TE BROKERS Fob 25- -Mar 3 Hold. NYSSA REALTY CO. Farms and City Property insurance PHONE 53 NYSSA, OREGON All o/lice work u til be managed as in the past; only real estate transactions bu Bogdell & Willoughby. J. BO Y DELL. IS MARS SIGNALLING? To the great delight of the lino- typers and proofreaders, the Vouk- Itchevich ministry in Belgrade has resigned. Matches are n hundred years old Now, If all that have Bern made were laid end to end— well figure it cut for yourself. Hickman wants to be burned at the stake. Even though California doesn’t gratify his desire. Billy Sun days theology ought to be reassur ing. :: ««■M » ill 'll - i Between Lawrence Gas Station 1 ) i -j- and Ford Garage :: Ironside— H. C. Elms. Juntura, Gallagher. t Shaving, Hair Cutting - J l :j; B E K T S C I I Ben Jordan Valley, Juniper and Rome— Hugh 11. Scott. NYSSA BARBER SHOP ¥ | m 4 *H H »+ 4 4 4 4 + m 4 + 4 4 4 i Applegate— Mrs. M. D. Clough. ' ' I 4 » » » ♦ ♦ » ♦ + ! I l l !■> ♦<-»♦♦♦♦» ' Than Shoe reparing neatly done Big Bend— J. E. Holly. and Bonita— Time To Oil Harness for Spring Work Auto Tops Made and Repaired You can register at the office of the County Clerk for any precinct in the County or with Official Regis trars in tho following precincts: Brogan Jones. Better ;; Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon ■; NOW If you were registered and did not vote at the last Primary or General Election, or have changed your residence ,og desire to change vour political affiliation, you must re-register. Whatever may be its failings, it must be recognized that “ big busi ness" is an indespen sable factor in our present civilization. To carry on the necessary operations to sup ply the needs of the people takes \ capital— and lots o f ii. That inhabitants o f Mars really exist and are trying to signal the J earth is suggested by no less nn au thority than Professor William Henry Pickering ,the noted astron omer> who has made a special study I o f the ruddy planet. This belief has been held by many astronomers, owing to the definite geometrical figures which have ap peared on the surface of Mars a t ! various times during the last 50; years. The first to be observes! j was a cross within a circle, 900 miles j hi diameter; the next an irregular circular figure then a pentagon with markings radiating from the center In 1907 a perfect five-pointed star 1,100 miles in diameter was observed and finally, in 1924, a star 1,600 miles across appeared, this being the last time the planet was in a favor-1 able position for close observation 1 The idea that Mars may be in-j habited by a race of superior intelli- I gne, with telescopes powerful enough to observe our movements, and try ing to establish communication with us, is fascinating. Strange radio • signals otherwise unaccounted for have been suggested us coming from our celestial neighbor. Whethet this be true or not, radio may pos I sibly in time supply the kry to un lock the hidden truth, if there is really life on Mars. 4 > POULTRY Custom Cleaning and Grinding S T . PATRICK'S PEPPY P A R T Y W TTFN good St. rrtik k r t a dressmaker’s establishment—only Freeze. Sprinkle with tiny preen Ireland of snake he was it III the cloth was crepe paper, and ivhll« randies just before serving. less that re v. . ;,l . - there were pins and thread anil needle- The Three S’s ing a celebration wh. i weald li t and scissors, there were paste and down to the present .■ ■>. Dow s■ ■ ■•— wire, too. The customers of this es Another St. Patrick’s day hostess prised the brave ole out t .mid h ,c tablishment were the queerest o f all, fused her menu on a salad: been to know that i h- - f. r they were only lolhjvips. But the Lobster Salad dred years aft , his uli. ,nd a . : nests proceeded with delight to dress Almond ar.d Olive Sandwiches country lie n-n l . , t, there w t Id them as policemen, shepherds, sailors, Cr vu Pe/i/>c>■ Sandwiches be people celebrating hi> annivc at ! or other Irish characters. Hawaiian Shamrocks Indeed, St. Patrick's day has bee, •• At this particular party the suppei bints Coffee Green Peppermints one of the mo t papular par*/ :D w. sen. d buffet style. On a t.-'.D The lobster salad is an unusually of the year. One i a.son is tic 1 attractive ight—eve:? among the no- 1 cheerful Kelly gree.. lends if , decorated ..ith sweet green pickle pie | furiously pretty salad family. Mix well to decora: ions. I Jy. i.ui» of p if. i w'ta tooth i k legs. What appearn. ' i. or cups caone'd lobster meat with shamrocks hanging front *!;.« t!; i to l,< vi itc clay pipes were there, t*«o , o>’ " cup celery cut in small pieces. preen tinted carnatin s the -a s 11 "* e!n-t inspect! m rr—alrd tint tlr ! Add one-half tcar.pcH n alt ct d ot.e- crepe p. per tahiviluth. rd.trntd v I • I h* **. I coi ' ted of a piece of ..;.nn,s j 'd ' “a tea con ¡vtpiur.'. M \ w: h Irish scenes—all help \i , the i | P , ipt'D ai..i::.d which fo - t . i l,., •i a Made .is toll.ova. .* i e.o • c tii it/ e .y apJ • .. •• fi T. ' .'I. .1.' i.c .j;. ,.i *a eerup dra 'Vvl !t er n u -rl 1 « t st. k candy. it. u in pint i \ Mix . a *,i if. Dancing FY t j ,*t i it eir. ii-. e tv'ii, i- ur f.apt.vntin • rn*»l One del., lit ‘in party v'ns stipe, is*It. • ■ >• o.Jf T .*> m, ft», at this party . . jstjff ( <• j -.t 'oiirtii lea i. early on its t iii.npl an v >• for I ■ must. id ! .oi. , Vh ira- 1 a or ,i o in A’ , it pio'ts, a: came thi w t i paprii i in h,*' -vnip. \ 1 uLers Olrv-e i.u,'. C*Lre h, ..‘d the rotlickine -irons of Ip f’ .iir' i • t.-v ihr Pin apple fee Cr,.tut tuncsroia*. from thr h. . S > . tv.ihut; point A i I ii. -up Ptitis Pours their (p i already dm. . : they t ,ai a io< T :u I .; I.. ,,-ee Coffee In to find thr earl vr arrivals j ;ir mir s When < >1 . i .......... • -n I . , ..i , ., The f h U deroraiid with sprigs of v - *iM<’ l..;i and singing Irish x- o-*s TV'.! a the guests had arrived th w ■' ........... , a*- i the j-rei a color :■ mix with »1. I ‘ vo Uituce tlmird. and i' en the host, ss an: . ,t pe • dr. • a er.rk is whuh are cup with tl.i • ii!,. v. that in order . be real I idee Lev tin ted, hntlered, end then pri I sled 5! Green would have to prove that they k new with i . kvu par ley. The fteiit; fours Add otae-t. tiger r,rp; have tiny de-omtionr o f green frost something ah nt tiio Irish tahlesp. n hit” w . . . . 1 1 erttshnl Accordinrlv, each m et avis re ing shall i neks. and tiraiiKxi pin .*mt|, C. k ; .ut The ire cream is made in the fol too ndnut-s, stirru g frequ •. t; Turn quired to tell an Irish j. I t , and after wards the group v t i i whi h « *s lowing way: chop fine six maraschino into email ha! • if paxtr* -■ tie<eI, the funniest joke id ».•!.*, ’a *vas the che.r* s, „oe-half cup walnuts at*,I iisve h ’.-n !..o d it* -h.unr.tV ■ f oldest. A jollv little prize went to on* alt cup ginger. Melt one half pan» B.alo i t a n., ’• rat ■ oe „ for each of the winners. eu; '■ gir in onr-f, or'h cup hot Can gho-it ter norm ox hn; tot,I <|rrt>- tot. *r, syrop. Chill. Beat otv rate wft i shimrord-s mad- !"■ !--c ? Lollinnn Undies r ’nt i am: sdd coM s\ ntp. nuts, an crofn gout dt ar s g :n On a tabic were all Lie makings of tw. cups crushed Hawaiian pineapple '•I’crs iota litc ’ ,.i SUPPLIES NYSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY N YSSA OREGON spr ' n crepe paper table c! .tl I HAVE A FULL LINE OF MEAT Both Fresh and Cured H. M. HOUSH Nothing but the Best Quality on hand PHONE 3 Nyssa, Oregon IM IIIIM II I I I I 'M" » I | | I | 441 I I I 4 + » » 4 > 44 4 4 4 1 I I ♦ ♦ ♦ » » > I ! !