Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1928)
•ity Journal Su plem ent NYSSA, OREGON, FEBRUARY 17, ,928. LOCAL ■ ■ uuU SCOUTS ENTERTAIN 9 mnn 9 CFMFNTIVQRK Mr and Mr«, Die* Ten " h and Mr. The girl scouts gave a farewe 1 V d_ M an Ira. A. H Boydell wore joint entine pariy Monday night Feb 1 ! in hb and hosteaseau at a Valentine honor of Miss Gladys Garrison, ti t 9 I have purchased a uev» J Pt 7 at the Tensen h rr Tuesday I tut* ut, ■ iu h is resigned Beck 9 wconci te mixer an.: am pre ^ even ng. Valentine decoruUonB were giil who hi d been a S out nr ha s muk red to do all '“ Oids i f ® artistically arran d throughout the ed with Mi s Garrison, were invued Q-ofKTP.te work, plasteringSI Miss Pauline mu m nid B id - • furn'sh ’ be even, and also the Council - I ind kalsmininff etc. | ing version, seven tables being in Fi cher will take Mi s Garri on's place pla_,. Mr C C. Hunt and Mrs. Ernest the having worked ns record lieuL-n* 8 tidfaction Guaranteed 9 Wi'sM carried first honors while Mr. ant wilh Miss Hnnt and 61i- G irri.o- Jess Thompson and Mis. E D. Nor. for some lime colt received e' nsolation prise A The pi-rty was g i'o n a', the Bunt, luncheon was serv.d at midnight. Nyssa, Or. w Peeking House, it b ing par Honed off j A D. Wood was here from B oL e' by the u * b o f canvas, makeing two Tuesdav and Wednesday looking alter rooms of the first lection The dining I his b e business. Mr Gardner accom room or the room nex' to the door was ; ■ .■ n ju a r r s c i» veiy a'.tractivelydecornted in red h arts panied him back to Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Ilarot 1 Doty were Han end red and white streamers in keep,, la visitors the fore p i t of the w n k ing w th cut id. Those who wished eturning with a Ford c <upe which were dressed as boys a d each girl hud an escort. they purchased there. The evenin > was spsnt in p aying The R. G. Gilispie and Austin Gee and dancing. At ten thirty delightfu' families are recent arrivals in Nysaa refreshments were served to the forty nd are living In the H, F. R-own one people present. A ftery refresh, louses in the r.crth end o f town merits were served t,h" scouts wsre INSURED HAULING Mrs. W H. King o f Pendleton and given permission to enjoy one more Lonpr or Short Trips Mr. Marshall Snell wen Nampa t o d y dance before leaving, Th“ best time L e a s o n a b l e , R a t e s after visiting at theC. L. McCoy hnmr. ver was reported by ail, f pos ibl it Mr. and Mrs. Richard Karker of seems we have mere fun at each sue. MV*»", er. Phone 6? Payette and Mrs K arke.’s mother, ceeding party. Mrs. Millard of Atl otic lo w » wire Sunday guests at the F. R. Marshal! Mr, J H Hunt-r returned from >me. Por'land Sundry morrdrg Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conley returned Try Honey for colds rom Mew Plymouth this week 9 ■ Joe Meyers J *999999999999 I>. A. 5 TRUCK OERVICE I RANK P1ERSALL fi.. gSwaaflra The live-wire esleenan. 'CjPo I f O ff "‘ ■e r ' ( / f't j'j 0 je€ U t/ ?^ / te/ ><O fié e n / THEN F0T,LOI7 THESE DIRECTIONS DAILY: (1 s t ) ln s in c c : so o p and w ater, a p p ly Spanish th. ESTADO Lemon C rcao w ith t i p s o f fin g e r s , g e n t ly m essaging i n t o th e s k in . (T h is s o o t h e s , c le a n s e s and b e a u t i f i e s . ) (2nd) Wipe o f : ' it h c le a n c l o t h o r to w e l. (3 rd ) Apply i c e Powder a s d e s ir e d . (EL ESTADO Li 1 C mu i s a p e r f e c t P ow der-B ase.)» You enn o ' ' ' f i n n ’ EPO fa r o f t h i s famous t h r e e - p u rpose e rs^ a a t our s t o r e ; o r , we w i l l g la d ly g iv e you o f ch a rg e a l i b e r a l sample f o r t r i a l b e fo r e b u y i ; the ; g ¿ 1 .0 0 J a r. You w i l l use no o th e r I NYSSA PHARMACY Farm and Livestock a »Specially Call at my expense for dates 1 help with the advertising CaU Frank Piersail, Phone Parma Idaho. Reference either bank in Parma. A BARGAIN Fur Sale - 160 aerea land in the BlarK Canyon district, a ftw milt« from Nyssa. Price $800 A bargain. Ser Jeurnal e f're .