Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1928)
THE CATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA', OREGON THE GATE CITY JOURNAL METHODIST M l IS DU. E. L> NORCOTT Publiai,ed every Friday at Nyaaa, Or. DENTIST 11 F. Brown........................ Mrs J. C Younir_____ ___ ___ Editor OREGON NYSSA Eiterad at the Postoffice at Nysaa, Oregon, as second class matter. PHONE 35 *3 n w n The Offi.-isl Baa'd met with " r , and Vi'S Long Tuesday. Folio* i g the ■msimas o f tha evening, Mrs. lon g served very delicious refreshments. M H H n n u n U tí It A Quarter Century of Progress IK We Are Growing! H I« n 13 n j » ìà I I )!} The February Birthday Fr!o finds the 10.(00 Recall Stores, which reach from coubt to coast and across the Atlantic, better prepared then ever before to serve the steadily growirff army o fb u .e r s who insist on quality goods and who appreciate money raving values. Just Real towns are not made by men afraid somebody else g ts ahead. a Sample of th? Bargains Offered ri H Ui la li ¿i M Ut Ri M W REXALL ORDERLIES U A pi asant and effective laxative. Gentle in action but absolutely sure. Ideal ft r chilrrtn. invalids and aced people,as well ns for robust people. Box of 60 tablets, regular price 6'Je, Hi H »( H K H ir * ri M BASKETBALL RECORD The following basket rati record of Mtsa Ruth H utehiisof Griffith, Indiana was sent to relatives this week by M Eddie Powell of Griffith, Indiana: M "This young ltdy scored 106 points in one game in baskeball and the fol lowing week she scored 129 points or 60 basket» in another game. She now M holds the world record lor individual U scoring and the Gr.ffUh, Indiana team U o whom she is captain, bolds the world S< record for scoring ’ ’ 56! K re m When everyone works and nobody shirks You can raise a town from the dead And if wh'le you n ake your personal ■ aka Your neighbors can make one, too, Your town will be what you want to see. It isn’ t the town it’s you. Anonymous K Birthday Sale Price 39c M ri ri PEPTONA Our best tonic for rundown condition Enriches tho blood and improves Ihe health generally. It is an ideal tonic and strength builder. Pleasant to take. Full pint, regular price $1 00. A. M. Nelson and family returned to Nvsaa Thursday evening from Rye t t ! V . Ly where they hive soent the win- Birthday Sale Price, 79c H H M M JB W w H n Ï3 ■ Eli ■ M N H 14 W » ri O f exceptional purity. Easy to take. In a n vv cli mate-proof container. Free fiom all inputities. Kegulut of Tir° Chainc sold in February GET YOURS RADIO Tires-All Sizes You Can’t Buy More for the Money G ood rich B u ilt It has been observed thill the worst never happens, and It Is our notion that the same thing litighi be said .uf the best.—Toledo Blade Treat ’ Em Rough-Tbey Like It May be used on Biithdav Sale Price, $2.49 m jJ O L ................................................................................ ..................... 43- CODL1VEK OIL TABLETS.................. - ............................................19.? C H LO RO X ................................................................................................19c COLGATES COLEO SOAP....................................................... 8 for 19c mu te ■ m n m . Second Hand Store All kinds of ¿ -3 $ ® * » We Buy, Sell, Exchange Nyssa, Oregon BAKFRY GOODS PIES CAKES DOUGHNUTS RAISIN BREAD and everythin’ NYSSA FLOUR MILL CUSTOM CHOPPING AND GRINDING A L n O ABERDEEN COAL S M C T L Y -IJ J i O i r - j l A I N 3 ) J } A l CASH P . M. WARREN,Prop. THE SWAN BAKERY l Th Ow\he- Barber Shop operated', doors for Nyssa, Oregon. m 3 double bedsteads and rp-ings 1 round tatde, carpet 9x12, rocker and other chairs. 1 very good heating stove, oil «tove 2 sewing machines, 1 Hoover Electric vacuum cleaner, canned fruit, dishes, 10 gal. milk can, family scale, 1 Edison phonograph with 50 records And m an; other articles, FREE COFFEE AT 1 O’ CLOCK Sale starts at 1:10 P M —TERMS CASH Frank Piersall, Auctioneer S. D. Goshert, Clerk JOE KOOPMAN, OWNER Honey Foster’s Honey m n n n m How fine On Hatcakes Now sold at Every Grocery in Your town n m Try Honey for Colds . . “Square Deal” Let your vacant land (rroduce cantaloupes, beans, peas, radishes carrots beet* Fresh From the Vine! 3 W ith the spirit o f spring n ow in your system,' polish up the old spade, fix the handle on th e1 rake and get ready to raise a real garden. A ll the early salad varieties, o f course, but as the season advances utilize the land for later maturing crops.' T h e bright Sterling Seed Packets help you make selection from more than thirty varieties— A t Y o u r D e a le r s All of the standard size vegetable packets „ Most of the flower seed packets also Sc • „ * TA a *ìlcxc\ ÌL Sten .............................................' . Nyssa, Oregon HOUSEHOLD GOODS n The Nyssa Pharmacy MRS. J. R. HUNTER MACHINERY m Inclusive Nyssa, Oregon First St., 3 blocks north of Main t spr ng'ooih harrow. 1 si-iketooth harrow. 1 new double pulveriser, 1 two-ho>se frerno. 1 50 gal. a'eel barrel 1 hay Wagon, I 18-foot fecilrack, 1 grindstone, shovel, plow, 5-tooth cultivator, top buggy, two seta o f work harness, collars, lumber and posts, some wood, leg chsir. 200 hs. of select ed se-d corn, grown in 1926, all kinds o f small tools. Stock up on dependable household items that are ustd every day — February 1st to 25th HOX1E SERVICE STATION Rates by day, week or month 2 saddle ponies, Now Is the Time R e m e m b e r th e D a te Goad dean beds at reason able 'ates. Havin - sold my farm, I w ll sell at public auc- lin on Tues , Feb , 21, 1928, at mv ranch 6 milts southwest of Nysra, on* hmf mile south of Dun- ana-, si-ing, th follow! g described pnperty: 6 gen !. wo k hortos, 1 brown horse, 7 yeaia old 1700 lbs. 1 gray mare, 6 year» old, 1390 lbs. 1 black horse, 12 vears old. 1850 lbs 1 black hors.- 9 yearr old 1409 Iba 1 bay mare, 5 years old, 1400 lbs, ELECTREX FLAT IRON Jonteel Beauty Products Harmony Toilet Goods Candy and Stationery Symbol Rubber Goods Purest Household Product« Roxall Remedies Star Hotel PUBLIC SALE Birthday Stie Pries. 19: A 6 1b serviceable iron. Guaranteed. any 110 volt lighting circuit. Siivertovm Ballons You Can’t Git n Better Tire Anywhere O» ♦ ❖ » » » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ » » ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ » » » » » » » » price 25c. Every product is guaranteed to give you satisfactory service or your money back. Buy all you want —there is no limit to the quantities you may purchase. -, $1.00 value, at only 50c with every set i >s F r o By in orr One Bound iin N Adjusters, regular W o r k a Both W a y» tn h, Dewey Burton opem d its i g n b n PUREST EPECH SALT » M w SPECIAL ret o f Ctnin U * H Easy to Put On -Easy take Off n * I» W M cKAY Tire Chains IT ISN’T THE TOWN ‘ ‘If vou want to live in the kir.d of a town. Lik - the kind of a town y'U like, Y -u needn’ t slip ycur clo hes in a gtip. Ard at i i t on a long, long hike You’ ll only find w hat you left behind. For there’s nothing th .t’ a realty new. It’ s a knock at yourielf when you knock your town. It isn,t the town—it’s you K I ¡i AUTO COLLISION Sermon Sunday morning by tha Pot An Overland driven by Al Green and ior and on Sunday evening by Kev a Ford carrying the Parma baakatball Harry Homiiton, Dlstiict Superinten- team eo'lided on the Highway north of lent. Nyaaa Wednesday evening. How the The new Intermediate League sup, accident happened no rnp seemed to plies have come and now the Leadera know, just one of the unavoidable ae. ■an carry out a constructive course of cidenta which occur and lucki'y no one waa hurt altho' tb.'cars were both ba ’ _ -tudy in the Devotional H oir. ly smash« d. The Ladies A ii C u dy-Sale u d r the lirec’ ion o f V rs. Rrb -rg*i will be held Mrs. L, A High,’ returned from Port ii the Ha|! Scturday afiernoon. Next land Friday morning where she attend Thursday is the regular tusinees meet- e i the National Conference o f the W ng again Mrs. trank Morgan waa C. T U. She reports an imerearing elected Treasurer t> HU the vacancy session an i will rt port on the aame at ■aused by the retirement of VI ra. Pos- the W. C. T, U. County Institute to ' e ey. held at the M. H. Church Tuesday Pi* tiri* N o rth ro p ,K in g S»Co!s