THE GATE CITY JOURNAL . VOLUME XXVII. NO. 4. NYSSA, OREGON. BURGLARS RECEIVE YEAR SENTENCES OWYHEE I: OLD Miss Ruby Bradford of Boise was a week end visitor in her home in Owyhee. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1928. NEWSPAPER COUNTY PRINTED IN 184? 1‘ l.K YEAR County Statistics Real Estate Transi, rs Recorded R. T. Periman to P. E. Davis EK NEK Sec. 19-33-39; 6, 28, 27. $1.00 ■ Messrs. T. M. Love and John Wall (Q C. Deed). i Sunday taking SHEET HOLDS AGE WELL; WILL U. S. A. to Emma A Rose, Lots ANOTHER OFFENDER SHOT IN visited the Damsite 1, 2, 5, 6 and 9 Sec 34; Lots 3 and ONTARIO SUNDAY NIGHT WHILE S. D. Bigelow who had been a week BE GOOD FOR ANOTHER end visitor in Lowe home back to 4 Sec. 26; and Lot 1, Sec. 35-25-44. ATTEMPTING ROBBERY FIFTY YEARS. his work at the dam. 4 24, 1911. I ______ Fred Klingback was an Emmett J oseph Beach et al to U S A Lots | (From The Malheur Enterprise) visitor Monday taking his brothei A newspaper, yellow with ago, WAS ACTIVE IN PUBLIC AND 1, 4, and 8, Sec. 16-26 43. 12 7. 27.1 FARMERS WILL DISCUSS PLANS Burglaries and attempted rob-iChas. Klingback and wife, who has but still holding its own, published PRIVATE LIFE— WAS MAN Ok $10.00 (Q c Deed). FOR WORKING OUT COORDIN- STERLING CHARACTER beries have caused considerable ex been visiting in his home back to 81 years ago in Greensburg, In- ! J. Arthur Shaver et al to U S A. ATED PRODUCTION PROGRAM citement in the Vale and Ontario their home at Squaw Butte. diana, on April 17, 1847, was Lots 1 and 2 Sec. 35; Lots 3 and 4 communities within the last week or Mrs. W. W. Smith was very pleas brought to the Enterprise office Joe. 26; and Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Died in Vale Monday Morning— so. ____ antly surprised on Friday afternoon this week by B. M. Pritchard. It Sec. 34-25-44. 11, 9, 27. $1.00 (Q C Everett McDowell, Gene Carr and which was her birthday when several has been in his possession a life Many Attend Funeral Services at Deed). Masonic Hall in Ontario E. C. Gearhart from parts unknown, of her friends came to spend the time, as it contains an account of - h da M. Shaver to U S 9 Lots 1 were sentenced to serve one year afternoon bringing gifts and refresh the death o f his uncle, killed in the C. Extension Specialists and 2 Se.c 35; Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 26; O. A. each in the Oregon state penitent ments. Those present were Mes- war with Mexico in the battle of j Paying their last respects to the and Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Sec. 34- Coming— leading Local Agricul iary for larceny o f a dwelling. dames Robert Toombs, lienry Slippy, Vera Cruz. turists will take part in Session ' mcmoiy oi John Weaver as a Mai 25-44. 11, 9, 27. $4,200.00. They were sentenced in Vale Monday Claude Smith, Walter Pinkston and L. E. Palmer et ux toU S A Lots In a few ways the old sheet is dif heur county pioneer and a man of by Judge Biggs. These three men Alvon McGinnis. Those who could ferent from the modern carriers of l 4 and 8, Sec. 16-26-44. 2, 2, 27. »-.Vtional service to his commun Standardization of production as were arrested last week by Sheriff not come but sent a g ift were Mes- news. There were no linotypes in ity and to the entire count, y through ,4.200.00. a means of enabling our agricultural C. W. Glenn and Harry Farmer of dames J. P. McGinnis and Andrew those days, so it is all hand set. rns< Ifish activity in public and pri Thomas M. Barnes to U S Aa Lots industry to meet the challenge of in Ontario, in a deserted cabin near McGinnis and Mr. Oscar Pinkston. Pills, residents o f the 1 4, 5 and 6, Sec. 15-25-44. 2, 2, 28. rather than automobiles, vate life, many creasing commercialization and ever county and tlic V, .now ere Ontario. They had robb.d the A. P. T. A. met at the school house claimed most o f $500.00. the advertising widening competition is an important district. attended funeral services A.. Arneson ranch house near the in Owyhee Friday afternoon. After space. W H Cripe et ux to Harper State purpose of the Malheur County Ec held from the Masonic hall in On. Bank Lot 5 Block 7, Harper. 2, 6, 28 Butte and a portion of their loot the business meeting Mrs. Lowe onomic Outlook conference which will The front page is devoted to the tario on Tuesday afternoon. Buai was found in the cabin. It con gave a short talk on Founders o f thb $800.00. be held in Ontario on February 21 battle o f Vera Cruz and accounts by ness houses closed during the serv- sisted principally o f blankets and P. T. A. Frederick Greenwood, Trustee, et and 22 under the guidance o f County General Winfield Scott and other groceries. John Wall arrived from Creston al to Charles C Kelley N E K , NK Agent Larson. historical figures. The editor of the Died at Vale. Last Sunday a prowler attempted Saturday and will spend a few days ’. E '4 „ N E K N W K , S K N W K , NWK The conference proper is to consist ancient Greensburg Repository also John Weaver, aged 65, died at the S W K , E K S W K , and SK S E K Sec. to enter the Vale depot about 11 at the Lowe ranch. o f farmers and stockmen from all considered subscription rates worthy Vale sanitarium on Monday. Suf- o ’clock but made his getaway. Adam Klingback of Emmett has 17-10-42; E K S E K Sec. 11; NW K parts o f the County. The conference of front page notice. The paper felir,K from eanceri he h adb een ln Later that night a man broke into been visiting his brotherh Fred in sold for $2 a year, paid in advance; poor health for the past two years. .ml W K S W K Sec. 12; W K N E K , has been divided into six committee the railroad shop at Ontario. He Owyhee this week. S E K N E K , E K N W K S W K , W K groups and the following agricul at $3, if paid within a year’s time. It is believed that injuries and shock S E K , and NEK SEK Sec. 13-16-41; was traced to the Orin Boyer resi Mrs. C. E. Shaffer and family of tural leaders have been secured to Whigs and Democrats were out sustained in a recent automobile ac dence and just as he was leaving Oregon Trail district have moved to 107.7 acres in SW K Sec. 4-16-43; handle the various phases: (1) Gen for election. That was before the cident hastened his death. the Boyer cellar with several jars Ontario. and 5.02 acres in Sec. 9-i66-28; also eral Economics and Conference com G. O. P.’s swallowed the Whigs. • He was born in Minnesota in 1863. 30 horses; 4 cows; and farming o f fruit, was ordered to surrender Mrs. Chas. Ivy o f Emmett visited mittee— A. A. Reed, chairman; F| The paper contains a letter from He crossed the plains by ox team machinery. 1, 20, 28. $10.00. by Harry Farmer. Instead, he made her mother Mrs. Louis Patterson L. Ballard, secretary; (2) Poultry a hasty retreat, only to be stopped Monday. She brought little Betty General Zachary Taylor, later pres and came west with his parents William B. Napton to Meryl V committee— A. B. Cain, chairman, H. year later. He settled in Malheur Napton, SEK NW K Sec. 12-22-46. by a bullet wound in the leg. He is Lou Hutton with her who will remaui ident of the United States. E. Cosby, Secretary; (3) Dairy com A few excerpts are- taken from c ounty when a young man o f 21 11, 1, 26. $10.00 (Q C Deed). awaiting trial in the county hotel. for a week or so with her grand mittee— C. M. Beaumont, chairman. the interesting old paper, which vc-\rs. He engaged in the stock He has given his name as John King. mother. Sheriff C W Glenn to Federal N. C. Jamieson, secretary; (4) Hor follow: business, owning a ranch on Willow Land Bank N W K S E K , and NEK Gordon and Charles Flock were The Oregon Trail P. T. A. are ticultural committee— C. C. Hunt, creek, and at one time was one of SW K Sec. 30-15-47. 2, 7, 28. $4,253. arrested in Ontario for theft from planning a Founders day program Liquor Line ns'- Question. chairman, H. G. Avery, secretary; the wealthiest cattlemen o f the Whit Redsull, renter on the Fred for Friday evening. 95. In Brookville, they decided in (6) Crops committee— Pete Tensen Bailey ranch. They were acquitted Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Federal ehairman) R w Morae> aecretaiy; Barkley, Billy and Lem Wilson favor o f licensing rum shops, by a country. John Weaver was elected county by Judge G. L. King after trial have been out of school for a week majority o f 36. This result is en ind Bank S K N E K , N W K S E K (6) Livestock— Jeff Billingsley, Wednesday. tirely different from what we had commissioner o f Malheur county in S K S E K , N E K S W K , and S K N W K chairman> D. E. Richarda> aecretary. with tonsilitis. 1912 and again in 1916. Ice 29-16-46. 2, 7, 28. $1,254.16. Leonard Jones was a Sunday visit- j anticipated of that place, At the Economic Conference held *3.00 LICENSE WOULD George W. McKnight, with whom Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Federal in Malheur County several years or in the J. B. Smith home. (Evidently the Repository ha 1 he served during the former’s term, Land Bank Lot 4, S E K S W K , and STOP HIGHWAY WORK Mrs. Archie Moses of Kingman I dry inclinations). ago certain practices were recom he shared in all accomplishments of S K S E K SEC. 19; Lot 1, N E K N W K Kolony spent the week end in Nampa j Paying Visit, mended by those in conference which (From The Malheur Enterprise) visiting friends. { A t 8 Iate ho“ r last night, 8 coach the administration. As a last trib ind N H N E K Sec. 30-16-46. 2, 7, 28. were intended to make for a more ute to his friend o f many years, Citizens o f Vale, county o f $1,400. The Conrad Martin and C. M. ' was perceived going along the str-»t orderly production of farm products. McKnight said: '‘ I consider ficials and members of the Vale Joseph F. Kendall et ux to State The purpose of the coming Economic Beaumont families were dinner at a rapid rate, without any driver, Mr. him one o f the strongest men I ever Commercial club are impressed of Orgeon, SW K SW K , part o f SEK Outlook Conference is to bring the guests in the Wm. Toomb home and one b f the police having seized with the necessity of defeating hold of the horse and stopped the knew. He proved his true greatness W K , and part o f N W K SW K Sec. findings o f this previous conference Sunday. the $3.00 automobile license Miss Helen Clement was an over coach, found two men inside who in the last years, in the face o f ad 12-15-28. $2,600.00. down to date and to determine what versity, including his last illness bill that will be voted upon this Sheriff C. W. Glenn to estate o f | advancement has been made. When night guest in the T. T. Elliott home were so drunk they could not tell spring. Corrigall S K N W K and this is whence they came from or where He never complained but met every Malcolm Tuesday. done other recommenda fate staunchly. He was a man who N K S K Sec. 34; and W K S W K Sec. The state highway commission Messrs R. R. Overstreet and C. they intedned to go. The passen tions will bo made for the future has declared that they would 15-15-41. 5, 26, 27. $1,478.29. were taken to the station ouB smile in the face of trouble.” Peck held their annual birthday gers agricultural production of the He is survived by his widow and not start any further road build Malheur SCounty to City of Vale County. celebration Sunday in the Overstreet house and after they slept o ff their five sons, Frank, Earl, Jack, Lou Lots 27 and 28, Block 1, Smiths Add ing pending the result of this home where a bountious dinner was intoxication, awoke to their aston It is expected that the Outlook and Hugh Weaver. James Weaver to Vale, 1, 10 28. $1.00. vote, as should it carry, it would served by Mrs. Overstreet. Those ishment. They recollected that they Conference as held in the various of Bonita is a brother. mean no future road construc Reuben F. Johnson to S. H. New counties and present were Mr. and Mr. Peck, Miss had been all day paying visits and states will exert a tion. In fact it would require ell Lot 1 Block 2, Fairmor Add ti stablizing influence and that they Frances Peck, Mrs. Hamblin of Ill lipping, and sipping, and sipping, a tax on property to even take Harper. 1, 26, 28. $51.00. inois who is a sister of Mrs. Peck and as to the coachman all they will become a factor in eliminating care o f the interest and retire C. R. Emison Trustee to Farmers annua, shifta from one enterprise and a guest in her home. Mr. and knew of him was, that he also had the present outstanding road Co-operative Creamery Co. Lots 1« to another as well as reduce violent Mrs. J. Brunning and son Mr. and been sipping. bond in the state, should such to 20 inclusive, Block 33, Ontario. 1, fluctuations in prices. Enjoyment of Life. Mrs. Robert Overstreet and Mr. and a law become effective. 19, 28. $10.00. Two wealthy citizens were lately Mrs. Maurice Judd and family. It is necessary to vote this E K N E K Sec. 9-19-44. 1, 9, 28. $ Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Mrs. C. C. Cotton was hostess conversing in regard to the period bill down to have any chance of Calfornia Joint Stock Land Bank Nora B Boston to State o f Oregon Saturday evening at a waffle din when they had best enjoyed then THE NEW MALHEUR COUNTY receiving further road construc Satisfaction of mortgage. vs S. Gitedson et al. 2, 6, 28. Fort- selves. “ I most enjoyed life soor ner. Guests were the Martin and BRANCH TO BEGIN OPERATION tion. Ferrol J. Davis et vir to State o f : closure o f mortgage. $16,766. 75. Beaumont families and Mr. F. after 1 was 21, when I worked foi ABOUT APRIL 1ST Malheur county is one in the Ore gon undivided l|10th interest in 1 Malheur County vs John Acarre- Mr.----------, laying stone wall at 25 McKnight. state that wants everythihng According to W. B. Wagner, mana E K N E K Sec. 9-19-44; 2, 1, 28. $ gui et als. 2, JO, 28. Foreclosure of Mrs. N. Bach entertained Thurs cents per day,’’ said one. she can get that looks like a ger of the Farmers Cooperative satsfaction o f mortgage. j 1923 tax roll. Perhaps the near approach of day afternoon for the Kolony ladies road. Without the assistance of Marriage Licenses Issued Notarial Commissions creamery, the 1928 program calls for in her neighorhood. A splendid time Easter in 1847 had something to do the state, her motorists would Charles Daniel Morford and Irene Frances E. Kennedy, Brogan, Ore. big increase of the butter output with the many hat ads in the Repos is reported. not have the few good roads 2, 9, 28. Last week seems to have been itory. No less than five millinery over that of 1927, which amounted Elizabeth Bruce. 2, 9, 28. that tap only a small part of her can be counted to 3,500,000 pounds. “ Flitting” week in the Kolony. Mr advertisements vast area at this time. 'The creamery is now manufact and Mrs. Clarence Elliott moved from Spring fashions called attention to artificial flowers and new style uring 8000 pounds daily and expend Adrian to a new home on the T. T. The women o f Porto Rico are now prints, so the ladies weren’t so dif itures among the farmers of the dif asking for the vote, and it’s our Eliott ranch. The Herman Scott ferent communities for cream this ferent from those o f 1928. family moved to the new home built opinion that if they really want it year is expected to exceed that ot Candles were the big seller for the boys might as well let ’em have on their ranch from the Page house. last year which amounted to more The Coots family from the Lower lighting purposes. it first as last. than $250,000. Its daily expendi- Kingman house to the Schafer home j i . s among the farmers at present and a new renter to the Morgan ca'h approximately $5000. ranch, the McKinney family from The Creamery company is com Montana. o:ud of 3186 farmers. The butter Rev. Brown of Boise was a dinner is mostly marketed in Los Angeles guest in the Walter Nichols home where it is said there is a growing 1< mand for this commodity. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLafferty Tl.e industry also added a poultrj were dinner guests in the T. T. department in 1927, and during the Elliott home Thursday evening. maikcled more than 200, >nn pounds c f poultry for its mem D E M UF JiiHfl MEETING THEME SIX COM MITTEES NAMED j 1 INCREASE OUTPUT The New LUMBER Now Is the Time to Build P r ic e s A r e the L ow est A N INDEPENDENT DEALER Write Us Phone 19 Or call at S. W. MORRISON’S PARMA, IDAHO L n m *A < i VALE bn. branch has been established in Ontario for the manufacture o f ice, Brother Here— Fritz Hart o f Nyssa has been a ice cream and the preparation of guest at the home o f his sister Mrs. poultry for shipment. Appioximatt v2u,OO0 woith of equipment ha Harry G. Kennard, this week. men ordered for this plant, which Confident that Nyssa is destined to will begin operation about April 1. be one o f the best towns of the coun Down in Mexico they have dis ty Dr. J. J. Sarazin was telling his friends about the Gate City boom covered some wide roads built by the Indians a thousand years ago. while he was here on business mat. 3o tar, no antique detour signs havi ters Thursday. sen encountered. Westfall Looking Up— The few stockmen that are left in the Westfall section are much encourage by the substantial increase in the price o f beef cattle, said j Oliver Sandy who was in the county | seat Tuesday. Mr. Sandy is an optimist as he experts oeef prices to continue to soar upward. 1 The Chinese have just finished celebrating the New Year, which the beginning of the year 4725. This ought to make the rest of us feel young. A lot more bald headed men would wear wigs if it wasn’t for the cover charge Iw o years ahead . The Fine Car of LOW PRICE Displayed Now AT POWELL SERVICE STATION NYSSA, OREGON