Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1928)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL METHODIST MOTES DR. E. D NCKCOTT A P a t r i o t '« Scrvics wll. ba held to connection w ith tbo obieryar.e e of Lincoln’« Birth day, on Sunday morn 'n g, * P.bliat.ed »very F rida y at Nyssa, Or. H. F. B r o w n _______ _______ Publisher Tbe evening aervicc will be in honor of tha Buy Scouta and th e ir parenta A auitable p ro g ram will t>e given. M u 1 C Y o u n g ______________ Editor Rev. H. S Ham ilton, D ia trict Supt. will preach for ua Sunday evening tbe 19 h En t r a i a t the Poatofflce a t N yisa, O regon, as second class m a tte r . The Community ia m aking plana to obtorve K a t b t r and Son week by a ban* )Uct I t ia hoped t h a t our people will .11 reapond and halp m ake it a auc esa. Wateh for datea. The monthly Board m e e tin g will be held n e x t Tueaday c a r i n g The T hursda y evening P r a y e r and hour ia t a e r e a i in g in both idtereat and a tte n d a n c e . dibit Study The Junior Church girls will sell can» ly and re e e ip t books S a tu r d a y a t the Commercial Hail RUMOR OF RIVALRY We u n d e rstan d t h a t the r u m o r of a rival town s t a r t i n g across the riv er on the Idaho side has caused a nu m b er of lus lea.ill g p ro p e rty owners consider- tble m -n ta ! unrest. J u s t w hat grounds t ere are for tbe r e p o r t we have been unable to a sc ertain a u tr th o r ita v o y, tu t in any e v e n t we bclieve^tbe afore- <aid I. p os are needlessly alarmed A little h e a lth y rivalry m ig h t be a good thing by aw ak e n in g ua from ou r leth »rgy and would have a tendency to ta m ake us b~stir ourselves instead of i ttin g s p r i m e l y by and w aiting for omebody else to do som e thing Sonar . mea a seem ing m ia fo rtn n e is a blast- ng in disguise. A Quarter Century of Progress Vi is n »c. h ) i * » * ■ ■ ■ ■ • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMXM XM MBMÏXXXXXXXXXXXBIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^ u ia We Are Growing! The February Liirilid»y S'a'e Or.ds the 10.160 Rexal Store •. v. hich reach from coaot to coast and across the At’,anti.:, better prepared then ever before to serve the steadily growing army of buyers who insist on quality goods and who appreciate money raving values. Just a Sample of the Bargains Offered X X A pi asant and effective 1 xative. Gentle in action but X X absolutely sure. Ideal for children, invalids and aged X peop well as for totust people. Box of 60 tablets, X regular price 50c, X REXALL ORDERLIES B ir th d a y S a le P r ic e 39c *a X PEPTONA X Our besf tonic for rundown condition Enriches the X blood and improves the health generally. It is an ideal X tonic ard strength builder. Pleasant to take. Full pint, X X regular price $1 00. X X X X X B ir th d a y S a le P .i c e , 79c PUREST EPSOM SALT ADDlflONAL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs Roy Poanda moved to the Fogla residence this week. Star Hotel i ; ■ Good clean beds at reaao n able rates. X Birthday Sale Price. 19c Mrs John Moore e n te r ta in e d the Tuesday evening Bridge Club this week, t h r e e tables being in play >lra. J. A. Boyd-ll won first honors, with Mrs Ray C hapm an as second The h me was very a tt r a c t iv e l y deco 'a t e d ia va'entinea, the motiff being arried throughout, r e fr e sh m e n ts and 'll. A very p leasant evening v i a r e ported. X Mr and M-*. F ank Hall are enjoy- ng a new R. A C. Radiola 17. Dewey Burton is fitting up his b a r . o sh >p in the Spier Bldg and will be r e td y for hnsin“ 8S in a few days. Adjusters, regular $1.00 value, at only 50 • with every set F i n i a t . 3 block« north of Main of Tir* Chain* sold i? February i MRS. J. R. HUNTER GET YOURS Ny«**. Oregon RADIO Tires-All Sizes You i'an’t Buy Mor- for the Money S CFMFNTWQRK S Goodrich Built w I have purchased a new a, 5 concrete mixer and am pre ™ S p ared to do all kinds ol® X concrete work, plastering X X and kalsmining. etc. X Satisfaction Guaranteed X Joe Meyers Treat ’Em Rough--They Like It Silvertown Ballons You Can’t Gut o Better Tire Anywhere HOXIE SERVICE STATION ■ Nysaa. Or. Nyssa, 0<»gon XXXXXXXXXXXKEiXXXXXKHXXXXHX L. A. Higby TRUCK SERVICE “ Square Deal” Second Hand Store INSURED HAULING Long or Short Trips R easonable R a t e s NJ«ia, Or. F O U N D —Grey leather pocket book Owner can have sa m e by proving pro* pa rty and paying for this a d . Call at Jouncil room, A. R. M i l l a r . ■ X SPECIAL ael of Cftiin Rates by day, week or month We Buy, Sell, Exchange Nyssa, Oregon Phone 62 NYSSA FLOUR MILL All kinds of CUSTOM CHOPPING AND GRINDING ALSO ABERDEEN COAL 8 r . n c r L Y n > J * s > i r - ; i a i j 3 > j j m c a s a B A K iR Y GOODS P. M. WARREN,Prop. +-M » W H f H H H l H t H H H fr-fr-f-H H 5 -M ~ PIES CAKES DOUGHNUTS RAISIN BREAD and everythin' ' t r wr.dM'a Fr >nk M i ' « r a n d d c u g h era sp e n t Sunday a t Fruitland with f ie oe. One Pound Tin Of exceptional purity. Ea. y to take. In a new cli mate-proof container. Free f> om all impu itiea. Rcgulat price 25c. Easy to Put On -Easy to Take Off Dean Sm ith who is a t t h e Holy Roa a y Hospital recovering from an ap- yendici’is operation, i j reported sa improvii g and his p a ram ount wish now i < to be allowed to come home. Mra. H a r r y Newby ia ill a t her home v e st of the school house. L a s t re- torts are t h a t she is improving, McKAY Tire Chains THE SWAN BAKERY Nyasa, Oregon. T r , H' ney for colds ELECTREX FLAT IRON A 6-lb serviceable iron. Guatanteed. cry 110 volt lighting circuit. H-* Maybe used on B i i th d a v S a le P ric e , $2.49 j N U J O L ................................................................................................................. * CO O L I V E R O IL T A B L E T S ...................... " " .............................. ........... 79c C H L O R O X ................................................................. T ...................................... 19c COLO A L E S CO L E O S O A P ...............................................................8 for 19e Honey Foster’s Honey H<>w fine On Hotcakes Now sold at E»ery Grocery in Your town X X jg __________________________________________ X Now Is the Time Stock up on dependable household items that are uaed every day— Jonteel Beauty Products Harmony Toilet Goods Candy and Stationery Symbol Rubber Goods Purest household Products Rexall Remedies Every product is guaranteed to give you satisfactory service or your money back. Huy all you want —there is no limit to the quantities you may purchase. Remember the Date February 1st to 25th X x x ^ 7 A» *RexciZL Start Try Honey for Colds Grow Your Own X X X X X X X X XI* X X X X X X X X X Iaclusive The Nyssa Pharmacy Cosmos is only one of the many garden annuals suitable for cutting. M 444 : .-A__ l . _____a Every yard in which there is sunshine and fair soil can be made much more attractive and enjoy* able w ith a few beds and borders of annual garden flowers. Inexpensive, easy to grow and interesting to every member of the family. Select packets now. The New OLDSMOBILE At Y o u r D e a le r s I - ---------- ------------------ < ► i > < ► < > < ► Two Years A head; m m — j o B e tte rS e eci. * A t A n y P r ic e " ® Powell Service Station ; y m n d tU ' É v erjrriîK É Nyasa, Oregon X X A few of the more rare varieties 10c H oxtîm ipiiing & Co.’s Displayed at X X X Most of the standard size Flower packets < ► ' * . X