THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON H -H ATTENTION LADIES! RAILROAD WORK IS Mass Meeting Te Be Held Feb* 1st Te Organise A LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF ADVANCING STEADILY ruary Civic Improvement Club .•M l I I H I The C. G. Hoover family kave m o»., NOTICE—Will th* party »ha loat a ad to their new location at tha camp purae plaaaa call at tha Library Satur ground during tha paat weak, day afternoon and claim it. Winn Brown of Vale waa a Sunday! Mr*. Qeo. Green leftSaturday morn* visitor with hie brother H. F. Brown. ; ing for Boiae to »¡ait a faw daya with Mr. and Mra W. F MeLing waro alao relatlvea cailera on their way to tha Big Bend Mrs. Barney Wilson was hos­ eouatry over tha week end. tess to the Tuesday evening Now ia the tiaaa to aubaarlbe for the Bridge Club this week, with Mrs. ioarnal while the 8peeial Suhacription Ray Chapman winning high score and Mrs Frank Hall second win­ priea of |1 00. ner. Mesdaraes John Caneelme and Mr. Mohlar of the Nyssa Caah Gro­ Harlan Diven were guests. Three cery waa a Nyaaa buaineaa aallar Tuea- tables of cards were In play and a day from hia homo in Fraitland. dainty luncheon perfected the social FOR SALE—APPL1 WOOD, 1« in evening. 110.00 a cord deli» ared. SHEKFMAN- Mae Solomon returned te her home UHE, wall rotted. 11.00 a yard deliver, in Hammond, Indiana this week after ad. L. A, Hlgby, Phone 68. nt5 4t a lengthy visit with her parents Mr C P. Lackey of Ontario waa a Nyaaa and Mrs. Fred Powell, buainaaa viaitor Tuaaday. Mrs. Ray Chapman and Mrs. Hall Mr. and Mra. Dupn are recant new­ were business visitors Friday. comer« to Nyaaa. occupying tha Nel. Work an the tourist park Is advan aon home weat of tha Journal. sing the fourth eabin being under FOR SALE—Eighty aeraa good land headway. with Seventy inchea walar (Si abarea Don’t forget the Benefit Dinner for Owyhee Ditch Stack) aloae lo Nyaaa, Alao, 40 acrea, unimproved, cloaa in. the Nyssa Band Feb. Sth. Addreaa, George H. Bodiiab. Malhuer, Atty. E. M Blodgett and daughter Oregon. d2 4 Viola ware Ontario business visitors Friday. Joa Koopman ia viaiting frienda in Yakima. Waab. No better time than now to subscribe V, B. Staplaa of Ontario waa a buai. for your home paper. Only $1.00 a year for a limited time. neaa viaitor in Nyaaa Friday. J. C. Young received word today of Tha following notion haa been re- aaivad from tha Univeraity of Oregon: tha death of his father Dr. W. E, “ Standard Cowina, of Nylaa, a Young at his home in Caledonia, Ont fraahman thia year in the Univeraity. January l?th Dr. Young was in his haa been pledged to Oregon Knighta. 1 86th year, and was a practing physician an underelaaa honorary aoalety. Tha for many years ia Caledonia. pledgee ineluda a total of S3 atudenta, seven of whom are from Portland.” Mra. Falton will be hoateaa to tha 8 t. Paul’s Guild Thursday, February 2nd at her home on North Third S ., Mrs. H. T. Francis asaiatlng. SAD PASSING OF MRS. MYRTLE TURTOW Frank Morgan left Monday avaning for Portland, Oregon. J. P. Dunaway and Frank Oxman of Ontario were Portland business vis­ itors thia weak. Mr. and Mra. Frank Millar ware business visitors in New Plymouth, Tuesday, Little Ethel Maria Miller entertained aavaa of her little friends Monday, tbs occasion being her 4th birthday. Inter, anting games formed amusement for the little ones and refreshments of ice cream and eaka were enjoyed. The C. W, Reberger home was con nested up with lights by tha Idaho Power Co this week, also the H J, Ward lambing sheds were wired, Mr and Mrs. H. T Francis spent Sunday at tb ilr son’s borne ia Nampa* The Rev. John Richardson will eon duct 11 o'clock services Sunday morn­ ing Jan 29tb, at the Pariish Hall. The public ia cordially invited to at­ tend. Misses Bvyln Schweiter and Thelma Ceok enjoyed last week end as guests of Mrs. Wisdom sister of Mrs. Geo. Schweiter, at Ontario. The girls ra. port an enjoyable visit. A crew of the Idaho Power men have been in Nyssa this week installing a new transformer to take care of the increased power due to the new street lighting system being installed by the Town. M re.C L MeCoy and little eon and daughter were Nampa visitors during the week. For Sale—Single Harness, Saddle and Bridle, Buggy with shafts. No. 16 DeLavel Cream Separator. Journal office. Miss Genova Woods was called home from Monmouth, Oregon on acoount of the sudden death of her sister, Mrs. Myrtle Turtow (Contributed) Mra. Myrtle Turtow, wife of R. H Tortew and daughtar of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Woods formerly of Nyssa, Ore. gon died Tuesday Jan 17th, 1928 of U rama poison, at the Neiarene hospital following an illneaa of several weeks. She leaves a husband, father, mother, three siatera and three brother« te mourn her lots. She wee a kind loving person and wee loved by all who knew her. “ She was a maiden fair Jesus she made her choice. To guide her thro’ life* pathwaya When be called her she heard hia voice. She was a fair rosebud, H u life was fresh and sweet, Her hand* and feet ware willing To help all aha did mset, But the Lord saw flt to call her, From thi* world of sin and eorrow. Myrtle, is now blooming in Haaven, Waiting to meet usonthe morrow.’’ With the sound* of blasting which are being heard In Nysan we are as­ sured that the work on tha railroad ie daily progressing. Altho’ the recent anew has retarded the work to • certain extent, every thing ie developing in ■ entiefactory manner. All contractors have crews at work and the arrival during the paat week of another steam shovel for tha work on the upper end of tha road would in­ dicate that no time ia being lost in that direction. The General Construction Company working about forty men on two shifts are making faBt work of thair part of the contract. The Jackion-Stonercrew are gaining headway on their tectien and with the arrival of their eteam shovel a few days will see a lot of dirt moved theta. C. W. Puckett is on tho ground and outlining the work to be dona there Machinery and eqaipment is arriving daily and the steam shovel Is due almost any day. Tht tunnel ctew have been working for two week* tnd by the Brat of the month tho wotk will extend along tha entire line. This give* employment to abont 126 men. A GOOD SHOWING In the Sunday Oregonian is given a summary of the citiee aad towna of Oregon whose banks have combined deposits of over $600,000. Tbs list gives 56 cities and towns in this class, Nyssa being 62nd, witu deposits of $580,748.12 As Nyssa only has one bank, the Malheur County, it ia en­ titled to credit for the entire anrount, which makes a remarkably good show­ ing. both for the town and the bank It ind cates both a prosperous com munlty and a confidence In thestrength end stability of our bank that must be gratifying to the management. There are 262 banks in tha stats, itb combined deposits of $810 664 231.63, There are 102 towns in the atate that fall below the $tJO,000 mark. NYSSA TOWN QUINTET WINS FROM CALDWELL Wednesday night, tha Nyssa Town team won a f a it gams from the Col legu of Idaho “ B. Y P V’s ” of Cold, well. A number of foul* were com. milted by both teams during the first quarter before they settled down to real basketball. McCulloug, Seavoss and Thompson starred In fleor work and qasket shooting. McCullough is credited with 19 points, Servoss with 18, and Thompson 6 , the final count being 38 to 2«. Llnenp fellows: N yssa C aldw ill Baba MeCullouarb R. P. Damali Art Sarvosa L. F. Thornton Bob Thompson C K lister Owen Tam er R. G. Braden L. G. Milliken Funeral services ware held at the Clyde Benton Substitutions for Nyssa none: for Robinaon Chapel at 2 o’clock Tuesday. Burial waa made in the Nampa cemetery. Caldwell. L. Millikan for Braden, Lin- nigar for Keister. This makes 8 won and 1 lest thi« Convalescing year for the leeal boys. After being bedfnst for an entire month, the friendsof Mra. Albert Rust will be glad to know th at she Is now able to lit up for a short time each The Bunco Slab were eniertatned at day. Mrs. Rust went to the Hospital at Ontario Dec. 17 where aka under­ the home of Mrs Chts. McConnell, went a major operation, this being lol- Wednesday afternoon. All members luwed by an unexpected serious illness. of the Club wero ia attendance and Later another illness of e different Mrs. J. A. Felton and Mrs, Montgom­ nature developed and still later an a t­ ery were invited guest*, they carrying tack of Intestinal Influence. At the away tha honor* for tho afternoon end of three week* Mrs Rust wee re. playing Mrs Felton receiving first moved te her home but was not able prize and tyre. Montgomery “ booby prise,’’ A lovely two courso luncheon to clt up until tha last few deyc. Mrs. Rust wishes to thank the many was served. friends in Owyhee, Big Bend and On­ tario for the fli.wers, letters and tele­ phone calls and most of all for the per­ sonal chile at the hospital whieh meant to much in speeding the long dayispent there. Wednesday, February 8th the **■ V U n h OWN YOUR OWN HOME A amhll payment down, balance like rent. W I BUILD ANYTHING OF BRICK, CON- CRBTE OR LUMBER Cabinet Work, Window and Deor Frames, Cupboard Doora WE FURNISH YOUR PLANS FREE ENTERTAIN BUNCO CLUB BENEFIT DINNER FOR NYSSA BAND BOYS ladies of the commuuity have planned a big benefit dinner to be given at the Commsrcial Club rosins, for the Nyssa Band Boys. This is a move that should get loyal support from everyone in Nyssa as our Band Boys have been very generous with their music and must have all credit and help due them for their efforts. The ladies are busy planning and making arrangements to make this a real success and need only the cooperation of the pub lie to realize that end. The dianer will be served frem 6; 15 until 8 o'clock, after which the Baad will give a concert A mass meeting for the ladies el Nyssa and comaiunity will be held Wednesdar, February 1st at ££# p m at the Commercial Clab rooms for the purpose of discussing and organising a Womens Civic Improvement Club. It is hoped that every lady In Nyssa interested in Civic Im­ provement will be present and a definite step and action will be taken in the organisation of this much needed body. Don’t forget the time and place and that all ladiea ara urgad to be present. ANNOUNCEMENT A. Cele is opening a mattress factory ia Ryssa and will be prepared to make your old mattresses like aew. Will Call tor and Deliver Located in old Journal building >oooooi School Notes GIRL’S BASKET BALL The girl* game with Huntington Saturday night proved to bo a high ¡ease Although tho girl* had never played on such along eourtbaforo thsv carat out taaily with a «core of i l to 0 this it th* first year Huntington haa had a g irls team aad maeh credit muit eradit m uit be given to tha glrla for their good try anyway. In thia game Miss Bock uaad Mar garet Morgan, She will no doubt bo ono of Nyaaa High’s forwar ja and sba 14 learning rapidly, eight of these points she accounted for. Although crippled by the loss of Helen Clement, tenter and Alma Dean Brooks, m ide center, tha Nyssa High girls came through with a score of 33 >.o 17, from the New Plymouth girls. I t was a fast and exciting game throughont but the victory wae some what shattered by Mr. Park’s eye being bur« by some unknown girl’B finger. Time out was called for Mr Parks to bandage hia eye but he came back rafereing the game with a patch over one eye. Friday night the girls will again try their luek against the Vale girls They beat thorn last time by a seore of «3 to 8. Let us hope th e ; do as well agats. They will also play Homedal* at Homedal* Saturday nleht. Come on folks, and let’s get behind the girls and (how them that wa’ra for «ml What do you say? METHODIST NOTES The subject for tho Sunday morning sermon by the pastor will be, “ Within were Feare.” The Junior Chnreh service will con­ sist largely of Bible Drills. Be euro to briag your Bible. The Epworth League will be led by Iva Walters, beginning a series of In termediate Studies Next Sun-ay night aad the following Sunday will be “ Bible Problems. ” The League Ser­ vice begids at 7 o’clock prompt and close* at aayen thirty. A profitable half hoar. The Sunday evening service wil! be Evangelistic in nature, The Thursday evening Bible Study had to be post, poned this week on account of tho Rally and outsida speakers coming in but aext week will ba held as usual The chapter for study is the 7th of St. John’s Gospel. “KeMgion wou'd not have enemies, if it were not an enemy to their vices.’’ Massillon. Tuesday night tha Oranga and Black Quintat played their return game with New Plymouth with a scare of II to 18« Thie was a fast gaaio and it was a scrap from sta rt to finish. The first half of the score was 13 to 18 but th* boys earn* out the second half with a fighting spirit that com- dletoly won over N. Plymouth. Now Piymoath called time oat twies tha second half and held a sbert, looking somewhat p rplexed The P ymouth boy» pnt up a good aerap but they could not step the boys in th eir' determination to win. „ To* boys joarney to Yala Friday night and will pat up anorher scrap for their honors. Saturday night thay play Homedale at Homedaie. Gee. F Brineon, Mgr.. Nyeia, Oregon PIES CAKES DOUGHNUTS RAISIN BREAD and everythin’ THE SWAN BAKERY Nyssa, Oregon. Do You Feel Like a SNOW MAN when you’re in in bed at r.ight? IB * HOT WATER BOTTLE CEMENT WQRK < i will keep you warm. 4 And they are mighty good in caae of sickness, too. Guaranteed 2 years ’ 4 < 4 4 4 I have purchased a new concrete mixer and am pre pared to do all kinds of concrete work, plastering and kalsmining, etc. Satisfaction Guaranteed Joe Meyers NYSSAPHARMACY i Nyssa, Or. 4 Stort j Nyssa, Oregon ! Try the Drug Store F irst | ♦oovooeeooooeeeeeeeeeeeee A BARGAIN For Sale—160 seres land in the Black Canyon district, a few mile* from Nyaea. Price $800 A bargain. See Journal office. iy f W i d | I s THE ROSEBUD NEW FORD EXHIBITED Lunch Counter Fountain Pool Tables B. Staple* of Ontario was in Nyssa Friday last with a -«del of tha New Ford car, earning no littla amount of (ntarcat to the nhmtrous interested peetators. The ear shewn wee a naat modal, a buainoaa coupa, and the general iai- ; provements over the eld model* ere very pronohneed, making th* Ford of today a car to please tho most fastid tees, PROMPT SERVICE-GOOD TREATMENT See Ua for Price« ACME CONSTRUCTION CO. BAKERY GOODS Have you subsrribedfor tha Journal? BOY’S BASKET BALL Saturday, January 17th, th* boys journeyed to Huntington and were de­ feated by the latter by a (core of • 10. Tho hoys played a hard and fairly fast game bat repeatad e fo rts to score earned them nothing. Many shots were made for basket* but faw went in The first half both teams «cored hot 2 point* each, showing what a hard foaght game it was, the second half of tho toam scored hut seven points to Hnntingtoa’s tight, th a t tha game ended with but a small acera to oithar sida. Much eradit must ba given to the Huntington boy* for thair excellent' fighting spirit th at they showed through ! o .t the game Fob. 4th tho Orrngo and Black will meat the Huntington five hero and no doubt show them a mnch batter game L et’* Ge! All kindeof YOU WILL LIKE US Thought for tho Dmy The Pumping W ay To be always thinking about manner! Ie not the way to make them good: because (he very perfection ef manner« la oof to think about your- •«It A pump does not draw water. Hft It, or pump IL All It does la to displace air. aad atmoapheric prsavara fills the vacuum with water. A U tisU A la ia iO ia iv I « i i i > L C. A. ARTHURS, P r o p .