THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON " THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published «va ry Friday at Nyaaa, Or. H. F. B row n_____________...Publisher Mra J. C. Y ou n g____ ___________Editor Enterad at tha P o ito fle e at Nyaaa, Oregon, aa aecond elaaa matter. And ye »hall know tha truth, and tha truth shall make you fre e .—John 8:31 A N O T H E R A L IB I IS PU N CTU R ED Whenever advocates of Sunday Sabbath keeping are eornered (as they invariably are when DENTIST ever they can be inveigled into a a discussion of the question) they erawl into a hole and pull OREGON NYSSA the hole in after them by claim P H O N E 35 ing that owing to a change in the calend r the days have be­ come mixed and no one knows what day o f the week Saturday comes on. We will warrant that everyone o f our readers has heard this claim advanced. It will be remembered this was the Rev. Harry Bowlby, M clam national secretary o f the Lord’s Day Allianc}, made in the in terview published in the Journal two weeks ago To quote: "The Jew will have to observe our Sabbath. As a matter o f fact M he might aa well, becousa Satur * day ia not. after all, his Sab­ bath. He is wrong by the re­ vised calendar. Therefore it will work no hardship on him to attend his synagogue on the same day we attend our churches. ” O f course if this were true the reverse would also be true—that is, it would work no hardship on Sunday keepers to observe Sat­ urday, because they would not know whether Sunday was the day Christ arose or not. The fact that Mr. Bowlby would not be willing te change day3 shows the insincerity o f his claim. W e were aware that his claim was false, as the Jews have ob­ served every seventh day from the time of Christ without a break in the continuity o f their observance, consequently they are observing the same day of the week that Christ observed. It would seem that what was good enough for Christ would be good enough for His alleged followers, especially as neither Christ nor any o f the apostles ver intimated that they wanted 'he day »hanged to the first day. Ir. order to get an authoritative opinion on this question we wrote to the Portland Oregonian and received the following reply: DR. E. D NOKCOTT n ■ M \ This Space ■ is for Sale l for Advertising ■ Purposes •M ■ This is a golden opportunity for ■ our merchants to let the people m know what they have to sell and n thatthey would liketheirbusiness. Gate TH E RIGHT TR IU M PH S Sunday symphony concerts in Pittsburg do not violate tha centurrold blue laws, county M court judges hava ruled, ending a bitter controversy between the Pittsburg Symphony society end the Alegheny County Sabbath association. The blue laws, Judges Kenedy and Miller held, Journal s SAFETY FIRST m “ Ware evidently intended to fnrbid actual pbyaical. material interference with the quiet rest o f the Sabbath day and not to forbid tha obviously nurmlesa and even aneient cua'om o f tha tandition of music on that day.’ ’ This is obviously a reasonable interpretation o f the law and is an encouraging sign to those who believe in religious liberty, but the judges did not go far enough. The law ia clearly un­ constitutional, and should have been so declared. The constitu tion forbids the passage of relig­ ious laws, and i f the Pennsyl­ vania Sunday law ia not a relig­ ious law, what is it? This case serves to illustrate. however, the lengths to which Sunday closing advocates would go if they had the power. A N ECHO FROM TH E PA ST Use M oK A Y Chains in mud and on icy roads. Tire Chains priced right NOW. not after season o f use is ended. Silvertown Balloon Tires, all sixes- There are no better tire tires than the GOODRICH s ■ ■ I f there were we would have them Radio Tires also made by GOODRICH are less in price, and also give complete satis action. Commander Cords, another Goodrich Tire, at |>.65 for 30x3 1 2 - 29x4.40, $5 70,direct iron the factory to HOXIE SERVICE 8TATIOM, Nysw, Or. m m m M M M r« “Square Deal 99 Second Hand Store We Buy, Sell, Exchange "N o need to tell me the world is a globe, 1 know it’s fiat,” stated Wilbur Glenn Voliva, suc­ cessor to the late Alexander Dowie. ” 1 predict that a catas­ trophe will overtake the world before long and I hope it doesn’ t happen until I get back to Zion City. The earth’s fiat. I tell you. CUSTOM C H O PP IN G A N D G R IN D IN G Nobody falls off because the A L S O A B E R D E E N C O AL earth spreads until it meets the S r a iC T L Y N J C it SOI T—G R A IN GOOD AS CASH sea and that spreads until it meets the ice, and so on. A via­ tion feats only go to prove ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ >> H W H H 4 I I I I I I I >♦ how flat the earth is.” Wilbur is just starting out on N otre Dam e’s Beginning E X ER C ISE a world tour to prove that the The University of Notre Dame was world is just a flat pancake. He founded In 1842. Hiid chartered b.v the state legislature two years later Its should have lived a thousand foundation was due to the missionary years ago. In those good old seal o f the Very Rev. Edward Fred days his views were quite gen­ erlck Sorin, C. S. C. The land now erally held and were backed up occupied by the university was deed ed by the bishop of Vincennes on con by numberous Bible texts. The dltlou that a college be built thereon resuit o f his trip will be awaited within two years. with interest. Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA FLOUR MILL P. M. W AR R E N , Prop. Grass C .o h A TH OUGH TFUL The "grits.- doth '¿.-if . « *1 d• tirtx tieen •INPil f#?t r»wn * **»»•!» 4M" * January 23, 1928. Mnud reached for the telephone and | H. F Brown, demanded a number. Nyaaa, Oregon. “ Is that you, Edward?” she asked a» Dear Sir—Rabbi Bcreowiti o f the a man's voice answered the call. "Speaking,” he replied. “ That yon, Congregation Betb Israel o f Portland , itatea that tha Jew» are obaerving tha Maud?" < * B i day aa the Sabbath that they did | “ Yes. You remember I told you last night that on no account would you in the time o f Christ be permitted to enter our house Youra very truly, again?" T H E O R E G J N IA N ‘‘Shall I ever forget It?" replied Ed­ There were two principal ward. factors that operated to change, “ Well, we have decided to move, and I thought you might like to know our the day of observing the Sabbath new address.” from the seventh to the first. The early Christians observed the first day o f the week in commemoration o f Christ’s res­ urrection, but they also observed the seventh day Sabbath, and i t first there was no more connec­ tion between the two than there is between Sunday and Christ­ m as-on e commemorates the resurrection and the other the birth o f Cnrisl. By a process of evolution the seventh day Sab­ bath was gradually dropped in favor o f the first day. The second factor was the fact that Sunday wsb the day that pagan Greece and Rome wor. shipped the sun—hence Sun day. In 321 Emperor Constantine, a recent convert to Christianity, passed the first Sunday law, making the first day o f the week a legal holiday. This was a shrewd political move on the oart o f Constantine, as by its means the pagans wera induced to aecept Christianity en mass. It wae not until the 9th eentury, however, that one o f the catholic popee officially decreed that the first day o f the week was the Sabbath. To a disinterested spectator it appears that the Catholics have "pu t one over” on the Protestants in this case, as the latter church has accepted the dictum of the Catholic church I d preference to God’s command. We wouldn’ t have the slightest objection to their doing so i f the didn’t try by civil law to fores everyone to conform to their belief. H O X IE SE RV IC E STA TIO N , Nyssa, Oregon. B A R R E D P L Y M O U T H ROCK Chiropractors Dra. It. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, hennaed in Oregon and Idaho, Carver graduates Consultation and examin­ ation free. F tlteeu years aucccssful practice in the state. First deor west o f bank, Nyssa, Oregon. He— Do you think dancing Is a healthful exercise? She— Yes, Indeed. Ever try It? W aiting "W hy did you leave the play after the first act?” "W ell, we thought we could go home and come back again tomorrow night. The program said the second act took place twenty-four hours later.” T e rrib le I Mrs. Btggs— Why are you divorcing your husband? Mrs. Blnks— When I got up In the middle of the night to go through his trousers I caught him going through my vanity case. A Generous Offer She— I see on keep your black and white hens c'osely fenced. He— Oh, yes; to be sure. She— They must be barred Plymouth Rocks. N ot So Mean a* That Doorkeeper (at a bad musical comedy to patron who Is leaving)— Don’t you want to come back? Victim—No. Doorkeeper— Well, take this pass check, anyway. You can bond tt to some chap outside. Victim—Sly dear fellow, I haven't an enemy In the world.— Stray Stories. Study and Perform ance "Is your boy Josh learning to be an aviator?" "H e’s takln’ lessons," answered Fnrmer Corntossel. “ We're consider­ able worried 'bout when he goes np alone next week to show whether he has really learned anything.” —Wash­ ington Star. "W hat Is the rent of this room?" "Ten marks." “ Does that Include light?” "Electric light Is extra—daylight Is Included In the price.” — Munich Mag- gendorfer Blaetter. Something fo r His Money Walter— H ey! What's the Idea e f ■tufflng the tablecloth In your pocket? Diner—Well, you charged me two dollars for cover and I thought I'd take It with me. So Handy Bride-to-be— What do you use to clean the carpeta? Hosteso—I’ve tried lots of things, but I've found my husband the beat— London Passing Show. A Sure Sign Ann— Eddie proposed yet, Polly? Polly— No, dear; but I think he will tonight He spent meet of last eve­ ning wondering if rent* are likely to come down soon. Then the Row Started Mra. Jones— O f course I need an­ other wrap. Don’t you know that I need three coats? Jones— Well, I know yon did for your face.— Passing Show. Better Than Nothing The O ther H alf The grocer aald— I've got Just one peck e f the fineat peat, madam, al­ ready ahellod. Customer—HI taka half a pock. Tha grocer divided the peck of pwa. Cuatomor— Is that half? Grocer— Yea. The College Graduate— And will Customer— I'll take tha other h a ll— you pay me what I am worth? London. Employer— Well. I’ll do better than , Ttt-BIts, ---- that; IJj give yen a «s a il aeJary to I a. jo _ .X T" E. M. B LO D G E TT Attorney and Councellor at Law Practice in all Courts Nyssa. Oregon. Star Hotel Good clean beds at reas on able rates. Rates by day, week or month First St., 3 blocks north o f Main MRS. J. R. HUNTER Nyaaa, Oregon TRUCK OWNERS TAKE NOTICE (auto ownera aa wall). We boy Mur­ from factor», have exclusive aale for Malheur County on thia tire, make our own adjuatmenta. No tire haa more plica and our Drieea are the loweat in the country. ray tires Cirect M U R R A Y CORDS 16-5 truck tirea . . . . . ______ (83.00 88 5 truck tirea".......... 29 00 32-4 ( ply 22, 8 p ly .......... M.OO 80- 6 8 ply ........... 30.00 33 4 8 ply 17 50. 6 p l y ....... ‘ 15.00 81- 4 8 ply 16.60, 5 ply . 12.00 ..... 29 4 4» 4 ply U.0C, 6 ply___ II 50 80 3 4 9 00, otbera aa low aa 1.76 All aiaca high preaanre and balloon tires in stock. Cold weather necesiitioe, radiator ' covers, tire chans, ear warmers, anti frees#, etc. Ford radiators, honey comb complete...___ . . . _____ mmm |jg ^ 19-4.40 U rea .......................... 7 M PARKER TIRE SHOP I Qataris Orpgan