1 THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYS&À, OREGON. g o t th e Lona end "George nnc! Herman, you’ll both ntny In lifter school inid write the name of your birthplace 50 Uni' a.” wild I be teacher lo the two bad lioya tittool over, the hoys settled down ti their task. The teacher, looklus ilown tlie rows of d ks, saw llurniaii In tears. Why, v.bat'i wrong, IJer man?" she asUcjl. “ It Isn't fair,” replied the boy through Ills terns. Geo qo was born in Dr la ami I was born In Conoque- re«slng. He's almost tlirotigb."—fl'lie rotblll.der. DUi:13 A N D SATISFIED AN INDUSTRIAL SURVEY OF ONTARIO, ORE. Get Acquainted With These Leading Firms Who Want to See Our County Grow________ TH E SUGAR BOWL STOW LL BROTHERS Lunches and Confertiosrry Plumbing, Healing and Repairing I,nested in Ontario is now one of the must modern and up-to-date eonfee- PHONE N03 --Shop 159; Residence 75J tioneriea and light lunch storos in this Located in Ontario is a prompt snd finest -naterisls 'hi* Arm has built up hasten, th y have had y?ars of expa. A t e t i t n of the »tate under 'he new and ' liable concern whole many years of an extansiv. p.trona . in thi. section Uncs In 0 » , " d " ' ’ ' ¡ ' i n able management of Jen. y and S«m and h i* won for an etfinb uhed some of th»1 bes. heater compan.i«?® I* Tavlnr. They have completely re •xicriene* make it worthy o f mention. „ nd promin. nt p, * , e in , hu bu.in . . , th . country modeled this store and it U r ow the I f etiopotitian itr v iea ofth a very bigi |ile of thia puri of the B?ate | Tn«/ have made a deep ttudjr of the finest of its k nd in this section The -•st order »3 rffered the people o f th;a A t thia up to-date an 1 thoroughly . ayatem of heating and undaiatand tho evergrowing and large patronage it aecti jn by thia w II known firm camplete e8tabl;f»hment you will find I aeientill* part of oaodorn heating. receives Is due to "he fast that it ia No matter wh?t problem you may equipment ai d fixtures the nr.oat acien- j They tell by looking at your plans or e'ean and sanitary throughout—aervra have in tht«e linea, all you havp to do tide« ly correet, the lateat dtsign in budding how large a plant should be at el1 times the most palatable foods, commit with tham and they will be great variety, and a stock that ia full ® used, where the registers should Le candiea and ice cream ard receives its ib!e to aol/o thee of the moa* pleasing outstanding featuie h knowledge that comes f r m having department you will find that the ex- of Mia Sugar mastered ali the intiicata prohlams of perisnr.e and expertness of this fi m character ard the promptness of the Bowl’s service until ihe thought at satisfying kird, getting the work done the orafession and sup-rmo inthe pres will a-rrue to your advantage. ores comes, "T his Confectioners is I j e that rorr.es fr or l the use of the When it comes to the i.i-la.Iation of when promised rertainly a wonderful p a c e . ” Ynu notice here, too, that Sugar B o w 's employees derive a genuine pleasure ONTARIO GRAIN CO. O N TAR IO PH A R M A C Y Grain, Feed, Poultry and Dairy Supplies “ Jack Is having n lot of trouble v/lfli U.* ra'iiritis ng:iln/* “ NV.'II, m y wiiat you phase, but my « wee tie’s Ui V ver Í3 good tnou^U íor IliO.” Supply Equal to Bernard Theret's much material for fame. W e 'l l still be ce lebrating. Whe n we ha ve cheered one honored name, A no th er stands In waitlnff. Nad Her Titer» Pouting Wife (charged with extrnv- ngunce)—You u d to tell mo I was perfect. Husband— I was mistaken, by your own showing. Perfection wouldn’t bs purchasing all this paint, powder am! other stuff to Improve itself. Day, Shoot Th it Reporter—I know a person who has lived In one room nil Ids life! Editor— Good! Get an Interview right now. Who Is lie? Reporter— Our three weeks old baby I ! -rated in Ontario Ia on* o f t! e give tb» best r suite. Orly foods that I iredern feed stores in thirpart of are fat and miik produe-rs will ba H urd in their stock, and th y are con j , . and are extensive dealers in »fe.itly in touch w th their cusii ra rs ;ra:n ane feed. They also feat ire vvtio have giv.n it a trial. the r home made brand of Butter Mi k They mate a apeciul effort to serve tho 'e m r« and are glad to give him Bgge Mash T > suect'-sf.lly conduct a business any advice or infurinrlion he desires i f this nature, r*q irte study and care on h i y rubj ct pet taming to their lino i i selecting the stock. Farmers are and ss a result th ir business has 10 'nnger satisfied to feed their stock grown until they reach out io every my kind of feed hut require a feed direction. Because o f the great vaiutne o f busi­ that has been tested, and ia of proven quality. This convern has given the ness trsn-acted through ’ heir extensive lU' ition c.rolul study and consequent. wholesale estakl sbments. btcause ef th' ir up to date fusiness metheds and 7 is aiding in th-agricultural develop high q I B ity of produ t handled, this nent of a:l the surrounding country Tuey h v i i i a a full Ii 0 8 o f feed, bo'.h well known oon ern has gained for this . n n . r l i i and local, and have given s . t n a comioerc.ui u. ttige as an ex- ipe in! care in selec! ingito o that it will c n L n t market for retailers that ccuid - Auioirolive Elect icisns Looated in Ontario opposite Meore The Talent Jack— What's n gold digger? Mary— a girl who ran spend all your money and make you think you »lient It. D ID N 'T F IL L TH F DILL bo gained in ne other mmner. Thos-auds of do l a ' i are br-uaht in to t >i < section each year through the * a l i e n n is i. by this h >u e, a-d a n smber o f poop', are a'so given am pluymant by this concern. The fact thst th tr trade extends over all ad j lining counties theif special field b ings m w tares to the city in which they are located. In making 'his r e iew of the onward progress of this sectionof the country. ws wish to compliment the admirable m i m s r in which tho business o f this va'ucd institu ton is operated, andtheir progressivsness and gnblis sp ritrd poliete* We wish to refer this eatab. li Smant to all oar readers as ore of the distinctive features of the cummer cial . ft?oi nev of tbia part at the state. ELECTRIC SERVICE AND BATTERY CO. ' Hotel and the most »rominent Aatomo ive Electrical Engineers in this sec. ton, and ia the M »nufautnrer’s Sarvice .Tepresentative for many nationally mown lines of electriesl auto access trios. With steai'}- improvement in automo lies the auto electrical engineer has necome a necessity rather than a eon venience. With prsctieally every tar equipped wi h a self starter and up.to late lightening system, it requires the work of men who are wel1 versed in his feature of repair work to kuep your battrry In r :nni g orJer Tee mmsi;er o f thia w il.known repti ed and that the firrt gives guar, hones realised this when he started in j ante : on their work. They are preb ably as well equipped tod. this work busine ' and as a ' e u l t equippe t hi»' bb any ether establishment in the c u n p ant witu ail the latest mnshinery, ce We are p eased in this review to give that h could turnout work that would the manager snd bis association th- pass tbe elosesti spec ion. He starch; promirent place they deserve in the ed the market thorougnly for a btUervJ basin-rs tile of ti is section and wo that would give li e p op e complete '.viuh to eomplimest th m on the hige satisfaction and decided upon the hxiDB| quality . f work p rform d. Balt.- r y . They hav- a departm at where they In the repair department they have •pecialixa on all kinds ot electric wo/k provi ed machinery for repairing, re- on all electrical units. Fnr Starter bui ding, or reehatging batteries Generotor. and all ignition and light This service is a great accomodation ing troubles go to them and you are for motorists, for they have learned assured of the best work by men who that their batteries will be correct'y | kn w what th.v are doing. f'hm ter ir.g tbei custrirers. b cause they are e r ai ienciouslv aware o f the ex'xtmely high quality of the food thev sre serving The confectionery and lunch business is sn i divt ual bu in sis Ihst do e not e d with m re y serving food on tables or counters, but ex ends to the kitchen and every no k and corner of tba build ng Only a qaittk examination ia reautr.d to observe the splendid ss i- tary condition o f the store ard it ia ui.doult.ediv a pleasure to the people of Out at io to have »orh a clean, mod­ ern cunfrc.ioneiy as this to wham they can r-fe r th-D f Ends or strangers. At the Sue >r Bowl tbs f o ' d is pre­ pared in such a manner that the place has won a distinction the equal to which is hard to find anywhere, and we d" not bssiUte to feutura this place as " a good place to e a t . " PURE DRUGS This is one of the must tip-to ds e tried meri , and their store is r ■ adver- and progres ive drug stores ia this ti on * nd after the 10th day of | December, 1927, at my officeir.Ontario. Oregan, offer for sale, and sell, at pri­ vate sale, for cash in hand, the fallow­ ing described 'and* belonging to said cs ate, and aituatedin Malhvur Coanty, j Oragon, to-wit:— The N J of N W . i and S W i e f N. W l of See. 7, Twp 2d S. R 47 t. w M., knewn a< the 'Van Dyke” home ranch, together with 60 shares I of stock in the "O wyhee Diteh Company.” Also the W J of N .W J o f See. 12. Twp 2 ! i , R 46 E. W M except right af we/ of O. S. L. krilroad across same; together vitb all ditches, water right* and water stock belonging to said lands This tr*ct is known as the *Nap‘ e n " plan*, W ells W W ood . Executor and trustee of the will and estate of Mary B. VanDyke Deceased. NOTICE IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF T H E SI A T E O F OREGON F O R T H E C O U N ­ T Y OF M A L H E U R In the matter of the estate * f Bsr. nerd Fitchsr, deceased. Yhe,am e eignedhevirgbeen appoint­ ed by the County court of the State of Cregen tor the County of Malheur, nd. m siatratrix o f tbe estate of Bernard Fischer, decenned and have qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors af a id a I persons hnv'n • claims against the estate af sai I d* enswd lo present th m, duly verlfifd as required by law, with n six months after the flrat publi­ cation o f this notice to said administra­ trix, e.t'he r f f l e of E M Blodgett in Mvss», Oregon Mnlhaur County, said office being the place designated s h ' r t said administrai ix will receive said cli ire* M ary E. F is .' h « r Administratrix nf the estate o f Ber­ nard Fischer, deeeas"*d. Date o f First Publication, Norember Prospective buyers are requested t# 23. 1927 submit ta me their o f f m in writing Date of Las' Poblieatlsn. Daeamkar for tlthtr or both of said properties. 23rd, 1027.