Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1927)
mm Gaie City Journal Supplement NYSSA, OaEGON. DEC 9. 1826 METHODiST NOTES U r«, Hemhey » i l l preach on Sunday owing (o the absence of Mr, Hershey who in attending the “ Older Boys Con fe re n c e " at Caldwell this week end. He is accompanied by his son Willis and also George Reb.-rger and Claude Spencer. or. Foster and Mr. Hershey attend, ed the Boy Scout Executive and Coun cil Meeting at Fayette Wednesday night. all departments of tl- Church are working for the Cnristmae progresas and festivities Stereoptiean slides will be shown Sunday evening and a lecture on -‘ Rhodesia’ ’ also the illustrated song, "Jesus Shall Reign ’ ’ GIRL SCOUTS PARTY "B ackward turn backward oh time ia thy flig h t," but instead o f tinse in this case the girl stoats tried to turn themselves baskwards by having a backward party last Friday evening in the basement o f the Methodist Church. Games w tre played and at 10 o’ clock a eovared dish luaeheea was served altar which everyone departed with a smile on their face (evidently forget ting that the party waa ove r) for some ware «till walking backwards. HIGH SCHOOL PLAY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16 The High School student body is to present the play "K em p y, •’ Friday Dec. 16th. "K em py ” ia a three act modern comedy, full o f life and fun. " P a " Bence is a grouchy, good hearted old dad. the part being played by Dan ■ anka, ’ M t” Bante is played by Qreee Walters "K e m p y ” ia played by Ray Garrison. The reat o f the eaat is as follows: Rath Ben* e,| Virginia Bartlett Jane Wade, Viela Blodgett. Ben Wade Wayne Marshall, Duke Merrill, Her b e « Hoxie, K ate Bence. GeorgiaThomp aon. The play will be under the direc tion o f Miss Kathrine Sandoa For Sale, Two room house, trank. Inquire at Journal Aerosa N 18 tf Do you subscribe for your town pap’ er? I f not. do so now while the re duced price o f $1.00 a yssr ia in etTact. Harry Sharp was a Nyssa busins caller this week. Chiropractors Drs K. P. and Pearl M. Brad t id licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Carver graduates Consultation and axamin atioo free. F ifteen years successful piactice in Ihe state. First door west » ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦S S S i Star Hotel o f bant* , N v s — . tiregnr* Good clean beds at rea sun able rates. Dii. E. D N(JkC< TT U DENTIST First St . 3 hiocks north of Main Í i NYSSA - Rates by day, week or month OREGON MRS. J. R. HUNTER Nyasa, Oregon P H O N E 36 *|* ¡, l *t n *+I I + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > I I l » M I The Acme Construction Co. General C o n trac to r Let us build you a home on the monthly payment plan. We do all kinds of building, whether you w ant BRICK, CEMENT OR FRAME Your Choice is ours No job too small to have careful attention an estimate Let us give you j j WE ARE HERE TO STAY GEO. F. BRINSON, Hgr. •I “Square Deal” Second Hand Store We Buy, Sell, Exchange N yssa, O regon