Gate City Journal Supplement N Y S 8 A . 0 «E G O N , DEO 9. 1926 Lest You Forget W. C. T. Ü. MEETING The Nyssa W. C. T U met at the horn* of Mrs. W. W . Foster, Tuesday, Dec, 6. A spiiited meeting was held and one new member received. Mrs. Catherine R cberger was appointed, by the presi­ dent Mrs. Mabel Highby, to And a room that can be used as an amusement place for our boya Which ceald be fur. nished with a pool table. other games, reading matter etc. and be run by the W. C T. U. Mrs. V irgie Spencer was appointed superintendent o f the motion picture depanm enl and Mrs. F. J. Brcoks e f A n ti Narcotics. Mrs J E Douglas had charge o f th program and used the Urion Signal Quia which gave eome o f Senator aorah’e speeches vrs. Higby talked on the coming alee tion and tba work o f the W G. T. U nseaingtbat dry candidates were voted Ter uud tbal the women didn’ t sp'it heir vote beceuse o f personal reason». The meeting adjeurned and dainty re- iresbmant* war* aerved by M r*. A lta liars hall. Mr*. Frank Miller w ill entertain ths text meeting which will be Tueiday Ifternoon. December 20 Our Leyal Temperance Legiotr aleo let Wednesday afternoon et the High thool building. The leader, Miss V ie­ rte Worden is doing great work w i'h p youngsters and they bid fa ir to eeh the goal o f a Live W ire L T L. M ountain Sunk in Sea though Sunday Island which Is lo led In tbe Pacific ocean, rises otil? 00 feet above the sea. It really la 1 world's tallest inotintatn. The is of this Island mountain Is five es below the tide le v e l; rising front ocean floor, the mountain extends yard nearly 90,000 feet from base Bunmlt. aays London Tlt-Blts. N ot So D ifficu lt ie average man’s erudite need* h i« le, according to a Detroit librurl- "Fully 50 per cent of our queries >e answered by using the diction >r the World almanac,” she said ■ou Include an encyclopedia on reference shelf, the percentage ’imp to at least 75.” p lift in g C o n te m p la tio n i contemplation of celestial will make a man both spesk ink more sublimely and tnag- ly when he descends to human —Cicero f \ 'J We wish to state that the subscription price of the Journal is atill $1.00 per year Many of our readers are taking advantage o f this rate to pa/ their back subscript eng and a y. ar in advance Nyssa High’s first plav ÉÉ of the year KEMPY PP * Three-Act Modern Comedy Liberty Theatre Friday December 16th Admission - 25-50c