THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON CONDENSED STATEMENT OF "H The Malheur County ßank NYSSA, OREÇON " 1 NYSSA BARBER SHOP AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCTOHHEK 1Ü. 1927 I RESOURCES Loans ana' Discounts ... $385,312.45 Overdrafts ...................... 720.4« Banking House, Furni ture and Fixtures..... 13,500.00 6,006.61 OtKer Real Estate.......... 2,675.00 Warrants ........................ U. S. Treasury Bonds . 100 , 000.00 Cash and Due from Banks ______________ 153,573.98 Total Cash R eserve..... 253,573.98 Total LIABILITIES Capital Stock______ 25.000.00 Surplus and i'ro fits ... 55,989.58 Bills Payable______ ...... NONE Rediscounts ............ ..... NONE 580,798.92 Deposits .................... j Total ..........................$661,788.50 ..........................$«61,788.50 Securities Pledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for Deposits^ NONE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, V«.« r e sid e n t J. P. Dunaway, Cashier _ O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Diven, A ssistant J. F. Reece J. J. Sarazin G. L. Phillips | Extra help at Christmas time will cost the postoffice FORI) IN THE NEWS department nine million dollars, but in comparison that Even a billionaire may have his truobles, as is illus is scarcely a drop in the bucket to what Christmas trated by the case of Henry Ford, who seems to have “extr“s” cost father. encountered an unusual number of unpleasant incidents of late. Having compromised the million-dollar libel suit filed ♦ 4 H 4 H 4 W 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 t i No Better Time Than by Aron Saprio some months ago by apologizing for his NOW attacks upon the Jews, Mr. Ford is now faced by a suit for six million dollars in which Henry M. Lel“nd To Oil Harness for Spring and other former stockholders of the old Lincoln Motot Work Company are plaintiffs. ;; Shaving, Hair Cutting R Auto Tops Made and The suit is the outgrowth of Ford’s purchase of the Repaired Lincoln interests at a receivership sale in 1922, when it Hot and Cold Baths | is alleged that he verbally agreed to pay the sum named Shoe reparing neatly done in addition to the sale price. Ford denies making such « * Roy Pounds, Prop. ROSS PARKINSON an agreement, and the case will probably come to trial •: Nyssa Oregor Nyssa, Oregon I in J anuary. That there has been friction in the Ford org“nization | is assumed from the fact that three principal ex II !■♦♦ ♦ ♦ $ t > ♦ ♦ ♦ M i l ecutives have resigned recently. They are W. A. Ryan, » ♦ 4 I M M > M M « 4 | > » » i | j I 1 1 4 ; general sales manager; Fred H. Diehl, purchasing agent NOTARY PUBLIC BOND LOANS and E. P. Hobart, service manager. INSURANCE These happenings, coupled with the public interest | in the forthcoming new model Ford car, will doubtless ¡serve to keep the famous manufacturer in the news to I an even greater extent than usual during the next few I months. NYSSA REALTY CO. Prompt and understanding service and our desire to prom ote pros- perlty; to help you get your share of it and to use th a t share with wisdom is our ddesire. LICENSED REAL EST ATE BROKERS L FIRST STRAW VOTE ------- - ------- ■■ --------------------- | It is a little to early to make predictions concerning One way to prevent crime would be to repeal all laws what the national conventions will do with the num- against it. erous presidents candidates who have been mentioned, Because a flood taxes the levees we must continue to but a straw vote recently taken by a Republican maga zine may be of interest to those who like to indulge in levy the taxes. Big Bill might go farther and forbid the teaching political speculations. Inquiries were addressed to many newsaper editors of English in Chicago schools. and political leaders, all Republicans, asking their op The capacity of a dredge and a politician may be inion as to the strength of the proposed candidates. judged by the amount of mud they sling. The editors voted as follows: Hoover 577, Lowden Henry Ford has been sued for six million dollars this 518, Hughes 218, Dawes 88, Curtis 39, Borah 28, Long- time. We’s hate to have to apologize that off. worth 11 and the rest scattered. The political leaders Perhaps we have little respect for law, but a good gave Hoover 267, Lowden 243, Hughes 115, Dawes 60. many breathe easier after the grand jury adjourns. These Republican editors and leaders were also asked We are now to have chess matches broadcust by radio, their opinion concerning the probable Democratic nom possibly with bed-time stories between moves. inee, based upon sentiment in their respective localities. It is estimated that there are seven million dogs in the The editors gave Smith 737, Reed 163 ,McAdoo 102, Meredith 110, while the politicians gave Smith 334, United States, not including the hot ones, A Philadelphia newspaper says prohibition is taxing: Reed McAdoo 34 and Meredith 33. our best minds. Well, why not? Everything else is j It ™ay be considered significant that the editors and taxed. i political leaders agreed on the order in which the lead- It won’t be long now until we shall have our daily candidates stand with respect to their relative Congressional Record with which to start the morning strength at the present time. Whether this judgment £jre i is sound is a fine subject for argument. An whether Textile men are trying to invent a wrinkle-proof fab- the candidates they have picked wil hold their supposed ric, while beauticians are working to perfect a wrinkle- strength until convention time is something else again proof face. BOYS AND GIRLS Bankers are sponsoring a course in public speaking, Angelina Lena, 7, won a $500 radio set and the title of but a banker’s most frequent and impessive speech is “Chicago’s funniest kid’’ "mong many contestants the word “No.” I representing funny-paper characters, she impersonat “Barbers declare one man in three has hulitosis”—Ad ing “Ella Cinders.” vertisement. Some of us suspect that the barbers are Lois Bailey ,a high school sophorome of Eugene, Ore., not entirely immune, either. was chosen as the best home economic worker among A difference between George Washington and his 10,000 club boys and girls of her state. modern critics is that there won’t be any holidays nam Mulai Mohammed Annalah has been chosen sultan of Morocco to suceed his father at the age of 14. ed after his critics. _____ Little Leedy Curi, a crippled orphan girl of Palatka, HM-MH ♦M Fla,, has been adopted by the “Forty and Eight” organ ization of the American Legion and will receive surg B E R T H C H ical treatment and other care. Jacynth Parsons, youthful artist of London, wa s com- H. D. Holmes misioned at the age of 14 to ilustrate Blake's “Songs Transfer and Baggagt <• Betwoen Lawrence Gas Station of Innocence,” and has finished the task amid the ac and Ford G arage claim of critics. All kinds of hauling ir :: . . SOLICITS A PART OF YOUR ! ; Dorothy Turner, 12, won first prize in a drawing con test held by the Montgomery Advertiser, her winning City limits Patronage ; ;| production being a sketch of “Andy Gump.” Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon G. E. BERTSCII INTERESTING NOTES i I I !»»»♦+ ♦»n ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 "H "I"I" 141 > ♦ 4 "! 1 l-M -H -S -fr Canada’s trade unions now have a membership of about 275,000. ÄWVWWVAV.WWWWW *. Eight states ofMexico have temperance courses in thoir public schools. ^or ocw "P®Pcr B ■ d v e r ti« e m e a l nr Hasting Castle, built by Wlliiam the Conqueror, and ™ c i r c u l a r m ay ex* _ _ _ _ _ press your Ideas but now in ruins, is for sale. C. Klinkenberg m illI lV effective t y p o g r a p h ioal display it ne- A bantam hen on a farm near Edwardsville, Mo., has oestary to get best PROMPT DELIVERY hatched her second covey of twelve quail. results. W ith your know ledge of your Land tenants are almost unknown in Norway, where b u s in e s s and our Reasonable Rates k n o w le d g e of the 94 ner cent of farms are owned by those who occupy R E M E M B E R printing a rt we can them. We Are Always co-operate to m u PHONE 15 st Your Service tual advantage. In the war area of China may be found many Punch and Judy shows. Paris is soon to have several temperance hotels and V * *K - • •> resaur:’nts in which no alcholic drinks will be sold. Passengers crossing the Plnglish Channel by airplane I HAVE A FULL LINE OF : averaged more than 100 a day during the summer. . . ONTHEOLDJOB !! .J. .J. S . , \ .* : BARBER SHOP!! Farms and City Property Insurance PHONE 53 NYSSA, OREGON All office work will be managed as in the past; only real estate transactions by Boydell & Willoughby. J. BOYDELL. =5S- !EE A CHRISTMAS GIFT Something’ to be enjoyed from Xmas to Xmas. Come in and listen to an interesting program. Sold now at 20 per cent discount. i Both Fresh Cured Nothing but the Best (Quality on hand H. M. HOUSI1 PHONE 3 Nyssa, Oregon : I ti M i I lei ft |C r. rii P i h tec 00 » le e* o. Ml POWELL SERVICE STATION “ Ladies’ Rest Room” NYSSA, OREGON •on )e le, "I )e ’Ol ri ’in POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding NYSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY NYSSA OREGON ■ m ea t I" ih fri Atwater Kent RADIO ! CITY DRAY LINE | WHAT’S NEW? A new electrical apparatus fries an egg in two sec onds, broils a steak in 30 seconds and hakes a potato in one minute. Fitted with an airplane propeller, a new type of boat makes great speed either in water or on ice. ! A new German musical instrument is played by merely i moving the hands near it in the air. A Irong paper is made from *the fiber of caroa, a jpl*rt of the pineapple family found in Brazil. Duisburg. Germany, claims to have the first dwelling hous> ever constructed entirely of steel. _ A new lighting system devised in Vienna throws de sk r <!or- -n a theater drop curtain, avoiding the nc; asity for painted scenery. Iti That Speaks For Itself COOPER PRODUCE CO. DEALERS IN Field and Garden Seeds Grain, Feed and Poultry Supplies MARKET PRICES PAID FOR A LL KINDS OF POULTRY AT THE RANCH PHONE 65 OPPOSITE P O S T O m C I Pi w (iln kv