THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, PREGO* CONDENSED STATEMENT OF The Malheur County Bank NYSSA, OREGON AT TIIE CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCTOBBER 10, 1027 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans snu Discounts $386,312.45 Overdrafts ............. 720.46 Bunking House, Furni­ ture and Fixtures— 13,500.00 Other Real Estate......... 6,006.61 Warrants _____________ 2,675.00 U. S. Treasury Bonds.. 100,000.00 Cash and Due from Banks ........... 153,673.98 Total Cash Reserve..... 253,573.98 Capital Stock.... ..........._* 26,000.00 Surplus and Profits .... 65,989.58 Bills Payable------ ---- NONE Rediscounts __________ NONE Deposits ......................... 580,798.92 Total ......................... »661,788.50 Total ..........................$661,788.50 Securities Pledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for DeposiU^ NONE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, Vice ..anient J. P. Dunaway, Cashier .. O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Diven, Assistant J. F. Reece J. J. Sarazin G ..L. Phillips 2 Prompt and understanding service and our desire to promote pros­ perity; to help you get your share of it and to use that share with wisdom is our ddesire. LAST CALL FOR BONUS More than half a million veterans of the World War have so far failed to apply for their adjusted compen­ sation, popularly known as the “ bonus,” under the law enacted for their benefit. Unless they apply on or be­ fore January 1, their rights will be forfeited. More than 3,100,000 veterans have already applied for the compensation provided, which is paid in cash where the amount due is $50 or less, or by a paid-up in­ surance policy in cases in which the bonus exceeds that amount. Service officers of American Iiegion Posts, officials of the Veterans Bureau, certain representatives of the Red Cross and others will gladly assist ex-service men in preparing and filing their application, so that no one need forfeit his adjusted comjiensation through lack of ! aid in securing it. The War Department desires that every man entitled Lo the benefit of the law mayreceive it, and all who have not filed their applications are urged to do so immedi­ ately. This is the last call. JINGOISM AND WAR There is no denying the fact that over-zealous appeals to patriotism are a fruitful cause of war. The spirit which seeks to instill into the youth of any country an undue regard for its own greatness, and a correspond­ ing contempt for the people of other nations, is the greatest menance to world peace. At a recent conference in St. Louis, Major General Henry T. Allen of the Unitel States Army, who com­ manded the American forces in Germany after the Armistice, appealed for a more tolerant attitude toward other countries. He declared that the United States should sacrifice some o f its nationalism in the cause of peace, ” by conferring around a common table in a spirit of compromise with all other sovereign States.” Pride in one’s country, love for its institutions ana zeal for its advancement are all laudable qualities. It is also commendable to be ready to defend it against actual aggression which can be met only by force. But to ssume an attitude of superiority and assert it in an offensive manner is unbecoming and unnecessary. If persisted in, such an attitude may easily lead to war. Hurry up. It will soon be too late to do your Christ­ mas shopping early. In a Mexican primary the one who lives comes out first Fourteen communists have been expelled by their party in Russia. We trust they deserve the compliment. Don’t worry if the kid isn’t good at mathematics. Maybe he’s going to be the boss instead of the book­ keeper. Well, it has been a fine year, fair wheat,, wonderful corn, high prices for cattle, and Babe Ruth beating all records for home runs. It is possible that if a spelling bee were held among the Atlantic City bathing beauty contestants, more than one o f them would fall down on “ pulchritude.” INTERESTING NOTES Some states have "an annual observance of “ Wild Life Canada’s wealth per capita is exceeded only by that of Day;” in others wild life celebrations are staged prin­ j the United States and Great Britain. cipally at night. The Rt. Rev. Gennera Hayaska was recently made President Coolidge says he will spend some time in whittling when his term is out. He has had some good ! the first Japanese bishop in the Catholic Churc. practice on the national debt. i A peak in the Great Smoky Mountains o f Tennessee is To prevent jury tampering it appears that we must ot be named for Governor Austin Peay who died re­ have undercover men to watch the sleuths who watch cently. the dectives who watch the jurors. There is a training school in the Belgian Congo where Rockefeller gives $2,000,000 for a League of Nations elephants are taught to do useful work. library, overlooking the fact that the fellows who run About 2,700,000 families in the United States own the thing would rather talk than read. more than one automobile. Now that a story is going about to the effect that A New York man claims to have shucked 66,000,000 Senator Norris was once the champion corn husker of oysters during the time he has been engaged in that vo­ his county, that gentleman’s presidential boom may be cation. considered definitely under way. Verna Conley, 15-months old baby of Clementon, N. J. Monasteries and convents are forbidden hy law in Nor owes her life to her dog Pal , which called help bypull­ way and Sweden. ing at her mother’s dress when Verna fell into a pond Some Nicaraguan newspapers are printing a page ii and almost drowned. ______________________________ English for the benefit of the U. S. Marines stationed there. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ « « I I W i l l I I !» + ♦ Vancouver, Wash., claims to have the oldest living :: B E R T S C H apple tree in the United States. Mrs. Eliza Sleming of Doninton, Eng., who lived to be H. D. Holmes 103, attributed her longevity to the fact that brown bread was her chief deit. Between Lawrence Gas Station Transfer and Baggagi JONTHEOLDJOB i BARBER M. Francsis of Paris has recovered his stomach, al­ though it will never be of any practical use to him. The organ was removed during an operation, after which it disappeared. He employed detectives to find it, which they did in the laboratory o f a local physcian who had taken it for professional study. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I' M i l »♦<-» No Better Time Than NOW NYSSA BARBER SHOP To Oil Ham ess for Spring Work • > Shaving, Hair Cutting L Auto Tops Made and Repaired ;; Hot and Cold Baths ;; • » Shoe reparing neatly done ! Roy Pounds, Prop, ROSS PARKINSON j; Nyssa Oregor Nyssa, Oregon i ■»♦♦♦♦♦ 111 > i N O T A R Y PUBLIC BOND LOANS INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY CO. LICENSED REAL EST A T E BROKERS Farms and City Property Insurance PHONE 53 NYSSA, OREGON All office work u til be managed as in the pant; onlg real estate transactions by Boydell & Willoughby. J. BOYDELL. u I : C - T gu r ~7* t ; A tw a te r -K e n t Radios 20°0 Discount If you would like to give your family an “ ATWATER-KENT” Radio, and you could give them no gift that would prove more enjoyable and entertaining the year ’round, we suggest that you order it now and receive the benefit of a “ 20% DISCOUNT” now offered on “ All Models” POWELL SERVICE STATION SHOP! “ L a d ie s ’ R e s t R o o m ” NYSSA, OREGON n: and Ford Garage All kinds of hauling ii City limits Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon ■; III! SOLICITS A PART OF YOUR Patronage G. E. BERTSCH ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'!' A/W VW AV.SV.VAW W JW ' ! CITY DRAY LINE C. Klinkenberg PROMPT DELIVERY Reasonable Rates PHONE 15 Your for that newspaper advertisement or oiroular may ex* press your idea« hut effective typograph­ ical display is ne­ cessary to get best results. With your knowledge ol your business and our knowledge of the REM EM BER printing art we oen We Are Alnayi co-operate to mu­ M Y o u r S c r r l i « tual advantage. Copy 30 WHAT’S NEW? Airplanes are now used by the U. S. Coast Guard in carrying life-lines to ship in distress. The world’s most powerful radio transmitter, using 100-kilowatt tubes, has been installed at Schenectady, N. Y. A camera for taking slow motion pictures o f auto­ mobile engines in operation has been invented. In the new Roxy Theater in New York is a complete emergency hospital and all ushers carry first aid kits. A pneumatic hammer for use in bone surgery is used in a Boston hospital Race horses with defective vision have been fitted with spectacles which enable them to make better speed. Safe delivery of boxed typewriters to the ground from .u airplane by means of a parachute was recently ac­ complished at Curtiss Field. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'Fl I I I-Ì-H-H4 BOYS AND GIRINS •• Doris Dagg, 6-year old California girl broke the toe- la) :ng record by spinning 45 times continuously on I HAVE A FULL LINE OF one toe. Sidney Perley, aged 13, snatched the pistol from t -New York thief who held him up, beat the bandit oven he head and caused bis arrest when he ran. Verna Mae Gallinger, 13-year old school girl of Pesh- tigo, Wis., has received a Carnegie hero medal for risk­ ing her life in an effort to save a companion from drowning. Oneita McCoy. 3 recently traveled alone from Mobile to Detroit under the auspices o f the Traveler’s Aid or-! Nothing but the Best Duality on hand ganizntion. Charles Luikens, 18. o f Sioux City la., claims to he the' world’s talest printer’s “ devil,” standing 6 feet 6 inches in height. PHONE 3 Jinn Chandor, aged 6, declared by artists to be Nyssa, Oregon Fnplands most beautiful child recently made the voy­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦< 1 » > ♦ ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I I I I I I M I I > f < + - M M » » I age to America alone. % MEAT Both Fresh and Cured H. M. HOUSII POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding N YSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY NYSSA OREGON COOPER PRODUCE CO. DEALERS IN Field and Garden Seeds Grain, Feed and Poultry Supplies MARKET PRICES PAID FOR A L L KINDS OF POULTRY AT THE RANCH PHONE 65 OPPOSITE POSTOFFICI