The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, December 02, 1927, Image 1

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(From the Malheur Enterprise)
My Dear Editor:— After reading
your Article of November 6 th, “ Mal­
heur County and the Jordan Valley
Road,” 1 cannot refrain from mak­
ing a few comments.
There are three sides to every
question, viz.. Your side, My siue
and the Right side, and I am ready
to admit that your article was. as a
whole largely correct, yet there is
more to tell.
We have some things to be thank­
ful for as the old lady said who had
only two teeth but was thankful
they were opposite, and we are
thankful for Succor Creek Road, and
strongly in favor o f it, because we
have an outlet to Nyssa, Vale and
Ontario, as well as Idaho points.
You say “County officials
Vale at 8:30 A. M. and arrived at
Jordan Valley for lunch, having
via Succor Creak road.”
Of course they could do that, at
that time, and they could also have
dinner at Winnemucca, had they
wished, but send them over now and
we will have lunch ready for them
and we won’ t have to hurry about
getting it ready. At the time they
came over, one could make that kind
of time over almost any sage-brush
road in the country, but they could
not have done that last spring when
we had to go to Winnemucca for
needed supplies, because of the im-
passability of our road.
At the present time there are
seven cars, stuck in the “ gumbo,”
on a short stretch of road1, between
here and Homedale, and rf you have
a traffic cop who can get the traf­
fic moving, please send him over,
and oblige.
It is a fact that ‘‘ Malheur County
is re-graveling
a stretch between
Maloys ranch and Jordan Valley” at
the present time, but that is not
where the cars are stuck.
We do not want any one to get the
idea that we don’t appreciate what
has been and is being done to help
with our transportation problem, be­
cause it is infinitely better than a
few years ago, but the fact remains
that we only have a road during dry
weather, and the road’s are genearlly
good any where then.
If a few strtches or a mile or
two were graveled, it would be pos­
sible to get out anytime, but at the
present time, and perhaps for the
next six months if it was imperative
that some one go to the hospital it
could not be accomplished.
Is there another community o f like
size in the county in that condition?
It is true that Idaho points have
been the natural trading places for
this section, until the Succor creek
road was built, and that Idaho has
never expended a small fraction of
one percent of the money spent with
them on the upkeep o f the road.
In many respects it is an advant­
age for us to buy in our own coun­
ty or state as I could show if space
would allow, and our trade in your
end of the county would increase if
the roads would permit.
We may be misinformed, but we
are told that the large bulk of the
market road money was spent this
year between Nyssa and Adrain, on
a short stretch o f road, that became
a little slippery a few times last
spring, but which never caused the
school bus to
be late even once,
while here the mail often was un­
able to get in at all and one wees
we had but two mails.
We people o f Jordan Valley real­
ize that the road is too long for Mal­
heur County to build a highway, but
we do think short stretches could be
improved each year so in time it
would become passable.
If we made a criticism o f the bal­
ance of the county it would be ap­
parent lack of help or cooperation
in getting state aid.
We know this
is a small community and o f little
help or benefit to the balance o f the
county ,but if given a chance, we
will soon grow to be an asset to the
If you had a sickly child y ° u
would not fail to call the Doctor but
would try to make him strong.
This explanation is being written
because people in the county who do
not know conditions from personal
observation, might be led to believe
that the road to Jordan Valley is a
$1.5« l 'ER YEAR
NO. 45.
Mrs. E.
superintendent, braved
the “ gumbo” last Sunday and
made a successful drive to
Jordan Valley. She visited the
very enterprising
grade and
high school of the community
and found the warm hospitality
and cordial welcome of the peo­
ple well worth the somewhat
hazardous and trying trip over
the muddy roads. However, the
gumbo proved a “ sticker.” Were
it not for the timely help of
several other autoists whose cars
were imbedded in the black,
sticky, mud, Mrs. Crail might
not have made the journey thro­
ugh the bad places. Motorists
assist each other. Cars are
pushed out, dug out and coaxed
out. Mrs. Crail was impressed
with the predominating spirit
of the Golden Rule, the only
factor that made travel possible
she said.
Homedale Boy
Victim of Shot
Winkler Cegnar, 15, son of Mr.
and Frank Cengnar, ranchers near
Homedale, was instantly killed Sun­
day afternoon when a shotgun in
the hands of his younger brother
was accidentally discharged.
The boys started
hunting, and
had gone only a short distance from
the ranch home when in some man­
ner the gun carried by Louis, 14-
year old brother of the victim, ex­
ploded its charge, striking Winkler
full in the chest. Death was almost
Salem— (Special to the Malheur
Enterprise)— Funeral
services for
George E. Davis state corporation
commissioner, wore held from Rig-
don’s mortuary here on Wednesday
Interment followed in
Riverview cemetery. Services were
in charge of the Knights Templar.
For Thanksgiving—
Mrs. G. W. Clevenger came over
from Nampa on Monday to spend
Thanksgiving week with her daugh­
ter Mrs. Harold Hill.
New Residents—
The Charles
moved into town last week and are
lving in the Martin
Hansen resi­
dence. There are
several school
children in the family.
From Nyssa—
Mrs. L. C. Pounds accompanied
her son Bryan when he made his
weekly pilgrimage
from Nyssa to
Vale to play for the dance Friday
evening, and she was a guest of Mrs.
Robert Madden and Glenn Pounds
over the week end.
Struthers Buys Ranch—
Ben Struthers who has been farm­
ing near Brogan for the last few
years, purchased the old Frank Vines
ranch property from
the Federal
Land Bank.
Mrs. W. C. Morris cam home from
Boise last week. She is recovering
nicely from an operation on her eye
and nose. The eye trouble proved
very serious with the result
Mrs. Morris has lost the sight o f one
membe r. Her friends are glad to
know that she is recovering as rapid­
ly as can be expected.
Earl Summy delivered a car of
apples in the east.
Mary Bost celerbated her eleventh
birthday with a nice party Friday,
Her guests were Helen Miller, Adel-
la Fischer, Lois and Ila Marie
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Beeson moved
to LaGrande, Oregon.
School opened again last week
after an enforced vacation due to the
infantile paralysis epidemic near this
section of the country. The epidemic
seems to have abated somewhat.
C. D. Judd went to Wilder to help
his father move their well drilling
outfit to Roswell, where they were
at work last week.
classy speedway, while the truth is,
the roan ia on an excellent grade and
very good until a few sprinkles of
rain, then, Good-Night.
W. W. Jonea, M. D.
'm C o u n ty ^ ta lm tic s
The R. R. Overstreet anu Man ice
Real Eatate Transiera Recorded
I Judd families were dinner
U. S. A. to Steve Gacey, SEVi-j
in the FrankMiller home in the P.ig
NE Vi, SWV4NEV4, SWV4, W li SE 14,
Hi nd district last Sunday.
and E Vi SEW Sec. 26; SW W S W W
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beaumont cn-
„ _____________Ail
T. A ’ s. in the county are
Sec. 26;
tcrtained at a radio party Monday j
14 NEW Sec. 36-13-39. 8. 8, 27.
well started upon the w in te r’s work,
evening. The guests were Mr. and
Carliie et vir to Hen- AU have 8ome d efin ite work to *c-
Mrs. Herbert Hickox, Mr. and Mrs.
et ™
1 com n il. h
\i I... 1 Mr
1 Mr„
» i>
.ietta Payne, Lots 6 a n d 7, and NW L 0 m Pl 18 h.
.1. Jued, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Over-
Block 71 Ontario i f 5 27 ! ih e baby association, White Set-
ELEVEN SETS OF TWINS— AT­ treet and Mr. and Mrs. C. Martan “ J ¿ J
Block « •
11 6 ^ j lU)raellt. has started its career with
in I Miqa TnnpttA
, Janette-
Geo. E. Davis et ux to Ralph A. j ““ markable enthusiasm.
Us mem-
Mrs. Joe M.nton was called to Vale „
Lot „ Block 26> Brogan; ! bers helu a pie and $22.59 was
Friday on account of the serious il!- NWViNWWSWW Sec. 14; part of “bled to the treasury.
nes o f her little grandson Billy New­ NWWNEW Sec. 26; NEWNEWN-, The Owyhee P. T. A. are bending
by. . he returned home Sunday re-
Bec <jg. NV4NWWSWWSEW.' all their efforts toward equipping
porting that the little feilow was
and W W - j their new schoolhosue. At a Thanka-
Sec. 23; SV4NEWNWW
'.ume better.
INYVW Sec. 25; and SEWNEW Sec. giving program t o be given at the
Mrs. T. M. Lowe, Pioneer Mother of
The Klmgback family entertained g .15. 42. G2 a(.res in KviSWW, and school house November 26, the P. T.
Owyhee Presents Biography of in­
at dinner for the Frank DeBord fam- 1V4SEW
;v4SEW Sec.
Sec. 8
8; ; WWSWW
Sec. 9, A. will serve refreshments. The pro­
teresting Youngsters
ily of Payette on Thanksgiving.
and SEWUEW ec. 16-16-43. 3, 11, 27. ceeds will be used to help pay for
playground equipment. The last re­
S. D. Bigelow was down from the J 40 . 00 . (Q. C. Deed)
Geo. E. Davis et ux to Ralph A, gular meeting was held November 10
Owyhee, a little country commun- Dam site where he has work for the
ity in Malheur county, introduces t o ! winter Sunday to look after interests Holte, NWWSWW Sec. 19, 35 acres at the school house when Mrs. T. M.
bright-faced I ” •» the ranch.
NWWNWW, NEWNEW, and 10 ! Lowe gave a talk on health in the
youngsters of more than usual in- i Mrs. C. C. Cotton entertained 1 acres in SWWNEW Sec. 30; SVi-j school which was followed by a dis-
represent 1 Thanksgiving for her daughter and NWW, and SWWSEW Sec. 32-16-43.1 cussion of infantile paralysis and ita
eleven sets of twins.
All of them family Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Vander-j 17.33 acres in SWW Sec. 4-16-43. 3,|symptoma.
The Wade P. T. A. met at the
live in the Owyhee voting precinct, pool and children and Mr. Vander- 11, 27. $ 100 . 00 . (Q. C Deed)
Sheriff C W. Glenn to Louis Zan-¡home of Mrs. D. Holly in Adrain.
where between 150 and 200 people pool’s mothfv all o f Twin Falls, Ida
reside. Owyhee challenges any other
The John Jarvis family were din- ijjetta, west 80 feet of lot 1, Block After the business meeting Mrs C.
E.Peck, who was sent as a delegate
community in Malheur county to pro- j ner guests in the Henry Slippy home 43, Brogan, 11 19 27. $1271.08.
Geo. Windle et ux to John A. Mc­ to the state convention at LaGrande
duce so remarkable an achievement. | Sunday.
She believes it can’t be done— in the
Wr a„ (1- Mra i j oyd Adams and Millan SE14SE14 Sec 22-16-47. 11, gave a very interesting report of the
state meeting telling the principal
county or in the state, if population Mr. and Mrs Gardner were Sunday 6 , 26. $ 10 , 000 . 00 .
ideas brought out by each o f the
is taken into consideration.
visitors in the Oce Schweizer home.
drainage ditch right of way across speakers at the convention. Mrs. B.
Mrs. T. M. Lowe, pioneer mother
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe visited
Q. Roberts gave a report qf tjiu
of Owyhee, presents a short biog­ in the M M. Greeling home Sunday Sec. 244-18-45. 10, 1, 27. $1.00.
Mr. Howard
Erjiest E. Adams st ux to U. S A. county
raphy of the eleven pairs of twins, afternoon.
drainage ditch right of way across Jonea, principal of the Wade school
of which she and other mothers are
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Creagor of
askea' the cooperation of the ladles
justly proud. C^uite a selection of (Be p am ajte were week end guests Sec. 244-18-46. 10, 1, 27. $1.00.
De Tweede Northwestern & Pac­ in giving a box social whch netted a
names for children who come by in the home of Mrs. Creagors par-
ific Ilypotheekank to United States, generous sum to be used in buying a
twos may prove helpful to— who
and M ^ Wm." Glenn,
drainage ditch right of way across school victrola.
Rust sold his lambs to
Sec 14-18-4 6 . 8 , 28, 27. $1.00.
The Jamieson and Brogan P. T. A.
Meet Owyhee Twins
i Earnest Averata last week, and has
De Tweede Northwestern & Pac­ held a joint meeting at Jamieson
The youngest
are the beautiful gone to Portland where he plans to
ific Hypotheekank to United States, November 18.
little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. j spend the remainder of the winter.
drainage ditch right o f way across
George Glascock, born September 4,
Guests in th Wm. Peutz home on
age ditch right of way across Sec.
Sec. 14-18-45. 10, 4, 27. $1.00.
1926, in the county named LaVent 1 Thanksgiving were Mrs. Elroy Huff-
Francis Louise Mac Lean et vir to 23-18-46. 9, 28, 27. 1.00
and LaVerna. Their mother attend- .nan and children also Fred Snively
Malheur County to U S. A., drain­
U S. A. drainage right of way across
ed all the grades of school in the old from up the Owyhee riv<».\
age ditch right o f way across Sec.
Sec. 13-19-44. 8 , 11, 27. $1.00.
schoohouse that gave place to the t A very enjoyable
evening was
Malheur County to U S. A., drain­ 13-18-45. 9, 28, 27. $1.00.
present commodious new building.
pent at the Owyhee
school house
U S. A. to Frank T. Preseley SEH
age ditch right o f way across Sec.
, . . 1 ..
. . ... ! Friday The program by the child-
Sec. 20; an d SW H»ec. 26-16-46. 9,
The second introduction is to Vio-j
v '5
14-19-44. 9, 28, 27. $1.00.
, . „
.. w
• ren was well rendered and much en-
Malheur County to U S. A., drain­ 9 1922
let Rose and Viola Mauu McGinniB.
. „
. . . .
, , , joyed.
Program as follows, Song
to Frank T. Presley. E H -
These twin sisters are the a d o p ts ’
. , .
* , „
. „
_ ... age ditch right of way across Sec. U S A .
, ,
, „
, „
by Archie Cantrall and Cecil Smith,
W H , and NEV4 Sec. 26 15-46. 9, B,
13-18-45. 9, 28, 27.
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M e-[ ;
, .
. „
. ..
, „
1 Mrs. Archie Cantrall at the piano.
Malheur County to U S. A., drain­ 22
Ginnis and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
„ ___ 1 Recitation
Sheriff C. W. Glenn to H. T.
McGinms. These little ones were
_ .... ,
" age ditch right o f way across Sec.
, - i
1 .. ¡back; two act play entitled I d be
Francis Lots 11 and 12, Block 29,
13-18-45. 9 28, 27. $1.00.
three months old when adopted by
, ,,
. . . . „ I Thankful If— ’ by 16 pupils; necita-
Malheur County to U S. A., drain- Teutschs Addl to Nyssa. 3, 19, 27.
the McGinnis
and their,
tion by each of the following, Lau-
$ 20 . 00 .
wives. These children were born in
rence Peutz, Wm. Peutz, Morgan Walter Pinkston home Thursday.
E. C. Van Petten et ux to Lela
Ontario in 1924,the 13th and 14th
Rust and Chester Neal; exercise.
Wm. Smith has purchased 50 head Ileiren Oakes Lots 28 and 29, Block
children born to their mother who
“Thanksgiving” by 12 pupils. Music of cattle from Mr. Meyers to feed 1 9 , Riverside Ontario7 2,
was unable to provide for all of
by Mr. J. P. Me Ginnis on th banjo this winter.
1920. $3,500.00.
them. So they were given into the
and Claude
on the violin
The Misses Evelyn and Ethelyn J
John A. McNulty et ux to United
capable and loving hands o f their
which was enjoyed immensely. After
McEwan of Kingman Kolony «re Statea , ots 6 6 and 7 See. 33; Lots
foster parents.
• he program refreshments of sand­ both seriously ill in the hospital at ; 8> xlj and ^ Sec 3 ^ 24.44 j$ , 23 27.
Mrs. Ford Keck is the mother of wiches, cake, jello cider and coffee Ontario.
three sets o f twins. Fine, healthy wire served to a large and apprecia­
The Ford Keck family took dinner
Everett E. Fretwell
et ux to
twin boys were born in Owyhee on tive crowd. A cake was awarded in the Neal home in Owyhee on
United States, SE14SE14 Sec. 14;
March 1918 and -were named Wil­ to the young lady receiving the most Thanksgiving.
Lot 1, Sec. 23; Lot 1 Sec. 24; Lots 3,
lard and Wilson. Keck, the votes for her popularity. Miss Eliza­
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Overmyer and
mother of two sets of twins older beth Krell being the lucky one. laughter Wilda, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 4, an d NW % SW *4 Sec. 13; and 3.3
than these, lost one o f each pair. The About’ $28 was taken in during the McIntyre and daughters Leola and acres in Lot 1, eSc. 14-26-43. 11, 16,
27. . 6 ,020.00|
surviving brothers are Delmar and ■vening.
Leila and Mrs. Matheson and son
M. Newton Fegtly to United States
The Fred Klingback family were Inna Id were overnight guests in the j ^
10> Sec j g; and IjGta 4 5> and
The next introduction is to “ Jack pleasantly surprised on Thanksgiving Ehas Bradley home Tuesday.
egc 17 . 26 . 44 jj 21 27. $2500.00.
and Jerry’ ’ Rust, the husky sons of lay when a load of relatives from
Miss Alta Bradley is visiting her| E)mer ^
Smjth fit ux ^ w „ .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rust. John Walla Wal,a Wash., drove in to help ister Miss Ruby in Boise this week 1
liam M. Purvis Lots 6 7, and 8 , Block
with the brown eyes and the fair 'at dinner. They were Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newbili enter­ 13, Vale. 11, 26 27. $1.0.
(Q. C.
haired Gerald bom in Ontario in 1. P. McCarroll and two sons David tained on Thanksgiving for the Geo
May 1918. It might be added that and Orville and two neices the Mis- Glascock and Artie Robinson fam-
these children come the longest dis­ •■es Verna and
Naydene Smuckal. lies.
Marriage Licenses Issued
tance to attend school at Owyhee.
Mrs. McCarroll is a sister o f Mrs.
Gaberiel Elodri and Virginia Mal-
The Glenn Holmes family and Mr.
Any mother’s heart would swell Klingback and of Mrs. DeBord of Holmes’ parents were guests in the lea. II 25, 27.
with pride to present the twin sons Payette who was over for the day Louis Patterson home on Thursday. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court
Dwight anu’ Dean Johnson, 11-year and assisted in giving them a hearty I Miss Gladys Holmes was a guest
E. L. SiSzemone et al vs C. W.
old boys nearly as tall as their little welcome. The visiters went to P a y -j,,f Daisy Mullen in Ontario Thurs- Glenn, Sheriff, et al. 11, 25 627. In­
mother Mrs. Lucile Johnson.
The ette Friday evening and on home j , , v .
boys were bom near Nyssa in 1916. Sunday to get the youngsters back in — 1 ------ a_J—
Mrs. Johnson is the only widow school by Monday.
among the mothers of the Owyhee, Rev. Brown of Boise who is the
twins but she has successfully faced Union Sunday school Missionary of j ..
life and is educating her four boys, our territory was an overnight guest ;;
one in high school, the twins in the I in the Fred Klingback home Satur- ; ;
seventh grade and the fourth com- j day and visited the Kingman Kolony | ;;
ing right along.
I Sunday School.
Plans are being
The next intorduction made at the ‘ made to start a Teachers Training
recent dedication
at the class the first of the year which will
Owyhee schoolhouse
brought down be superintended by Rev. Brown,
who will plan to be with us two
There are so many ODDS and ENDS around the
the house, for when Mrs. Lesse Ky-
evenings a week.
Anyone wishing
gar was called, there rose from their
store that I do not wai t to move to my NEW
to take this course will please re
scats, two sets of twins, four strap­
ping big fine boys a sight to gladden port to Mrs. Klingback.
The Kolony P. T. A. will hold its
I have decided to put them all in a RUM­
the eyes of the world.
Earl and
regular meeting on Friday the 2nd
Merle were bom in 1913. Kieth and
A health program in
Kenneth wre horn in 1918.
charge of Mrs. Herbert Hickox will
Then there are the twin girls,
be the main feature.
Eveyln and Ethelwyn,
Ribbon Remnants at -
15c a bunch
The R. R. Overstreet and Maurice
o f Mr. and Mrs. William McF.wen,
•ludd families were dinner guests ot
Short lengths of White Pur at
25c a yard
bom at the family home in 1916.
Mr. and Mrs. Ono Judd of Parma <m
Organdy and Lace Collars at
10c apiece
Last and least (the tiniest folk Sunday the 27th.
of all the twins) are Robert and
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Major of Pay­
Embroidery 'I hreiid
lc a skein ;
Ronald, sons of Mr. and Mrs. I>-ster ette were guests Sunday in the J. B.
Flower b and Feathers and manu other articlte too
Scott born on July 31, 1923, four- Smith home.
year old cherubs who are not yet a
numerou» to mention all priced low
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McGinnis en­
for quick eelling
part ot the Owyhee school.
tertained Thanksgiving day for the
It is safe to say in closing that Andrew, Alvon and Vernon McGin­
eleven sets o f twins are some of nis families, the Henry Slippy, John
the reasons that a new school build­ Jarvis and Archie Cantrall families
ing was necessary in the Owyhee and Howard Donahay and Billy Jar­
But they are not the vis.
The Wm. Smith ano Claude Smith
only reasons as there are 23 other
families were dinner guests in the
children in these very families.
j e n ts' M r
Rummage Sale
A t The Osborn M illinery
Velvet Hats $3.95. Felts Reduced :!
Osborn Millinery
Ontario, Ore. ;;