Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1927)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON EFFECT OF MERGERS Hearings on legislation intended to bring about fur ther consolidation of railroads wilj be held shortly after Congress meets, according to Chairman Watson o f the interstate commerce committee, who recently express ed the opinion that a bill providing for these mergers will be passed at the coming session. Not only is it expeeteil to permit consolidations, but to make them compulsory wnere deemed necessary in the interest o f the public. The general effect of tnese mergers is to secure economy of operation and better service by making more efficient use o f equipment and personnel. Inasmuch as the establishment of rates and conditions o f service is in the hands of public regulatory oodies, the interests o f the public are amply protected, regardless o f the size of the railroad systems which may oe formed. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF The Malheur County Bank NYSSA, OREGON AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCTOBBER I«. 1927 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans ana' Discounts ... $385,312.45 Overdrafts .. ............................ 720.40 Banking House, Furni ture and Fixtures..... 13,500.00 Other Real Estate......... 6,006.61 Warrants ........................ 2,675.00 U. S. Treasury Bonds.. 100,000.00 Cash and Due from Banks ......... 153,573.98 Total Cash Reserve..... 253,573.98 Capital Stock...... ....... _ $ 26,000.00 Surplus and Profits .... 55,989.58 Bills Payable.......... .......... NONE Rediscounts ....... NONE Deposits ......................... 580,798.92 Total $601,788.50 Total ...................... _.$661,788.50 Securities Pledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for Deposits^ NONE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, VU* T.moment J. P. Dunaway, Cashier .. O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier 11. A. Diven, Assistant J. F. Reece J. J. Sarazin G. L. Phillips Prompt and understanding service and our desire to promote pros perity; to help you get your share o f it and to use that share with wisdom is our ddesire. We wonder what brand o f cigarettes those champion husband-callers smoke. Another paradox is that intelligent persons seldom engage in intelligence tests. What has become of the old-fashioned man who didn’t want his picture in the papers? Wrist watches are now being worn above the elbow. And if so, are they still wrist watches? When Mexican politician chooses to run for presi dent he must run fast if he expects to run long. A minister says “ some day church news will be a big thing in journalism.” It is now when the preacher cuts up. If there’s nothing new under the sun, we may expect our archaeologists to dig up some records of a Stone Age flag pole sitter. St. Louis man who has undergone 136 operations will never be at loss for a topic o f conversation if he has re tained his tongue. __ Just how bad conditions are in Germany may be judged from the fact that residents o f Berlin had to worry along with only 14,788,145 gallons of beer last year. New Jersey bandits stole a decoy satchel substituted for a similar one containing $14,000. The Federal Trade Comission should investigate this piece o f deception. An actress in New York jumped out o f a window upon hearing that her divorced husband had remarried. And he pobably jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Mr. Gilbert, agent-general o f reparations, wrote a let ter of 20 pages criticizing German financial methods, to which the Germans replied with a letter of 40 pages. Score to date, 40 to 20 in favor of the Germans.______ j, ► *..j. .L .j. ONTHEOLDJOB :: B E H T S n i Transfer and Baggagt ■; Between Lawrence Gas Station and Ford Garage All kinds of hauling ir :: City limits ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦U . , SOLICITS A PART OF YOUR Patronage G. E. BERTSCH A V W W A W .'.V .V .V .W W j; CITY DRAY LINE C. Klinkenberg I I♦I♦ IH I 1 i l i PROMPT DELIVERY Reasonable Rates PHONE 15 ♦ »++♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦++♦++1 1 1 1 ► + ♦♦♦ 1 ;; i No j; NYSSA BARBER SHOP “ Your for that newspaper advertisem en t or cirou la r may ex* pres* your idea* hut effective typograph ical display it ne- ceunary to get best results. With your knowledge o! your businesn snd our kn ow led ge o f the R E M E M B E R printing art we can We Are Always co-operate to mu el Y oar Bern ce tual advantage. ¿0 >y t j Shaving, Hair Cutting t Hot and Cold Baths 1 Roy Pounds, Prop. | “ • > Nyssa A CENTURY’S ADVANCE From the advent o f the railroad until the beginning of practical aerial tansportation there elapsed approx imately a century. The mighty advances of science and .nvention which came in between these epochal events were so great as to tax the imagination. Within the span o f these hundred years a thousand marvels have oeen born, which it would take months o f research to enumerate and describe. Consider a few, jotted down off-hand: Railroads, steel ships, perfected cotton gins, the tele graph,, the telephone, photography, the phonograph, the sewing machine, the'X-ray, radio, anaesthetics, sanita tion, radium, motion pictures, automobiles, aircraft, television and many others, improvements and refine ments which have been added to the original inventions and discoveries. The advance of the past 100 years appears all the more remarkable when we reflect that mankind has liv ed and labored under some sort o f civilized conditions for at least 10,000 years. The achievements of the last century have been greater than those of all the hun dred centuries which preceded it. THE FORGOTTEN MAN In a recent address, in which he again voiced his plea for better procedure in bringing criminals to justice, Chief Justice Taft referred to the victim of the murder er as the forgotten man.” Newspaper reports o f murder trials bring into lime light the personality of the criminal, upon whom more maudlin sympathy is frerquently expended, while the unfortunate victim and his dependents are too often forgotten. While approving measures for inducing criminals to forsake their evil ways and become law-abiding citizens, Mr. Taft feels that we should not permit our interest in criminals to interfere with the effective prosecution of crime. Under our present system, where every provision of law appears to be in favor o f the criminal, it is next to impossible to secure a prompt conviction and execution o f sentence, particularly for murder. Legal technical ities serve to thwart the administration of justice at every turn. New trials, stays of execution, paroles and pardons all encourarge potential criminals to take the chance of escaping punishment, and many whose guilt is not doubted do so escape. As Mr. Taft suggests, it is time that we should think somewhat less o f the criminal and give some consider « I ation to his victim—the forgotten man. Better Time Than NOW To Oil Harness for Spring Work Auto Tops Made and Repaired Shoe reparing neatly done Oregor ? ROSS PARKINSON Nyssa, Oregon ;♦ »< I I « » ♦ « » H I « »+ I l I I I I !♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » M-4 n i l » > ».»♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »< BOND LOAN S N O T A R Y PU BLIC NYSSA REALTY CO. LICENSED R E A L ESTATE BROKERS Farms and City Property Insurance PHONE 53 NYSSA, OREGON ' All office work util be managed an in the past; only real entate tra n sa ction s by Boydell & Willoughby. J. BOYDELL. -•M-M-M-++-H-+1 I "l-M Sire- -re i A t w a t e r - K e n t Radios 20°0 Discount If you would like to give your family an “ ATWATER-KENT” Radio, and you could give them no g ift that would prove more enjoyable and entertaining the year ’round, we suggest that you order it now and receive the benefit o f a “ 20% DISCOUNT” now offered on “ All Models” ? i POWELL SERVICE STATION NYSSA, OREGON ¡¡Era- POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding N YSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY I OREGON i'l nde’s Segundia, a Tennessee cow, won the national ; nd Jersey championship at the recent Memphis dairy show. Both Fresh and Cured Nothing but the Best Duality on hand ! H. M. W HAT’S NEW? An are welded .tool bridge with out rivets is to be 'reeted at Chico Falls, Mass. The deterioration o f rubber through exposure to the iir is prevented by an anti-oxidant product recently discovered. Imitation bones for pups to play with are made of rubber by an English manufacturer . I anguages o f all races will he preserved on phono graph records to lie filet! in the museum of Sorbonne1 University in Paris. I lysses Massoth of Schenectady, N. Y.. has a home- ; n m: r; re riving set which he carries about on his :> * o . I HOÎJSÎS j PHONE 3 Nyssa. Oregon ! I INSURANCE INTERESTING NOTES “ Ladies’ Rest Room” Unmaried men in Korea are not allowed to wear hats. Arthur Prialux of Medford, Ore., ownsa four news- M ■ire- jwipers at the age of 22. Laundry owners of the United State and Canada plan! I I to spend $20,000,000 in the next four years for cooper-! ative advertising. It is reported that Russia has established plants forj the production o f the largest supply o f poison gas in! the world. On day in each week is set aside for hearing Amer S ican divorce cases by Paris courts. The wine production o f France this year is estimated at about one billion gallons. Edinburg, Scotland, is to have a modern residential home for blind women. Many natives o f inteior Africa are replacing their mud huts with houses of rude brick construction. It is against the law in Russia to address telephone: operator except as “comrade” or citizeness.” Clergy o f certain rural disticts in Holland refuse to NYSSA perform marriage ceremonies for women with bobbed hair. I BARBER SHOP I H. D. Holmes Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon Ruth Henfrey of Chicago, aged 10 fell from a third story window but escaped serious injury when a radio aerial broke the force of her fall. The University of St. Thomas Aquinas at Manila, est ablished in 1601, is the oldest university under the Am- eriean flag. __________ COOPER PRODUCE CO. D E A L E R S IN Field and Garden Seeds (irain, Feed and Poultry Supplies M A R K E T PRICES P A ID FO R A L L K IN D S OF POULTRY A T TH E RAN CH PHONE «5 OPPOSITE POSTOFFICB ^