THE GATE C\T' JOURNAL, NV8SA, OREGON Condensed Statement q / The Malheur County Bank NYSSA, OREÇON A T THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30, / 927 LIABILITIES RESOURCES 26,000.00 Loans and Discounts . 1444,831.80 ! C apital Stock________ 281X2 Surplus and P rofits .... 64,095.77 O verdrafts .................. Bills Payable------------ ..... NONE Banking House, F u m i- NONE Rediscounts ............... ... ture and Fixtures ... . 13,500.00 486,576.82 6,218.09 Deposits 603.34 School D ist W arrants. Cash and Due From Banks ........................ 101,237X4 $666,672X0 £566.672X9 Securities Pledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for Deposits^ NONE O FFIC ER S AND DIRECTORS H. J . Ward, P resident John Ray, Vi«.« - - -¿.«cent J. P. Dunaway, Cashier „ O. G. Bauer, A ssistan t Cashier U. A. Diven, A ssistant J . F. Reece J. J . Sarazin G. L. Phillips Prom pt and understanding service and our desire to promote pros­ perity ; to help you g et your share of it and to use th a t share with wisdom is our ddesire. BUY HOME PRODUCTS Campaigns having for their object the encourage­ ment of buying products manufactured near at home have been carried o in various communities with vary­ ing success for many years. Nearly everyone agrees that the idea is sound in principle but many fail to put it into pracitce when their time comes to buy. Any small local industry which manufactures a i worthy product and sells it at a reasonable price might be enabled to grow large through the loyal support of home people. Its growth would enable it to increase its payrolls, increase its consumption of raw materials, build up increased taxable wealth, and in every way contribute to the progress and prosperity of its com­ munity. These are trite and self-evident facts which have been put forward time and again, yet many otherwise good citizens deliberately contribute to the upbuilding of distant cities at the expense of their own towns and counties , through failing to patronize home industry and mercantile establishments. The simple policy of buying at home would do more for the average town than can be accomplished by all the commercial organizations and boosters’ clubs which may be maintained. These organizations are needed of course, but then efforts should be aided by the all- important policy of supporting the enterprises already present in the community. Jean Armstrong of Winnetka, 111., aged 10, is western women’s junior golf champion and lllionis junior ten­ nis champion. June Shirley, 6-year-old girl of Jacksonville, Fla., does acrobatic stunts on the wings of a flying airplane.____ ONTHEOLDJOB SHOE REPAIRING H. D. Holmes Transfer and Baggage Harness and Saddles made and repaired Auto All kinds of hauling ir :: City limits Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon 4 »********* t !■ i ♦ ♦ » » ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ :-• Tops Made Repaired and ROSS PARKINSON Nyssa, Oregon BOND LOANS NOTARY PUBLIC \\ INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY CO. LICENSED REAL ESI ATE BROKERS Some airplanes can’t get off the ground and others can’t stay off. Many a poor prune wastes his time trying to knock off a political plum. The question “What do you think?” is a high com­ pliment to some people. Candidates are being warned by the drys that wei, planks make a slippery platform. Judging from the number of stills that are captured, the manufarcturers should be having a good year. Coolidge and McAdoo have been heard from, but the static appears to be bad around Albany, N. Y. A recent shipment of razors to Africa indicates that they are going to have a big dance over there. Bank examiners can’t borrow money from banks, being in that respect like a good many more of us. When a person uses an unusual word frequently it is a good indiciation that it is a recent acquisition. With the primaries, the general election and the Lit- erady Digest’s straw vote we shall have plenty of excite­ ment next year. That young Michigan pugilist who is studying for the ministry is probably looking forward to some lively bouts with Satan. A contemporary refers to the recent observance of “Constitution Weak.” But no wonder, considering that it is 140 years old. It is said that Eskimos enjoy having their teeth pull­ ed. Also, a good many Americans seem to enjoy having their legs pulled. A shrine where automobiles are blessed has been est­ ablished by a Cincinnati priest. But the ceremony will probably be forgotten the first time one of them runs out of gas. The King of Siam has conferred upon Premie/ Mus­ solini the Grand Cross of the Order of the White Ele­ phant. The same honor might be appropriately bestow­ ed on. Muscle Shoals._____________________________ » ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 -H -» ♦ -M -t-■ i-M -H 'V I-H --i-v Both Fresh and Cured Nothing but the Best Quality on hand INTERESTING NOTES When the wife of an African pygmy dies, a joint ot thehusband’s finger is cut of. California has more than 5,000 licensed commercial fishermen. France is the greatest grape producing country in the world. As a preventive of traffic accidents in Constantinople deaf and blind persons are tagged with colored ribbons. The United States has more than a million miles of rural mail routes. San Luis Potosi is the first Mexican state to require a medical certificate to be secured by persons desiring to be married. King Sisowath of Cambodia who died recently at the age of 87, had more than 100 wives. One of the world’s finest civic centers in being plan­ ned for Sydney, New South Wales. Former Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany recently made an automobile tour of Holland with the permission of the Dutch authorities. Recent discoveries indicate that Indian boys played; marbles 2,000 years ago. Following a peculiar hobby, A. E. Huebner of Dor­ chester, Mass., has in 83 years collected more than 300 bricks, each from some historic building razed to maki room for a modern structure. SNAPPY STUFF M. J. Reardon of Chicago caused the arrest of a boy and girl who were courting on his doorstep, but they were released.. A small bear was nearl y kicked to death when it at tacked a donkey belonging to James Kerril of Canon City, Colo. A hog said to be the largest ever known, weighing 1,260 pounds, was recently exhibited at Wellington, New Zealand. , Frau Emma Wirsch, 99 years old, and her twin sister died the same day, one in Berlin and the other inMun- ich. Lightning wrecked $35,000 worth of wedding pres­ ents belonging to the daughter of James V. Spears of St. Paul when a bolt struck his residence. Charles Morison of St. Louis suing for divorce, test- ied that his home was “always in a state of civil war.’ Suspected drunks are tested in a Bingham, Eng., court by being made to repeat the sentence: “The Leith police dismisseth us.” Mrs. Jane McClaren of Aberdeen, Scotland, accepted a proposal of marriage on the day her husband was buried. WHAT’S NEW? Ethylene gas is used for ripening fruits and vega- tables, and also for removing excess acidity from fruits. PHONE 3 A tiny camera on a tube has been devised for photo­ Nyssa, Oregon graphing the stomach,which takes a set of seven pic­ tures in fourteen seconds. >»*»»»»»»♦♦♦ A Frenchman has invented a bicycle which can be oii\ rted into a small monoplane, capable of rising to height of 150 feet. IF YOU NEED Paper has been produced recently which is twice as durable ns that used in United States currency. X Letterheads Cards Stee rails are now tested for defects by the use of X- Invitations Folders C. Klinkenberg ray apparatus. Statements Circulars A special revolver for policemen is fitted with a flash­ Envelops« Billhead» PROMPT DELIVERY i light which may be thrown instantly upon any desired i >r anything else in the p. «nt* target. X Reasonable Rates ag line, come in and see us. X ^ . I PHONE 15 BOYS ANI) GIRLS Hugh Durbin, 13. was caught in the ropes of a bal­ ^*+'>v*f*!*^*!**I“I*v*!*»!‘*!‘*!-!-’-* >* ■!••>*! : • lon at Frankfort, Ind., caried 700 feet in the air. after- mis alighting with the ballon in a tree, with only U K K T S C II minor bruises. B rhnra Mae of Kansas City, Mo., only six years old, t ;; iff pm '' i lived in six South American coutries and in six Lutes. She speaks English. German and Spanish. I n -nco Gns Station Robert Carver North, a Canadian hoy, hs attained : I F o r t Gnrsgp Shaving, Hair Cutting considerable fame as a traveler and author at thp age of ! ! • ' PART o f YOUR 1? and was recently presented to Governor-General Hot and (’old Baths '• Putrì tingo Willingdon. Roy Pounds, Prop. C F. BFRTSCH Turkey’s new captial, Angora, a population of Nyssa Oregm • about 58.000. ♦»>♦»♦«11 >♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦ Ht Farms and City Property \ Insurance All office work uill be m anaged as in th e p a st; only real esta te tra n sa ctio n s by B oydell & H illonghby. J. BOYDELL. - ¡Q ■ i~ ^ ~ ? Its Points Of Difference Are Points Of Excellence Thats is the Amazing Thing ^ About its Low PRICE 2-Door Sedan POWELL SERVICE STATION “ L a d ie s ’ R e s t R o o m ” NYSSA, OREGON 33e a t o r . « POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding NYSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY NYSSA OREGON ! ♦ ♦ ♦ *i m i ii n m i i i u i ♦ ■ m - m - h - » ■»■ í - m i -M'4+44» 10 ■ The Oldsmobile H . M . H O U S i! CITY DRAY LINE NYSSA, OREGON - • PHONE 53 I NYSSA BARBER SHOP COOPER PRODUCE CO. DEALERS IN Field and Garden Seeds Grain, Feed and Poultry Supplies MARKET PRICES PA ID FOR A LL KINDS OF POULTRY AT THE RANCH PHONE 65 O PPOSITE POSTOFFICB