THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLLME XXV. NO. 37. NYSSA, OREGON. FRIDAY OCTOBER 7, 1927. PLAN SPUD SHOW FOR PORTLAND CHOWO OCT. 20 Real Mountain Mr. C. W. Aldrdge o f Ontario is a L y n x Killed guest in the home o f his daughter Mrs. Chas Bradley this week. Near Ontario Dottie Cantrall visited Virginia : OWYHEE * m VALE A i JO'H O AUTOS COLLIDE »1.50 PER \ EAR ONTARIO Judge Dalton Biggs was unable to preside at the fall term o f circuit court which convened in Harney county at Burns last week, owing to McGinnis on Sunday. PURVIS CAR BADLY WRECKED illness. Judge T. E. J. Duffy of ROY L. KLINE AND JUDGE Bend was on the bench. Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mrs. F. Fry and SAWYER GO TO CONVENTION A mountain lynx strayed far from SUNDAY NIGHT WHEN CROWD J. D. Thomas went deer hunting Dwight Smith were Boise visitors usual haunts and met death in an en ED AT -Y» JUNCTION AT DENVER with his brother Ben Thomas of _____ | Thursday. counter with Joe Shirts of Ontario Fruitland last week. They were VALE COMMERCIAL CLUB ASKS _ Mr’ ami Mrs\ Edward Atkins of Thursday night. While driving from Whle driving to Vale on return hunting near New Meadows. Enroute to Denver to attend a Ontario near the Lackey ranch, COOPERATION OF FARMERS T o j Emmett artJ Visiting their unde Ray from McCall Sunday night, Percy convention of state highway com School closed here Monday and Shirts was astounded when a huge- MAKE GOOD SHOWING j Cantra11 a , u l family- Christa Minton and Jack McCon- animal with gleaming eyes, jumped Purvis collided with a Ford road Tuesday while the grade and high mission officers, Roy L. Kline, sec from the side of the road and nearly ster driven by John Arnold of Pay school teachers attended county in retary of the Oregon commssion. ■ nell are hunting deer in the hills. ette, who crowded too close to the stitute at Vale. Judge Sawyer of Bend were through DDI7CC CflD CDIinC flWIfiMC Mr- and -Mrs- M- P a r s o n , Mrs. landed in the car. Shirts stepped in lL L J r u n D lU U U , UlllUIlD N. Bach and Mrs. Jas Lane are in on the accelerator and drove to his center of the road. The accident oc H. C. Boyer appeared before the here Friday. They made the trip curred at the “ Y ” , at the identical over the John Day highway. father’s home, where he secured a . Emmett over the week end. state highway commission in Port spot «h ere a Washington tourist had While here Mr. Kline stated that „ ..... I John Harris has been laid up the rifle. He returned and had no dif land last Tuesday as a delegate for Want All Good Crop Exhibit* r « . ^ a . ... . gone over the grade, down the steep Jetley Bros, of Burns were suc , .• .... . I last two weeks with a lame knee, ficulty in locating the dangerous the commercial club, to ask that bhow Portland Delegation What . ! enmbankment and into the barrow cessful bidders for the 11.17 miles of The Jack Pitzer family of Ontario beast and killing him. i . some improvevments be made on the Malheur Land Can Do grading( on the Buchanan-Nigger Charles McClees, game warden! plt du» "K ‘ he aevere rain «to™ John Day highway. visited in the Claude Smith home flat and Van Derveer sections for who was here Friday, says the lynx Saturday night. Mr. Purvis believed Sunday . Ontario high school football team that Mr. Arnold may have been ,199,562. Three and six-tenths miles Mr. and Mrs. Mark Yates of Pend is the best catch he has seen this played a scoreless game with Roswell (From the Malheur Enterprise) looking at the wrecked Washington of this contract is Central Oregon at the first match of the season. Thursday night the Spud Show leton who have .been visiting in the season. highway, the remaining distance is car when hi crowded to the center committee of the Vale Commercial Lowe home left for home Monday. Attorney McGonogill was in Vale for the completion of the Bums-Otls • of the road. Dennis Keck of Oregon Trail son club met to line up plans for the 1. W. Hope was riding with Mr. Tuesday. market road. agricultural exhibit to be put on here of Mr. and Mrs. A. Keck was badly The announcement of the recent j Purvis and sustained a rather severe This was the first visit of Judge hurt Sunday when he was thrown for the benefit o f the Portland ! head cut. No one else was injured. engagement of Oris Dearborn t" Sawyer to this section since he was from a horse while visiting at G. Chamber of Commerce delegation, ! Both cars were badly damaged, the Miss Margart E. Gellatly o f Kansas named a member of the state high who will make a 3-hour stop in Vale Neal’s ranch. His foot caught in Purvis sedan losing a wheel, with City is of interest to friends. way board. He noted good conditions on October 20, while on their annual the harness dragging him quite a j fender, hood and windshield smash- Dr and Mrs. E. P. Ellison of Kan in this section and is well pleased to distance. Dr. Sarzin is in attend Good Will Tour thru the state. I ed up. The light Ford was knocked sas City have been holding revival note the advancement of Malheur (From the Malheur Enterprise) Prizes will be offered for potato and ance. ! nearly o ff the road and a front services at the Nazarene church this and Harney county road plans. Mrs. L. B. Ramsdell o f Pendleton In compliance with the suggestion onion exhibits but in order to make | wheel was demolished. week. a really representative showing, all and Mrs. Gerald Stanfield of Weis- of H. H. Corey of the public service A. Ritchie of Baker was awarded er were dinner guests in the T. M. commission of Oregon that Vale farmers are invited to bring in a the contract for construction of the have a man to asist in the gathering WATSON variety of farm exhibits for display. Lowe home Tuesday. high school gymnasium for $12,944. Fred Pullen got his foot tangled of evidence and be on hand to pre Brogan will be invited to make an Ed. Palmer spent Tuesday in Vale The contracts calls for completion by in a rope while unhitching a horse sent the evidence at the hearing be apple showing. December 15. and was dragged for quite a dis fore the interstate commerce com _lon business. Prizes Offered The first meeting of the study to the proposed j Jesse Griffith went to the county Business men o f Vale will give tance. He managed to extricate mission relative Malheur City, for years known as prizes consisting of $10 worth of himself however before he was ser construction o f a cross-state rail-j seat, via Nyssa on Wednesday. He club was held Tuesday, celebrated road from Crane to Odell, or some "Iso made a trip to Fruitland and with a one o ’clock luncheon. This the mining town of southeastern merchandise for the following ex iously hurt. are: Mrs. Bruce Oregon, is exeriencing a “ Weepah” The Belding family who have been more advantageous point, Robert D. Emmett and planned to return by year’ s officers hibits: for the best display of Early Kester, president; Mrs. Irwin Troxell living on the upper Owyhee have Sunday. Lytle was named to represent the boom in the embryo, but if the pre Rural potatoes; for the best exhibit Vale Commercial club. F. G. Cleve Robert McConnell, former Watson vice; Mrs. O. M. Castleman, second dictions o f a government geologist of Netted Gems: for the best dis left for parts unknown. Harold Elliott, Kenneth Bach and land, W. S. Brown and Leo Schmidt resident ,now residing in the Jordan vice; Mrs. H. B. Cockrum, secretary; who spent last week looking over play o f any other variety of pota " ’ ! s made a trip to the hills will assist Mr. Lytle in gathering Valley section, was a Vale visitor Mrs. D. M. Taggart, treasurer; Mrs. the Rainbow mine in Mormon Basin toes. E. A. Fraser, auditor. the data. and the country tributary thereto, Tuesday. Same prizes for the best exh.' *v_ Mr. and Mre. Lee Alexander re ;om e to pass, “ someone will strike Data to be presented by Vale at Wm. Hammond accompanied Ev o f Sweet Spanish onions; for Red ■ hearing will include information erett Fretwell to Vale Monday. Ow turned from their recentOvisit in i rich lode of gold ore.” The gov Weatherford onions; for the best ° , with relation as to the tonnage con- ing to the fact that Georgia Fretwell California. ernment man stated that there is a display of any other variety of Mrs. Schyler Bull has gone to fine outlook for gold mining in the Real Estate Transfers Recorded , tiguous to this territory, present fac- was the victim o f a sudden attack onions. Malheur district. Julia Kiesel et al to Sam Henry, ilities afforded, development and of appendicitis, necessitating an op- Canada to visit relatves. A silver loving cup is offered for Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Ryan have been Since his visit there has been con Monday night, and W*4-j progress of this season, present eiation in Ontario the best exhibit of a variety of po E (4 NW '4 N W *4 NW '4 , they were delayed for a couple of entertaining Mr. and Mrs. George siderable activity in filing on clams. Sec. 17-19-47. 9,' shipping problem». tatoes grown in this county and also NE(4NW>4NW>4 Reilsen of Portland. Any number of m'-eis- have called at Mr. Corey advised that the hearing days. ofr the onion sweepstakes, fvi the 8, 27. $1,500.00. Miss Laura Redsicker o f Palm the Enterprise office for location Mary Fretwell sister o f Georgia, John J. Keegan et ux to Frank L. [ will be held sometime in December. best display of a variety of onions. this week. On Thursday has just recovered from an appendix Beach, guest of Miss Inez Cannon, blanks Sec. 29-18-47. The spud show exhibits will be ar Keener, S W ’4NE<4 , operation and has returned to Fruit- has been a much entertained visitor Clarence and Granville Stacey made $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). ranged several days before the Port 9, 3, 26. in the city. a trip to Malheur City, where they land where the family are living. Federal Land Bank to Frank L. land men make their visit. Exhibits recently staked out a number of Miss Elva Morgan .teacher in the can be taken to the Vale Grain & Keener, S W ‘4N W »4 See. 29-18-47. gold claims. For years John Bos I lower district, attended institute at Feed Store and placed under the 3, 11, 26. $1.00. well has successfully operated a i V’ale. She drove down with George Stewart Hanna et ux to Shute care of F. G. Cleveland, member of j Palmer. placer mine. the committee. Savings Bank S % S E ’4 Sec. 10; D. J. Nottingham has rented the SWy*NW% Sec. 11; and N % N W % Jesse West, wanted in Malheur Sec. 14-17-39. 9, 26, 27. $10.00. (Q. county on a charge of stealing cat - 1 George Palmer ranch and will take HOMEDALE soon. Mr. Palmer is C. Deed). tie was arrested by Baker county I ij:)sst‘" slon Last week marked the close of Colbert Patterson to Shute Saving officialg early Wednesday m orning! p' anmn* to run h,s " ew band of Rev. Henry Martin has gone to his the peach harvest in the Brogan Bank, N%NW14 Sec. 12; S E 'A S W ^ , af ter an unsuccessful attempt to; " u , p- . . , new location at Pleasant Ridge. fruit district, where one of the best and SWKSEV* Sec. 1-16-39. 9, 26, make t. a in which the fu g. Mrs. Charles Ingram v.s.ted at the One hundred twenty carloads of Malheur county was represented 27. $10.00. (Q. C. Deed). } itive was thrown from his horse and | Frank ^ f f r J ,ome ^ v , peach crops in years was sold large prunes were shipped from Home- with an agricultural exhibit at the ly to local consumers. The crop was C. R. Emison, Trustee, et ux t o ' WB , broken. The capture was Mis. Ethel Maxson drove to Vale dale since the first of the month, state fair held in Salem this week, Marie Pinney, EHSE14 Sec. 1-19-. made *in Box canyon> in the BOuth- f nday to »«en d mst.tute Her exceptionally good and instead o f not including the last shipment this with a showing put on by V. V. 46; and S W % S W * Sec. 6-19-47. 9, e shipping the fruit out, purchasers o f Baker county. | «laughters accoman.ed her and D. J. week. Apples are now going out. Hickox, prominent farmer o f Big , , 28, 27. $10.00. (Q. C. Deed). West was located Wednesday! ^ nottln« ham’ wh° W the few came in cars from all parts of south- Bend and director of the Malheur eastern Oregon and from Idaho!0 " Friday Perry ^ aup,n sh,pped Ivan Oakes et ux to Pacific Live morn; at dusk while hc was ri d -! da£ V18,t f e t i n g business^ county fair association. The exhibit Both peachers and pear ¡ieve" cars of ra"Ke horses to P° rt‘ Stock Co., Lot 14, Harper Ranch d o* n the canyon> an as officers 12 puplls ,n *he Wat8° " points. was praised by Portland papers. Sublivision. 3,10,27. ! „ ordered .“ „ „ a u :_ ♦„ a < L a a . shot w sch00' this among ‘ hem Frank brought a splendid price and were land‘ him to ...... stop L and fired Dr. Hopper has a new Chevrolet Products of the farm and orchard Percy Purvis et ux to William in theair, he swung his horse and Davis, a recent newcomer from Med in great demand. produced under irrigation were stres Purvis, Lots 27 and 28 .Block 5, Had ford. Mrs. Maxson, who is teaching The apple harvest is now well sedan. started up the steep hill on the run. sed in the Malheur exhibit. Grains leys 2nd Mrs. Anna Stevens enjoyed a re Add. to Vale. 9, 29. 27. One of the officers slightly wounded again this year, is living at the underway and is expected to be the and grasses predominated. Frank Palmer ranch. largest ever shipped out o f Brogan cent visit in Boise with Mr. and Mrs. $900. the horse with a rifle bullet and a* Harry Page rode a few days last for the last five or six years. One Lester Day. Henrietta Pullen to D. P. Pullen, the animal fell West was thrown to Pete Kershner was recently re NE '4 NW «4 Sec. 32-20-46. 12, 1, 26. j tj,e g round> breaking one of his legs. week with the Davis horse runners hundred fifty cars have been ordered VALE to care for transportation of both moved to a hospital at San Francisco $2,500.00. i .pbc jnj ured man waa taken to at Bogus Creek. From Jordan Valley— Perry Maupin returned Friday basket and box packed fruit, a visit from Winnemucca, Nev., suffering Sheriff C. W. Glenn to A. C. Jol- j Baker Wednesday afternoon and David Graham, deputy superin ley, Lots 11 to 18 inclusive. Block I gheriff McKinney returned to West’s from delivering a bunch o f horses at or from Brogan said. with a serious injury sustained while tendent of banks, came in from Jor 202; Lots 6, 7, and 8 Block 203 the railroad. The majority of fruit men have riding in a rodeo. His jaw waH broken _abin where he found Ted Ritz in Sam Warren is getting school sold their produce to L. Singer & in two places and he has other injur dan Valley Friday to spend a brief Lots 8 9, anl 10 Block 133; Lot 8 » ;charge of a still, the officer re- visit with his family. He was ac Block 139 all in Ontario; Lots 50 Sons’ Produce Co. of Kansas City ies, which make his recovery doubt Ritz was „r e s te d and a wood in District 32. companied by Malcolm Palmer who and 51, Block 4; Lot26, Block 6, Lots shotgun, two loaded rifles, a sad-, Mis. J. C. Syme was on the sick and to the Erb company. These two ful. went on to Brogan to visit with his 15 and 16, Block 7; Lots 14 and 16, d,e on which was gecured a rifle » V firms have men on hand who over few days th,s waek‘ u In the first football game Home- brother- Averill. They left on re Block 8; Lots 13 and 14 Block 9, , cabbard and the still were confis I. Tht sta* e dnver reports ‘ he roads see the packing and shipping from dale defeated Sunny Slope 26 to 0. turn to the valley Saturday. and Lot 25 Block 10, all in Riverside j (.afced West who eluded officers '" a very bad condition between the two central locations in Brogan, Mrs. C. A. Turner underwent a since under the purchasing con leccnt operation for appendicitis at Add.- to Ontario, and Lot 31, Block 3, ■ at b jg bome jp m iles from Hunting- I Watson and Rockville. Interior Trip— „ , , „ „ a . Amiel Claud and Tom Barnes tract the growers are only con Boise. Terrace Heights Add to Ontario. 10, ton on August , „ 30, has been sought H. G. Kennard, state watermast- , „ , , ’ „ , . r made a tnp to Mahogany Mountains cerned with picking the apples and 1, 27. £385.00. hv Baker and Malheur county of- * * , Mrs. Doolittle entertained the er, made an official trip to Jordan Fau,haber et v¡r to Mrs . . . .. ., _i for winter wood this week. carting to packers. ficers since that time. He probably ladies aid Tuesday week, when Rev. Valley and McDerrmtt last week, He)en Scully> SW^NEV* Sec. 14- E. E. Fretwell started for Fruit will be turned over to Malheur Charles Guinn and wife of Wilder House Plant Aid- having returned to Vale Sunday.; land Sunday morning to visit his 18-44. 9, 26, 27. $1.00. county authorities. were among the guests. Mrs. Kennard was with him. They House fern scale insects are con family who live there. „ . P. M. Warren et ux to P. A . Lea- Claud Wineberger was arrested by trolled by frequent application of a found the roads a little better than tham Lots 2 3> 4 an 5 Block 17, George Palmer visited the Warm- Malheur official? -several weeks ago NO PICNIC usual, due to recent work done by Teutgcbg Add to Nyssa. 10 ^ 27. spring District the last of the week. common laundry soap, says the Ore for alleged cattle rustling with Getting out a weekly paper is no county men. ______ $125.00. Harry Page is doing Fretwell’s gon experiment station entomologist. West. He is out on bond*. chores while Mr. Fretwell is at One quarter pound of soap is used picnic. If we print jokes, folks saw From Big B e n d - ‘ Shcriff C’ W ’ G,enn t0 P' A ‘ to one gallon o f water. It is best to we are too serious. If we publish Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Clifford ‘ ham lfi’ to 20 ,nc,usiy«- *" TRUCK DRIVER DOZES, wash the solution from the plants original stuff, they say we lack , Block 18, Teutschs Add. to Nyssa and daughter Elda and Miss Frances variety. If we clip from other VEHICLE GOES OVER GRADE about two hours after application. 10, 1, 27. *50.00. papers, they say we are too lazy to Gifford of Big Bend spent Sunday Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Robt D. Overcome by drowsiness while Sweet cream rather than sour is write. If we stay in the office we visiting at the W. F. McLing home. Lytle and Ralph A. Holte, Lots 1 driving a truck near Brogan, Clar now generally used for Oregon but ought to be out hunting up news. J. E. Peck, state highway engin and 2, Block 18, Vale. 9 10, 27. ence Howard o f Ironside narrowly termaking, reports the dairy spec If we hunt up news, we are not escaped injury when a tiuck he was eer, was here from Ironside Monday. *400.00. Bids were opened at the Owyhee ialist of the experiment station, tending to business in the office. If driving went over the grade. The district office in Nyssa, for the con- whereas a few years ago nearly all we wear old clothes, we’re stingy. He says Joslin & McAllister, con Marriage License Issued truck left the road and turned over ■truction tractors who are surfacing the Iron of one five-room office butter was churned from sour cream If we wear new ones, they’re not George T. Maddux and Vida Piland but Howard escaped unhurt. side stretch of the John Day high- paid for. Like as not, someone will bulding, one five-room house, and 9, 30, 27. The change calls for delivery of ' way, are making good progress and say we swiped this article from an seven three-room houses at the Owy- J. Harry Anderson and Thelma sweet cream by the dairies, an easy expect to have the work finished CARLOAD TO ACRE j hee damsite. other newspaper. We did! We Smith. 10, 1, 27. task if the right directions are fol within a month. Miller A Detourville, Bli s, Idaho,} The bids were as follows: A. G. lowed. “ Once you get the habit of swiped it from the Payette Enter David H. Vahlberg and Claire A. farmers, are obtaining a carload of Plant & Co., of Ontario, $27,000; delivering sweet cream you will find prise, they swiped it from the Idaho R. H. DcArmond left Vale Monday c " 0!’<?r- 27■ , . . , Volin,, Complaints filed in Circuit Court United States No. 1 potatoes to the | f i b e - t G. Brown o f Gooding, $25,087 it as easy as the old sour cream Pioneer and we don’t have any idea morning enroute to Jordan Valley1 r ... „ _ , where they swiped it. , . •„ Silver Spar Mining Co. vs Frank acre from their farm, it was an- G. Johanson o f Adrian, Ore., $25,- habit,” says the report. and the intenor where he will spend , _ .. „ » nounced Wednesday at the state 039; A. Ritchie of Baker, $26,404; i - ,,__ ■ . Lee and Gus Harvey. 9 27. 27. a week or so gathering cattle. Assumed Business Name ileaptment of agriculture, as an ex- L. S. Mallory, Boise $28,262; Thayer Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Megorden and ______ _ Recovery o f money. $2,799.20. Ontario Taxi. Ralph E. Doree, On son, Rolland, o f Boise were Sunday Dennis Hon, lancher o f Watson, The Commercial Corp. vs Joe Mes- ample o f the quality of the crop this A Nichol o f Vale, $27, 250. The contract must be completed tario, Ore. To conduct a general guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. McParlin accompaniod John Brandon to Vale gee. 9, 30, 27. Recovery o f money vear. There are 300 sacks to a car- taxi service in Ontaaio. 10, 1, 27. Cough.— Pamra Review. load. i within 100 days. Monday. I $162.72. ON BRIEF VISIT WANT VALE IDEAS ON CROSS STATE RAIL 1 %/» County Statistics ALLEGED CATTLE RUSTLER GAUGHT BUMPER FRUIT CROP Malheur Exhibit At State Fair Open Bids For Owyhee Houses