THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Condensed Statement oj The Malheur County Bank NYSSA, OREQON A T THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE iO. 1927 RESOURCES I LIABILITIES Loans ami Discounts ..$444,881.80 O v e r d r a f t * __________ 281.52 Banking House, Furni­ ture and Fixtures .... 13,500.00 Other Real Estate....... 5,218.00 School Dist' Warrants.. 003.84 Cash and Due From Banks ______________ 101,237.84 Capital Stock__ ______ t 25,000.00 Surplus and Profits — 54,095.77 Bills Payable..................... NONE Rediscounts .... NONE Deposits . 486,576.82 $565,672.59 4565.672.59 Securities Pledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for Deposits^ NONE OFFICERS ANU DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, V«-o . . -anient J. P. Dunaway, Cashier .. O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier 11. A. Diven, Assistant J. F. Reece J. J. Sarazin G. L. Phillips Prompt and understanding service and our desire to promote pros­ perity; to help you get your share of it and to use that share with wisdom is our ddesire. A sport writer in one of the few persons who gets paid for guessing wrong. Dumb Dora thinks syntax is something to be paid to the revenue collector. Next thing we expect to see is a sign reading “ Ye Old Undertaking Shoppe.” Movie stars object to being looked at through the wrong end of the telescope. Whena woman flatters her husband it usually means that his pocketbook is going to be flattered, too. W. E. Shine a shoe merchant in Birmingham, Ala., whose nickname might appropriately be “ Shoe Shine. Why is it that just when everybody in the gathering is enjoying the occcasion someone has to make a speech l A blow on a shark’s dorsal fin will put it to flight, says an expert diver, and we are going to take his word for it. Iceless refrigerators are not new, but in the old days they were small houses built over cool running springs Twenty-five percent of women in the United States Foundation I the pavement damaged by any cause The space over which the walk i s ' prior to its official acceptance, shall to be laid shall be excavated to the be repaired or replaced by the con- proper subgrade and thoroughly tractor, at his own expense, in a compacted by rolling or tamping, j manner satisfactory to the Engineer. The space below the subgrade, if I Cold Weather Work any, shall be filled with sand o r , No concrete shall be placed where gravel, well rammed in place. The the air temperature is below 35 de- tinished subgrade shall be parallel grees Fahrenheit, and green concrete | to the surface o f the finished walk. | must be protected against freezing Gravel and Sand I for a period o f at least ten days after The rock for making the concrete | it is placed. Any concrete showing shall be good clean sand and gravel i evidence o f having been frozen shall lor satisfactory hard broken stone, be removed and replaced by the con- such stone or gravel to be no larger tractor at his own expense, than two (2) inches, largest d i- ! Upon said base will be laid three ameter nor smaller than one fourth fourth (44) of an inch of wearing surface while said surface is still j ( ) inch in diameter. The fine aggregate shall consist soft and adhesive, and must be thor- I of clean, hard durable stone par- j oughly worked and brought to a uni- tides, free from lpm ps or coating o f form and roughened surface. It clay, and containing no soft or flaky | shall be cut into slabs so as to form particles, loam or organic matter, a square and o f the same length as and shall not be larger than one 'he width o f the walk on all walks fourth ( V * ) inch in diameter. i six feet wide and less, and on all walks eight feet or over the same Cement All cement used shall be Portland shall be cut into slabs by first divid­ cement conforming in every respect ing the walk lengthwise in the center io the requirements of the standard and transversley so that each slab s;>ecfications for Portland cement as shall be equal in size to one half the width of the full walk, or such other adopted in 1916 by the American size or shape as the City Engineer Society for Testing Materials. may direct, and shall be protected Concrete from the action of the elements and Upon the foundation prepared as persons and animals until thoroughly herein before specified will be laid a set. bed of concrete three inches thick, well compacted by ramming, with (Upper and Outer Surface of Curb and Gutter) the surface made exactly parallel to The upper and outer surface of the surface o f the completed walk. The concrete shall not be mixed in the curb and gutter shall be of the greater quantities than is required same material as the wearing sur­ for immediate use and none remain- face heretofore described and sub- ing unused until having taken the ject to all the conditions herein stat- initial set shall be retempered or re- ed. The inside core will be composed mixed or used in any way. The concrete, mixed and laid similar to whole operation o f mixing and lay­ the concrete bed described for the ing each batch o f concrete shall be walk. Planed or surfaced boards, on performed as expeditiously as pos­ the side next to the concrete shall be used for forms for said curbs. sible. The gutters shall be constructed The basis for measurement for concrete shall be the sack as packed under the direct supervision of the by the manufacturer, a sack con­ City Engineer and subject to his taining not less than ninety four approval, and shall be as nearly uni- 0 4 ) pounds net, being considered form as possible throughout the as having a volume of one (1) c u b -1‘ ‘W, with the outer or side next to I the roadway conforming to the grade ic foot. The fine and course aggregate ° f sue)l roadway where the two shall be measured loose in boxes, ¡ unite. The grades shall be and are pans, or wheel barrows of uniform i as established by the City Engineer. Unless each recep- Porportioning the Material housewives. I tacle is of such size that its maxium The concrete shall be mixed in the With the modern rapid-fire divorce courts in action ¡load is equal to the specified amount porportions of one sack of cement there is less leisure for repentink after the marriage in 'of material to be placed in it, it two and «ne-haif cubic feet of fine shall be struck o ff with a template aggregate and five cubic feet of haste. I so shaped as to leave the proper I course aggregate for the base and College authorities have approved the expression:: amount of material. core o f the said sidewalks, curbs and ‘‘ What are you looking fo r ? ” The answer, we assume 1 For the purpose of checking the j gutters, and in the proportion of volumes of meassuring recéptales, j one cubic foot of cement and two is: “ How can a fellow help it?” A press dispatch tells of a poor fellow who “ died with­ the contractor will have upon th e, cubic feet o f sand for the surface of out the aid of a doctor,” but fortunately, fe whave to work at all times a measuring box o f That the estimated costs of said exactly one eubic foot volume. shuffle off without such assistance. The contractor shall at all times improvements according to the above Peggy Hall, young California aviatrix ,is the first use the full required amount of .duns and specifications obtained woman to receive license from the French Federation cement as computed from the quan trom the City Engineer of said Town Aeronautic International in the past two years. Only 15 tities of concrete nnd the specified " f Nyssa, is as follows: Twenty Cents a square foot for proportions. women have ever received this honor. improvement and extension of said Consistency made and constructed according to NOTICE With a view to securing a con­ sidewalks. the following plans and specifi­ One Dollar per lineal foot for the crete of maximum strength the con Notice is hereby given that at a cations: of said curbing and crete mixture shall contain no more construction meeting of the town council of the l’lans and spcefications secured by water than is necessary to produce a | gutter- Town o f Nyssa, Malheur County, the council o f the Town o f Nyssa, And the costs of such proposed workable mass and one which can Oregon, held on the 25th day of Mny, Malheur County, Oregon, and the be brought to a satisfactory finish improvement shall be porportioneil 1927, and founded on petitions there­ estimated costs of proposed improve­ asst ssments made and taxes levied without excessive effort. tofore filed with the said town coun­ ments consisting of the construction As a basis' for determining the for the payment of such proposed cil, the said town council pussed the of extention o f sidewalks and con­ proper amount of water to be added improvement upon and against the following resolution: structing gutters and curbs on Main to each batch, the truncated cone property fronting nr and abutting up­ street between the Wesc line of the on said streets where said proposed Resolution slump test will be used. The test improvement is made. Be it resolved by the common council right of way of the Oregon Short will be made as follows: of the Town o f Nyssa, Malheur Line Railroad Company and Third And be it further resolvevd tb0'. A metal( mold in the form of a upon passage of this resolution and County, Oregon, that the sidewalks Street anil constructing gutters and i truncated cone having a base of its approval by the Mayor, the re­ on each side of Main street between curbs on First street between Main. , ,, , , , ,, • i eight inches in diameter, a top four street and Good Avenue and Mam corder shall publish in the Gate City the West line of the right of way of inches in diameter, and a height o f Journal, a newspaper published in the Oregon Short Line * Raijroad street and Rower Avenue ns prayed twelve inches, shall be filled with for in the petitions on file with the said town and in Malheur County, Company and Third street be extend­ the freshly mixed concrete, the con­ State o f Oregon, a notice of the ed to a width o f ten feet and a curb­ crete lightly tapped with a rod as it proposed improvements. such passage o f this resolution stating ing and gutter bo constructed there­ is placed in the mold. As soon as Curbs therein the intenton to mnke such on at the outer edge of said sidewalk The curb shall be of such height the mold is filled and struck with a improvement, the estimated costs when so extended and that n curbing trowel, the mold shall be removed ______ __ _______ thereof ___ and the manner _________ apportion and gutter be constructed on the as shall in the opinion o f the City ( of the concrete mass j the costs 0p sucj, improvement outer edge o f the sidewalk on First Engineer provide for proper drain-1and ,,u‘ shall bo measured. The diffi rcnce and levying the assessment there street between Main street nnd age of the block thru which it ¡8 Bower Avenue nnd between Mai» built and shall be six Inches wide at '« ’tween this height nnd the he'ght fore. (twelve inches) shall H. F. Francis, Mayor. street and Good Avenue, as prayed the top and batter out at the rate I o f the " o ld be _ taken ns the slumn. A R. Millar, City Recorder. for in the petitions on tile with the o f one inch in one foot, nnd shall be concrete Tht’ consistency of the recorder of said town o f Nyssa, that leveled o r rounded on the upper and And you are hereby further not­ mixture to he us-M on this work said proposed improvements shall be outer edge. ified that the Mayor and Town coun­ I shall he such U>at the slump shall not exceed one nnd one-half ( 1 %) cil o f said town shall levy a tax ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+<■ • against the property to which they inches. have determined the costs of such Mixing Mixing shall be done in a batch improvement, shall be assessed and m'xer of an approved type operated apportioned. And when said taxes Harness and Saddles at the speed for which it wns design­ have been levied, the recorder shall C. Klinkenberg made and repaired ed but not less than fourteen nnd no make a list thereof and unless said PROMPT D E L IV E R Y more than twenty revolutions per tax is paid, said recorder shall re­ Auio Tops Made and minute. Mixing shall continue un- cord the said tax and levy in the Reasonable Rates til 'he materials are thoroughly nnd '°w n lien docket and the same shall Repaired e'foim lv distributed thru the mass, | thereafter be a lien against said PHONE 15 "util every particle is coated with property . ROSS PARKINSON mortar ,nnd until the mixture is uni-j M '"ar, Uity Recorder. Nyss?\s Oregon 'e* m in color and smooth in appear­ • •MH* *8**8* v*!*v ^ *!* *v* *v • ♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦<♦ I I l * H ’ H • ance In no case shall n batch be M. mi I for less than one minute aftqr ] • s| 'I '(’c materials are in the drum. yThe entire contents of the drum ■ -h-dl b> discharged before any of the materials for the succeeding batch J ...a r e placed therein Between Lawrence Gas Station Th" v.ilunie ef the batch o f mixed < and Ford Garage r. * . . * • • ' T , m " y Shining. Hair Cutting material shall not be greated than • the rated capacity o f the drum. - SOLICITS A PART OK YOU * ! it " I I II, m »ndjltld Haiti» Protection • *t CRv limits * t * Patronage The contractor shall erect and Roy Pound?, Prop. * Wbr 1 Y e -’ intain suitable barriers to protect ïjirsM, Oregon G. E. BERTSCH £ Nyssa ()■ the concrete from traffic or other are paid Workers. The Other BOND LOANS NOTARY PURL1C INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY CO. i LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS Farms and City Property Insurance N Y SSA , OREGON PHONE 53 All office work ui'l he managed an in the pant; only real estate transactions bu Boydell & Willoughby. | ] J. BOYDELL Atwater-Kent i 1927-1928 Model— Philco Socket Power A ll kinds of RADIO SUPPLIES o ES DEMPSEY-TUNNEY FIGHT . Broadcast from ringside SEPTEM BER 22 POWELL SERVICE STATION 75 percent includes the ! '^ ’p ” ‘ml" s izc. “ Ladies’ Rest Room” p NYSSA, OREGON ¿ ir ~ ~ = = j e tbs : «¿3 Custom Cleaning and Grinding j CITYDRAYLINE i SHOE REPAIRING ONTREOLDJOB 7 ¡ I ----------L----------- NYSSA HARBER SHOi ~ ; frrjnsfyf aatl Hjifljbafi I I kb* FM t-M-M-r-T » » « f t . " ' “-inn ntal action and any part o f N Y S S A G R A IN & S E E D COM PANY NYSSA OREGON DON’TGET ALONG WITHOUT I- C-E : You lose more in milk, butter, meat and leftovers than it takes to buy ice. NYSSA P A C K IN G CO. BURBIDGE & R A Y , Props. PHONE 6 NYSSA, OR. ♦ ♦♦■M I I I I I M P C O O P E R P R O D U C E CO. DEALERS IN l l l Q l t T K C 'I I » * F ield and G arden Seeds BARBER SHOP Grain, Feed and Poultry • Supplies 1 11 I I I 1 t ♦< I I I 1 : : [ MARKET PRICES PAI D FOR A LL KINDS OF POULTRY AT THE RANCH PHONE 65 - OPPOSITE POSTOFFICB ;