Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1927)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NT88A, OMGOff. — METHODIST NOTES * SCHOOL NOTES Notice of Special of the *nd t h a t provision has been mad*, la ■ i Î f Election it Town Of Nynsa, Malheur ,ul1 «onformity with law, for th* levy, (V .i„ n tllrM n i) Ing and coliastion o f an annual t a g Sunday morning ’■ the time for Lunty, state Of Oregon. sufficient to pay tb* m t e r e a t o n thia the regular missionary sermon. Th# stude nt* of Nyaaa H igh School Notice is hareBy given that h®0- *nd • tao th* P'lntipal thereof hold a s tu d e n t body m a t t i n g Tuosday A new aeries of missionary ser morning. Tha revised constitution pursuant to an ordinance passed " n . f.*?h . " ™ . £ t * i f t h . town of W anted -v i» n w ith car to sell ■■o n - D r . and Mrs. F. A G o e l t t u n i mons will be begun at this time. was preaaotad and accepted. Th* f a t b y t h e common council o f the Nyeaa »re hereby pledged for the p un. Town Of N y s s a . County o f Mai- etual p r y m e n t of tha principal and the pletc (inequality A u t o T i r e r and Tub»» f a m i l y are guests at the J . B oy During the past year the“Fields” lowing officers war* elected: heur, state of Oregon, on the 6th ini?f*** “5?" »*»• bund Exclusive T e r r i to r y . E x p o r u n c . not n ot d e „ h o m e D f (; o e ,t i w > | have been considered la this Pre side nt—Eeyaold s Caboen d day a v o of f beptember. i n t e r n h e r 1 iy-i 9 ? 7 f, n provi r o v i J d - 1 CO IN ONY HEREO Th# UiIn T on ESTIM counci| of th. W Town of F . Ny9S. necessary Sa lary »300.00 pe r month. Vic* P r e s i d e n t —Cora Elliot merly located here and conducted series, Bible characters as mis ing for the contracting ol an baa caused this bond to be signed by S e c r e t a r y —Harold Hoxia T he " H o a t e r a " m a t l a s t T neadry indebtedness on behalf of the the m s y a r of laid town, atteated and a drugstore in , addition to prac- sionaries will be presented The T raa aura r—Ray Garrison evening a t tbe heme of o n a o f ita m a m . . . . . . by t h e racordar th ereof, and subject fir this tint# (Sunday A thletic M a n a g e r —Wayn* Marshall Town of Nyssa, Malneur County. signed bara Officer* w ere ele cted and the tlC lf lg h 8 p r o f e s s i o n . countersigned by tha town tr e a su r e r Oregon, and upon the credit _na ( News B a p o r te r —H e r b e r t Hoxia and th* c orporate s a i l of said tawn af- m eetings planned a h ea d Delicious Eddie Powell has the new 19~8 morning) will be “Jonah, a For thereof by issuing negotiable fixed a. of the first day of Oatabar, Yell L ea d er—Virginia B a r t l e t t r e f r e s h m e n t s were e eived by the Oldsmobile Landau Sedan instock eign Missionary.” coupon bonds of said town in 1927. M argaret Hunt H o s i e r Preaid ant. the aggregate amount of Four A t t e a t : ...................................... Mayor. now and it is well worth oie's The Junior church will be T h ere ar* 96studenta In High School. Thousand H r . and Mra. C ha i. G arrison and Dollars (24,000.00) for .......................Recorder. time to look them over. So many under the leadership of Mrs. two d a u g h te rs. Gladys and Vera, m otor T h e r e ar* in th* grade* the following street improvement, a special Countersigned: improvements have been added Town T reasurer. ed to B a ker Sunday w he re they were Hershey this year. It is her num ber: election will be held on the 25ith ..................................... ( F o rm o f Coupon) gu e sta of th e Rev. J . J. Fle m m in g and in fact everything for com desire to enroll all children of F iret-8 1 S e c o n d - 1 6 T h i» d - 2 6 day of September, 1927, at the No- , |1S 00 fam ily Dinner was served to tw e n ty fort and durability is concentra On th a flratday of April, I t ___ _ the grade school age and those of F o u r t h —12 F i f t h - 2 4 8 i x t n —20 council rooms in said Town of town of Nyaaa in the s t a te of Oregon, consisting of th e F le m m ir g family as ted in this m del that all who S e v e n th —24 E ig h t h —26. Nysua, for the purpose of sub the first year high if they prefer " j " P*V »be b e a r e r F i f te e a Dollars hosts and hoatasa. Rev. and Mrs. W ea mitting ta the legal voters ol T ha election a f th e F r e s h m a n Claa* have looked them over are loud to attend the Junior instead of txis.oo) in law ful money o f tb* U nited v e r and fam ily. Mrs H ank Teutach officer» waa bald a t the school building said town whether or not said S ta te s, at tbe office of the town trea a- and children, and the G a n i s o n fam ily. in their praise. the adult services. If too many in th* English room. T uesday Septam town shall, thru its proper offi u r e r in said town, or a t th* t s c a l ageney of the S t a t e of Oregon in tha Mr. Hansom, geologist from primary children attend it may her 13. Th* re su lts w a rs; Dal* G a r cera, issue negotiable coupon city L ittle Misa B aby Brown was hostess o f New 7 orb, V. S A, at th* bonds in said amount, as pro to a num ber of he r little friend* S a t u r Arizona is at the Owyhee dam- be necessary to provide a “Story rison was a'ae ted P re side nt; B e tty Tan- option o f th e holder, being ' i n t e r e s t vided and set forth in said ordi* then due on its negotiable coupoa pub day whan aha c elebra ted h e r flf th b ir th - site now, and will spend some Teller” for their benefit. aan S e c retary ; Leonard B arber, T r e a s day. Game* war# played and r e f r e s h , u r e r ; and Dottle C e n tra ll, Class R*. nance, which said ordinance ia lie im provem ent bond dated th* firat time thoroly going over the court in worda and figures as follows, day of October, 1327. and be aring No. The Epworth League invites porter. m anta ware served to the bappy little try thereto make a report to the all young people of high school Purple and gold were chaaen for tha tawit: A t t e s t: g u e s ts --------- Mayor. O R D IN A N C E NO. 203 Countersigned:' government. Mr. Ransom pais age and also older young people class solars. An ordinance to c o n tr a c t an Th# Tuesday av an iag bridge elub --------------------- Recorder. T hroughout t b s m ee tin g t h e r e waa a adnes* on behalf of the town of Nyssa, ware e n te r ta i n e d a t the horn* of Mr». ed on the Bou'der Canyon dam of the commwnity to meet with M a ltu u r County. Oregon, andupon tb* -----------------Town T reasurer. A H Boydell this w*ek T hree tables and his word is held as one of the them on Sunday evenings. Vary g e n era l show o f pep and a varyone c re d it t b t r o f by issuing ne gotia ble Section 8 Said boads shall b* is ■aeuiad t* s h a r e the aamo spirit of w a raln play and Mra.Glenn Brawn won highest in his work. coupon bunds of sa 'd to./t< in the a g eued and disposed of by tha cammon interesting and helpful discus high enth usia sm for a progressiva year. g r e g a t e amount of four thousa nd dol council of tha Town of N y „ , accord flrsthi nors while Mra. Chan. C raw ford ing to law and the c h a r t e r a f said receiv ed eonaoiatlon. R e fre sh m e n ts Miss Edith Scott, former teacher sions, singing and a fellowship Many s t u d e n t s answ ered th e call lars (I4.0u0.00) in denom inations of town, a m e ndm ents t h c r e ts l a d tha v a r a served and an enjo yable evening in Nysstl schools, passed through hour is the order of the evening. f o r both g ir ls and boys Glee Clubs ($600 00 eacb, da ted October ), 1927, fu n d s raised there by shall b* applied m a tu r in g October 1. 1937, r s l a e m a b l e sp e n t. town Wednesday evening on her The subject for discussion on Tuesday a fte rnoon. Misa Sandon will a t any i n te r e s t paying d a te or, vc a f t e r aolely to th a purpose for whiab said bonds ar# issued b ut th# p » „ h . g, r Aivin C r o c k e t t r e tu r n e d to hie home way to Pendleton to enjoy the Sunday evening is “Test of Con bs the i n s t r u c t o r and plana to give sev October 1, 1932, and be aring ‘o te r e s t of »aidI bond» shall net in any m a n n a r a t tbe r a te of 6 per cent pa r annum, e r a l n um bers including an o p e r e tta , in Bakevr Sunday a f t e r a ple a sa n t two Round-up. duct ” payable semi annually, both principal be r e sponsible for the application or LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF weak* vielt w ith friends a nd relatives. bafor* the isa ao n la over. ________________ and in te res t being payable a t the office disposal by raid town or any of its of tha town tr e a s u r e r or a t tha fiscal officers of any o f tbe fund* derived agency of the s t a te of Or, gon, in the from ttiesxle thereof. Section 4 In case the issuance o f City of New Yorit, U. S. A , a t tbe option of the holder, the proceeds of said bonds shall be approved by the A large crowd assembled in electors of said lown, then th e I n te r la i d bonds to be used for t o w n 'm p io v e - Marian Wilson, L aw rence Blodgett the community basement at the m e n t under the direction of the town e st falling due on said bonds on the and Geo F e r g u s o n were a p a r ty of council and providing fo r the levy of a first day of Ap-il and th e firat dxv of M. E Church Wednesday even tax. in addition to a ll o th e r town taxes, October, 1928, shall be paid out of the t h r e e who w eraaucceasful i e e r h u u t e r s sufficient to pay th e in te r e s to n said general funds of said town and for th e ing when the ladies of Nyssp. ten o f th* p a st week. of seimburaing said g e n era l bonds anddiacharge th e p r in c ip a lth e r e - purpose . dered a reception for the school fumi for said installm ents 0f inte rest. of a t m aturity. Mr. and Mrs Chae R e b e r g e r and T H E P E O P L E O F NYSSA OR D A IN : »here shall bl levied in the y e a r 1928,’ eon of Aberdeen, W a s h , a r e visiting teachers and new comers of Nyssa Section 1. In virtue and in pu rsu a n t ? " P roperty in said town, R e . Approximately one hundred peo his p i r a n t s , Mra and Mrs, C. W. ot Section 24 ol c h a p t e r 4 ol the c h a r . ,n ttion to ail o th e r taxe s, a direc t b e r g a r and family pie were present and enjoyed l e t ol toe Town ol Nyssa, M alnaur annual t a x sufficient _ to produce t h a The Following Form For bids may County, Oregon, (the said c h a r t e r ®unJ out o f Said ge nera l fund a* A delightful dinner p i r t v was given themselves makingacquaintancts The Girl Scouts of Troop No. Oeing an a c t to incorporate the Town said in te res t: t h a t in order to raise the be an aid to s o m - of ou r r e a d e r s in a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs C. F. and establishing a feeling of co s u b m ittin g bids for th e conatruction 1 of Nyssa had their first meet ot raysaa, Malheur c o u n ty , Oregon, necessary fund» with which to p a y said Millar S a tu rd a y when they e n te r ta i n e d operation which is essential in of nine Fra m e buildinga at Owyhee s ot Oregon 19U3, page 793, tiled bonded indebtedness and th e in te rse t ing of the year Monday. Sep L lo aw tlie office or tko Sec retary ot S ta te thereon, as the same shall become duo ia honor of th* b ir th d a y o Mra. Troy da m site . Those in te r e s t e d in s u b m it tember 12. 1927, at the school on F e b r u a ry 24, 19U3, said Section 24 and pay able according to the te r m s and every community. Sitte n. A large birthday cake form ed oeing an a m t n j m e n i tosa id c h a r t e r or conditions of said bond and said inte r J . P . Dunawayactingas spokes ting bids may procure same by w riting house at 7:80 p. ui. Meetings nam th* c e n te r place for the t a b l e and rov ed by the people of N yssa in lull e st coupons th ere shall during «»ch to the B ure au of R e c la m a tio n a t man eallen upon Prof. Hollen Nyssa, Oregon: e r s were laid fo r eight. have been discontinued during co n lo rm .ty with law a t a special, y e a r while said bonded in teb trd n eF i called and beid ioaaiu town on or any p a r t th ere o f, shall exist, be berg and Rev. Hershey for ad the summer, as many of the election D e p a r t m e n t of t h a I n terio r. levied upon , all • , . tax a b le r p ro p e rty J 1 Mr« M eyers r e tu r n e d from a pleas V IIC h , S i 1 1 V I » 6 [i V u * « us r. aa, a v — i/s shall ba - — . , xal the 22nd day of i . inarch, 1927), 'U. dresses, each responding, after Bureau of Reclam ation. Scouts have been absent. New issue» negotiable euupon bond* of the *a,d town in addition to all o t h e r taxes, a n t visit with f r i e n d s a t H a lfw ay , Ore. which refreshments were enjoy D e n v er, Colorado. officers were elected as follows: »«id Town ot N yssa in the a g g r e g a te * ’„ ® ^ tQ~ d, an.nQliV U.x '.n ®ach a f «»id M a r g a r e t C r o e k e t t v is it e d with r e am ount of h o u r Thousa nd Dollars y e ®TB. 19,a ® *° inclusive, a sum S r p t e m b e r . 1 1927 ed. Betty Tensen— Patrol leader ($4.000 00’ for s t r e e t im p ro v e m en ts. aufficient to produce a sinkhsg fund la tiv e s and frien d s in Nyssa, Sunday. S E A L E D BID S a u b je c t to t h e con- Said bonus shall bear date, ihe firat ?, e 8,ln\ n e c e a s a r y to m ee t the ob Mrs. McCoy sang;two selections dittoes contained herein. willber*ce>v- for Patrol No. 1. Jo b Work of all kinds n e a tly and day of October. 1927, ahatl be redeem- and p a y m e n t of said bonds which were greatly enjoyed and ed until 2 o ’clock p r a , S e p te m b e r 26, Carlotta Irwil — Patrol leader auie a t any stipula ted i n te r e s t paying 'n t e r e a t coupons »a th e same quickly done a t the Jo u rn a l Office. ■ate on oi a f t e r th* l s t d a y of O c iober *"»11 become due and collect ble, Miss Ruth Reberger furnished 1927. and then publicly opened, fo r f u r of Patrol No. 2 L O S T S e t of 4 horse B u t t Line* 1932 and shall become absolutely due Section 3. Th« common council of Betw een L em piano music throughout the even nishing tabor usd m a te ria ls and p e r w ith rin g s on ends Marie Hunter—Patrol leader and payable on the 1st day of October the town of Nyssa shall, a t t b e time form ing all work for t h e c onstruction ing. 1937. Said bond issue shall consist of in the m a n n e r provided by law for Wilson and M. H a r t 'a place of Patrol No. 8 a series of e ig h t bonds, e a c h o f th* de- the levying of o th e r town taxes, ra tify and completion of one five-room Fram e H . L. G ardner. Charlott Cheeley—Patrol lead nom ination $500.00, and shall be num- and < a r ry out the provisions of law c o tta g e , seven t h r e e , room Fram e cat Mr*. Glenn H ansen and two c h il l r a n bered consecutively fio m One (1) to with re fe re n ce to tha lev v irg of taxes. F a rm in g S o c ie ty tages, and one Fram e office building, in er of Patrol No. 4. of R upe rt. Idaho a p a n t the week end E ig h t (81 both numbers inclusiva; bdib »hall require the officers of rsid “Grange” Is the name popularly ap accordance w ith specification* No. 419 Graoe Goshert—Secretary. principal and in te re s t shall be payable town to levy, extend and collect suck with he r p a ren t* Mr. and Mra. Georg* piled to the Society of P a trons ol D. T he work la located a t Owyhee Virginia Bartlett—Treasurer. a t t h e office of th e town tre a su re r, in taxpa in tha m anner provided by law. Green. Husbandry, a secret association ol damsite, which ia a p o ra x im a te ly th irty the town of Nysaa, or a t the fiscal for »be purpose of c r e a tin g a fund for L O S T —R e t u r n i n g on th e Vale road farm ers founded at Washington, Dp Rusium Miller—Editor. ageney of the S t a te of Oregon, in the »be pa y m e n t of the i n te r e s t upon nnd two miles by wagon road so u th w e st of from the Pioni e r Picnic, a p a ir o t L ig h t "ember 4, 1867. The chief founde: Work for the coming year, up city of New York, U. S. A , a t the op , the principal of said bonds, and the Nyssa, O regon, on th e Oregon S h o r t tion of the holder Said bond» snail said taxes, when so collected, »hell b* Shell f r a m e glaBse*. R e tu r n to J o u r n ' was Oliver Hudson Kelley, a Silnne until Christmas, was discussed. b e a r i n te r e s t a t the r a t e o f six pe r c e n t k e p t for and applied only to the pay Line Railroad. sota farmer. T he Grange Is a non al office. uer annum, payable s e m ia n n u a l l y on m ant of the i n t e r e s t bpon and tha Cem ent For e onere t* will be Furnish- political order and makes Its appeals th* 1st day of April and the 1st day of principal of said bonds, nnd the said J B. Sm ith and sons Dean and to legislatures and congress in the ad by the G o ve rnm ent, Misses Mable and Grace Posey October in each year ai d said i n te r e s t taxe s, when so collected, shall fc* ke pt D w ig h t, r e tu r n e d Sunday f r o m a few Interest of agriculture—In a spirit of PerFovmance shall begin w ithin fiF. shall bo represented by t w e n ty coupons solely for such purpose; b ut nothing days daer huntin g. D w ight waa the fairness and for the common welfure. tee n (16) calendar days aFter d a t a of left Wednesday for Caldwell, a tta c h e d to eaah of sa d bond», each herein contained shall be so construct- lucky one of the trio he having killed receipt OF notice to proceed and shall where Mable will attend College coupon r a p e se n tin g the se m i-annual ed ■* to p re v en t said town from applv- a flea b uc k. be completed w ithin cue hundred (100) of Idaho and Grace the Caldwell pa y m e n t of inte rea t on the bond to |ng any o th e r funds th a t may be in the T a le s o f E a stern L ife which it is a tta che d: said bunds »hall town t r e a s u r y and available for t h a t Rev. J . J . F le m in g , Form erly OF “Arabian Nights’ E nte rtainm e nt,” calendar days From that d a ta . be signed by the Mayor of t h e Town purpose to th e paym ent o f said inte r- high school. Nyaaa. visited Friends here th is week "T he Thousand and One Nights," Is of Nvsaa a tt e s t e d end signed by t h e *•» “ nd principal as the sa m e respect- re c o r d e r and c o u n te r signed by tbe ively m a t u r e , and th e levy o r levies while en ro u te From Baker to his new a collection of easte rn tales first t r e a s u r e r of aaid town, Bnd shall be ar herein provided for m ay thereupon to known In Europe In 1704, and since horn* a t ABhton, Idaho. the corpora te seal ofsaid town and the »hat e x te n t be diminished, andupon the transla ted into most of the languages Virgil S ta p le ! , p ro m in e n t bustneae of the civilised world. The tales are coupon th ere to atta che d shall be ar the p a y m e n t of the principal of any of Ihe The Woman’s Christian Tem sig n a tu r e of »aid town m ayor end be bonds issued h e reunde r in said mnnr er, m an o r O ntario, w aa a N yasa visito r supposed to have been told In portions signed ar.d a tte ated bv said recorder, o r b y the use of the sinking fund here- Monday. to the sultan by bis sultana, Shc- perance Union will held a Chris- twenty “v«- and when so execute d shall c o n s t it u t e jn provided for, the levy orlevieshere - It ia also the duty of the cr the binding obligations of the town of 'n provided for fo r th e pai m e n t of in Mr. and Mrs. H e rm an Town s p e n t herazade. T hey give a vivid picture tian Citizenship Institute, which of Arab and Persian life, m anners and promises te be very interesting «a"1*»1'011 to «end one or more Nyssa i r 'h e paym ent of said bonds t e r r a t may to the e x te n t of the inte r th* fore p a r t a f th* weak in Boise. customs. e s t ot the bon?» so paid be dim inished. arid interest. and inspirational. j delegates to the State Conven- and Section F O R S A L E - F o r d C a r or Will t r a d e 2, The said bond» and the And the sum s herein provided for to t h s r e lo a tta ch e d shall be sub m ee t the in te r e a t unsaid bond« and te f o r fresh milch cow Inquire a t J o u r The Institute will be an all day |t ‘° " which wil1 be held at St’ coupons “ C o rn in g ” M e a t stantially the following fotm, to. wil: discharge the principal t h e r e o f when nal Office. Adv. October 18 to 21. Corned ment Is the prepared meat affair, and a luncheon will be U N I T E D ST AT E S O F AMERICA due are h e r e b y a p p r o p ria te d for t h a t Dr. E. D. Norcott is again on which has been cured by soaking In, served at noon, a lto be in rlu d id in | We hope th* Pe°Ple ° f this S t a t e of O rig o n County ot Malheur purpose, and shall also Town of Nysi-a th e annual sppronrfnticn bills p a is id with or without Injecting into If, a the job and ready to fix you up Mrs. Spencer, of the Hotel comm«"'ty "ill show their ap Public Im provem ent Bond by ihe common council of rsid town in | solution of common salt, with or with- with any kind of dental woik, I out one or more of the following, each Western, Mrs. Reberger, Mrs. preciation by attending this meet Sasies of 1S27. each y e a r respectively. Mo.-------- $600.1,0 Section 6. All ordinance», by laws after having been confined to , in Its proper proportion: Sodium nl- Walter Marshall -have charge of ing. Trie town of Nyssa, in the County ot regulationa of th e town of Nyssa The program below should be MalhiUr and S i a t e o l Oregon, l o r v a i u e and his home a week suffering from ' trate, potassium nitrate, sugar, a the luncheon and they hope at in conflict with this ordinance are he re sirup, honey and with or without the received, hereby acknowledges itseii repealed. acid burns on his face. this t>me to raise a little money, an inspiration to everyone who to be indebted and hereby piomise a to by Section use of spice. 7. Thia ordinance s t a ll be reads it, and we consider it a p a / to beare r ihe sum of$i>00.00in law Mrs. Geo. Bertsch and Mrs. as the organization has put forth and rem ain irrepeulahle untilsaid l.nrds lul money of the United S t a t e s of O d d S p ecies o f W o rm Templen, mother and sister of a strenuous effort the last few priviledge indeed to have the op A m erica on the l i t day ot Uclober, and t h e i n te r e s t th ere o n »ball have been fully paid, satisfied and d isc h arg species of worms which lives only G E. Bertsch, visited a dsy with In A Ice weeks in paying the annual bud portunity of listening to some 1987. re serv in g the r ig h t, however, to ed. aa herein provided. and cannot live when the ice pay said bond on the 1st day of Oclo- very able speakers alongthis line. Section 8 . T h a t « special election be the Bertsch family on their way around them melts has been discov get, and organising an L. T. L. oe r, 1932, or a t any in te r e a t paying This meeting will be held at d a te th e r e a f t e r , with i n te r e s t thereon he'd on the 26th day of S e ptem be r from Denver to Los Angles Mrs. ered by a scientific expedition In the consisting of children between 1927, a t th e council room in said Town t th e r a t e of 6 per cent per annum of Nysss, for the purpose of su b m i tt Templsn is employed by the Olympic mountains. W hat they live the ages of six and fourteen, and theM. E. Church, and luncheon a payable eem i-annuaily on the 1st day ing to the legal voters of raid town of on Is a mystery, nnd although they will be served at the Social Hall n t April and October in eac h y e ar, u p Nvssa. ela'minir an ird h t e d r e s s of railroad company in Denver and have been photographed it has been a Y P. B. including young peo' the presentation and s u i r t n d e r of aaid town of N y s s a f o r the »urn of Fotir twenty years have paasad since impossible to get any of them out of pie from the age of fourteen to in the basement of the church. on this bond and t i e annexed >oupons aa Thousand Dollars ($4 * • « « •) . and tbe the mountains alive.—Grit. Mr Bertsch had seen her. She they severally become due. hot), pr'n. isa u in g o f bonds in said rum ss provid M o rning Meeting eipal and in te res t being payabla a t t i e is accompanying her mother to 10:00.......................“ Thia Ia My F a t h e r ’* W o r ld ” ................................... C o n g r e g a t i o n office of the town tr e a s u r e r in NyBsa, ed in this ordinance for s t r e e t i m p r o i ’e- N e e d e d E le m e n t m e n t purpose s raid election to be held 10:06_____________________ Devctionv.il____________________ . . . A . L. D eBoard. Los Angeles, and| will spend a Oregon, or s t th-> fiscal agency of the in all r e rp e c ts in c onform ity to e'ect- The fat of m eat is highly digestible S t a te ot Oregon in tbe city of New Crusa de H y m n , ___ . . . . . . . . . .............. C o n g r e g a tio n ion laws of th e c h a r t e r c f the tow n of time visiting at Fresno and Los and constitutes nn Im portant source of York. U. S. A., a t the opticn of the N ysm and any Bnd all a m endm ents 10:30___ ‘ To Know A bout My N a t i o n ’s H i s t o r y , l t ’a L aw s and R u i n s ” energy-producing nutrim ent In the Angeles holder. th ere to , and t h a t the re c o r d e r of said * * Josle E. Douglas This bond is issued 'o r the purpose diet. F a t s and carboliydrates In the Otto Bodmer, 18-year-old son food a re the main sourSw rtf fat, heat !lO:SO.......... ” Th# S t a t e I t ’» Law * and Ruler»” . . f . . . r . . ..................Ire n e Gilchrist of mak nvapub ic im p ro v e m en ts in »aid town give the p io p er notice of said election as provided in s ^ td e h a r te r and \ p w n of Nynsa, by virti«e of and'in full any sp ii «ILam endm ent* t b e r r t e . of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bodmer, and activity In the body. F a t stored 11:10___ " T o S ecure B e t t e r Law * For The T o w n . l f Possible” e o 'f o r m i t y witih life constitution ,a ■t Prof. R. J . Davis In the body Is the body* Ifftacipai Passed jJM / 4 d jf t c d Ittiia 6thi *laj ,'■/ was seriously hurt Wednesday laws of the S t a te »if Oregon, the c h a r ihai energy reserve. l l f f y , - . . . . -----f . ____"’-»Ify P ° t y To N e i g h b o r ” ..........................Mabel Higby t e r nf the town a f N y m and ,an qj- S e p t e m b e r,,¿927^ when his horse fell and rolled P I n c t r *• t YT. t . F R A « f « :i » . ,r . h : 5 o \ ...............' T ha T r u * M Call H u f c o n i ” ^ . . . i . j l . I . . ..........JC ongregatl dinanc* of said town duly adopted and M lfvnteer • r> completely over him. He sus myde a law thereof, p rio r to t h e issue Noontide P r a y e r ................................ . . . . . _______ i ..................... Rav, N. E Herat) S p e a k in g o f E q u a lity A tle ti: , o f this bond. tained numerous injuries and A f te rn o o n Meat,ing " A . » j MILL All Alimony is a system by which, when I t js hereby certified snd recited th at ■ > + R aaordat, ' n*i,f, h, Dinner was taken ta the Holy Rosary two people rnak^ a mistake, one of all tb e rcquircrr.entstif law bstva )ie«i Nr>t‘«e l» h ereby fu i'fh er g»vani"H nt . them continues to pay for it.—Ameri 1:30.............. ........................ Song S e r v i c e ------- i .........................." E v e r y b o d y S in g ” fully comnlied with by the prope r offi aaid e la rtia a »hail he held"Tl*w* TVn hospital for treatment. can Lumberman. 1:40............. ............................. D e v o t i o n a l * . . . r' . ........................Mra. C. E. Bingham; «era of raid town in th e issuing of this ’f»9)'o'Skiek in tjia ieVbdffift’ n f ’ enjd Dick Robertson has been trans hoed: t h a t the to ta l d e b t of said town Rdtb <T** o f R attU m l’^r.'* H H . n«»il . “ Prohibition B a f o r c a m a n t F o* Th* C ity ” .................. J o h n Fo rb e s1 2 :0 0 ........ including t h a t bond, dnes not Five i*6 -«-'«lock Jti.ibfe q f t in i o b n 'a f ferred from this district to La U pw ard . . . “ F o r T he C o u n ty ” ___ .............................................. E M. B lo d g ett exceed 2:20 ............. any limiT o f ” indebtedness pre the ra t* » day. . . - *’» tr n From the lowest depths, there Is a 2:40.............. ‘ F o r Tb* S t a t e ” ....................2 . . . . * ..................................... Robi GilehiistJ Grande, aa traffic officer at that scribed by the cnnTrfltution or laws of - i A * J t--M n * A * V ’ d path to the loftiest heights.—Thomas 3:00...................... T he P e r t of tb * I n d lvidne l’"..........................................F , : T. M organ the S t a le of Or> gnn or th e c h a r te r place. * 1 ''• . ' , „ Mi2 R W ffd ar.A Carlyle. er £ ‘ -» »Sr 8 A 0 ...............Tb* S t a n d o f tb* W C. T. U ,.2 ......................... Mr*, Ml*»)* H erebey and ordinanaas ot tb* Town ot Nyaaa; Mrs. J C. Young had »»Sunday visi t o r s hvr b rother, W. B. Sherwood and wife of Wilder, Idaho. TEACHERS’ RECEPTION Choir practice every Monday evening from 7 to 8. All who will assist us in the church music please be on hand at that hottr. Boy Scouts will meet the aame evening in the basement from 8 to 9. FORM FOR BIDS E ighteen boys responded to coach N e w to n ’* call for football turnout, Tuaudap evening Although the l a i d w as w e t from th e previous rains, the boys donned th e i r w ar tag* and m ade the b e s t of it. F ro m th e looks o f the m a te ria l there is no doubt t h a t N, H S. wiil have a te a m t h a t will b e a t 'em all. NYSSA GIRL SCOOTS M ISTIAN CITIZENSHIP INSTITUTE, TUESDAY ToM h M»’*r* I * -W,t ♦