m GATE CITY JOURNAL iT H f Friday a« Nyaaa, Or. M. P. B ra va ....... ............. Mia A. C. Y u a i .............. .B illar O m paar, io adraaaa....... ............« I.H 81a aiaatha, in adranaa.............. 78a ■itaaad at Iba PoataBaa at Npaaa Oragan. aa tecead-elass Mail va lla r. TNRKE SONGS A teach abbai ber pupila to bring Co reboot object* that represented aoaga. Ona bap brought an apple, another a banana and a third an old whip. "What aong doea the apple repre- aantf’ aakad the teacher. "in the Shade of That Old Apple Tree.“ “ What doea the banana repreeentP* "T*a, We Hava No Banana*” “And what doea the whip repm- a eo tr “Thank* for tha Buggy Hide.*—TUa Progreaalve Oroeer. Never V tad Than* "Sap, this bur doean't look a* if there waa a ringle thing on it that waau't worn out," declarad tha proa- pactl»a purchaaar of tha uaad car. “ Wall,” arid tha aaleaman, “it bar at leart two part* that are a* good aa new ; it formerly waa owned by a rock- lea# apaedar who didn’t aren know II had a low gear or brake*." y a c a ti on Baat Little Jack waa atudylng hla I caro ita When bla Ondo Bob walked Into the “ Which do you Ilka beat, reading, writing o arithmetic 7” naked Oncia Bob. After a moment'a thought Jack an- ■wared t “I Ilka racatlon beak” Coward Mprtw—Why did you quit dating with Jim 7 Oort—Becanae he’* each a coward. Mprtw—Coward T That boy a cow­ ard! Say, ha can’t hardly carry all the maiala ha won In tha war for bravery1 Oert—Tbat may be, but tha fool la afraid to drive with on* hand. Dividend *Thta auhdlylaton lan’t building up tw y faal.” “Now llatan. Tbla la a block of urn Imp re rad property that will plaid a profit.“ "How aoT" “ Ton can cot a crop of hay off ev- ary o m of (haaa townlote.” NOTICE ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ***■ ***♦ **■ ♦ »♦ *** A L IA S SUMMONS Matlaa la hereby given that scaled la Tba C tiaall Banat af the Stata af klda v ili ka raaalaad by Ika Taao Oregon for the Connty af Malhaar. Caaaail af Iba Tewn af Nyiaa al Iba Marriott M. Draper, Plaintiff, aa. Ar­ aflea af Ih# la va racardarof Iba la va thur J. Olarar and Vara L. Glarar, af Njaaa, Malhaar Caonly, Oregea, ap bi* wifa; Margaret Olanbita Baw la aad iaeladlag Pour (4) a'aloab 9 . kina, aad Birchard T Bawklna, bar M. af taplaaibar IT. HIT, far Iba ran« huabaad. Defendant*. atruetlaa af Ih* fallowing la1 ava im- To ArthUf J. Glover and Tara L. M ■rarement ta wil: I Glovor, hla wlfa; Margaret Glaub Tha agtaaaiaa af tb* etdrwalka aa nita Hawkins and Birchard T. Maw and your little one la writhing •aah aid* af Mala Itraat between the In pain j hina, hat huabaad. Dafendaata. Wart lina af tba Bight af wap of tha A R E YO U P R E P A R E D Oragoa Short Lina Railroad Company < IN THE NAME OP TH E STATE O r and third • tract to a width af Tan feat OREGON: You and aaah af you ar* aad tb* eanatructlat af a gutter and hereby required ta appear and t e t w ii In eeae ef • lever* burn or M eaibiag Ih reon and alao For tha eon- the complaiat Bled agalnat yea la the ether accident to give the above entitledauit on nrhefarn the ex treatment that might b* the atraetion of a gutter and curbing mean* of aaving tk* life, aa each aid* of Pirsl «treat ba- piration of six week* from thn date ef limb or feature* of tha vic­ twaan Good Arana* and Main Street the Srat publication of thia aummonc, tim? and Bower Arena* and Main Straat. ar if aarvad pcraonally witbont the atata af Oregon, withinaia weeke fram Tb* eanctruation af aald tidawalka, BURNS arc the moet com gutter and curbing to b* in accordance the tlma af auch aervice upon you. end men accident* to children, with the plana and apcailcatlan* new if yen fell to to enawar, for went thers andCARBOW O IL the beat and aafect treatment. No aa hi* in tha offiee af tb* town re af, tb* plaintiff will apply ta the Court M far the relief demanded in her com home ebould be without a •ardar la aald town af Nyaca, where large bottle of Cerrow Oil, in plaint, te.wil: aalu plana and apoclflcatlan* may ba in. addition to bandage, cotton, M For • judgement agalnat the defen. apoetad. cotton. Iodine, etc. M All bida far auch canatracllon werk dent*. Arthur J. Glover end Vera L. akall b* accompanied with a cartlted Glover, hie wife, for the earn e f »2100. Le» raplesiah your aback an a local bank in an araaaat 00, with intereac thereon from April M Madieine Gallinai Noir •guai ta Tan per cantum af tba nmaant I ) , IM*. f t the rate e f $ per cent per annum, together with attorney'a feet • f each bid. In tha cum e f 1140 00. tagathar with Tha tawn cannali racarrac tba right water aaeeaamrnt paid in tha cum of t * reject any and nil bida far all or any 183.10, with interaat thereon at 8 per part af aald work. teat per annam from March I, 1M7, together with bar aoctc and disburse Recordar. menta and for tha foratloaur* af the 11 ’ certain mortgage mad* and given by * raid defendant*, Arthur J. Glover and to HOLosaa o p »• Vera L. Glover, hi* wife, to plaintiff Nyaaa, Oregon under data af April 10, l t l l , recorded in Book 7 o f Mortgage! at page* 410. 4\ Try the Drug Store Flrat 411, retard* of aaid Malhaar County, EXCHANGE OFFERING OF NEW Oregon, and covering the following TREASURY NOTES property in eeid Malbuer County, Ore. goa, to.wit: Bn n i LdbeMy hm m te—ffa hmw* b mmm ib N i I OF AGONY m m m m m m m m m m m fmr irnymant oa Norewbar 154b M it , tad >• U t e r o t will bt paid gfU r that «tete Notie* in ( i r e « of a mmw offend»* « { U ait s i of 3 H IH* eoot. Tfcff bate* wiU mmtmrm ia i f f « ymrs but —a/ bo —Hod for rwdoa&ptioo öfter three year*. Imtoreot aa 8— oad lib erty Loon Converted é M por —a t bot»do gurrewdered Bad ae—»«ad iti osehonge will bo pdtid to November 15, 1927. Tito price of Ute new i—ue of ooteo, ta 100 Hold* O KI rendering 6— ad lib erty C , Lees - -__l Coiiyort- i M per P«r —at cent bonds in richaage eichaage will re reçoive, *t J time of delivery of tbs new not—, in tercet oa sooh Second Labrrty Lean Converted 4 Hi per — iff l hm * »ja ih ,.? brings, Tint’* ^ Oregon SPECIALS Etc. Beginning when you get this, ending Saturday. September 24. Outside Oiling System for 1922 to 1927 Ford Cara, Insurance against burnt out Bearings and scored Cylinders, forces the oil cs needed. Easily installed ■ • each $1.31 APCO ard Ratlera for Radius and Steering Rods regular - - each 21o A PC O Shimmy Stops, a positive cure for Ford front wheel shimmying, can be placed in position in five minutes . . . 41c G KARO FF. "the perfect glare shield.” makes night driving safe, instantly attached, no bolts or screws. Price waa $200. Now each $1.01 T IR E F L A P , cut to any length to fit your cas­ ing. Replace your wornout ones and save your Tubas from chafing. Several plies o f fabric, rub beriaed: 3 inches wide - • per foot, 11c VELTEX OILS (Mid continent) Pure Pennsylvania) ARISTO (Western) VELTEX GAS EVERYTHING FOR THE MOTORIST Board o f Equalisation N O TIC E OF M EETIN G Owyhee Irrigation District, Mal­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that heur County, Oregon. ih* Director* of the Jordan Valley Irri NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N gation Diatrictwill ait aa a board of equalisation, Tuesday, October 4th, that the Board o f Directors of 1927 in the District Office of Araek, the Owyhee Irrigation District Oregon, For the purpei* OF reviewing will meet on Tuesday, October and correcting the ait canent and 4. at 8 o’clock p. m., at their apportionment of taxea For the next office at Nyssa, Oregon, fo r the purpote of reviewing and cor. ensuing fiscal year. the assessment and Signed by order o f Board of Direct reeling apportionment o f taxes fo r the ora. next ensuing fiscal year. The TR AC Y MATHEWS, assessment list and record may Sacy. be inspected at the office o f the Arock. Oregon secretary, at Nysaa, Oregon, by Firat publication 8ept 9. 1927. any person interested. Laat publication Sapt. 2S, 1927. By order o f the Board o f Di­ rectors. PIANO SACRIFICE NEAR NYSSA Dated September 6, 1927. Beautiful reliable mak* piano to b* Frank T. Morgan, aaid at bergain. Term# of $10 ar­ Secretary, Owyhee Irrigation ranged for good home. Per particular* District. s9n7 P. M. WARREN, Prop. You can smoke Camels all day long without thought but 6f the pleasure and refreshment that each one brings. That’s the advantage of choice tobaccos ^d skilful blending. > smokir g Nyaee Batteries, Tires, Tubes, Lenses, Brsks l i n g , NYSSA FLOUR MILL CHRISTMAS CARD T h e c ig a r e tte th a t m ak es smoking a genuine pleasure « c è fo H Service O X Station IE •even publication* thereof, in tha Gate City Journal, a newspaper of general circulation published within aaid county end itate, or in lieu of auch publication paraonal service b* had upon you wherever you may be found, and to appear and answer the complaint on file herein, within six weeks from date of tha flrat publica­ to aaeur* the payment af tb* aald cum tion o f thia summon*, or if aorved »2500.00, now due plaintiff with intnr peraonclly without thia atato that you eat there»» from April 10, 1926; and tppear and answer herein within eix for an order of aala of aaid premia#« weeke from the date of such eerviee, lor the payment of aaid sum* and a de end further ordering that in eaae of ere* that aaid mortgage i* superior in publication a copy hereof and of tha right to any claim of right, title or in. complaint herein, duly eartifled. aa teraat o f and by each of you, and that required by law, be forthwith ma led each of yon be forever barred and fore- to you, and each af you, to vour laat eloaed of all right, title, elafm and in­ known place of raaidence, respective­ teract of, ia, nr te. aaid property, ex ­ ly. The date of the flrat publication 1 .1 cept yeur right tn redeem nnder the of thia cummona ia the 19tb day of address Cline Piano Co. 66 Front St. t M T - r - n w c T w Phone 19 your news items. delate, and for bar ceataand diaburae. Auguat, 1927, and the date of the last Portland. publication ia tha 7lh day o f October, manta herein. Yon will taka natian that thla cun- 1917. E. M. Blodgett, mona la aarvnd open yen by publica­ tion. nnder end by virtue of, end pur. Ona of Attorneys for Plaintiff, resi­ dence and poatoffice addreaa, Nyaaa, enact tn, an order e f tha above entitled Oregon, eeart, mad* and entered herein on the CUSTOM CHOPPING AND GRINDING 19th day af March, 1*17, directing ALSO ABERDEEN COAL thla anmmeaa be pnhliehed eaee each NOTICE STR IC TLY NO C R E D IT -G R A IN GOOD AS CASH week fer tin eencevnllve week* end Notice it hereby given khat seeled bida will be received by the town coun­ cil ef the town of Nyeee, Oregon, at tha ogee of the recorder o f aaid town for the performance of the following construction work; the excavating, graveling and resurfacing main Street •n aaah aid* thereof, between the pres­ ent portion of said «tract now mair« teined ky the Oregon Stale Highway, and the curbing an each aide thereof batweea the West line ef the right of way of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company and Third Street and First Street between Good Avtnuoand Bow­ er Avenue. All the material f i r aaid | graveling and surfer .ng to be furniel» •d by the Town of Nysse, end all of aald work to bo done in aeaordanco with tha plana and rpecifleatlan* now on 91a in the office of the rocordar of said town of Nyaaa. and tab*perform ­ ed under tha direction and auparvlaisn o f the Engineer of the «aid town of Nyss* At' bid* for sorb work ahall b* acr aompanied with a certified cheek on a local bank in an amount equal to Fiv* par cent am of th* amooat of auch bide. The town council reeervei tha right to rojeet any and all bida fo i all c* any part of aaid work Camel iv n « r SECOND LIBERTY LOAN PER CENJ BONDS To Clean Leather Ytw V’ m m m m m u NYSSAPHARMACY Nyaaa. Oregon. The average man'* erudite aaadc are rlniple, according to a Detroit librari­ an. ’Tully 50 per cent of our 4aerie, can ba anawered by ualng tha diction­ Create stains on leather may be re­ ary or the World almanac,” aba arid moved by applying benclne or pure “ I f you Include an encyclopedia on turpentine. Wash the spot* afterward your referenca ahelf, tha percentage with the well-beaten white of an egg will jump to at leant 75.” or a good leather reviver. T/i m m m m m m A SCREAM ^ Not 5a DifHeadt G A T E C B T J U P Í A L . N T M A . OKECOW. A FINE LINE TO SELECT FROM SAMPLE BOOK ATTHE JOURNAL Recorder Big Bend Irrigation Diatriet, Malhaar Bouaty, Oregon. N O T I C I OF M E E T IN G Nati** i* horebp glventbat th* Board * f Dlroctnra ot th* Big Baad Irrigai Ileo Diatriet, aitting i* a Board ot Equaliaation will meet on Taeadrp, Qctober II, 1927, at tigh to ’cloch P, M. al th* vegidance of E. L. Tato, Secre­ tar?, wltbin aald Diatriet for tb* pur­ gete o f raviowing and eorractlpg Ita aeaaamaat and appoctfonaiont af taxi* for tb* noxt ansalng flacal yaar TK* esteaamont liat and foli map bn iaapoe- tad nt tb# afflen af th* Sanrntiary hv »ny pnraon iatarnated. BY O R D IR OP THE BOARD OP ijo iR E ffT O R I. ' Dated «hie ISth dey ep September, IN I. E, L. T a TB Seeretary, Big Bend Irrigation Dietriet. 1 Publieh 9-1» ta 19-7. Prices Very Moderate J.«—-J x