Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1927)
TH E GATE CITY JOURNAL, N Y S 8A , OREGON Condensed Statement oj The Malheur County Bank NYSSA, OREGON A T THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30, 1927 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loan« and Discounts . $-144, O v e r d ra fts__________ 281.52 Banking House, Furni ture and Fixtures __ 13,500.00 Other Real Estate....... 5,218.00 School Dista Warrants.. 60&J4 Cash and Due From B a n k a ______________ 101,237.84 Capital Stock.... ............ $ 25,000.00 Surplus and Profits .... 54,095.77 Bills Payable...... ............... NONE Rediscounts ---- NONE Deposits . 486,576.82 8565,672.69 $565.672.59 Securities Pledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for Deposits^ NONE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, *'•*.« . ...nucut J. P. Dunaway, Cashier .. O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Diven, Assistant J. F. Reece J. J. Sarazin G. L. Phillips Prompt and understanding service and our desire to promote pros perity; to help you get your share o f it and to use that share with wisdom is our ddesire. Some go crooked as a result of taking their liquor straight. A movement to find new uses for cotton is on foot, but not on milady’s foot. Sometimes a man puts his religion, as well as his property, in his wifes name. Naturally, “ Old Dobbin” suggests a horse, because no horse was ever named Dobbin. A human skull with horns has been found in Oregon. Maybe Old Nick is dead after all. A professor declares that married men are smarter than single ones. But then they have to be. Naturally, Captain Courtney had trouble in inducing his seaplane, the Whale, to rise from the water. We object to broadcasting the Congressional Record. You can’t start the morning fire with static. We haven’t noticed that moving pictures are any worse since the announcement of that salary cut Persons who say they pay no attention to little troubles probably were never infested with chiggers. A Minnesota town has held a lawn mowing contest, but we doubt that such events will become popular. A wrecked flivver found in a ditch near Rapid City bore on the windshield the inscription: “ I do not choose to run in 1928.” We read that “ the easy, secret Paris divorce is to be made more difficult.” And, by the same token, more expensive. I H I I 1H W » O O I 4» M "H ' l u t i l i > ♦ ♦ ♦ I' ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ! > ♦ ♦ ♦ » • N O T A R Y PUBLIC BOND LOAN S INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY CO. LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS Farms and City Property Insurance NYSSA, OREGON PHONE 53 W ;; All office work nill be managed an in the pant; only real estate transactions by Boydell & Willoughby. J. BOYDELL. j’ ■f T j — Atwater-Kent LABOR D A Y SCHOOL H YG IEN E The annual observance of Labor Day is a fitting tri bute to the worthiness and dignity o f those who toil, it is an outward expression of an inward feeling of ap preciation for those who perform the homely tasks o f the world. While Labor Day is primarily the festival of organ ized labor, it is also dedicated in its larger sense to all who work, whether with hand or brain. Only the idlers and parasites are rightfully excluded from the homage which it pays to those who serve mankind. Viewed in this light, Labor Day is something more than just another holiday. It is an occasion full of moral and spiritual significance; a day on which to re count the achievement of the race made possible through earnest effort; a day on which to rejoice in the emancipation of the masses; a day for the advancement of the brotherhood o f man. The function of Oregon schools is not alone to teach but to equip children with the qualifications necessary to carry on the work o f healthy American citizenship. Is not health a very important qualification? The child’s health must not be neglected during the hours he is compelled to attend school. The health o f the school is affected by the personal hygiene o f teachers and pupils. Health education should be a part o f the regular school program. Little chidren should be taught the value o f regularity-and cleanliness Very few grown-ups realize the mental and physical strain the six year olds are under when they first start the great adventure of going to school. The child has some pretty hard problems to tackle, and needs all the the reserve force that can be mustered for him. Special care for him at this time, particularly with re ference to regular hours of rest and sleep, and avoid With President Coolidge’s ten-gallon hat out of the ance o f unnecessary excitement will do much to give ring there will be ample room for the others. these beginners at school the mental poise that is so much neqded. It is equally important that care be taken of their diet; that they be given nourishing food, at times and in quantities when it can be most easily digested. PEACHES PEARS HARVEST NOW ON ! Willis Fruit Ranch BROGAN, OREGON Hornes h and Saddles made and repaired Tops Made Repaired NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS ROSS PARKINSON Nyssa, Oregon I B E R T S ( II BARBER SHOP Between Lawrence Gas Station and Ford Garage SOLICITS A PART OF YOUR Patronage G. E. BERTSCH ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦+ I I I I I »♦ 4 -f4 -4 -+ v^ <-frv ONTHEOLDJOB H. D. Holmes I H -x - x -i-H ! n«e. and Notice is hereby given that by virtue of Section 4291, Oregon Compiled Laws, 1913, the MAL HEUR COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION will meet on the seepnd Monday o f September, 1927, the said Monday being the 12th of September, 1927, nt the County Court House, Vale, Malheur County, Oregon to publicly exnmine the 1927 Assessment Rolls, and to cor rect errors in valuation, description or quality of lands, lots or other property assessed by the Assessor o f Malheur County, Oregon. All per sons interested shall appear at the place and time appointed. Andrew M. Graham, Assessor of Malheur County, Dated nt Vale, Malheur County Oiegon, this the 20th day of Aug ust 1927. Sept 3. t | j; I All kinds of hauling ii ¡j: T City limits t I l I Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon J 4- DEMPSEY-TUNNEY FIGHT Broadcast from ringside SEPTEMBER 22 POWELL SERVICE STATION “ Ladies’ Rest Room” NYSSA, OREGON mi □ POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding N YSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY NYSSA OREGON BOYS A N D GIRLS attacked 8-year-old Robert Glendin of pet horse came to the rescue and kick ed the dog to death. Baby Princess Elizabeth, daughter o f the Duke and Duchess of York, received three tons o f toys from Aus tralia, where her parents recently visited while Eliza beth remained with her grandmother, Queen Mary. Dolly and Polly Rouse, twin sisters o f Bethel Grove, Ark., won the state 4-H club demonstration prize for their skill in putting up school lunches. Little King Michael o f Rumania, 5 years old, is en- tited to wear a crown, hut prefers an Indian head dress sent to him from America. Neil D. Blue of Vernon, Fla., set a record by finish ing seven years o f school work in two and one-half years. Kenneth Ransan, Joseph Field and Henry Warren, each 16 years old, are with Commander McMillan’s Artie expidetion. I DON’TGET ALONG WITHOUT I-C-E You lose more in milk, butter, meat and leftovers than it takes to buy ice. NYSSA PACKING CO. i BURBIDGE & R A Y , Props. PHONE 6 N YSSA, OR. ♦*♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ * * * * * * * * * * 1 1 1 i i ; ♦ i » n i m m .> ♦♦♦ W H A T ’S N E W ? To prevent over-inflation o f automobile tires, a new valve has been devised which releases air after a certain pressure has been reached. In a new electric fire alarm, the melting o f cocoa butter at 94 degrees completes a circuit and rings a gong. Artificial wool is now produced as a by-product o f the artificial silk industry. Albert Nelson o f Minneapolis has spent seven years Hair Cutting y developing a eontrivanoe whereby one man may play 22 different musical instruments at once. Hot and Cold Baths . > An effective new fire extinguisher shoots liquid car Ro> Pounds, Prop. bon dioxide under extreme pressure, the gas immed Nyssa Oroji. j; iately turning to snow. v Study of growing cancer cells is made by taking mov- :-:-S I It i t :ig pictures and then speeding up the films 900 times. I NYSSA 8AR8ER SHOP * Transfer and Baggagi | ? RADIO SUPPLIES Records compiled by the American Newspaper Pub lisher’s Association show the enormous amounts spent last year for the advertising of well-known products. The sum of $4,095,000 was expended in advertising the Chevrolet car alone, which heads the list o f big appropriations. Other large expenditures in order of size were: Camel cigarettes and Prince Albert tobacco, $4,034,- 000; Postum and Grape Nuts, $3,527,000; Listerine, $3,- 323,000; Ivory Soap and Crisco, $3, 051,000; Dodge auto mobiles, $3,038,000. It is reported that these will appear moderate in com parison with the amount to be used in advertising the new Ford car during the next year. All o f which ,in view of the great prosperity exper ienced by the concerns manufacturing the products named, once more gives a practical illustration o f the trite but true saying: “ It pays to advertise.” l ANDREW JUKOFF, 113-year-old i Siberian citizen, recently arrived in Moscow to prove to bureaucrats hs eligibility for an old-age pension, When a dog lie is the father, he says, o f 5 4 1 children the oldest now 80 years ofi Leeds, Eng., his SHOE REPAIRING Auto l 'i~M All kinds of TELLING THE WORLD ...and... I '♦ >44 4 ♦ 4 ll"H "l"t"X "fr-X "X ~X ~ ; ¡ . ' » 4 ♦ 1927-1928 Model-—Philco Socket Power COOPER PRODUCE CO. DEALERS IN Field and Garden Seeds Grain, Feed and Poultry Supplies MARKET PRICES PAID FOR A I.L KINDS OF POULTRY AT THE RANCH PHONE 65 OPPOSITE POSTOFF1CH