THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXV. NO. 29. NVSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT ..M BER 2, 1927. RECLAMATION ECONOMIST SEES PROJECT LANOS KREUTZER WANTS TO SEE SET- TLEHS MAKE GOOD —PROJECT WILL NEED 2000 FAMILIES WILL REVIEW IIViPRQVEB LANDS Pleased With Signing of 85 l’ erj Cent of Contracts— Authorizes Review of Appraisment MALHEUR FARM COUNTRY IMPRESSES RECLAMATIONISTS Ralph A. Holte, secretary of the Vale district, took a party of prominent visitors over the Warmsprings and Vale projects on Tuesday. In the party were W. J. Martin, agricultural agent for the O. S. L., Joel Priest, gen eral agent O. S. L., Slate En gineer Rhea Luper. They were impressed with the splendid crops found in every section of the county. On Monday Mr. Kreutzer and his party acompanied H. W. Bashore anl Mr. Holte to the John Medlin ranch near Harper, where undoubtedly the best wheat crop in the county was grown this year. From 45 acres o f wheat he has harvested over 00 bushels to the acre. With these kind of crops, the visitors say that the settlers will flock to Malheur, when once the water is on the Vale and Owyhee pro jects. DR MEAD W IT S REM FARMERS FDD VALE-OWÏHEE $1.50 PER YEAR WHO SAYS FARMING WON’T PAY IN MALHEUR? The high crop production re cord in Malheur county will be maintained this season, judging by impressive returns that con tinue to come in. It looks like a 60-bushel wheat yield will be J. A. Tertiling, contractor from avetage. Moscow, Idaho, who will build six L. J. Hadley of Vale had one ■— [ miles of the Vale project canal in of the best wheat fields in the county. About 20 acres o f Fed GOVERNMENT WILL S P E N D !11*® vieinity o f Haprer, was in town eration wheat ran ovei 60 bu $22,000,000 ON TWO GREAT PRO- gain this week- He is authority shels to the acre and will be cer JKl'TS SURROUNDING VALE ! for stat*‘ment that the work will begin at once. The 60-day period tified. Over 60-bushel wheat | allowed Tertiling in which to begin was grown on the George Rus work expires on September 5. Two sell, Reed and Oxman ranches in drag lines have been repaired and this vicinity. J. H. Luft of Vale _____ ! are now enroute to Nnmorf. has a field o f Tribi barley that lias been certified. A 20 acre Government Considers Settlement Government engineers are also field o f Grimm alfalfa, to be Most important Factor— Wants | working every day getting data on certified, is Trent Johnson’s an additional stretch o f the canal, Development of Every Acre pride. Stanley Mallett reports preparatory to asking bids for con struction. It will be possible to j a clover seed crop that will bring around $75 an acre, after We will spend about $22,000,000 j work on the canal thru the winter on the new Vale and Owyhee pro- : months, if the contractors desire. . the second crop is harvested. jects,” says Dr. Elwood Mead of the ____________ ■ Rex Marquis, who returned U. S. Reclamation Service in a state- * - ■* ' ■ ----- — ------- - — from New Meadows Tuesday, ment just made public. “The land j __________U N I A K l U says that he and W. J. Carter is nearly all under private owner will receive $3400 from 18 acres Miss Katherine Conway, member| ship. We will ask the owners to of early potatoes. turn the land over to us and make us of the high school faculty, returned a selling agent, the land to be sold Sunday from a coast trip. Tertiling Sags Work Will Start On Vale Canal J WILL BAR SHIFTLESS FARMER ON TRUCKS, AUTOS OREGON AND IDAHO OFFICIALS WILL LET DEALERS SELL ACROSS LINE Automobile dealers in western Idaho and eastern Oregon will in the future be allowed to do a limited business in either state and will only be required to purchase a lic ense in their home state while trucks hauling produce from one state to the other will he forced to pay lic ense fees to both states, according to agreement made at the meeting of traffic officials and business repre sentatives o f the cities o f both states at Payette recently. (From the Malheur Enterprise) The Oregon representative brought George C. Kreutzer of Washington up the point that several Idaho truck D. C. , Director o f reclamation ec ers were bringing produce into Ore onomics for the United States bureau gon and putting it on the markets o f reclamation, met with Vale pro of eastern Oregon cities without ject directors and land owners on paying any tax to the state o f Ore- Monday to talk over plans or obtain-1 on, thus making unfair competition OWYHEE ing settlers and the conditions upon | with local growers while Idaho en which they will be put on lands. Mrs. Harva Marx went to Homedale acted a tax on all Oregon truckers Others who will aid in colonization Thursday for a visit with her sister at a price to Ire fixed by an impar Miss Hazel Smith and Miss May J operating between the states for o f the Vale and Owyhee projects, Mrs. Hoyt Nash. tial board o f appraisers. Platt returned home Saturday after | more than 30 days. Secretary of where 2000 families will be needed', "What breaks the majority o f ir a few days visit with- Mr. and Mrs. State Lukins o f Idaho declared that Billy Jarvis and Howard Conahay are Rhea Luper, state engineer and rigation projects was a kind o f Charles Powell in Austin. his department had no authority to of Sturgis South Dakota visited with W. G. Ide, manager of land settle agi ¡culture that was too easy— hay act contrary to the law the Idaho A. O. Broyles, scoutmaster, and . . . . . . . . Mr. Jarvis brother John near the some interesting and grain. For the shiftless man, . ’ 90 . his troop of lively young gentlemen . . As . . . throwing ment work for the Oregon und Port legislature has made on such traffic. . , ,, ” heart-, gate on Wednesdry of last land chambers, who accompanied Mr. week The boys left for a visit w i t h ^ T ’ W° rk’ Which WBS aU Rr'‘ SS aTU' «.turned home Saturday after a hil- llkimlnatlon “ Pon the problem of Chief of the Oregon Traffic De require, was enough. Sal-j out|njf at Blae Mountain Burns B roth e« Detroit, Kreutzer on his visit to Malheur week. The boys ieft f o r a vtsitw tth | wheat partment, T. A. Rafferty stated that relatives in Weiser, but expect to re county. vation is in bringing in sugar beets, j 8prin(,9 They report a reaI tim e. contribute the following letter in Oregon had a similar law which turn shortly to this community. which a farmer “ explains” why the fattening of sheep, dairy farms. To Review Improved Lands would be more vigorously enforced in Fred Giamse o f LaGrande spent Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cottenguns hardware man will have to wait a “ If we can get these projects s e t-1 Robert D. Lytle, attorney for the the future. Vale district, advised that several and two children of Redman, Ore., »led up, look what a difference it lasL week here visiting his parents, while longer for the money that is Idaho agreed to reimburse an On Al. C. Boyer spent Monday in the due him. owners o f improved and cultivated spent the week with Mrs. Cottenguns makes between a discouraged-looking tario car dealer who had purchased “ I have your statement showing farm lands objected to the low ap parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Larson. settlement with a house here and a ! county seat on business. He is the a license to sell cars in Idaho and half a mile o f sagebrush separating: advertising manager for the fair this that I owe you $769.80, and I am Ed Hite and Lloyd Haines from praisement, citing that highly culti- agreement was made that dealer^ vated lands had been apraised at $13! Bliss, Idaho, arrived in the commun- it from the next lonesome settler a s ' v ar> an<T did not miss the opportun- enclosing a cheek for $5.00 for which vicinity o f the state line may work please send me a receipt. against people who are touching | **y Adi Vale folk about the many an acre. As a result Mr. Kreutzer, ity and have been working in the in either state without extra charge attractions that are to take place on “ I am sorry that I cannot pay you elbows with each other.’ assured the district that the apprais- hay fields. Thursday, Friday and Saturday at any more at present, as I am unable in the future. era will review improved lands, but Mrs. Ray Cantrall has been enter- the 18th annual fair. He arranged to collect from my customers as that the appraisement of unimproved taining her brother Rufus Smith and for publicity stunts that have been money is so scarce right now. lands will stand. Improved lands J his wife from San Francisco. They inilled in all the neighboring towns “ My own living expenses are ter will bo reviewed regardless o f whelh- rethrned home the last of the week, Ileal Estate Transfers Recorded this week. rible, and with my store and my er owners have executed the contracts, Mrs, m . M. Points of Mid\%le, Ida., ' Roy Willoughby to Ethelyn T. farm I can hardly get along. I will The wedding of Miss McDowell, with the government or not. Ik e w(,0 ¡s here visiting her son Silas try to send you another payment Of Sprazin, Ixits 5 and 6, Block 3, Ny teacher in the Ontario high school investigation will be made by B. E. j p 0jnts anj family was a dinner $5.00 when I sell my hay which ssa. 5, 12, 27. $1.00. Hayden within a month. All who ?rest in the Klingback home Wed- With the sale in PortTahiT’ Ttles-' list year, to Bernard Frost of Pay should be in June, I cannot pay , Joseph''F. Reed to Hlamhe Reed, have improved lands should get in nPS(jay, day, the Nyssa wool pool o f 1927 ette, which occurred in Twin Falls on August 14 is o f interest to friends you more at that time for my SW USW M Sec. 29; S E K S W K , and touch with dictrict officials at once. was disposed of. The Nyssa pool, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Pullen of Wilder here. After a trip to Nebraska, Mr. daughter finishes at Bristol this year S K S E K ec. 30-20-46. 8, 18, 27. $1.00. Mr. Kreutzer praised the work of 1 are on their Owyhee ranch helping which has grown to be the largest and Mrs. Frost will return to Pay- an<l that costs a heap o f money, district officials. On the board are aggregate of wool in eastern Ore ! Fred thru haying and thrashing. H. B. Cockrum, et al, Trustees to ette to make their home, where Mr. “ I thought I could send you a^ C. H. Oxman president; Ralph A. . Mallett, Part of E14N14NWK Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newby visited gon handled as a unit this year, Fro^t [•’ v .i-t is is o employed m n ln v c l w it h t the h e Idaho check when I got my tobacco money, i with Idaho Holte, secretary; E. B. Hendrix of reached a total o f more than half a( See. 20-18-46. 8, 20, 27. $1,000.00. lastweek in the Earl Ward home. hut it took all I could rake and the Bully Creek unit and Estes Mor million pounds, J. P. Dunaway, at Power. J. E. Harter et ux to C. W. Long, scrape to put in the Deleo lights, as ton of Harper Mrs. Carl Quackenbush and little Maqy people went to Vale Friday Nyssa, manager of the pool announc Sec. 8-18-47. my wife did not have electricity to S ’A N W K N E K N E K praises Vale Work daughter who have been visiting her for the enjoyable pioneer day cele ed. run the separator, the sevring mach 7, 30, 27. $5000.00. As one object of Mr. Kreutzer’s P«^nts, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe, bration which drew a very large The clips sold graded at the ware ine and the vacuum cleaner. Then, C. W. Long et ux to May C. Pin- visit was to stimulate the signing up returned home the first o f the week. houses of the Western Wool Ware crowd this year. too, we had to build a shed for the ney, S K N W K N E K N E K Sec. 8-18 o f contracts between the government Mrs. Lowe accompanied her as far as houses company and brought 35 Miss Velda Rose returned home Ford so we could put the new Cad- 47. 7, 30, 27. $10.00. (Q. C. Deed). and individuals whereby owners oi Pendleton but expects to return cents a pound for the fine and half last week after spending the summer illnc in the garage, and build a con Sheriff C. W Glenn to Howard more than 160 acres will sell to home very shortly. blood and 37 cents for the high I ¡n Montana visiting relatives. crete bridge over the brook in our Nutt, Lot 14, lllokc 6, Juntura. 6, 18, Mrs Mary Philso . of Longview, others at appraised prices, he was quarter blood and three-eighths. Among out o f town visitors last front lot, as well as a new road, so 27. $50.00. < very much pleased with the status in Washington is visiting her parents, “ Last year, the first time we ship week were Lawrence and Herbert we could get in and out better. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr this week. the Vale district. Over 85 per cent T. G. Montgomery et ux to Citi ped to Portland, the clip went to Van Horn of Gladstone, Michigan, “ I can’t send you the com money zens National Bank o f Baker City, o f the land owners have signed up. The Arthur Heap family of New eastern buyers,” said Mr. Dunaway, and Arthur Weick o f Chicago. in the fall, because my son is going The district is now assured that an Plymouth and the Ray Duel family “ and some o f the same buyers took SEK Sec. 29, E&NE14 Sec. 30; and John Sulivan and Miss Ruth Frost to college and although the lads of appropriation to carry on the work of Emmett were Sunday guests in portions of the clip this year, the W K S W K Cec. 33-13-41; S E K N E K were marired by Father Stack on today are very economical about hats Sec. 1; Lot 1, Sec. 5; Lot 4, and SW in 1929 will be made. the Walter Nichols home. remainder o f the clip went to west Friday week. They will reside here. and garters, still a coon skin coat Discuss Colonization 14NW14 Sec. 4-14-41. 8 ,10, 27. $1.00 Mrs. Tom Newby and little son ern mills. We are certainly gratified Seven awards were made in On costs the old man a lot and even (G. C. Deed). Plans to enable the settlers to Billy were overnight guests in her at the price received, for this marks junkyard Fords come rather high by make good, was the keynote o f the par,,nfs home, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Min- a gain o f 2 cents a pound on the o f tario to those who passed the Red John Leroy Wood et ux to Citizen Cross test in life saving. The lucky the time they are decorated for col discussion of settlement. Some ton fers received locally for tops. National Bank of Baker City, SE K “ fishes’ ’ are Mrs. Edna Nelson, Miss lege use. 3500 acres of the Harper unit will Mrs. T. M. Lowe was hostescs of “ I might send you the hog money, Sec. 29; E 14 NEK Sec. 32; anl WV4 Dorothy Laxson, Allen Bedford in have water in 1930. The Vale project the Kolony Book Club Wednesday, but the missus and I have planned a NW14 Sec. 33-13-4-; E K S E K Sec. VALE the senior division; Ralph Hurtle, will need 400 families. Mr. Ide ad guests of the Club were Mesdames Sec. 33-13-41; trip to Niagara in the fall, and after 32; and W14SWK Robert Laxson, Boyd Rasmussen, vised that he already has many in Bruce Kester and Arthur Cochrum Buys Cattle— Lot 1, and SE K N E K Sec. 5; Lot 4, her working hard all these years I Fred Powell, Junior. Mrs. Nelson quiries regarding the Vale and Ow of Ontario and B. F. Kerr, Mary R. H. DcArmond, well known as instructor. Many young think she deserves a trip. We can’ t nn<* S W K N W K Sec. 4-14-41. 8, 9, yhee and that he believes farmers Philson, Fred Klingback, S . D. Bige- i stockman of the community, made nualified le a r n e (, ' t o 8wim correctly and go before fall for she is having the 27. Satisfaction of mortgage. will flock to Malheur county when low and Miss Jaunita Bigelow o f the purchase of 900 heart o f beef, Eactcrn Oregon Land Co. to Mal- ^ improvc<, durin(f tho woek of house redecorated and re-fumished, once water is on the lands. Owyhee. . . j <’att,p fro"> Sam R<ws n f JordnT1 Val- strenuous trainin(r> whnc the Red. taking out all the red plush and put- hecr County, right o f way across “ I trust that some form o f cor Sec. 13-20-46. ting in over-stuffed cane and ma SEK SEK and N'A The Oregon Trail school house h as1 l“ y ,ast wepk‘ Cross instructor was in the city. poration can be formed to provide 8, 3, 27. $1.00. hogany. This is a terrible strain on been revarnished and cleaned aa<l ( ; uests at Hill Home— Mis. F. L. Moffitt, accompanied intermediate credit for settlers. Such Sherif C. W. Glenn to Davis W il otherwise put in readiness for the: Rpv Carl Davidson, student min- by her two daughters, spent a few my finances, especially as the new a corporation could rediscount its well that we needed closer to the cox, EViSEV* Sec. 20; WV4SWM j )stor of Caldwell, and his wife were days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Con paper thru the intermediate credit opening of school. house, and the new up-to-date barn Sec. 21; and N 14NEK Sec. 29-17-47. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fuller and guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christainsen. banks created by the federal loan 8, 19, 27. $4, 928. 95. have to be paid for. Rev. E. P. Hegler of Boise is the system. It should be a local institu family of Payette called at the J. B .' Harold Hill Sunlay night. “ All the farmers here are in a Sheriff C W. Glenn to Nedra Com Smith home Sunday. 1 new pastor at the Congregational hard place financially with straw tion. The investments settlers will , To Portland— pany, E Vi Sec. 29; WV4WV4 Sec. 28; Jonnie Shanley has been ill for, Mr ^ ^ Tcd H<m and chiH. church having begun his work here have to make, which will figure be berries at this season 75 cents a E14NW14, W K N E 14 ,and NE14NE QnJ ^ Esthpr H(Jn Wcd. Sunday. tween $5000 and $7000 for house, several days at his home in Oregon ^ quart and the price o f gasoline as it 14 Sec. 32-29-46. 8, 6, 27. $20,000.00 barn, leveling, head ditches, live “ a' k I nesday for Portland and the coast, j is. Then, too, there is an epidemic Nedra Company to Manhattan Co. stock and implements, is a matter Mis. Susie Johnson of Adrian h a s ,jQ spfnd jwo weeks where the sea among the married women to have EV4 Sec. 29; W K W 'A Sec. 28; E14 for cogitation,” said Mr. Kreutzer. been entertaining her daughter and |ire(,zes blow. their plain gold wedding rings plat NW14, W 14N E K , and N E K N E K He said that at the present time granddaughter from Prarie City. Nyssa Visitor__ inized and set with diamonds and Sec. 32-29-46. 8, 15, 27. $10.00. Congress provided no funds for fliis The Chas. Bradley family visited Miss Lucile Amens o f Nyssa spent everybody is having their tonsils and John Danels et al to Rainbow phase of reclamation, but advised in the Bill Leigh home in Parma the week with Mrs. Lee Dillon and Two serious accidents occurred in teeth removed. Mining Co. 6 quartz mining claims that if western people are intersted Monday. with Mrs. Sophy Amens. On Mon- Homedale “ Maybe nevt year things will look recently. On Monday in Morman Basin. 9, 20, 26. $1.00. they should see that their congress The W. W. Smith and Claude day the family made a trip to On- morning, Walter Schütz, 8-year old blighter, and I can pay you what I (Q. C Deed). man make an effort to secure an Smith families were dinner guests in tario. son of Edward Schütz of Homedale, owe you. hut right now things look U S A to Chas O Bogart. I-otg 1, appropriation for the financing of the Walter Pinkston home on Sun- Mayor Robinette Returns— mighty black for us farmers."— suffered the loss of his right arm 2, 3, S K N E K , SE KN W K , SEK, settlers. Mayor C. M. Robinette returned and two fingers from his left hand Hardware Retailer. day. and K K S W K Sec.4-16-41. 5, 26, .27. The party spent Tuesday in Nyssa Saturday from Lake Odell near , were amputated, as the result o f an Miss May Kimsey o f Ontario is LEVI’ S WIN AT CHEYENNE Clifton M. Beaumont et ux to Con discussing the same problems w ith ! spending the week in the Troy Sit- Bend, afLPr ^ ^ nn^; ^_O W!C0k; ^ * - i accident while working in his father’s rad Matrin, 75 acres in Cec. 6-21-47; According to word just received Owyhee officials. cation where the fishing is excep | field. The hoy was riding a horse In ton home in Oregon Trail. tionally good. Of course he had a front of a mowing machine and un Earl Thode o f Belvidere, S. Dak., N14NEK Sec. li 20-4«; and NW14 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Rip- winner nf the World’s Championship Sec. 24-20-45. 8, 24, 27. $100.00. great time. During his absence accountably fell direetly in front of Bronco Riding Contest at this year's pey Tuesday August 23 a daughter. Conrad Martin et ux to Clifton M. George Love was in charge of the the blade. He is recovering. Cheyenne Frontier Days, wore Levi Beaumont et ux 75 acres in Sec. 6- • W. J. Scott, venerable pioneer of Malheur Clothing Store. Miss Alta Murphy was the victim Strauss Overalls all during the com 21-47. NANEK Sec. 11-21-46; and ’ the Vale country, quietly passed into Get Huckle^rnes » f an accidental shooting. She was petition, and was wearing them when NW K Sec. 24-20-45. 8, 25, 27. $100- C. Klinkenherg thf* eternal sleep Wednesday mom l p- * rs- * ° n anj I taken home from the Caldwell ani- Fanny M. Johnson to Irene I.enora he made his championship ride in the ing after months of suffering as -laughter, Marion, Katherine *nd 1 1 of) Mond Johnson, part o f Lot 6, Block D, o f finals. Merle and the I»u and Will Boswell ! :: PROMPT DEIIVERY :: the result of a paralytic stroke. Ninety-five per cent o f the two Matron anl Short plat in Sec. 4-18-47. families o f Ontario returned from Mike Kennear and Wade Hyde of ReasnnpMp Rates Complaints Filed in Circuit Court their mountain trip Saturday. They' Emmett, Ernest Rose ami Mrs. J. If. hundred ami sixty men contestants 8, 2«, 27. $100..00 HAS HIS TROUBLES NÏSSA WOOL POOL SOLO IN PORTLAND Count g Statistics Serious Accidents At Homedale i CITY DR AY LINE f ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ PHONE 15 » ♦ ♦ 111 M - 4 - W 4 K - I - M -- K -+ Davidson Grocery Co. vs W. S. spent most o f the time huckleberry- Hamilton o f New Plymouth, were at the Cheyenne Show (and this in Marriage Licenses Issued and roper,) wore Dee Fayette Baker and Evelyn Skinner 8 22 27. Recovery on Note, ing and returtied home with forty among new arrivals at. the sanitar- eludes riders Hope Fleenor. 8, 27, 27. $300 00 i quarts o f fine berries. j ium this week. “ Levi’s’ ’.