OFFICIALS BANQUETED LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF BY COMMERCIAL CLUBi «* a F ■ « V » ■ s^ftM* ■ ■ V —s Saturday n | »s i .i% k w «'i%k< Monday{ Co-operation was the kevnote of th* speeches at the banquet Tuesday even The HONE9T BILL Show*, in *11 H. C. Doty, proprietor of th e Nyssa ing given in honor of the visiting gov their majestic beauty * n l imper a Cash Grocery was a business visitor ernment reclamation officials, and splendor, matchless in all that make it In Weiser and Boise, Tuesdayand Wed connection wiih tha matter of co.oper m'ghty. poiitively handsomest and nesday. ation the speakers rounded a note of moat highly educated collection of Mrs Levi Eldridge returned to her optimism, a« to bath the engineering trained wild and domeetic animate home at Pilot Rock, Ore , a fte r spend, and colonization featureof the Owyhee tour For intelligence, sagacity and ing the summer with her mother, Mrs. project that was cheering to those who animal catenae* their equal doe* not have waited so long for the completion Lelia Thompson and family. exist and the very beat performere and of this project. Miss Ruth R tbnrgcr is enjoying a big lot of funny clowne make thle The banquet waa given under the one of the very beat. Watch for tree week's visitat thcdaiusite, with friends auspices of the Nyssa Commercial street parade on day of exhibition. Mrs. Paulson and two children are Club and was held in the M E. Church Two performances daily, rain or shine new residents in Nyssa, who are Iocs basement. Covers werelaid for 60 and NYSSA, August, 80th. Adv. ting for the winter. there were no vacant places. J . P. Dunaway was toastm aster and sat at Miss Lucille Stevens trill leave Sat 9am Caldwell and family, brother of urday for Hood River. Oregon where T. J. Caldwell, left Wednesday for the head of one of the long tables, gov ernment officials and those prominent ehe will teach English in the Hood Washington points. ly connected with tha work of tha pro River High School this winter. Everett Fretwell of Watson was in ject being placed at either side of the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallace Nyssa this week looking for a house to table. Mr. Dunaway has more than a Saturday morning a son. rent, contemplating moving his family local reputation as a toastm aster and excelled his previous performances cn Mrs Sam Glass and two sons and here for the winter. daughter Virginia, of Swan F a’ls, Idaho G. W. McAtfee was a busi. ess visit this occassion. The first and principal speaker of the evening was Geo C. Spent Saturday and Sunday at the C. or in Weiser, Wednesday. Kreutzer, director of reclamation C. Hunt home. Mrs Benson and daughter were economics and head of the rolonisatio Mr*. Addie Wilson and daughter iness visitors in Nyssa, Tuesday. department who, in snintereating talk, Gertrud* ware Sunday visitors in Wei* Mr. and Mrs Harold Doty returned outlined the plans for getting settleis ear. Idaho. His rem srks were frem a vacation spent at Portland and onto the project Mr. and Mre. Eddie Powell. Ethel Redmond. They were accompanied enthusiastically received and a spirit Powell and Adain Wilson returned by Mra. Gillette and little daughter of optimism created regarding the sue Sunday from a two week outing Gloria of Portland who will visit in cesBful carry'ng out of ttiis work. the Deschutes river. Nyssa for some time. Mrs. Gillette is Mr. Hayden, the government apprais er of the Owyhee lands, was the next Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoxie and son a daughter of H. C. Doty. speaker, who explained the manner in Herbert, left Tuesday morning for Mr. and Mrs. Terbush, Mesdames week vacatien at Gooding, Shoehone Meyer, Fischer and Reberger motored which the work was done and the diffi culty of making, in allcaaea, asatisfac- and Twin Kails. to Weiser Saturday, and enjoyed the tory valuation of the land. weekly program at the Oregon Trail Mr. Martin, representing the Oregon Mrs. Max Landon returned to her Park. Short Line R R , gave assurance home a t Clarkston, Wash- Wednesday Mr8. and Mrs. Warren Blodgett of the sympathy end interest of his a fte r a pleasant visit with relatives and friends. She was accompanied on spent a few days last week visiting company in the project and staled at her return by her sister Viola and Mrs. Blodgett's parents, Mr and Mrs the proper time they would actively co operate for the success of the projec*. Georgia Thompson who will spend a W, H. Beam, of Alberson, Ore. A goodly number of Ontario’s promt time visiting a t Clarkston. Mra Max Landon was gu est of hon neat citizens were present, including or a t a prettily arranged dinner party Mr. and Mrs A. V. Cook and Dist Mr. Van Petten. Mayor Doolittle, H. Atty. E, M. Blodgett attended the ball at the home of Mis Fay Swan, Satur day evening. Pansies inacrystal bowl C. Boyer, Geo. K Aiken and Bruce R. game at Caldwell, Sunday last. formed the table decoration. Those Kester, and all made interesting talks, Jess Thompson and Dean Smith saw enjoying the dinner were Mrs. Max They were followed by various local Boise go to d efeat before Calwell at Landon Miaaes Viola Blodgett. Georgia speakers including C. C. Hunt, Frans Sunday’* game at Caldwell. Thompson, Fay Swan and Mrs. J. C. Morgan, Pete Tensen, Ed Blodgett, Dr. Sarazinandothera. Engineer Banks Mr*. A. V. Cook was hostess to the Yonng. came in late but upon beingcallcd upon Rebekah Sunshine Club, Friday after* Mrs Dooliltleand daughterof Nampa tor a aoeech rose nobly to tbeoccassii-n noon and a pleasant time is reporter*. are spending the week in Nyssa with and made a talk which carried much At the close of the afternoon the guests her sister, Mrs. Cooper. hope and encouragement tohishearera. tendered Mrs. Cook with a handker One feature of the addresses was the The T L. T. m et at the Foster home chief shower, knowing th a t Saturday Wednesday afternoon. A pleasnn universal excellence. There was not a LOCATED CORNER SECOND AND MAIN STREETS was h er birthday. meeting was held at ths cloBe of which dry or uninteresting talk in the whole bunch. They all had a " k i c k ” Dr. The Junior Church motored to the refreshments were served. -If — Tfr-1 (|h l Snrazin in his speech advocated a diff Garrison ranch Sunday a'ternoon Word has been received by Nvssa e re n t method of colonization from that where a j > ly time was had. forty child Mr and Mra. Ilerschell Hamby and The doc. children of McEwen strived Saturday ren baingin attendance. An abundance frienda-that the M. M. Mitchell family outlined by Mr Kreutser. of fried chicken, ice cream and cake are on their way back from an extend tor apparently, is more in favor of the by auto to visit Mrs. Hamby’s parents ome grown variety of settlers than Mr. and Mrs. Shelton. Mies Ruth helped to complete an afternoon of en ed visit with relatives in Kansas. joyment. The children were chaperon Evelyn Schweixer is visiting in Or. those from the outside. He is satis Shelton accompanied them. Bed that with the proper cooperation ed by W, W. Foster and Harold Wood. tario this week. Mr. and Mrs. PudLongvisited Boise of the people of the community enough Haxel Dean, of Emm ett is the guest Mrs DuncanMcM artinof DesMoines of this class of settlera can be secured, relatives and friends Thursday. of her cousins Dena and Doris Smith Iowa, sister of Mrs, Housh, arrived Watchmen were placed on the sail, and to back up bis contention stated this week. in Nyssa Wednesday for a vi-it with th at he went out one night recently road bridge* near Nyssa, presumably heraiaterand family, whom she has and got two (babies.) The only o b j e c to protect against any Sacco Vannetti Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butler entertain* not seen for tw enty.three years. tion we Bee to this plan is that it would demonstrations, this week. and make the farm pay ed at a dinner party Sunday the fol Needless to say it was a happy reunion. eliminates large albeitunwortby,class lowing guests: Mr and vtrs. Dewey W, W. Wiener and family have bigger profits Ray and family, Mrs. Ida Brown, Bud Mr R. I. Beeson, piano tuner of from participation in this g reat work moved to the East Side, —the bachelors. Lackey, of Ontario, Gordon Ray and Boise will be in Nyssa in the near f u t Thousands are doing it. Special payment plan for JULY Scott McClanahan of Payette visit The ladies who served the banquet family, of Huatington, Mr and Mrs ure, and anyone wishing hia services ed F. A. Mar hall cn Tuesday, He and AUGUST Albert Bosch, Mr. and Mrs. Cahoon can notify G. R. Swan a t the Swan received much well deserved praise for will return to O. A. C., with which and Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. Apta. Adv. the splerdid ’’e a ts ” and service and school he is much enthuied, for t i e special Plan No. 1 also the many housewives who willing Mrs. Lawrence Blodgett was given s A goodly number of representatives ly prepared the food on short notice. school year. 33 1 3 per cent Down Payment shower, by her many friends at her from Vale, Ontario and Nyssa enjoyed Winn Brown and W. McLing were In all respects it wag perfect and 25 per cent Nov. 1 or ninely days after delivery. home Thursday last, twenty-eight being the W. C T. U Picnic held a t the lel^t nothing to be desired. bueiness visitors in Nyssa Tuesday present. Mrs Blodgettreceived many Grange Hall, Tuesday afternoon. A Balance on or before November 1, 1928. afternoon. beautiful andusefularticlea. Refresh business and social aftemoonwas com ments were served a t the close of an bined and county officers were elected, Piano Must Be Sold M Special Plan No 3 enjoyable social afternoon. Will sacrifice fine piano in storage ( | 25 per cent Down Payment. Mrs. Bingham of Ontario beingelected near here. Will give easy terms to a | | Mrs. J . T. Long was hostess to her President and Mrs S B. Davisof Nyssa 25 per cent Nov. 1, 1927 or 90 days after delivery. responsible person. For full uarticu- Sunday School Clssa at a party at her Secretary. Balance Nov. 1, 1928 September 6th has been named as lars and where piano can be seen, ad home Friday nfternoon. Swimming in All news items and changes for adv opening day for the N ysta Schools and I dress Portland Music Company 227-6th the Shoestring Ditch featured the special Plan No 3 nual be in the Journal office Thursdsy Professor Holleoherg has everything St. Portland. Oregon. Adv. A. 6 4t afternoon entertainment, and dainty forpnoon to appear in F riday’* publi in seadiness to gotat th at date. 50 per cent down. Balance Nov. 1. 1928. refreshm ents were served to the happj cation. Backs wi’l be for pale on the day of youngsters No one can fail to notice the,atmos M The Fordfon has many new improvement* this year. Easiei opening, not before, and all students phe?e of refinement about this pai ticu- m Phone 19 vour news items. landing:, more pow er, less oil and gas consumption. Ask foi ntering High School for I he first time lar show. Theperformancegoes along u i free demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. R ebrrger and eor must produce certificates. with perfect ayati m and during the An addition to the High School myriad and bewildering bill no un:eat M George and Mrs. Meyer were Boise vis Course this year will be a foujr year itors, Tuesdsy. ia felt. Acts follow each ooher with Commercial Course offered, something out de'ay: the program is made of all Mr. and Mre. Bohlson from the dam- hich should be greatly appreciated b'g feature acts not forgetting t h e ' H aite are spending a time visiting in An unuvuslly Interesting program bv the High School S ’.udenta. ildren with a troupe of trained ard j K Portland Mra. Jeas Spencer accom was given by the Nysr.a Band Friday Two year Home Economics.! cock e Jucated ponies and dogs consisting of | ^ panied them as for as Union and is evening a rd although many members ing and l sewing. many clown dogs in a hilarious bill of , visiting friends at th a t place. of the Band were not able to be preaent, History, U. S, History, Civic», acd * aughter. N YSS*, August .’ 0th, a >me being on vacation* or otherwise A special meeting of theTownCoun- and World History. ONTARIO Phone 23 OREGON ell was held Monday evening to draw occupied, the rendering of the well Language—French m up an Ordinance relative to bonding choeen end varied p*ogram was credit, General Science—Science the Sown for stre e t impsc vement«, to ably given. Biology. Enough praise c a r r o t be given the Geometry. L)rs. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, set a d ste and to name the amount. licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Carver This will be definitely decidrd and set- Baud for their effort* and the Nysea Algrebra. public should be proud to have an or The above are the High School Sub graduates. Consultation and eXamin* t'sd at the next regular meeting. ganization of this sort and ahould be jects and other subjects will be added ation free. Fifteen years successful S. D Foster former N js s a druggist practice in the state. First door west generous in their support. if there is a demand. was in town Thursdsy. Following are the teachers for the of bank, Nyssa, Oregon. coming school year with Leo, D. Holl enberg as Professor: G rade T eachers FALL TERM OPENING DATES DR. E. D NORCOTT Mra Bensort First Grade Miss Lillie Hunt S c o n d Grade AT Miss Iren* Cloeeer Third Grade Miss Lena Colwell Fourth Grade Misa Gladys Gsrriaon Fifth Grade DENTIST Mr*. Nettie Medesker Sixth Grade To graduate from LINK’S mean* a Mr. G, F. Newton Seventh Grade GOOD POSITION at a GOOD SALARY Eighth Grad? H igh S chool Writ* for full information. Price 1**3 than other machines of sam* quality Mias Mary Eeck OREGON .NYS3A Miss Pauline Lamar Mias Vera Bishop COMPARES WITH THE ORTHOPHONIC Commercial Teacher, to be nemed a t e end Secretarial School, Job Work of all kinds neatly and Belte Idaho later date. quickly done a t the Journal Office. » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ » I » ♦ ♦ » + ♦ + ■ !■*+ !• v-l-v ■¡•-X-i-y-i- August and . 1927 SPECIALS W W Watch this space next week for F BARGAINS Want Your Eggs NYSSA CASH GROCERY J *********** MR. FARMER- Buy Yourself a Fordsun NYSSA SCHOOLS TO BEGIN SEPTEMBER 6 * ■ m m BAND GAVE INTEREST ING PROGRAM B. STAPLES m FORD GARAGE Chiropractors Seeind Hear the Masterphonic TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 AND MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Cole’s Jewelry Store L IN K ’S B U S IN E S S C O LLEG E \