t TBE CATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, ORLGOH. Condensed Statement of The Malheur County Bank NYSSA, OREGON A T THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE JO. 1927 RESOURCES L IA BILITIES Loan* srui Discount* ..1444,831.81) O verdraft* ___ ___ 231.52 Bunking House, F u rn i­ tu re and F ix tu res _ 13,500.00 O ther Real E sta te ........ 6,2131)0 School Diet W arrants.. 00334 Cash and Due From Capital Stock....... .......... $ 25,000.00 Surplus and 1‘ro fits .... 54,005.77 Bills I’ayaLde.______ NONE Rediscounts ............... NONE Deposits --- 486,576.82 Banks ____________ 101,23734 $505,672.5!) $565,672.50 Securities Fledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for Deposits, NONE O FFIC ER S AND DIRECTORS H. J. W ard, F resideut John Kay, Vice Fresideut J. F. Dunaway, Cashier .. O. G. Bauer, A ssistan t Cashier 11. A. Diven, A ssistan t Cashier J . F . Reece J . J . Sarazin G. L. Fhillips CHEAPER FERTILIZER Several recent developments indicate that cheaper fertilizers for farmers may be available within the-next year or so, regardless of wiiat may happen respecting Muscle ¡Shoals. Production of nitrates from the air by an impr°ved German process has been so successful that plans are being made to introduce a new product, called “nitro- phoska,” into the United States. To compete with this new German fertilizer, the adoption of improved methods of preparing Chilean ni­ trates has been announced, whereby the price is expect­ ed to be reduced materially. Then there is being erected at Hopewell, Va., a $30- 000,000 plant for the manufacture of atmospheric nit­ rogen by the latest synthetic process, which it is said ' will be ready for operation by the end of 1929. In view of the uncertainty which exists concerning the use of Muscle Shoals for fertilizer production, it will be pleasing to farmers to know that other p°werful | agencies are at work with cheaper fertilizer as their objective. n w i t m u ) n -H BOND LOANS NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY CO. LICENSED REAL ESI ATE BROKERS Farms and City Property Insurance NYSSA. OREGON PHONE 53 All office work uill be managed as in the past; only real estate transactions bg Boydell & Willoughby. J. BOYDELL. “S~M" It appears that Mr. Ford, too, has discarded his spokesman. Unfortunately, an old flame will seldon burn the love letters. Food control is bound to bring forth a flood of ora­ — -J tory in Congress. READING TEA LEAVES LN THE ECONOMIC CUP Bootleggers are doing their bit toward putting l ! l m l ) a ü u I ia if ij /vi m now u iu i »,c n u , c VV ILU business on a cash basis. Us agalli, let, s lut ti tu tue c a a -d iiu -D u u c i jJ i 'o f J i i a i i . Another paradox is that some sparsely settled sec­ n o w win we oi me giu n u u s VV C ö t A i t l C Í. Í a l i l i W i l l “ tions have a dense population. * cefi Will we pay me concernr wnen ne comes me n is i This is truly a mechanical age. Even public officials time or siiaii we nave to stall nun i are frequently machine made. B ets go DacK a year, Business was booming in June, The American public appreciates exceptional Flappers of the future will need parachutes when 19zo. Cotton was selling at twenty cents a pounu- they feel the necessity of walking back. value in automobiles. This is proven by wheat brougnt $l.oo, anu nig crops oi botn conunouities Probably Cain might have been a better boy if Mot- the reception accorded the announcement were in prospect, wiiat happened.' An enormous cot- her Eve had been up on child psychology, that OLDSMOBILE had reduced prices and ton crop of eighteen nuniun oaies sent the price down to Front pages indicate that the crime wave has come added equipment. Reductions average $100 as low as twelve cents a pound, a big wheat crop poun- back, if, in fact it has ever been away, on all models. ded the market to ijd.dZ; other grams, weeping in sym­ If Byrd had lived in London a while he might have i pathy, followed whea t down the melancholy road, in had less difficulty in navigating in a fog. WE CARRY CARS IN STOCK Millions of farm homes purchasing power dunislied About the only evil effect of Lindbergh’s flight has rapidly.— Vet American Business rested °n so broad and been the urge to write poetry about it. Inspection Invited sound a foundation tat it hdid not even tremble under It is amazing to see how much misfortune may be the blow. —___ accumulated by one who earnestly seeks it. This summer there won’t be any bumper crops, thank The shrewd politician seldom hops on the band wagon goodness. The knowledge of this fact has already sent until he is fairly convinced of its identity. “ L a d ie s ’ R e s t R o o m ” NYSSA, OREGON wheat up twenty cents a bushel. Low cotton prices If you get chilly these days, remember that you were stimulated consumption to such an extent that the de- warned that 1927 was to be a year without a summer, ------- ^ pression in the cotton mills came to and end. b'ome of; Formerly they were called common scolds and sen- ihem even worked overtime and cotton climbed back to tenced to the ducking stool. Now they are called re- sixteen cents a pound. I formers and put on the lecture platform This fall and winter the farmers, with smaller crops INTERESTING NOTES than those harvested a year ago, will have far more money to spend. Their increased purcrases should take The orginal painting “The Spirit of ’76” was painted ■ "■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ p i up any slack that may arise out of a slowing down in in the centennial year, 1876. __ ! other industries. The tea leaves in the bottom of the Massachusetts was the first state to adopt a compul­ economic cup indicate a large volume of business on a sory education law. slightly lower price level this fall and winter. The turn­ The Vatican at Rome, home of the Pope is the largest; over will be heavy, but the size of the profit will depend residence in the world. on management and thrift.—August SUNSET. The “Pine Tree’’ shilling is said to have been the first coin made in the United States. Seven aldermen of Hull. Eng., are charged with tak­ The rarest United States coin is the $20 gold piece of j ing a long trip at the public expense for the purpose of 1849, °nly one of which is now known to exist. buying one horse for the city- In France there is an underground canal in which boats travel more than four miles under a mountain. Chicago statisticians declare that more divorces are Canada deported 1,470 ¡arsons to countries overseas secured in the twelfth year of the marriage. last year. Dr. Zeter, Paris beauty specialist, declares tha* fewer Platinum deposits have recently been discovered in NYSSA OREGON modem girls have dimples. Africa. J . -I- A A Jl. .B. A i' j A A A A A A A j ■». t. ,i. A Complaining their hard lot, professional clowns of Paris have formed a union. -M -W -M -++*. The Dowager Countess of Jersey has an even 100 liv­ ing first cousins. DON’T GET ALONG WITHOUT Harnt»» and Saddles C. Klin ken berg Six hours of sleep in a soft bed will rebuild as much mental energy as eight hours in a hard bed, according made and repaired PROMPT DELIVERY to an expert. Auto Tops Made and Reasonable Rates Repaired WHAT’S NEW? PHONE 15 ROSS PARKINSON Canoes and rowboats are now being made of com­ You lose more in milk, butter, pressed paper in Germany. Nyssa, Oregon An animal breeder in uiympia, Wash., is said to have meat and leftovers than it takes developed dogs that can not bark. H-++-: to buy ice. Using gas for heating and electricity for power and B E K T N ci i 1 1 j; lighting, many modern factories are now built without smokestacks. Shaving, Hair Cutting Single lights or groups of lights of a street may be BURBIDGE & RAY, Props. llol and Cold Baths turned off by means of radi° control. Between Lawrencs Gns Station A railway tunnel in France is fitted with vacuum PHONE 6 NYSSA, OR. Roy Pounds, Prop. and Ford G arage cleaners and brushes which clean the cars as they pass Nyssa Orego1 ♦ ♦ « » I i i m i i i d h i > Q H ' t o : i t > h - m - p - h - h - m - m .» « m t » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ through. SOLICITS A PART OF YOUR A method of testing the quality of diamonds by ultra­ Patronage violet rays has been perfected in France. G. E. BERTSCH SNAPPY STUFF DEALERS IN Howard Underwood, 14, a minister’s son, of Glean­ H-M-» ings, K., believes he is the youngest parent in the world M e a n s M o re S a le s fo r having recently become the father of a baby son. Y o u , M r. B u s in e s s M a n Joseph Prise, of Bath, Eng., a blacksmith, is able to When you begin advertising (»rain, Feed and Poultry drive nails into wood with his hands H. D. Holmes in this paper you start on the road to more business There Mrs. Mary Webb, aged 70. Hull, Eng., was caught beg- Supplies Transfer and Baggagt j; is no better or cheaper me­ ging with a bank-book showing $10,000 deposits in her dium (or rrarhing the buyers market prices paid for a ll kinds o p name and was sent to jail for a month. o( this community. All kinds of hauling ir Boning Arnold. 103, of Bournemouth, Eng., is said to We can also provide City limits be the oldert bowler. Artistic Printing AT THE RANCH Judge Marion of Chicago ordered a man in court to oi e\ rry dr.a-nptioa. Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon • ■ remove h r hat, only to find that the “man” was a wo­ PHO> E 65 O PPO SITE POSTOFnca ............................ . ; man. From pt and understanding service and our desire to prom ote p ro s­ perity; to help you g et your share of it and to use th a t share will) wisdom is our ddesire. U i 14 1 $ 100.00 C u t in 0LDSM0BILE POWELL SERVICE STATION POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding NYSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY • " ti V V 'ITl V r V T V T V V * i V V V T T T SHOE REPAIRING CITY DRAY LINE I-C-E NYSSA BARBER SHOP | NYSSA PACKING CO. BARBER SHOP :: I Our Advertising Service t ONTHEOLDJOB* COOPER PRODUCE CO. Field and Garden Seeds POULTRY I