I BIDS FOR CONSTRUC­ TION OF RAILROAD - W hy H oes razo r p n llf A doll blade. Only • super-keen blade gives a so* per-shave. Tbe Valet AutcStrop Razor is tbe only razor tbat gives yon a super-keen edge Cor e ve ry shave. $1 up to $tS« m W et A d o ^ S tr o p Razor —Sharpen* Jttmlf - • 1 1 The call for bid9 for the construction of the railroad to the Owyhee damsite have been issued and bids will be receiv­ ed at the Boise otflee until 3 o ’clock August 16ih. Tnis is indeed giatifying news to everybody in Malhuer County who have been patiently awaiting actual work to, begin. Continued efforts are beirg made (o secure signatures to the contracts re quired by the government and it is im­ perative that all property holders of lands under the project give their at tention to this requirement, so th a t tha items for appropriations for carrying on the senonl y e a r’s work can be plac­ ed before the Board and included in their budget to be made sometime in August. Nyssa will benefit greatly by thia first move in the actual construction and should be wide awake to the possi­ bilities offered. OWYHEE DISTRICT OFFICEjCOMPLETED The balance of furniture and equip­ ment for the Owyhee District office was received and placed this week and will be a much used office in tbe near fu tu r^ | The building has been retinted and painted inside, new lineoleum laid, ' chairs,'desks and tables installed m a k ­ ing it convenient and comfortable for any work which may come bafore the diatiict. The office is open for the use and convenience of the reclamation men and already baa been used to advan. tage by them. WINDOW AT NYSSA LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF REALTY OFFICE BROKEN ♦ I111 ! »■!■ ■»■{ ■»• *++♦+++++•♦ M -H . t i l * » » » » Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott are oc* Miss Mildred Long and brother Vir eupying the A1 Green residence in the gal arrived in Nysaa Sunday from North p a rt of towu. Salem, to visit their parents Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Earnest Wilson and Mrs. J. T. Long. Tuesday in company children and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson left for with Mr. and Mrs. Pud Long they left for a vacation in the Blue Mountains P ayette Lakes for a ten day outing. to be gone for two weeks Mr. W alter Marshall returned from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton and Monmouth, Oregon where he has been daughter, returned Monday from Al­ attending school for nine weeks. bany where they have spent p a rt of Ross Parsinson hasmoved his family the summer. In the Sherwood home during the week. Hipólito Mosquito proof Streen Doors Mr H W alters and the Misses Iva sold and guaranteed by the Boise P ay ­ and Grace Walters left for the Sslmon e tte Lumber Company have those fam­ River on Tuesday where Mr Walterg ous corn rs of stren g th —the time pro- has his sheep camp. en and tested manner of construction Mrs S. D Goahert and daughter •they give complete satisfaction Adv. Dorothy accompanied by Harold Hoxie B etter see them today. who drove their ear. left for Mapleton Mrs. J. B. Trevey, of Fruí Hand, Ida. Oreg n and exuect to be gone for a spent Tuesday a t the f r a n k Miller two » e vk visit. They will stop at home. Pendleton, Salem and Portland on the Mr. and Mrs Ward Griffith of Holly­ trip for brief visits. wood. California, neice and nephew of Mr. snd Mrs. Oglesby ard family of Frank Lueck, visited a t the Lueck Indiana, formerly of Nyssa, wsra at home a few daya this week. They are the camp ground during the past week interested in photography and are on and enjoyed visiting with their old their way to Chicago. friends and neighbors Mr and Mrs. Rjchardsop of Orchard FOR S 4 L E - F u l l blrod Holstein Idaho spent a lew days in Nyssa visit­ Bull 2} years old, well marked, good ing Vir. Richardson’sfa th e ra n d frie n d s . • ize and good breeder. Geo. W. Ben. Mrs Elmo MeLellan of Caldwell ton. Adv. Bpent the week end visiting with her Mr. and Mrs. G. R Swan enjoyed a mother, Mrs. Dennis and family visit from their son Jess Swan and wife FOR SALE—Small geranium plants of Boine, Sunday Fay Swan accom­ for winter blooming 20cents eaih, hr. panied them on their return to Boise tidcial flowers—roses, poppieaetc. Cy­ and will spend a few weeks visiting ders taken for layge or small boqueta relatives and friends at th a t place. Mrs. Hershey, Adv. Cberald Brooks is visiting his parents Mr, and Mis E. B. Nedry left for Mr. and Mrs. S J. Broiks, in Nyssa Portland Thursday morning a fte r a two He is in the service of the Navy and months visit with Mrs. N edry's par has j u s t returned from duty at Cuba. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Boydell. Mr, The tourist season is a t its peak as and Mrs. Boydeli will accompany them js evidenced by the numerous cars pass­ in their car for a short visit on tbe coast. ing through Nyssa daily. Mr. and Mrs Henry Fields and lit Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sherwood of Wilder, spent Sunday visiting their tie son returned from a vacation spent at Blue Mountain Hot Spiings, last sister, Mrs. J . C. Young. week Large quantities of potatoesare being Threshing s t . r te d in this vicinity transported daily from this district to the railroad for shipment to outside this w.ek, points. Geo. Fenton has recovered from his The Boise Payette Lumber Company recent accident and able to be about is selling acids of guaranteedmosquito his duties. proof doors—the millwork and joint­ Word has been received from M i ,9 ing of these doors is beyond reproach. They are built (o stand hard service— Francis Hershey, of Los Angeles, Cal. th a t she will arrive in Nyaea next to ate them is to buy them. Adv. week, for a prolonged visit with her Bah Flstchsr, of Pendleton was a brother Rev. N, E. Hershey and fam b j i i n a t s ca'ler a t th s Journal Wed­ tly. nesday- Mrs Ray Chapman and daughter Miss Lucille Biggs, music teacher of Vi-gmia returned Wednesday morning O.ntaris will give a recital a t th ih o m e from a vacation spent in Portland. of A. V. Cook, Friday afternoon. Mr. Fred Woods of Nampa, former­ A rthur Servoss returned this week ly of Nyssa is the owner of a new from LaGrand. Ha left Tuesday with L-ia*»n T ractor and a new Individual the Pud Long dishing and camping Thieshing Machine, recently purebas. p a r t ; to the Salmon River country. ed. Saturday & Monday July 30 and August 1,1927 SPECÌALS 2 LARGE CANS PINEAPPLE - 55C 3 CANS TALL PINK SALMON - 47C SWIFTS PREMIUM OR EASTERN HAMS PER LB 30C NO. 2 CAN PORK AND BEANS, PER CAN IOC 4 BARS ASSORTED TOILET SOAP - 25C NO- 2 1-2 CAN NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES 20C 1-LB CAN DIXIE QUEEN TOBACCO - 79C FRESH GROUND BULK COFFEE - 33-43-47C We Sell Foster’s Honey It is a better plan to not leave a car n g ear when standing, so thinks Ray Cantrell and others who witnessed the shattering of the large plate f l a ts win­ dow at the Nysea Realty Co’s office, Friday afternoon. Kay bad parke his Dodge in front of the office and ween ready to leave cranked the same with the result th a t the car, left in gear, plunged forward LOCATED CORNER SECOND AND MAIN STREETS | upon the sidewalk and against the building completely destroying the win. dow. I t is estimated the cost to replace Brown captured second prize. The! Miss Nellie Kirk of Nampa was sn SOCIAL HAFPEN1NGS he window will be around $100 end Mr home was p rettily decoro'ed in a bril-t over Sunday guest o f her mother a id Cantrell has arranged to cover the Mrs J. Boydeli was hostess a t an iiantcoloringofgardenflcwers, D ain ty ! other relatives. coBt of damage. afternoon to a in honor of Mra Eliza­ refreshm ents were served, bringing t o | beth Farmer of Los Angeles, on Fii- a c'ose a most enjoyable evening. Miss tia; afternoon. Kelreshmentg were Verdi Miller, of Valo was out of town served oa the lawn. The guests were guest. Mesdames 8. D. Goahert, LaFrenz, Dick Tensen, J Thompson, H . T. Fran­ Mrs. Ted Martin is again at her desk cis, J. P. Dunaway, E. Marshall, J. J. Bob Fletcher and his Round Up Or­ Sarazin, E. B. Nedry, E Farm er, J. in the office of E. M. Blodgett a f t e r a pleasant vacation spent a t Pendleton. chestra, of Pendleton, w it play for a Boydeli. and Miss Eva Boydell, dance at Western Hotel Hall, Tuesday FORS ALE - About 300 pounds Grimm August 2. The birthday's of Grant Harrison, Alfalfa Seed. See I)r. Bradford Adv This Orchestra has become very pop­ of Apple Valley and Elder Coborley ular throughout Oregon ai d Washing and Eldar Bird of Ca'dweli were joint­ ton where they have been playing tbe ly observed a t Apple Valley, Tuesday past three years. evening by about one hundred of tbt ir They are endorsed by The Ronnd Up frienda and neighbors. Ice cream, % Association and Happy Canyonof Pen­ cake and straw berries in abundance M dleton, Oregon which guarantees their were served and an enjoyable evening )Jrt I have purchased a new H concrete mixer and am prei® ability. spent. Nyssa guests were Mr. and m pared to do all kinds ot«J This organixation is now on a tour Mrs. P. M. Binkley, D. McLafferty. 5 concrete work, plastering® of Eattern Oregon. Idaho, andCalifor. and Geo. McLafferty. ® a n d Uaismining etc. nia, returning to Pendleton in time for 1 egg 6 t lemon juice the annual Round Up, September 14. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 t salt l j c salad oil Mrs. Chas. Crnwfoid and Mrs Dean Itt 16 1?. % t hone if Paprika Smith were joint hostesses a t a hr.dge 1 t mu- rard Few grains cayenne party Wednesday evening at the Craw 2 t vi-.egar ford home on 8rdSt. Five tables w ire Til Nyssa. Or. jjf¡ Put. all engredio.its except half Marcelling, $1 00, beginning Friday in play, Mrs C. L McCoy was win. of Vinngnr, hmnii and oil into a rier of first prize while Mrs. Glen by exp9riencnd operator, a t Bertch’e bowl and heat. Aik I tnu c oil Barber Shop, ( ail and make your ap­ slowly, heating thorough y Add pointments rem ainder of vinegar and then lemnn j u k e and the r e s t of the METHODIST NOTES oil The Subject fornextSjnd.ivmorning is “ Filled Hands’’. In the evening. Miss Ruth Hershey will give the Story Sermon, a Reading entitled, “ Miracle 4 n sliced potato Mary.” 1 c alined celery or lettuce Plans are baing made for the orgsni- 2 hard boiled eggs r a ion of a choir, . This is greatly need­ 1 t lemon juice 1 t suit ed, i c hoar y mayonaise The Ladies Aid m et Thursday a fte r­ i c condensed milk noon in the Basement. Mix carefully, chill for 30 min. :> ' Garnish with egg a id pimento. ;W ¡ Tomwto and crea n cheere Í •£# fc ’ Cupid continues to keep busy in Ny-sa and added another name on hfs book of love, when H. C, Doty, pro . Bf pn etn r of ihe Nyssa Cash Giocery, re­ Spread thin alines o f bread with turned from Nampa, with bis bridv, butter. On half of slices spread Wednesday evening. cream cheese; on second elices Mr Do’y and S isie Eldlemon of put thin i'lm s of tomato, cover Nampa were united in marriage at 6 with a little hooey msyonaiie, p. m Wednesday, July 27 h at Cald- Pra-sa together, c u t and serve. A we!1, Idaho. Kev, Gillett. of the Bap­ 4»: tist Church of Caldwell, officiating. Try These Receipts ; Mr. D /ty came to Nyssaa few months ago from Redmond, Oregon and d u r i n g ' USE his short time in Nyssa has made many friends who jo-n in wishing much hap pinees to he a n i his bride. NYSSA CASH GROCERY 7 BOB FLETCHER’S ORCHESTRA TUESDAY 2 CEMENT W QRK S ■ « . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a: >i J o e M e y e r s * ANNOUNCEMENT eM M IIIM IIICillllllWK ill DANCE DOTY-EDDLEMON , Geo. W. Benton has been the loser Linn Nelson of Parm a and Lee recently of 63 head of turkeys. Ju s t Shaffer of Meriditn visited F. R Mar­ disappeared as fowls from other flocks shall, Friday. have been doing lately Ths Girl Scouts wish to thank the The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday, Engineer Scboiopkohl leftforAm eri August 2nd, at 2 o'clock at the home pub ic for their help and interest at can Falls on a business trip for a few Of Mrs. J. W. Cooper. the ice cream soeial days. T u t N yssa G uml S couts . DANCE H A 1 ^ :1 POTATO EGG SALAD SANDWICHES 90 Hotel Western Hail, August 2 Rob Fletfhet’a Round up Orchestra of R, ndleto i, Oregon “ Lot.- of imp; th*?v will m»kn v«»u n ^ p .” HONEY FOSTER’S HONEY At your Grocers