Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1927)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. - WOK^ H I M M O l i — — 4 ¿ Ht * M SUM M ER / SALE DRINKS YOU LIKE Odd lota of the Summer lines must Ret out that we may have the room for 1 i . 1 Women’s low Shoes that we have sold at $3.00 to $5,90 at Half Price on all Children’s Pantie Dress 34c 36ic 19c S9c 45c English Print 47c English Print Heavy Jap Crepe 65c Tissue Gingham Co:oa Cola? Phosphates? Lemonade? Orangeade? Malted Milk? 36C m ■ |3 S 1 FALL AND WINTER G O O D S NANA CLOTH AND CHARMEUSE CUT TO - ALL VOILES REDUCED TO Boy’s Waist Overall Women’s vici patent leather Oxfords, with and without arch support; regular price $100 to 94 99, now • $3 00 - ROOT BEER 75c “In Froited Mugs” Boy Oxfords in brown, sold to $3.3 ', ail in one lot at $1.95 CHILDREN’S BLACK KNIT BLOOMERS Tires Tires Tires Prices are* as low apparently as they are going in 1927. More likely to go higher than lower. COLD $1.75 25C i A full stock to choose from of FISK, MILLER and GOODRICH makes. We serve ’em hero-all absolutely pure and de licious. Better Tires at Fair Prices Trade in your ol 1 tires 01 new one3. ALSO Ice Cream and Sherbets, Sundaes and Fancy Fountain Confec. tions. Try ’em Hoxie Service Station Nyeea NYSSA PHARMACY Oregon Nyssa V |,» b I I Chiropractors Drs. R, P. and Pearl M. Bradford, licensed m Oregon and Idaho. C arver graduates. Consultation and e x am in ation free. F i f t e e n yeura »,»cces«ful practice in the s ta te . F i r s t door west o f bank, Nyasu, Oregon. m i m ! ¡ i n * t i •<>*<■ .» .«i rg- f -6- >- » » '• V I ' rTT'i V V V ' r W ,** Dewey Burton of N a m pa has located in N t s s a a n r i will be in p a r tn e r s h i p w ith 0 . E, Hertch a t th e B e it c h B a r b e r Shop They will remodel the shop and install l a t e s t m odern fixture s in the n e a r f u t u r e . Don’t f o r g e t t h a t to n ig h t we a re to e njoy the tirst band conce rt of this season giv en by th e N ysca Bond. Be iaiss Gsneva Woods has baen visit in* f r i s n l i a t Baker and r e t u r n e d to on hand to h e a r and enjoy he r home y e ste r d a y . NET INCOME OF FARMS SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE Cook Electrically All modern women want at! much t>me as possible free from household cures, yet they want to be sure of well pre pared meals. That is why they choose an Automatic Electric Range. It is simple to operate and offers sure results. Ju9t set the Automatic time and temperature controls - put your food in the oven—then you are free from care, sure in the knowledge that at dinner time a well cooked hot meal will be ready for you There is no worry—no bother. It is really like having an invisible maid to help with your work. With an Electric Range you can try new recipes w ith as much assurance as old ones. Cooking scientifically with accuatcly maintained heat gives better results every time. You Can Buy Any Electric Range For $5 DOWN and the Balance In Convenient Monthly Sums Now you can afford to know the advantage * of electric cookery. For a lim ited tim e you can buv th e ra nge of your choice for rnly $5 00 d twn. Convenient m onth ly paym ent» will t a k e care o f the balance, t < me to the F! *trie Shop and learn t h e s u p e r i o r it y of thia moat mod ern m ethod of food p r e p a r a tio n During the Month of August We Are Offering a Few Models to Be Closed Out at a Very Special Discount. Electric Shop IDAHO POWER CO. Try the Drug S to re F i r s t K IN G M A N - * * • • bet l e e e e t ■* • le e e e • “ S q y a r e D e a l” S e c o n d Hand Store We Buy, Sell, Exchange WILSON FAUGHT T h e r e a re aix and one h a lf miliit n f a rm s in the United S t a t e s and th e i r net income last y e a r amounted to $2, 7o0 0C0.000, which was e ig h t tim es as g r e a t as the tota l f o r 1921. (t is es tim a te d t h a t a t the prest n tti m i 600,000 faTms, nearly ten p e r c e n t o f the nations total, a re using electricity supplied e i t h e r by c en tral s t a t i o n ayett ma or by home g e n e r a ti n g plants. T h e r e ere 285,000 fa rm s with c en tral sta tio n s e r vice, and f a rm s a re being added to the r u r a l lines o f t h e c o u n t r y ’s transmission sy s te m s a t t h e r a t e of 50,000every y ear The installation of electrical cquiptn nt on fa rm s b r l h for domestic and ag i cultural purposes is an o u tstanding fac tor in the improved conditions of farm life and production. Ex . - Nyasa, Oregon Sheriff C. W. Glenn m ade a t r ip to the Be Uirg place on the Owyhee and took possession of a victrolu belonging to Bud Radsail, and which had been m issing since last winter. W. F. Belding is u n d e r $2100 bonds bound over to the gra n d jury. The following article a p peared t h e m usir. the Tuesday State.'m an: W ilson FA UCHT-Howard Wilson of Boise and L orrain Fiiught o f N v s ra w ere m arried Monday a fte r n o o n by R W. A la m o , justic e of the peace The couple will m ak e their home in Nyssa. ’’391 Idaho Housewives Now :• Oregon Pies Cakes Doughnuts And all kinds of pastry. Nyssa, Oregon ^ FOR THE M Home of Good Eats »I m Special orders for parties, A m lodge suppers, dances, u m etc., promptly filled. m ■ SI THE SWAN BAKERY Nyssa, Oregon. 3* ¡ PASTIME LUNCH ROOM Nyssa, Ore. J. W. ST0R1E | Star Hotel DENTIST 8 m m m ■ m XKXIHIHI1MKHXM1IIXHMIMMXIM f CONTRACTING AND BUILDING .. MRS. J. R. HUNTER M M ■ TRY s++++++tit H++-H tH tF H -t H COLONY IR R IG A T IO N D IS T R IC T N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N t h a t h special election w id be held on Mon Finishing Work a Specially < day. the 29lh day of A u gust, 1927, a: the school houae in School D istrict No. Prompt and Satisfactory s 61, Malhuer County, N t o t e of Oregon, Service and within the s a d K in g m sn Colonj * I r r ig a tio n Distrier, c t which t h e r e will CABINET WORK b e s u n m i . t e d to the legal voters ot said d i s tr ic t, th e q ue stion w h e th e r or not aaid distric t shall be authorized to Opp D e pot ii e n t e r into a c o n tr a c t w ith the United S t a t e s providing for th e construction of the Owyhee I rrig a tio n P r o j e c t by th e United Sta te s, and th e p a y m e n t of a porp irtionate p a r t o f t h e actual costa ! W r V W / / N W W W y ,.W W I M t h e r e o f by th e aaid d is tr ic t, said por. p ortiona te p a rt of aueh costs to be de term ineo as in said c o n t r a c t provided and the tota l c onstruction costa of the Good clean beds at reason d i s t r ic t not to exceed th e aum of $18 able rates. _ 0D0 000. A copy of the d r a f t of said proposed Rates by day, week or c o n t r a c t approved as to form by the month S e c r e ta r y of the I n te rio r, is on hie F i r s t St., 3 blocks north of Main with tha S e c r e ta r y o f said d istr ic t in his office at Nyssa, Oregon, a n ! may be exam ined by any in te r e s te d person The polls shall bt open a t 8 o ’clock Nyssa, Oregon in the m orning of the day o f aaid elec 5 tion and be ke pt open until 6 o ’clock in 'lM W i W W W W W V W W W W M : t the a fte r n o o n of said day, when the sa m e shall he closed. A t such election the ballotsahall con tain the words, " c o n tr a c t with the DR. D. C BRETT U nited S t a te » —ye a ,” and "c o n tra c t with the United S t a t e s —n o " . Slid election shall be held and the results th e r e o f d, terir.ined J i ail reapecta as nearly as p ra ctic a b V in conform ity with th e provisions of law governing theeiection of IrrigaiinndiatrlctoOlcers. By order of the Board of Directors Parma Idaho of the Kingm an Colony I rrig a tio n Dia- tric t. D a te d this 26th day of July, 1927. E I I . B l o d ge tt , E M. BLODGETT S e c re ta ry of Kingm an Colony I r r ig a tio n D istrict. A ttorney and Counceltor a t Law D ate of F ire t Publication. J u l y 29, 1927 P ra c tic e in all Courts Date of L a s t Publication. A u g u s t 26, N y s s a Oregon, 1927, m m worth i f Merchan dise to be given away Beginning July 29, with the purchase of 5 eallcns of gas a 85c size of Fisk quality tube repair kit will be given away. I wish to announce to tl c public that I am prepared to do repair work by the hour Cl chidule rates put out by the dif ferent automobile factor:. •. I will make any workmanship good that fails to give ¡-at factory results. My regrinding jobs will be sent to the Nordland Parts Co. of Boise, who have the bestequipment in the state for regrinding cylinder blocks, and it costs no more to get the beat. Before you throw that old battery away and buy a new one, let the Star Garage test your battery For $3.75 you can get from 6 to 18 months more use out of your battery Remember the place and call for jour tube repair kits. Star Garage N Y SS A and Service Station OREGON