T g R G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y 3 8 A , O R EG O N N O N -A D V E R T IS E R S Condensed Statement o f The Malheur County Bank A T THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30. 1927 LIABILITIES L o v n and Discount» . $444,881.80 Overdraft» _______ 281.62 Banking House, Furni­ tur» and Fixtures „.. 13,500.00 Other Heal ¿sta te....... 6,21840 School Diet' Warrants.. 003X1 Cash and Due From Banks ---------------- 101.237X4 Capital Stock....... ....T...X 26,000.00 Surplus and Profits .... 54,095.77 Bills Payable____________ NONE Uedjsunta ............. NONE Deponits ........ 486,576X2 8505,672.59 8565 072.59 , I. Ward, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS President John Bay, Vice President J. P. Dunaway, Cashier .. O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier 11. A. Diven, Assistant Cashier J. F. Keece J. J. Sarazin G. L. Phillips Prompt and understanding service and our desire to promote pros­ perity; to help you get your share of it and to use that share witu wisdom is our ddesire. L Homicides fell o ff ten percent last year, but the fatal­ ities were 100 per cent for the victims. We may not be able to imitate Lindbergh’s flying feat but we might emulate his example in short speeches. We may have milk from contented cows,, but Street doesn’t get wool from contented lambs. Wall If politics makes strange bedfellows it is due to their fondness for the same bunk. An Alabama lady wrote to the sheriff telling where 50 gallons of moonshine mash might be found. A sort of a mash note. A preacher at Milton Fla., has raised a chicken with three legs. If tradition is to be believed, that kind would just suit a preacher. Rapid extension of the club movement for farm wo­ men and girls is reported from many states, a partic­ ularly encouraging result o f this activity having been shown recently in North Carolina. Home demonstration work began in North Carolina in 1910 with the growing of a ten-acre garden and the canning o f the products raised. There are now home demonstration agents in 52 counties. Last year farm women o f the state sold $250,000 worth of produce at curb markets alone,, while home demonstration workers took part in 120 fairs for white and 12 for colored. Club members have a definite program of work, ex­ tending over periods varying from two to four years including instructions in planning and preparing meals preserving of fruits and vegetables for winter use, houshold managing, clothing, dresmaking, millinery, home furnishing beautifying the home and premises, gardening and poultry and dairy work.. Better roads, labor-saving machinery and modern conveniences have aided the movement, and all possible means have been employed to promote greater comfort and beauty in rural homes. The unselfesh and often arduous labors of home dem -1 onstrations agents throughout the country are resulting in greater opportunities and and better conditions for farm women and girls which tend to raise the standards, of rural living wherever club activities have been under­ taken with enthusiasm and zeal. A Britisher wants a course in laughter introduced in­ “O L D G L O R Y ’ to the schools. We usedto see results gotten in this line The Stars and Stripes as the standard of the republic with no more equipment than a bent pin. has been for one hundred and fifty years the symbol of A shipment from Montreal, billed as whiskey, was liberty and union, freedom of thought and speech, of found to be water after it got across the line. '1 ne Fed­ justice and all democratic high ideals. It is to be cher­ ished in our heart of hearts. It is respected and high- eral Trade Commission should look into this. Each If Coolidge economy had been in vogue at the time, honored among the flags of the Christendom. star in its field of blue is a star of glory,. It breathes of there probably would have been only one walla in Walla valor, hope and truth, of loyalty, sincerity and justice. Walla and only one Sing in Sing Sing. We doff our hats to its splendor and majesty. It is Advocating needlework for men, the Chicago Art In­ beautiful. It stirs the soul. It stands, distinct and dis­ stitute declares that Charlemagne and William the-Con- tinguished, among all other flags. It is the emblem of quer were expert needlemen But why did they overlook the greatest nation in the world. It commands our rev­ Dr. Cook? erence. It symbolizes the Coonstitution, the greatest From all part of Malheur county we hear reports of constructive political work o f man. It is both battle excellent crops and better feeling about the immediate and peace flag. We are ready to defend it, to follow it future. The county is on the up-grade. All sections wherever it may lead in the cause of justice and right­ appear to share in this optimistic view. eousness. It is predicted that rosy apples will be dollars this CHIEF SCOUT HONORED fall. All of our growers around Brogan, Jamieson and It is of interest to all Boy Scouts and their friends Nyssa are looking for the best prices paid for a number o f years-which means good times for everybody in fruit that Lieut.-Gen. Sir Baden-Powell, founder of the growing communities this fall. Statistics say that at scouting movement, was recently furthur honored by least 50 percent of the apple crop of the United States King George V. by having conferred upon him the this season will be grown in Idaho, Oregon and Wash- j knighthood o f St. Micheál and St. George. Retiring after a distinguished career in the British ington. Army, Gen. Baden-Powell organized the first troops of ♦ 4 I M IH -+ + + Boy Scouts in England in 1908 and has headed the or­ ganization ever since, being now 70 years old. Similar oranizations were formed in America un­ der various names, resulting in the incorporation o f the Harness and Saddles C. Klinkenberg Boy Scouts o f America in 1910. There are now about made and repaired PROMUT DELIVERY j; 840,000 active scouts in the United States. A recent official report recounts the valiant services Auto Tops Made and Reasonable Rates rendered by the scouts in relief work after disasters like Repaired | the Flordia hurricane and the Mississippi flood, besides PHONE 15 ROSS P A R K IN S O N innumerable beneficial activities such as first aid life­ saving, tree planting, fighting forest fires, cleaning up Nyssa, Oregon f+++++++-K-!-++4-+++-K-4-+++++4i ¡ streets and parks, acting as guides for convention dela- ¡ gates, directing traffic and making themselves helpful whenever called upon. The idea o f scouting, as developed by Gen. Baden : BEUTSC1I Powell and his followers, has spread to every civilized Shaving. Hair Cutting land, and has potent force for good. The latest honor '• 4Hot and Cold Baths liestowed upon the founder o f this great movement : is a fitting recognition of his distinguished labors in be­ Between Lawrence Gas Station Roy Pounds, Prop. and Ford Garage half of boyhood and good citizenship. Nyssa Orego' i SOLICITS A PART OF YOUR WHAT’S NEW ? Patranuge Waterproof paper is being used in making raincoats, : i | school bags, beach slippers, kitchen aprons and a var- G. E. BERTSCII i iety o f other useful articles. II I I H - W t Liquid oxygen for use by aviators in altitude flights l is contained in a new vacuum bottle invented in France, i Means M ore Sales for An improved variety of flax , which it is believed will You, Mr. Business Mas reduce the cost of linen, is being tested in Ireland. When you begin advertising The rate o f speed at which blood passes through the H. D. Holmes in this paper you start on the body canche measured by means devised by doctors at road to more businrsa There Transfer Baggagt J la no better or cheaper me­ the Boston City Hospital. dium for reaching the buyers « * A dog owned by scientists at Northwestern Univ­ of this community. All kinds of hauling ir ersity has lived for more than two years with its stom­ We can also provide City limits :i. ach removed. Artistic Printing jit Pictures r .'\ be enlarged by a new German elastic of «very description. Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon j •! nhotograt bit film which can be stretched to ten times '»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« M »»»♦♦♦» » » M - the original sLe and then dried on a glass plate. SHOE REPAIRING CITY DR A Y LINE I ! ! NYSSA BARBER SHOP ! BARBER SHOP! Our Advertising Service J ON THE OLD JOB and BOND LOANS INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY CO. LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS Farms and City Property Insurance NYSSA, OREGON PHONE 53 C L U B W O M E N A N D C IRLS Securities Pledged or Surety Bonds Furnished for Deposits, NONE H. N O T A R Y PUBLIC All office work itili be m an aged as in the past; only real estate transaction ,s hg Boydell & Willoughby. J. BOYDELL. I I ♦ ♦ »»♦ ♦ ♦ RESOURCES Ample statistics have been published from time to time to demonstrate that among businesses which fail the vast m ajority are those which have refused to avail , themselves of the benefit o f advertising A check of the records of the Federal bankruptcy courts in Los Angeles has just disclosed that 92 per cent of the firms that failed this year were non-advertisers. The average for 32 cities covered by a survey was 83 percent o f failures occurring among concerns which did | not advertise. In Troy, N. Y. not a single advertising firm failed. Thre is a significant hint in these figures for the bus­ iness man who is wise enough to profit by it. I » *»»•♦♦♦»♦♦♦< *********** NYSSA, OREGON 4 $100.00 Cut in 0LDSM0B1LE The American public appreciates exceptional value in autumobiles. This is proven by the reception accorded the announcement that OLD3MOBILE had reduced prices and added equipment. Reductions average $100 on all models. 5 i WE CARRY CARS IN STOCK Inspection Invited POWELL SERVICE STATION “ Ladies’ Rest Room’ NYSSA, OREGON -M ! POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding N YSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY NYSSA OREGON DON’T GET ALONG WITHOUT I-C-E You lose more in milk, butter, meat and leftovers than it takes to buy ice. NYSSA PACKING CO. I! B U R B ID G E & R A Y , Props. p HONE 6 N Y S S A , OR. COOPER PRODUCE CO. DEALERS IN Field and Garden Seeds Grain, Feed and Poultry Supplies MAPKET PRICES PAID FOR A LL KINDS OF POULTRY AT THE RANCH PHONE 65 OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE