THE GATE CITY JOUENAL, NYSSA, OttEGON. MANY ATTEND PICNIC AT DAMSITE J Shave Quickly with • itttMr-kMi blade. A dull blade means a slow share. Learn what strop* ping does. Buy Valet A u to S tro p Razor. It f ir e s com fort, speedy share erery time. $1 u p to $25 . Saturday Monday July 23 and 25 Sunday was a red letter day with a] goodly untnber of Nyeaa’t citizens, that bejng the date of the big picnic { at the damsite. The picnic was givao under the auapicee of the Nysaa Coro mercial Club and proved to be a moet| enjoyable affair. A caravan composed of a large p u t I of oor population left about 11 o’clock for the scene of the festivities at the damsite 87 mi as from Nyssa, where they arrived in due time after travere-| ing a road that we cannot cor.acien ciausly commend as being a first < thoroughfare. Upon their arrive visitors were welcomed to their Engineer Schlapkohl and other ciale and told to go as far as liked in having a good tim*. The camp ia beautifully located level plateau a few fact above i h water mark on what was the Dei farm and consists of about a d frame buildings for housing the • I ployees. A halt mile above the c . > on each side of tha box canyon. A formal program consisting speeches, swimming races, boati races, etc., had been arrange!, I the crowd was too eager to ace I e its and enjoy Ibe day in their o n 1 f way to be held down to a formal p gram and it was abandoned and I crowd left to its own divices. 1 afternoon was spent in eighteeeii boating anp bathing. A big commi dinner with large quantities of cream was a feature of the occae enjoyed by all and formed a fitti K climax to the and of a perfect day. A number of advenurous spirits w hi . more zeal than judgment formed expedition to the Hole in the Groui which ie a mile or two above the cai and ie only reached by climbing a hi mountain. To Pete Tensen and H. Brown belongs the honor of being I e i first to reach the goal in a few m utta Shike Robertson. Bob Miller I the Weidemans straggled in, the r< t of the party having dropped out M _ the wayside Those who arrived w< well r> paid for their effort, for t : » _____ Hole in tha GrAund and the Qwyt canyon as viewed fpom the mountain I height is one of e<-enio beauty seldom ] excelled. i 81 I p • « i w e SPECIALS FOR ICE TEA w e GOOD BULK GREEN OR BLACK TEA a PER LB. - . . . 49C s s AND MAPLE SYRUP c p NO. PER 2 1-2 CAN CAN CANE e - 29C i 1 1 > \&let r i ONE-LB CAN CRISCO, PER CAN - 26C i i KING OSCAR KIPPER SNACKS, 3 CANS FOR 21C vlirtcr'Strop i f F GRAHAM CRACKERS, 4 1-2 LB. BOX Razor F CHEAPER THAN BULK 73C h o f 0 i CLOROX OR MRS. STEWART’S BLUING » 2 FOR 35C r PER BOTTLE 29C c b 1 L CERTO, GINGER SNAPS, 2 LBS. FOR 29C © a LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF d Ö c ROYAL CLUB COFFEE, PER LB. - 49C s e e s BULK COFFEE - - 33-43 -47C h NYSSA CASH GROCERY LOCATED CORNER SECOND AND MAIN STREETS SAD PASST n G OF EH/tr JIMMIE WILSON INSTALL OFFICERS I BAND CONCERTS IN NEAR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENT DR. E. D NORCOTT a —Sharpens U nit ¿’♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I I I M-+M I ■>♦♦♦♦■» Dan’t forget there ie to be an ice Mr. and Mrs, C, W. Parkinson, and cream social given by the girl scouts family of Lcgan. Utah were guests of on the Frank Lueck lawn Friday, July Mr. and Mrs. R W. Parkinson from Saturday until Tuesday, Mr. Parkin­ 22nd. Everyone come. reports that his brother was favor­ Jon Meyers has the contract for the son ably impressed with Nyssa and ipay erection of the ladies apd gents rest locate here. rqoms in connection with the Lawrence Ssrvise Station on Main and 1st Sts. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldwin left end same are nearing completion. for Boise Monday morning after a The Boise Payette Lumber Company pleasant visit at the J. C. Youngbome. is selling scads of guaranteedmosquito Local boxing fana were gathered proof doors—the millwork and joint­ around at the various radios last even, ing of these doors is beyond reproach. ing to hear the reports on the Dempey The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. They are built to stand hard service— Sharkey bout. Great entbuaiam wsa Wilson was saddened Thursday, July to see them is to buy them. Adv. evidenced judging from the numerous 14th, when their little son James pass­ ed away after a lingering ilinefs, the The rooms above Wilson Bros. Store "betcha’a” we heard end coming at 9:20 P. M, He we* 11 are being remodeled and rearranged years 6 months and 14 days old. to accomodate and make room for the Jimmie, as he was known to every, new dental office of Dr. Norcott, who one, suffered from influenza and inflam­ is locating in Nyasa. rheumatism five months ago and The new telephone directories werg Dr. E. D. Norcott, dentist, wishes atory been a patient sufferer since that distributed during the week and many to announce that he will be open for has business Saturday, July 28rd, in his time. Complications due to heart en. new numbers are listed on the loeal office lergement, made the battle doublv hard over Wilson Bros Store. exchange to fight. Dr. Norcott is installing the lateat FOR SALE-Full bicod Holstein new office equipment and office hour* He waa taken to tha Holy Rosary Bull 2) years old, well marked, good will be from 8 a m. to 6 p. m. and hospital where he was giventreatmtnl size and good breeder. Geo. W. Ben. evenings for six weeks and mada such an im- from J to 8 ton. Adv. urovemant that he was removed tp his Mr*. A?nes H »maker and son Robert home and for a time hisrecovery seem­ of Twin Falla spent a few days visiting ed a certainty, but he suffered a re. at the J. A. Hunter borne. lapse and failed constantly until the and came. Born—Thursday, July 14th to Mr. -*•- • | i^is patience and cheerfulness has and Mrs. Dewey Ray daughter. been a source of wonder to those car. The little one hae been named Leona Barnard Fischer, second sop of John ing for him, for in all the long months C. api Margaret Fisher, now deceased Maxine. of illness was born at Meppe” Illinois, July 271867, Mr. and Mrs. Higby and children died July 9 at 10:30 p. m as the result but once. the little ‘soldier” ehedteare Mra Frank Miller and children, Lucy cerebisl hemmorsge. Hit early life Besides his mothei and father left to and Virginia Thompson were among of was spent near Hnmburg, Illinois on mourn hie lose are seven brothers and the many to attend the Barnet Circua the old home place and when hie father three sisters. at Nampa and report a fine time. passed away, he remained at home To the sorrowing family the com. Mr. and Mra. Harry France spent earing for the farm. In 1901 he cans munily extends its sincere sympathy. the week end in Nampa. Wtst and was married tp Mary Elis** funeral services were held at the tieth Manas at the Gatholie Church at Methodist Church Sunday afternoon, Mra. C L. McCoy and children and MrB. Hershey officiating and interment Mra. Ted Martin and little daughter, Verboort, Oregon. Nov. 27. 1901, and a took place in the local cemetery. raturned Monday from a two weeks frw years later went back to the o d horns place in Illinois where he lived visit In Pendleton. CARD OF THANKS 1912. He moved back to Banks. FOR SALE—Small geranium plants till Ore., where ha lived till 1926. Mr We wish to thank our friende end for winter blooming 20cents each, >r- hischer moved from Banks 2 years ago neighbors for kindness and sym tifieial flower»—roses, poppies etc. Or­ with his family to Nyssa, Oregon on p»ihy and also their floral offerings during ders taken for large or small boquetr. accrunt of his health. our secant sad bereavement Mra. Hershey, Adv. He leaves to mourn his departure hie Mk. and M rs . L. B W ilson Mrs. R. Clark of Nampa, spent the wife, two tpne, Jacob and Lauranee at and F amily . week visiting with Mri. Reberger. home, and two daughters, Pauline at Mr and Mra. J. R Hunter are Black home and Louise of Forest Grove, Ore. foot buiineai visitors this week- He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mar. The Sunshine Circle of Rebekahs garet Corbett, Hardin, Illinois, Mra. ware eatertained at the Al Gamble Anna May»«, Hamburg, Illinois, and homo near Payette, Tuesday, a num seven brother*, Miriard Fischer Car- Plenty of noieeand action wasevidenc. ber of Nyseaitee were in attendance rolton, Illinois, George Fischer of Sr. Monday night at the charivari for some of the party iicluding Fowler.-, Louis, Mo., John, Frink and Garret of ed Warraii Blodgett and Koy Pounds and Cooks, Rebergars, Felton and Duncans Hamburg, Illinois and William and their wives, both newly wed? The Martin of Nampa, Idaho. A 1 report ao enjoyable time. two couples were plaped in a light bug Mr. Fischer was a man who had the Mr. and Mr*. Barney Wilson and of all who knaw him. He was gy and paraded through the streets to children, Gertrude Wilson and Marlin raspeet tne tune of “vasioue norsee” and tie a staunch md a splendid citizaa. general Wilson are scheduled to return today Funeral friend fun indulged in, common to services wars held at the from their recent trip to Bakersfield, Catholic Church at Ontario, Oregon such demonstrations. After the popu California. lar couplee wereshown a good tim* by July 12, at 10:40 a. m. friends, ail headed for the Beam Mr. Bush has returned from a re­ Sincere sympathy is extended to t e their home where they received the riretom family in their bereavement. cent trip to Portland, ary treat and enjoyed theme. Ivee A move is under way by some of the CARD OF THANKS HipólitoMoiquito proof p-reenDoora Nyeea boosters to arrange a bathing place down by the river, properly fen Wa wish to express our sin eregrat- $olJ and guaranteed by the Boiae P-y- eed in a cafe way ae that children will ilade for the kindness and flowers dur. ette Lumber Company have those fam­ be able to enjoy the bathing. Bath ng the illness and death of huaband ous corn ra of strength—the time pre­ hiueee will be erected to accomodate and father. en and teated manner of construction Mr*. M ary E. F isher . „ —they give complete satisfaction the public Boost the ides and maka and C hildren . Better see them today. Adv. it a raality. OBITUARY OF BERNARD FISCHER CHARIVARI CUUPLE MONDAY EVENING A Jack Rutter and wife of Hailey, Ida. old friends of Mr. and Mrs, R W. Par­ The fol'owirg officers were installed kinson visited at thvir home Tuesday last Thursday night at the meeting of evening. the Rebekah Lodge: The Journal hae been notified that Eunice Miller, N G, the Nyssa public are to esjoy the band Merle Johnson V, G. concerts again thisseaeon. the opening Rachael Lynch, Trees. date hae been setforFriday, July 29th, 1 Leoma Bingman, Warden The Nyesa bandhaa been unfortunate Mary Felton, Conductor. this season due to tho fact that many Emma Duncan R S. N. G former members bave moved else­ Sally Dennis, L S. N. G. DENTIST where necessitating thsir replacement ( Ida Walters, R S V. F. with new members and thie takes no Edythe Duncan, L, S V. G, little effort on the part of band master j Myrtle Fowler O. S G. J. Stoner and all concerned to perfect1 Angie Cook, Chaplin, their music with faithful practice, up Francis M. Klinkenberg, P. N. G- NYSSA OREGON to their standard. Verna Martin, Musician. Many towns much larger than Nyssa After business refreshments were do not support a bandand we feel that served and a social time enjoyed by all. the membera of our band and their leader have done exceptionally well in the pest and are to be congratulated. Be on hen I at the ice cream aocial Ws are all glad to know that we ate July 22 on the Frank Lueck lawn, giv­ to enjoy the concerts again this year. en by the girl scouts. 1 egg 6 t lemon juice 1 t salt lie salad oil 2 t hone-- Paprika 1 t mu tard F j W grains cayenne 2 t vi-eegar Put all ongredici ts except half of vinegar, lemon .and oil into a bawl and heat. Avid ona c oil elovrly, heating thors ugh’y Add remainder of vinegar end then lem -n juice and the ra.«t of the oil HONEY MAYONAISE for 2 6 YEARS The Standard of Qualty Tirestone TIRES AND TUBES They Deliver “ MOST M iLES P E R D O LLA R ” Pill* Greater Safety and Added Comfort Our Prices Are Very Low- -Our Stock Is Complete V. B. Staples Ford Garage ONTARIO, OREGON POTATO EGG SAL-AD 4 c sliced potato 1 c diced celery or lettuce 2 herd boiled eggs 1 t lemon julca 1 t salt I c honey mavonafse i e condensed milk Mix carefully, chill for 30 min. Garnish with egg and pimento. Tomwto and cream cheese SANDWICHES Spread thin elfces of bread with butter. On half of alhtea spread cream cheese; on second slices put thin a'icrs of tomato, cover »1 h a li-.tle honey mayonaiie. Press together, cut and serve. Try These Receipts USE HONEY FOSTER’S HONEY At your Grocers