The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, June 24, 1927, Image 2

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Published every Friday at Nyase, Or.
H. F. Brown................... ........Publisher
Mrs J. C. Y oung............ .............Editor
Six months, in advance ................. 78c
Entered at the Postofflce at Nyssa
Oregon, as second class mail m atter.
FORSALE -Four head of young work
horses, sound and well broke, weight
1700 each. Also about 400 buahel of
Tuerday, 28th day of June 1927, a dry corn on the cob, 2 cent* per pound
special election will be held at the not less than ton lota.
usual polling place in the precinct of J A. Koopman, Nyaaa, R 1.
Nyssa, for the purpjse of voting on all
proposed amendment* of the State of
Oregon, The e'ection will be heldfrom
Attorney and Courcellor at Law
8 A M. to 8 P. U. on that day.
Practice in all Courts
Nyssa Oregon.
During a ccrmony of Aleppo Temple
mystic Shrine, of Boston, an audience
cf more than 6,000 w ea'ers of the f<z
heard E. Egbert, a member of Moolah
Temple of St. Louia, inform Potsntete
Applt ton of Aleppo Shrine that Col.
Chas. 4. Lindbergh shortly before his
remarkable flight obtained two Masonic
tags Keystone Lniige, No. 243,
one of which he pinned to his clothing
and the other he fastened to the Spirit
of St. Louts This information wasrc-
ceived with tumultuous applause.
Odd Fellow* meet every Tuesday
evening at 8 o’clock at Odd Fellows
Uebekah lodge meets 2nd and 4th
Thursday of month, 8 o'clock at Odd
Fellows hell.
The Rebekah Sunshine Club meet*
the first Friday of every month.
Regular Masonic lodge held at Ms
sonic hall 7:30 2ud Monday of each
Eastern star Lodge meets at 7:30
the 1st and 3rd. Wed tesday of month
On Sum ay morning this Church will
at Masonic Hall.
O. E S. Social Circle meets every have the privilege of hearing Rev C.
B. Dalton of Pasadena, California.
second Wednesday of the month.
Rev. Dalton waa formerly pastor of
Boise First Methodist Church He is
Morning services
the guest of Mr. Bacon
Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.
The Wallowa Lake Epworth League
Junior Services 11 a. m. Mr. in charge Institute
will be held July 11 to 18th.
of L. E. Messenger.
A Pastors Summer School will be held
Preaching 11 a m. by pastor.
at the same l me. Any person desiring
Evening Services
to attenn will please report to the
Epworth League, 6:45
Pa9tor or President of the League.
Evening service, 8
The lis t (4th) Q irrterly Conference
held on July let. This meeting
Episcopal Sunday s.'hool every sun will be
held in held in the Basement
day morning at 10 o'clock.
at 8:15 It is just about two months
until the Annual Conference to be held
Library Hours.
Burley, Idaho.
Saturdays Only
Open to town patron 2:30 to 5:30.
MisseB Alice and Edith Mclntire of
Out of town patrons 2 M to 7:30
Portland are visiting their parents at
Apple Valley, for the summer.
Celebrate the 1th of July at Big Bend. Doc Young waa a business visitor to
Adv. Nampa and Emciett Thursday.
Mrs. Jess Thompson and daughter
beautiful flower gatdens are
Georgia returned home laat Saturday to Many
be seen around Nyssa So many
after visiting relatives in Enterprise yards
show evidence of labor and are
* for a week.
pretty indeed.
Look forward for particu'ars about l etterheads. Envelopes, CalttngCarr s
the Ice Cream Social which ia to be Business
Cards and a'l kinds of job
given in July by the NyaaaGirlScouts. work neatly
and quickly done at the
Levi Eldridge Jr spent the week end Journal office Phone 19.
in Nyssa visiting his wife and new Wayne Mills and family of Port! ind
daughter, Eudora Lee Eldridge.
were in Nyssa Wednesday and went on
Have you read the ••Percolator” to Vale where Mr Mills made Anal
supplement to the Malhuer Enterprise? proof on his desert claim.
I t ’s a dandy and tells you all aba»',
w hat’s what to take place July X, 3. 4 Anyone wanting well bred Irish set-
ter pups inform the Journal office,
at Vale, L et’s Go!
For Sale--Four old turkeys and 20 Apple thinning in the C. C, Hunt
young turkeys, price $35. Phone at orchards is in full Bway,
once 72F5.
Many tourists are passing through
Nyssa daily, many stopping to inquire
A miscellaneous show was given at about
the Owvhee project.
the Lavi Stevens horns at Apple Val
Everyone Bhould turn out Sunday to
ey in honor of Misa Edna Morris, Thurg
day Afternoon. Miss Morris is to be the Nyaaa NewPlymouth game Root
married Sunday.
for the Nyssa boys in the final game.
cBusy smokers of today select
Camel as their favorite smoke
PRFSENT-DAY people, the fastest workers of all time, claim
their right to enjoyment. And they choose Camels for the
utmost in smoking pleasure.
Camel is made to please and delight the modern, experi­
enced smoker. It is rolled of the choicest tobacco, grown.
It is matchlessly blended for mildness and fragrance in the
Let Camels demonstrate their goodness and you’ll know
why the smokers of today choose them over all other ciga­
rettes. l or that exalted sense of taste-satisfaction, no other
smoke can compare with this one. "H are a Camel!”
Piano For Sale Near Kyssa
Beautiful atandard mike piano to be
sacrificed for balance of contract.
Terms $10 month to reliable person.
For particulars address P D. Sproule
factory piano adjuster 66 Front St.
Portland, Oregon.
K a i i i m o o H
I have purchased a new
concrete mixer and am pre «
pared to do all kinds of 5
concrete work, plastering®
and kalsmining, etc.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Joe Nyssa, Meyers
Or. ,
We carry a complete stock
of articles which go to make
a more pleasant and com
1 i fortable trip.
< >
Thermo« Bottles. 98c and up
Food Jugs, special_____$2.98
Sun Visors_______ 20c to 60c
Sun Glasses____25c to $1 50
Flashlights____ $1.00 tnd up
Cameras and Films
First Aid Kits
t.UiM .rli.U.AA L4..
u.s. s i t a «
u r ■ -t 'I' TT 1 TTTTTT1
Nyssa, Oregon
Try the Drugstore £rst
Finishing Work a Specialty
Prompt and Satisfactory
By virtue of an execution in for*'
closure duly issued by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the S tate of Oregon,
Opp Depot
for the County of Malheur, dated the
M l' 11 21st day of June 1927: and directed to
me upon a decree and order cf sale
rendered in said court on the 16th day
of June, 1927, in a certain suit in the
Drs. R, P. and Pearl M. Bradford, Circuit Court for said state and coun
licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Carver ty, wherein George L. Phillips was
graduate!. Consultation and elam in plaintiff and Randal Sage. G H. Ros«,
ation free. Fifteen years successful J. W. Robinson, George Robinson, H.
practice in the state. First door west Y Blackwell, Consolidated Wagon and
Machine Company, a corporation, C.
of bank, Nyssa, Oregon.
C. Cotton: Bank of Nyssa, a banking
corporation. Frank C, Bramwell, Su
perintt ndent of Banks for Oreron, First
National Bank of Hanford, California, a
banking corporation, Idaho Power
A good piano, like new, near Company, a corporation, Malheur
Nyssa, to be sold on payments County Bank, a banking corporation,
Livestock State Bank, Portlano, Ore­
of $8.00 per month.
gon, a banking corporation, were de­
fendants, a judgment was rendered in
said court in favor of the plaintiff.
George L. Phillips, and against the
Write or phone
deftndam , Randall Sage, in the sum ot
Forty three hundred three and 89-100
($4,303 89) Dollars, with interest
Weiser, Idaho.
thereon from the 11th day of October,
1920. at the rate of ten (10) per cent
per annum and fiva hundred ($500.00)
Dollars, attorney’s fee. and the further
sum of Fifty-seven and 20—100 ($67.20)
Dollars, costs anddisburBementswhich
judgement wae enrolled and docketed
in the Clerk’« office of said Court in
said County on the Slat day of June
T hfreeoi . b . by virtue of said execu
tion: judgement order and order of
sale, and in compliance with the com *
mands of aaid writ, I will on Monday
25 h day of July, 1927 at the hour of
11:00 o’clock in the forenoon of said
day, at the north main entrance door
of the County Court House at Vale
Malheur County, Oregon,sell at public
auction, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest of the above
named defendants, or any cf them, in
and to the following described real
property: situated in Malheur County,
Oregon, to wit:
The northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter (NEJNW j) of
Section twenty-eight (28) Town­
ship eighteen (18) south. Range
forty seven (47, E. W M., in
Mtlheur County, Oregon, also all
of the pump lines, pumps, motors,
located on Snake River, which
pump lines, pumps and motors
furnish w ater from Snane River
to said abova describee, lands.
Taken and levied upon as the prop
ert.v of the hove named defendant, or
so much thereof es may be neecaeary
to satisfy said judgment and decree in
favor of George L. Phillips, and
against Randall Sage, together with
all costs and disbursements that bavo
or may accrue.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 23rd day
of June, 1927.
C. W. Glenn,
Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon.
Date of first publication Juna 24, 1927
Date of laat publication July 22, 1927
Date of sale July 25, 1927, at 11 A. M.
Piano for Sale
A Real Bargain
Definition of M ilk
Q l*>7. » . J.>U. T „ W c
C .oip.m . W i o
, N. C.
According to definitions recently an­
nounced by the Department of Agri­
culture, milk can be classed under
many definitions, all of which are milk.
This list of definition* . — gives
Id in ail. —
- . .y v .
New Whippet
will open in Nyssa July l,with
J. A. Cole and W. B. Hoxie in
charge of sales. See a four-
door Whippet Sedan, NOW on
display at the Hoxie Service !
An Agency for the
Both Class and Service
in this New Car
Let us fit you at the
............................................................ ........................................................................................
Nyssa. Oregon.
Dealers in
Field and Garden Seeds
Grain,Feed & Poultry Supplies
Market prices paid for all kinds of
Phone 65
At the ranch
Opposite Postoffice
“Square Deal”
Second Hand Store
We Buy, Nyssa, Sell, Oregon
a Specialty
We are still on the job with the sair.e old service
Cull your fllocks; don’t feed the loafers.
Goodrich Poultry House
Phone 47, Nyssa, Oregon
Valet Auto-Strop
Thi* handsome outfit consist* of * highly polished, gold-plated
eelf stropping V«l«t Auto Strop Razor; one blade; leather strop,
especially prepared. The raeor case is of metal.flmshed in maroon,
cryeteliaed effect, ined throughout with velvet, harmonising with
the pleasing color scheme of the entire package.
One jive« FREE with every new yearly subscription to
the Journal; also for every old subscription with am ars
and a year in advance paid.
Nyssa, Oregog