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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1927)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXV. NO. 12. VALLEY VIEW HOST TO P. Í. A. NYSSA, OREGON, OWYHEE FRIDAY, : « Em m is u Mrs. H arva O tis entertained F ri- I day afternoon in honor of Mrs. A. j G. Kingman. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Nichols of ! Kingman Kolony took th eir daugh te r Agnes to Vale to enter th e Coun- ] ty spelling contest where she took iir s t prize in the 8th grade. Miss Eulalia S haffer, student a t VALE DELEGATION REPORT IN the College of Idaho, spent the week end in h er home in Kingman TERESTING AND WELL Kolony. ATTENDED SESSION School is out in the prim ary room in the Kolony. MAY 6, 1827. JUDGE BIGGS »1.50 TER YEAR County Statistics CLAIMS W H S MAKEGOOD PROGRESS ON PROJECT WORKS CLAIMANTS FILES DREDGE MIXES 5 MILES Real Estate Transfer» Recorded. Oxman Sheep Co. to . Edith M. | Hunt-Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 7-19-47. 3- 121-27. »1.00. M alheur county has 48 boys and J Harry G. Howe et ux to Aubrey girls who have won honors in the E. Howard et al-Lots 22 and 23, various spelling zones. All of Block 3, Riverside Add. to Ontario. these children took p a rt in the coun 6-19-26. »100.00. ty spelling contest a t Vale Thurs Lena C. H urt to Bert Clark-NVk RECLAMATION PREPARING TO day. N ot all of them could win in SUFFERERS MUST SUBMIT THE Sec. 22-15-41. 3-28-27. »200.00. PROOF BEFORE CLAIMS the finals but in honor of th eir ac ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON M. C. Sells to Archie M. Smith- complishment in th eir particular 2 NEW STETCHES WILL BE ALLOWED S E K S E * Sec. 21; SW(4SW>A Sec. community, names of all the con 22; and NV4NE% Sec. 28-18-40. testa n ts are given. To Jordan Val 9-4-26. »10.00. nrii Dill I AD n C D E A l i E D l Ueo' BroWM haa aa his Kuests hia ley goes the honor of having the F l L l a r U L L A n U D r LAI u H parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown of most e n tran ts in the county meet. Mrs. W. q . Johnson to Taylor C. ! Vale. B rogan: Rosie Kanyid, Beulah Jchnson-SV8 Sec. 12; a^d NV4 Sec. A good delegation of students a t Many Loral Associations Participate tended the track m eet at Vale F ri Kendall, M argaret Coleman, Dorothy Sufferers Seek Total Of »117,553.72 13-18-38. 4-26-27. »10.00. (Q. C. Officials Getting Data On Difficult Taylor. Deed). —Good Program And Dinner Piece Of Work At The day from Oregon Trail district. —Appropriation Of »50,000 Ju n tu ra : W alter N utt, Elizabeth Sarah Ellen Nichols to Walter W. Make Day Success Head Of Canal Robert Adams won firs t place in the Allowed by State Nichols et ux-44 acres in Sec. 1-21- Woodward, Howard Baker, E sther high jump. 46. 3-7-27. »1.00. (Q. C. Deed). The second, third and fourth Claypoole, O rrin C urrey, Irene N utt, “Elucation fo r C h aracter” was Reclamation officials a t Vale are Charles A Faubion et ux to Will grades in the Oregon T rail and Owy Inglee Woodward. (From th« Malheur Enterprise) preparing to advertise for bids for the them e of the splendid address Jordan Valley: Carmen Urlezaga, iam H. Smith-W)4SW)4 Sec. 12-18- hee schools are to have a spelling On Thursday, May 5th, Judge about twelve miles of the Vale proj delivered by Rev. Pollard of La match on Wednesday. Rufus E isaguirre, Damaso Elordi, 45. 4-14-27. »1.00. Ijiggs will hear claimants who lost Grande at the m eeting of the county Rufus Laquerica, Sabino Madriago, Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Mortgage ect canal, joining the Harper divis Mrs. R. R. O verstreet w as hostess property in the Bully Creek flood ion, recently let, on the east and council of the P arent-T eacher a s W ednesday fo r the Kingman Kol E verett Jones, Ju a n ita Zabala, Elsie of 1926, who have filed their claims Co. for America-SE % NE *4 and 20 sociation held a t Valley View school- Earl. acres in NE(4NE(4 Sec. 27-30-44. <im,inuing down tow ar,i Vu,e- A ony Book club. the county clerk. The date hoase S aturday afternoon. The gen Big Bend: Wilmer and Pauline with 40-20-27. »2,958.15. (Cert, of Sale). study of the upper end of the canal, Quite a serious break in the ditch for filing expired on April 27, up eral tenor of his talk was educate Malinda J. Jenkins et vir to Susie a stretch 8H miles in length, is al bank above the Hot springs resu lt Bowman. to which time 60 claims had been to make a life instead of educating W estfall: Clarice Hyde. I. Udick-Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, so being made, preparatory to ad ed in holding up the irrig a tin g a filed amounting to »117,553.72. Loss to make a living alone. L arge things couple of days. Owyhee: Rachel Neel. Block 19, Ontario. 4-13-27. »50.00. vertising fo r bids. This stretch will be one of the most difficult pieces should be em phasised ra th e r than N yssa: Bessie Callaway, C har es totaling this amount were item (Q. C. Deed). Mrs. A. C. Bradley returned ized. The state has appropriated im mediate goals. Rev. Pollard de T hursday from a weeks visit with lotte Cheeley. Sheriff C. W. Glenn to J. Boydell of construction work on the entire clared th a t we m ust inculcate ideals Grove: Letha and John McLaugh »50,000 fo r the relief of sufferers et al-Lots 16 to 19, inclusive, Block canal. It will be both difficult and the Pullen fam ily in Wilder. and this amount will be pro rated expensive because of rough country and habits which m ake useful, pat 59, Greens Add. to Nyssa; Lots The Schweizer fam ily attended lin. among claimants whose claims are and on account of its proximity to riotic and serviceable citizens, edu O ntario: Frances McClain, Goldie to 12, inclusive, Block 27; Lots 2 to the track meet in Vale Friday. If the claims stand cate boys and girls to retain the Raymond justified. 5, inclusive, and 7 to 12, inclusive. the railroad. The Klingback fam ily and Mrs. T. Miller, Randall K ester, subm itted, 42 per cent will be joy of living to contribute some A dvertisem ent fo r bids on these Block 30, Teutschs Add. to Nyssa. 4- M. Lowe attended th e operetta in W ebster, Helen Diven, Claud O’Dell. paid. thing w orthw hile to hum anity. two units will be made within the Vale: Edna Johnson, G ertrude 30-27. $200.00. Nyssa on W ednesday evening. Proof Necessary Clifton Riggins, Mary Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Federal next two months. Good Program Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow were A therton, A t the hearing to be held in the Graham, Thelma H arris, Helyn Rob Dredges Make 5 Miles Land Bank-SW*4SE*4, SE(4SWt4, guest? in the Chas. F isher home on Valley View w as the mecca of re circuit court room next week, At' inette. The dredges on Warmsprings and NHSW14 Sec. 12-19-43. 4-27- presentatives from nearly every Sunday evening. torney General I. H. Van Winkle, Grouse Creek: Kenneth Grabner. 27. »4.000.00. drainage work are m aking good pro Mrs. Robt. C urrier of the Kolony local association in M alheur county. or someone appointed to represent Cairo: Susabeth McCarthy. During March and April, Sheriff C W Glenn to Federal gress. In the m orning there was a business and Mrs. Lowe of Owyhee attended him, will pass upon the claims in the Oregon T rail: Sherm an Keck. Land Bank-SE(4NW»4, S%NE»4, the two machines made five miles. m eeting. A t noon a delicious ' chick the spelling contest in Vale T hurs interest of the state. Property own Jam ieson: Jam es Pope. and E H S E tt Sec. 23-16-39. 4-26-27. en dinner w as served by th e ladies day. ers should come with proof of claim, Malheur: Ida Bostwick. »3.300.00. Miss Dottie C antrall entertained of Valley View, which has been very stating losses concisely, so that no Kingman Kolony: M argaret Mor highly praised by the Vale delega Sunday evening fo r th e young folks tim e will be lost, as Judge Biggs is Marriage Licenses Issued. gan, Abnes Nichols. tion. Vocal numbers by Rev. and of th e community. R efreshm ents due in Grant county on May 7. In Frank Turner and Sylvia Luree Pioneer: Helen W ithers. were served, and a good tim e re Mrs. H. Jaskson P erry , Vale, and order to complete the m atter with Reed. 4-25-27. Mrs. T. D. Sleep of O ntario were ported. out delay, the hearing was set be- The Owyhee P. T. A. will not very pleasing. Mrs. A. A. Reed of IRONSIDE 11 fore the Grant county term of court Complaints Filed In Circuit Court. Brogan, president of the county as hold its reg u lar m eeting this month L. Belle Lees vs Louis Hurtle. 4- * convenes, altho 60 days was allowed. Of interest to Vale patrons is the Dave and Tom Logan and fam ily but will join w ith the O. K. K. a t a sociation, presided. A fter the hearing next Thursday, 25-27. Foreclosure of Mortgage. announcement that the , Farmers . Co- . , Those who attended from here community dinner in the near fu of Brogan were Ironside visitors go findings will be sent to the Secre »576.00. ing to M alheur river fishing S a tu r C. R. Emison, Trustee vs Valley t °P€ratlve c^am ery has completed ture. The d ate will be announced were Supt. Frank E. Shaw, the tary of state, who will order the P errys and Mesdames C. C. Coates, later. There will be some needed day and Sunday. w arrants made out to sufferers. Merc. Co. et al. 4-26-27. Recovery the buttermilk condensing plant at ritlay morning the I’ayette. Last Friday work p u t on the cemetary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence mov *60,000 will be a boon to farmers of on note. $806.00. L. J. H adley and P. R. S hurtliff. plant W9a put in operation ami L ittle Bobby Rice is having a ed to M alheur river S aturday where this valley, some of whom lost all State Land Board vs Geo. C. Mac- Program Committee seige of measles. they will dairy this sum mer. David they possessed in the Bully Creek Lafferty et ux. 4-26-27. Foreclos promises to become a profitable in A program comm ittee was named stitution for dairy farm ers of this and Herman, th eir little boys will re flood. ure of mortgage. »1,200.00. fo r mext year consisting of Mr. main here w ith Sylvester Rose’s un G. W. Brainard vs Angel Abolitz. section. Shaw, Mrs. H aworth of Big Bend The butterm ilk is condensed to til school is out. dy, A rthur Beam and E arl Rippley 4-28-27. Recovery of money. »1,688.- and E. B. Conklin of Ontario. a thick paste form which contains Wm. Perkins and C. Smith m otor visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen DeLaMare 16. A com m ittee of th ree was also all of the food value and will keep ed to W estfall the la tte r p a rt of the this week. named to select a delegate to the indefinitely. I t is excellent feed for R ig h t J u d g m e n t week. They returned home by way A very good gam e was played | national convention a t Oakland in hogs, sheep and poultry. It is re Thongti rending nnd conversation of Vale w ith the Perkins car. Sunday by the Ironside and U nity I July. Big Bend, Jam ieson, Brogan, may furnish us with Ideas of men and duced from the original buttermilk, Mr. and Mrs. B urt Lawrence have ball team s. The score was 8 to | things, yet It Is our own meditation elim inating the w ater five to one, Jefferson, Riverside, Kingman Kol- An automobile wreck n ear Vale ony, Oregon T rail, Owyhee, Valley last Friday very nearly proved fatal bought some dairy cows from Ov- 13 in favor of Unity. that must form our Judgment.—Watta and can he mude into slop for hogs View, Wade, Jh n th ra , Vale and On for F. V. Zutz, resident of th is city. ville Nichols. They also purchased by simply replacing the water. The a new separator. tario reported work accomplished Zutz was driving in a sm all coupe condenser converts the buttermilk Many fisherm en w ere out Sunday and was near th e gravel p it when this year. into a commercial product much he lost control of his car. I t swerv in spite of the disagreeable day with more convenient to handle without ed off the road and overturned in snow storm s. losing food value and without any Mrs. Carroll Locey returned home the barrow pit which is filled with By CAROLINE B KINO more expense to the farmer. It Culinary expert and lecturer on w ater. Zutz was pinned beneatn the from Brogan Sunday where she has elim inates hauling the w ater and household science car and would have drowned in a been visiting h er parents. also converts the buttermilk into • few moments if County Clerk H. S. product th a t will keep. Mrs. E. J . Beam le ft by stage The A pril term of court has gone Saekett had not observed th e wreck Monday for O ntario w here she will The plant is pu ttin g out 3000 visit relatives. She will also visit down as one of the lig h test in his and hurried to his assistance. pounds daily a t present. The pro Zutz was bro u g h t to Vale and is in H untington. tory. Only one case was tried, Mary duct is put in 500 pound barrels and H artley vs. Oregon S tate highway recovering from m inor injuries. The is sold in barrel lots a t 6V4 cents Floyd W hite left fo r U nity Mon commission. The p laintiff w as giv car was badly wrecked. per pound. Sm aller amounts can day to clean ditches in preparation en judgm ent under the law and will be purchased. The product is sani for irrig a tin g the H. C. Elms farm be awarded the full am ount of dam ta ry being pasteurized th e same as n ear U nity. Merwin .Duncan and BONITA ages. The case resulted a fte r the cream and can be used for house Ralph F au st will help. Mrs. L. A. Bilyeu and g ran d death of her husband following his hold purposes as well as for stock. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Derrick mov 10. SPELLING BEE jp NEAR R M ) S im BUTTERMILK CONDENSER NOW IN OPERATION F. B, ZUTZ NARROW ESCAPE BRAND-NEW SANDWICHES T ry One Case At April Term injury in construction work on the Oregon T rail which’ occured n ear N yssa in 1924. Milas H. McKey was here from Salem to represent the state. The case of S tate vs. Wm. C. Sny der on the charge of arson was postponed to the Septem ber term . daughter, Emm a Loveland, were Sun day dinner guests a t Mrs. P r a tt’s household. Eldon Stream returned W ednesday from Vale w here he had been serv ing on the jury. Mrs. H attie Reed has returned from Brogan where she w as caring for the F ritz Preston fam ily d u n n g th eir recent illness. O tto and A rth u r Bronson have been ill with lhc flu this week. Fred and Bessie Reed took Sun day dinner w ith Mr. and Mrs. Stream , and also visited w ith their old schoolmate, Mrs. Ray Croft. Eugene P ra tt arrived from N yssa F rid ay and is a t present visiting his mother. ed to th eir homestead the past week. Mrs. F ra n k Elms of U nity visited her fa th e r the past week. Eli Rose, Sylvester Rose and children visited in Vale the past week. W. R. Lofton, H. C. Elm s and Oli ver Crews were Vale visitors Friday to attend th e track meet. CONGRATULATIONS! BEST H enry W estfall of O ntario came SPELLERS IN COUNTY in Sunday to his homestead for a short time. Introducing superior spellers from the fifty-tw o school dis Maxine and Vernon Lawrence, tricts in M alheur county, the Veda Rose of U nity spent the week w inners in the fifth , sixth, sev end w ith th e ir grandparents. enth and eighth grades in th e Mrs. Ben F a u st and Mr. and Mrs. annual spelling contest which Ralph F a u st were Ironside visitors was held in Vale on Thursday Monday. are announced. W inners of WORK HORSES DIE IN Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Judy of Unity firs t and second places are giv were Ironside visitors Wednesday. BLAZE AT MARQUIS RANCH en consecutively. They were Wm. P erkins’ brother of Portland aw arded cash prizes of $5 and Two valuable work horses lost . . . , . . I made a short visit here leaving on »2.50 by Mrs. E. M. Crail, coun th eir lives in a fire which destroyed ■ ^ un(. ty school suprintendent. the barn on the Rex Marquis ranch ' nftnn Tho Monday for near town Wednesday noon. 1 ne i A rth u r m a m left F ifth : Edna Johnson, Vale; horses were the property of J. W .jU n .ty where he has a pos.t,on as Francis McLain, Ontario. C arter, who is ren tin g the place. M r.; ■ «"*<*'■ for the F orest Reserve this Sixth: M argaret Coleman, C arter believes th e fire started su">™e r- B rogan; Clarice Hyde, W est- from a cigarette which started the I •»<>»>" H ardm an of U nity came to fall, Randall K ester, Ontario, blaze while he was s a t the house for A rth u r Nichols for grain this week. tied fo r second. Mr. and Mrs. Joslin and little son Seventh: Jilan ita Zabala, the noon meal. were over n ig h t visitors a t Ironside Jordan Valley; Helen Diven, Sunday and Monday. Frost Hurts Fruit Crop— Ontario. Erich Ripley was called to Unity The frost has done some damage E ig h th : Agnes Nichols, King- to fru it in the county, according to ¡S atu rd ay to do ranch work for E. man Kolony; E sth er Claypoole, County A gent Shovel. N ear Ontar- j B. Carlisle, who had the m isfortune Ju n tu ra. io and N yssa sw eet cherries, peaches | of cu ttin g his finger alm ost off. and apricots were injured. At B ro- 1 Elton Smith was an Ironside vist- Mother's Day— gan cherries were more fortunate j tor Sunday from Brogan, Sunday, May », is proclaimed and a good fr u it crop is predicted Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith attended M other’s D ay throughout the United Prunes were practically uninjured j the ball game a t Jam ieson Sunday, States and it will be appropriate to thruout the county. 1, Miss M artha D arrah, Viola McCur- display th national colors. « Tea-TIme Sandwiches UT white or graham bread thin and spread with a filling made of one cup of chopped cooked prunes and one-half cup of chopped nut meats mixed with one cake of cream cheese. Roll and tic with ribbon. Open Star Sandwiches Cut bread with star shaped cutter and spread thickly with softened cream cheese and garnish with quartered steamed prunes, radiating from a dot of jelly placed in the center. These open sandwiches are tasty and attractive served with afternoon tea. Toasted Rolled Sandwiches Cut bread in thin slices and spread with piniento cheese. Roll and hold in place with toothpick. Place in oven and toast lightly. When ready to serve remove tooth- p'ck, as the sandwiches will remain rolled after toasting Graham Watercress Sandwich But: :r thin slices of graham or whole wheat bread, first preparing the bullet by creaming it until very soft, then adding a half tea- Hpoanfid of I men juice and a table- spoonful r.f finely chopped water- i ress to each cupful of butler Put •he Stic-, to ¡ether in sandwich form, then cut with a small fancy cutter Savory LtnJwich Put erne half pound of boiled ham, • ff! peoon» and three hard boiled i ■ • t hr at ;li llu food choppe:, .-. t-o vr th i'1 vnnmbe ii 'til thin •ire ' to spe il I l l ' s filling i$ et >ur on ti.-.-r »bile or graham C Piccadilly Sandwiches ' Slice white bread in quarter-inch slices and spread with softened but ter. Chop very fine enough cold chicken to make one cupful and add to it one cupful of finely chopped cold boiled ham, six olives chopped, three tablespoonfuls of stiff mayon naise, and a teaspoonful of lemon juice. Mix lightly, spread between the bread slices, trim and serve garnished with watercress or tiny sweet gherkins. Tuna Salad Sandwiches Mix one cupful of tuna with one- half cupful of diced celery, and moisten with one-quarter cupful of mayonnaise. Place lettuce leaf on buttered slices of bread and spread with tuna and celery mixture. Brown Bread Walnut Sandwichea Use Boston brown bread cut as thin as possible and buttered thick ly. Sprinkle with English walnuts chopped not too fine and a very little salt. Put t< gethcr in pairs, press lightly, and cut in triangles or in half circles if the bread ha9 been made in a round mold. „ Bacon and Prune Canapes t Cut rounds of bread, spread with butter. Steam prunes, stone them and wrap each prune with a very thin slice of bacon Place on bread and set in hot oven until bread browns and bacon crisps. Peek-a-Boo Sandwiches Cut white bread in fancy shapes and with a thimble cut holes in tha top layer. Spread the bottom layer of bread with butter and jam or jelly. Place cutout layer on top allowing the jelly to show through. NEWS OF BOUNTY SEAT Caldwell Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Usrey were over from Caldwell Saturday. Mr. Usrey remained here over the week visiting with the H art family. Home Sunday— Misses Mary and E tta Burt were home Sunday from Caldwell where they are working at the creamery. Daughters Here— Misses Crystal and Mildred Stacey were home from Boise Sunday week visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Stacey. From California— Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hayes were arrivals from Santa Anna, Californ ia, Saturday evening. They are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boak. The latter is a sister of Mrs. Hayes. I’rice Fsmily Here— Mrs. Charles Price, wife of the depot agent, and two children a r rived here from Boise Tuesday. The children, Charles and Mary, are of school age and will enter the fourth tnd fifth grades. The Price family ire living in the Rinehart residence. Gnyd Mileage— Andy Rose and daughter Norene «ere here from Pendleton over the week end to visit the Wm. M. Rose family. They left Sunday morning tt 9 o’clock and were in Pendleton that afternoon shortly after 4 p. m.