THE CATE CH ’ JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. The Malheur County Bank NYSSA, OREÇON A T THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS MARCH 23. 1927 LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts ...430,777.96 Overdrafts ...... (50-1.73 Banking House, Furni ture and Fixtures .... 13,500.00 Other Real Estate...... 5,218.00 School Dist. Warrants. 2,83-1.42 U. S. Government Bonds ...... $$25,000.00 Cash and Due from Banks. 54,031.27 CASH RESERVE ..... $ 79,031.27 Capital Stock.............._ | 25,000.00 Surplus and Profits .... 51,731.82 Bills Payable.............. NONE Redisc'ounts ................ NONE DEPOSITS ........... $455,234.(55 $531,000.47 $531,000.47 Prompt and understanding service and our desire to promote pros perity; to help you get your share of it and to use that share with wisdom • “SHAKE” We are sometimes too much inclined to think of the farmers and city or town people as two sep.rate classes of society, or draw a line between them. But there is no difference. * * * The less we separate these two in dispensable elements the more both will prosper. Social ly and economically there is no place where the city’s streets end and the country highways begin. All are welded into an unbreakable chain. Nature gives both the sunshine and the rain, the same worries, the same AN ATHLETIC MOTHER ambitions. The flow of commerce and the needs of in In casting about for a tennis champion, one ordinarily dustry bring the urban and the rural dweller into a real- ization of comradeship in the world’s complex endeav- vvould hardly select a middle-aged woman, mother of five children. Yet such a woman won victories in three ors at getting along. final events at Chestnut Hills, Mass., recently in a single Take our own community of Nyssa ' All of us recog- nize our dependency upon, our friendship for, and our | day. obligation of good will toward the people who help to! Mrs. George W. Wightman in the women’s national in make our community a center of fellowship and business! door tennis tournament defeated a young opponet, Miss activity. * * * Margaret Blake, in the final singles match; a few min We congratulate our farmer friends on the fine spirit utes later she assisted in winning the women’s doubles and loyalty they have shown. * * * For we are all event finals; then with little rest she aided in winning one in the attainment of life’s blessings and equal shar -TiBd aaq jo ^aoddns 0 [qB Xq Anp aq; j o j : apt} pjiq) oqj ner in the finals of mixed doubles. ers of life’s woes. Throughout the strenuous play of three matches in succession Mrs. Wightman showed little sign of fatigue, It is reported that a class of students were recently while her superior head work throughout the day elicit found unable to define these words: Crinoid, baboo, ed great applause from the spectators. ankh, and coadúnate.. How stupid! Her five youngsters have good reason to be proud of Chicago mayoralty candidates have been calling each their robust and agile mother. other liars and crooks. We hate to dispute the word of such prominent gentlemen. SIDELIGHTS In China it is fashionable to make a lot of noise while A fisherman is happiest when he finds the “line’s eating, to indicate satisfaction. Some of our native soup busy.” inhalers would be in the height of style over there. Mr. Ford doesn’t write “Mr. Ford’s Own Page,” he NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. merely owns it. Tops Made Repaired and ROSS PARKINSON Nyssa, Oregon -i^* *|i ifi ■£■«£■♦£«•£••£• »J« »J. «J« «J* «J* »*♦ • *■*••*• •*« .*« i| B E K T S C II :: BARBER SHOP I Department of the interior »Zoological note: A couple of larks have been known U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon to produce a jailbird. March 15, 1927. The w. k. Balkan war cloud appears to be peeping over NOTICE is hereby given that Har- ■ t h e h o r iz o n a g a i n . ry B. Earp, of Nampa, Idaho, who, j on June 28 , 1912 , made desert land Anyway the automobile thieves can’t take away the entry, No. «2323, for WVfeNE’A, Sec- good parking S p a c e s, tion 12, Township 19 South, Range It is strange how much faster grass grows in the gar 46 East, Willamette Meridian, has den than on the front lawn. filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to If the m uff is really coming back in style it will doubt the land above described, before less be popular with lady bootleggers. Register, U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Among the crops which yield best when harvested Oregon, on the 22nd day of April, 1927. green are bananas and American tourists. Claimant names as witnesses: Another difficulty about being illiterate is that it W. S. Brown, of Vale, Oregon; Alma McLing, of Vale, Oregon; Bee Sny makes one extremely liable to be called for jury duty. der, of Route 1, Nampa, Idaho; F. An exchange tells of a man’s being run over “by a car- W. Stringfellow, of Nampa, Idaho. Geo. w. McKnight. Register, less driver.” At any rate he ought to be earless. a London chimney sweep has written two novels and I SOLICITS A PART OF YOUR ! I * it would not be surprising if they were a trifle smutty. Patronage Rough stu ff recently pulled by Harvard and Johns Hopkins students indicates that some of them are ambi ! G. E. BERTSCH tious to go to Congress. S h a v in g , H a i r C u t t i n g Ole Buck says it must be hard for the modern mother ♦♦♦♦♦♦i n 4-»+++++*+++ri-E4-t-» r an{l I °ld Hatha ! to smoke a cigarette and put fresh overalls on the baby at one and the same time. Will Hays will give a tenth of his wealth to the church. When we land a $100,000 a year job like his w e’ll be | tempted to follow his example. H. D. Holmes ! Between Lawrence Gas Station and Ford Garage i j NYSSA BARBER SHOP il ; ON THE OLD JOB 1 1 ^ 1 ounds’ ; Transfer and Baggage • I il ! All kinds of hauling ir City limits ; Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon i i » h - w w ♦♦♦♦♦♦ » (+♦»♦♦♦+ (■ (■>+»> >♦ M- CITYDRAY LINE C. Klkikenherg PROMPT DELIVERY oZ„n Our Advertising Service * M eans M ore S a le s for You, Mr. B usiness Man When you begin advertising in this paper you start on the road to more business. There is no better or cheaper me dium for reaching the buyers of this community. We can also provide Artistic Printing of every description. Reasonable Rates PHONE 15 »♦ ♦ ♦ M »♦ « I I LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS Farms and City Property Insurance All o/lice work will be managed ns in the past; only real estate transactions by Boydell & Willoughby. J. BOYDELL. ■ . - — . ------- ■ ■ ■■ ■ Airplanes are to he used in making preliminary sur veys in certain mining districts in Africa. A patented device for separating unsound blueberries from sound ones saved by a large portion of Maine’s 1926 crop from destruction. * Engineers propose to change the course of the Chica- > river for the length of a mile, as an aidln solving that city’s traffic problem. An invention which makes it possible to project pic tures or advert» oments against the night sky is an nounced from Jena, Germany. With a t 'vice built over the traek. a French railroad washes tl n ‘side of a passenger car in about three min utes. A Rr ’’ device for sterilizing eg£s by electricity is * said to enable them to be kept fresh for a long period. — If you are looking for a dependable car at a moderate price, see the 0LDSM0B1LE U y Its individual lines of beauty and com fort, combined with lasting motor qual ities and 4-wheel safety brokes makes it a leader amongst cars of today. VVE CARRY R CARS IN STOCK Inspection Invited POWELL SERVICE STATION NYSSA, 0REQ0N :c..; y; . .-~ÖÜ POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding N Y S S A G R A IN & S E E D COM PANY NYSSA OREGON Fox E aster SWIFT’S PREMIUM HAMS SPECIAL 33c lh. For Every Day CHOICE BEEF, PORK, VEAL ICE FOR ICE CREAM N Y SSA P A C K IN G CO. BURBIDGE & RAY, Props. PHONE 6 NYSSA, OR. WHAT’S NEW? i: GATF CITY JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON NYSSA, OREGON PHONE 53 j Harness and Saddles made and repaired Auto NYSSA REALTY CO. ♦ No habit indulged in by the American people has grown with suchrapidity as that of cigarette smoking. Without moralizing on the subject, we merely give some figures to show the trend during the past few years. In 1926 the United States consumated approximately 90 billion cigarettes, costing about $625,009,000. Some one has figured that these placed end to end would ex tend to the moon and back eight times. The growth of the habit may be seen by comparison with the year 1914, when only about 30 billion cigarettes were smoked, showing an increase of 60 billion, or a treb ling of the quantity, in 12 years. „ During the same period the domestic output of cigars declined from a little more than 8 billion to about 7 bil lion, while the amount of tobacco and snuff manufactur ed was also decreased approximately 10 per cent. The revenue tax on all domestic tobacco products now reaches about $370,000,000 a year, or more than $3 in taxes alone for every man, woman and child in the coun try. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward, President John Ray, Vice President J. P. Dunaway, Cashier .. O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Diven, Assistant Cashier J. F. Reece J. J. Surazin G. L. Phillips SHOE REPAIRING INSLRANCE OUR CIGARETTE BILL County Funds on Deposit—NONE BOND LOANS NOTARY PLUL!C H I M I » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • « » m i H -++++++4--M I + 4 4+4-4-+»» Condensed Statement of RESOURCES ! t l I I I M 1 M I I IMI EASTER * * Does April 17th this year mean EASTER or just “another Sunday?” W e may lay ¿side all questions as to * * * and still lmd consolation in the recog nized commemoration of an event sanctioned and sancti fied thruout all Christendom, * * * and geep jn mind the plain and simple raiment of Him who admon ished to "take no thought * * * of what ye shall put on.” * * * ami still give thought to the “new ness of life” that arose from the tomb of greatest sacri fice since the world began.” * * * Easter, in its freshness and glory, is the great companion-day to Christmas; * * * the world’s ushering in of Spring, of newness of hope for higher Christian idealism; and without it the world would have to count off one great mark in the moral and religious scale of human better ' ment. CUSTOM GRINDING And Chopping Flour, Feed and Recleaning Coal and Wood and Black Bear Roof Paint This business is for sale. A good business for the right man. Inquire at the Nyssa Flour Mill. P. M. Warren ï i