THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. HIGH BROWN BABIES OPENING LEAGUE GAME MINSTRELS GIVE SHOW SCHEDULED APRIL 24TH Play To Capacity Crowded House Keen Isteresl Manifest. First Game To Be Played April 24th with Bigger and Better Pro Boys Showing Good Form. gram than Ever. Shave Quickly blade. A d u ll blade mean* a slo w ih a re . Learn w h a t strep* ping d e e s . B a p s V a le t A n t e S t r e p B a s e r . I t g lr e a a co m fo rt, sp eed p sh are every tim e , ex up to e x s . W e t Æ tf< rS tro p R azor —SJmrpnu it—If • — - H Fallowing is the program given by Nyssa will open the baseball season the High Brown Bebiee Minstrel* at ith a game April 24th on the Nyssa th* Liberty Theater, Wednesday even diamond. The local boy» ara practicing every ing of tbi* week. Th'» was th* third annual shew given under tbe auspice* evening end getting Into good form to of the Nyssa band, with J. Stoner as combat their contenders. director. Each and every member of The usual amoant *f enthusiasm is th* company are deservirgof commend­ displayed evidenced by the amount of able praise for their efforts in making fans witnessing their practice each this year’s show the best yet given: evening and the boys ahow steady im provement. FIRST PART Tbe schedule as outlined in the Jour­ Opening Chorua------ Nigger Quartette My Cutiai Du# at Too Too Too__ ___ nal last week will be followed as close, ly as possible. Mildred Long He Looks at Hsr and Tha He Goes, Ha Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha............Art Ccok, Sweet Thing---------Verna Thompson. Here I A m ....._____ Dorothy Cook. Chick, Chick, Chicken... Harley Divan Oh, If I Only Had You......................... Tha Nyasa High baaa ball taam de­ Mrs Laura McCoy. _ I’d Love to Call You My Sweetheart, feated the atrong New Plymouth nine, thus making the fifth straight victory Viola Blodgett. I ’ve get to go now. Cause I think it’s fot the Nyssa lad*, The score was ( to going to rain___Pat Murpby 11. Th* scores for th* games uleyed Just a birdseye view of my old Ken- are Parma 6 to 6, Roswell 14 to IS. * tucky home....... Edna Dennis Fruitlanfi 10 to 3, and Wilder 10 to 7. Klinkenberg gets credit for th* wins SECOND PART Saxaphone Solo, ( a ) Carolyn............... ovar Parma, Fruitland and Wilder and Rambaud won the Roswell and New Kathryne E Thompson. (B) Nola...........Felix Arndt Plymouth game*. The next game up will be Ontario at Ontario. Wednes. Mrs. Jay Stoner, Eva Arditb, day afternoon's game waa a hard play­ Accampanfat. Simple Sammy’s Secrets....... .............. ed gams lasting the full nine innings. N yssa Simple Sammy Himself. AB HITS RUNS a. Cherie, 1 Love You,..Mri: Laura Mecov Lin* up 8 0 1 I The Nut House.......... Pat Murpby and Rambaud If. Thompson si. 8 4 2 • Jay Stoner. 4 8 0 k School Days....... Verna Thompson and G: Klink. Ifp Newby tf. 1 4 8 0 Mildred Long. a 1 a 0 Coonville Cullud Band_____ Company U. Klink. gnd. Marquess 1st. 2 6 1 8 Hoxie cf. 0 4 0 a Harley 3rd 4 0 1 a Benton e. 2 4 1 0 Total 11 11 a The soeial Circle of the Eastern star N«w P lymouth entertained the Nyssa school teachers Fillhauft 1st a 1 2 0 with a covered luncheon at the Masonic Drysdale c. 6 0 0 a Hail, Wednesday afternoon and even Creasey 3rd 1 1 1 0 ing. Castle sa 0 6 « 0 Tbe ball was artistically decorated in Hurst p u 6 1 1 keeping w th Easter the motif being Dilyea 2nd 6 a a 0 errried out in the dainty place cards White If 1 0 0 0 and the two course luncheon which was Knight cf i a i 1 served. A novel idea of fortune telling Miles rf i a i 1 taking place between courses. Keefe If 8 0 • 0 Games were enjoyed the first prises Clif cf 8 0 0 0 being won by Mrs. Chas. Crawford and Total 7 6 4 Miss Dilly. Mrs. Leom Hihby was a guest and Mrs. C. F. Eder, formerly of Nyssa but new of New Plymouth waa alee In attendance. The Levi Eldridge home neer Pilot Rock burned down Saturday. Mrs. Eldridge will be rembered as Miss A wedding of great interest to the Dora Thompson, daughter of Mrs community took plaee in Payette Tues Lalia Thompson of Nyssa The fol­ day morning at 8 o’clock, when Miss lowing aeeount of th* fir* ia taken Milirad Lawrence of Vale and Mr from tbe loeal paper: The home of M>. Levi Eldridge. Jr., Glenn Rose became men and wife. The wedding came aa a complete sur­ we* destroyed by fire at noon today. prise to the many friends of the young Mra. Eldridge stepped out into the couple. yasd juet for a minute while dinner The bride Is employed at the Mai was cooking and upon looking back to heur County Bank ana the groom Is in the bouse discovered tha roof in flames. She waa alon* at the time and the state highway service. only had time to gat one tiunk oat of Kakabeeke Dunbar Nuptials the house The Eldrldg- home i* juet Another marriageof interest to Nyssa outside of town and it was impossible and vicinity w asthatof Jim Kakebeeke to reach it with the hose. About all and Helen Dunbar of Ontario which that eould be done was to throw buck ata of water over an outbuilding to took placa at Payetta last week. The youug couple were gueets at the prevent the fire from spreading. The Keekebeek* borne for a few days and contents of the house were partially receiving congratulationa from their covered by insurance. many friends. NYSSA HIGH PLAYS 5TH WINNING BALL GAME .0 E. S. SCHOOL TEACHERS LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF ********++-¡++*4 J. D. Lackey was in town Wednes- Say and reported that a couple of hia aheep bad been attacked by a dog and would have been killed had be not betn cloae by. The dog was immediately ehot and the aheep given attention withoat more aerious result, than being badly bitten. Paul and Rutb Herahey and Mias Emma Klempel base returned toGood- ing College after having enjoyed their spring vacation in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Edes, formerly of Nyssa but now of New Plymouth were in attendance at the baseball game Wed. nesday afternoon between the Nyera and New Plymouth high school teams. Miss Edna Morris, loeal teacher spent the last week end with relatives in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Blair and daughter of Portland are new arrivals in Nyssa and have moved into the swan Apartments, F or sa l s -Rhode Island Red eggs, 60c per setting of 16 eggs. Mrs. B. O. Fowler Mtf Geo W. MeAffee, second-hand deal­ er, returned from a business trip to Portland the first of the week. Elizabeth Benson has been ill during the past week and unable to attend school. Attorney E. M. Blodgett was a busi- visitor at the County seat tbe first of the week. FOR SALE—Theiough bred Rhode- Island Kggs. 60 cents for a setting of fifteen. F. R. Marshall. Frank liueok, village blaekamitb, is confined to hia home withaeevere oase of flue. >>++»++♦+ Mr. and Mrs. Troy Aittonand daugh ter Clara and Mr. an1 Mra. Walter Marshall were Ontario visitors Sunday, theguestsof Mr. and Mrs Wm Roberts. Officers of tbe Grange met at Oregon Trail Wednesday night. After a short business meeting a luncheon consisting of sandwiches, cake acd coffee was ser ved and all present report an enjoyable evening, and hope for e larger attend­ ance tbe next meeting The Nyssa girls won s victory over Vale girls at their baaeballgamaThurs­ day. Quite a number of Nyssa ladles at. tended the W. C, T. U. meeting at the Chriatian church In Vale Tuesday and report a vary interesting and enjoyable time. A splendid program w- s render« ed and a good talk given by our Coun. ty A ttorney. E. M. Blodgett, after which the ladiea of Vale aorved dainty refreshaaenta. Easter Servieea will be held Sunday morning, April 17th at 11 o’clock at Parrish Hail. Ray, 3. W. Creasy, officia­ ting. J. A. Cole, left for Oklahoma the first of the week on s vacation. He will motor through and spend a time visiting with relatives. Mrs. B. O. Fowler. Is recovering from her recent sesious illness. WANTED—To trade, one good De- Laval No. 16 Separator for a good fresh cow. S. D. Bigelow. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Leom A. Higby have moved into the Will Beam home. Mr. Highby is employed at the damsite. Mrs. P. M. Binkley returned to Nyssa after enjoying a two weeks visit with the Forseman family. Rev. smutz, of New Meadows, for­ merly pastor ot the M. E. Church of Nyssa was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bertch this week. For Sale—Black Jersey Giant eggs, $3.09 per setting of 16. Phone 72F6 alo Mayor H. T. Francia and Mr*. Fran- eii accompanied by Mra. J. J . Coles and aon Roy spent Sunday in Nampa a> guests at tbe home of their son, Albert Iredale. Mrs. Coles, sistes of Mrs. Francis, and her son returned to NEW BUSINESS FOR NYSSA th ir home in Salt Lake City. J. C. Young hat sold his restaurant fixtures to Mr. and Mrs. Carrian of For Sale—Rad Star Gasilina or Kero Cildwell. and they will occupy the sene Range. 3 Burners Largs Oven- Spier building on Main Street which A. Crawford. m4 tf Mr. Young hae been occupying Mr. The regulas Saturday night danca end Mrs Carrion will open a first elate will be given ia the Hotel Western restaurant as quickly as they can get Danee Hall with tba Four MuSkataers their place arranged, and will add an­ other place of business to Nyssa. of Boise furnishing the music. ELDRIDGE HOME GOES UP IN SMOKE SURPRISED FRIENDS METHODIST NOTES The girl scouts pleasantly surprised Miss Dorothy Cook at her home Satur­ day when they gathered to celebiate her birthday. The atternoon was da. lightfully spent in playing games with musical selections by different members and the serving of refreshments. |Hftq i i GOOD BREAD Pies Cakes Doughnuts Home of Good Eats TRY PASTIME LUNCH ROOM Nyssa, Ore. , Special orders for parties, lodge suppers, dances, j etc., promptly filled, THE SWAN BAKERY Nyaaa, Oregon. ^ ■ « S ^ l MSISR ftlsss nAI) X On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, April It and 16, w* start the FINAL CLOSE OUT DAYS of our stock ol Merchandise We wish to be sold out completely by May 1st. That means only two weeks to move the remainder of our big stock of goods. Watch the Window Unheard of prices will be put on all merchandise Don’t miss a day during the next two weeks. will be filled with final Close 6uts- Each dajr RADER’S Ontario, Oregon Your last chance, and don’t miss it. Shoea, Drygoods, Silks, Hose, Drygoods, Ready to Wear, Men’s Furnishings, Merchandise of all kinds. I j Watch the Windows Guaranteed Ford U sed Cars Our Cars have been fully overhauled in our shop and and guaranteed as represented. ! 1925 Touring 192S Touring 1922 Touring 1923 Coupe 1920 Runabout, with 1924 motor 1921 Tudor Sedan 1920 Touring All cars are equipped with atartera and batteries in good condition. Any of these cars bought and not satis­ factory after five days may be turned in on a new car at full market price. Or any defect showing up in thirty days will be replaced free of charge V. B. Staples Ford Garage Ontario Oregon Star Hotel “ Square Deal” Good clean beds at reason­ able rates. Second Hand Store Rates by day, week or month 1 T il UULTVC '■ a short time to move a big stock of mer> I U VT l l K w chandise, and we have a big stock left—but prices are going to move it. Will you benefit, or let your neighbor get all the bargains? W VW VW W VVVW W W VW W VVk And all kind* of pastry. FOR THE Sunday morning the sermon them* is "The Christian's Hope ’’ These will he reception of members and tbe com­ munion. Special music. Sunday evening there wi'l be a short dran atiaation of tha Easter story by a group of young people. Following the dramatization there will b* a a t of slides shown on tbe screen "By Motor Thro’ Congo.” Tbe Sunday school is providing an Easter program from 10:16 to 11 a. m. The Epworth League is growing. There were 14 boys and IS girls pres­ ent last Sunday eva The evening services are being well attended Last Sunday night the "question bos" was well received. The offirial board met with Mr. end Mrs. Jim Jim Beam Tuesday night. Plan* for dedication of the basamint are being made BEGINNING-- First St , 3 block* north of Main WE BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE MRS. Nyaaa, J. R. Oregon HUNTER Nyssa, Oregon ;