■'■J o i i* Ul THE KI TS m It seems all GET but natu. ..; ior some people to tall Condensed Statement of The Malheur County Bank NYSSA OREGON A T THE CLOSE OF hi SI.\ESS DEC. 31. 1926 RESOURCES Loanc and lb-co u n t- l.04.454.-u O verdrafts w i't- H Building, Furniture, and 13,500.00 F ixtures O ther Real E state 5,218 I 9 School D istrict War- rants ............... .. 2,434 1 Liberty Loan Bonds ....... $75,009.00 Cash and due from Banks ....... $120,466.85 CASH RESERVE. 165,466.85 ; LIABILITIES ■ ..total Stock ..... .._$ 25,000.00 Sui f lus and Profita....... 50,910.53 Bills Buyable........ ..... ....... NONE Rediscounts .............. NONE DE COSITS ............... ... 545,701.51 $621,702.04 $621,702.04 C ounty Fund* on D eposit-—NONE O FFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. W ard, President John Ray, Vice President J. P. Dunaway, C ashier .. O. G. Bauer, A ssistant C ashier H. A. Diven, A ssistant Cashier J. F. Reece J. J. Sarazin G. L. Phillips into ruts. Yuo of.en hear the expression “Get out of the rut,” but the fact is many of us no, ,niy ta_. into one rut but into many oi them. We get m the i ut and quit going to church. We geo into a rut about our personal appear ance. Then tnere is the rut of losing interest in school affaiis, the social rut, and the rut that noids us from taxing an active interest in fraternal, political and civic affairs. It is true that no man or woman can be a ieader in ail activities or organizeu society but all can display an interest and work intelligently ii\ the church, m the lodge and in the development of communities. We owe it to our community and its institutions to exhibit an inter est and to take an active part in them. Falling into a rut is responsible for many losing inter ests in public affairs. It is a habit to which many be come chained and which eventually changes their mental attitude toward life and its problems. It undermines them of personal responsibility toward problems and in stitutions deserving their interest and support. It chang es the optimist to a pessimist, the booster to a knocker, the worker to a drone, the sunny dispositioned to a crab. Get out of the ruts and the world will be brighter and better and life will take an added value.—Medford Daily News. Prom pt and understanding service and our desire to promote pros perity; to help you g et your shu ; of it and to use th a t share with wisdom UNIVERSAL PEACE National interest is being shown in the effort toward universal peace by a group of prominent men and wom who are holding public meetings of a new and dis A good many appear desirous of becoming inefficiency en, linct character in the principal cities of the Gniled States experts. and Canada under the title of World Unity Conferences. Down in Mexico someone may have to^pour water on “To prove the universality of this appeal,” said Mrs. the troubled oil. Florence Morton, of Worcester, Mass., secretary, “the Each generation invents new sins, but the old models World Unity Conferences are based upon certain defin ite principals which we believe go to the very roots of are seldom junked. the present world wide unrest. These principals, which With the decline of galoshes the term“flapper” becom can be accepted and applied by all men and women, irre es less expressive. spective of their race, creed or class, are: The need for Who remembers when youngsters in their teens wore an independent investigation of truth; recognition of underwear made out of flour sacks? the spiritual oneness of humanity; that love is the es It is reported that a Vermont mountain range is to be sence of all religions and all religions have a common named for President’s Spokesman. purpose; that there is no discord between »-enl religion Culprits are literally “sent up” at Shreveport, La., ¡and real science; that the world need'1 an international auxiliary language; that the highest ideal to be sought where the jail i on the top floor of the court house. by all orgaizations and groups is universal peace.” One trouble with prohibition is that too many enforce ment officers are officially dry and unofficially wet. FAT FOLKS SWINDLED Genius is more common among men, according to Dr. Campbell. But he rattier spoiled it for the men by add Due to the present feminine craze for slim figures, ing, “so is idiocy.” thousands of women are being swindled by vendors of al Now that there is a government radio commission we leged fat-reducing preparations, which have no value are expecting a visit pretty soon from a couple of federal whatsoever. Put up in the form of “fat reducing chewing gum,” or static inspectors.. “fat reducing gum drops,” -some of these take fat cures Along with other equipment to be installed in the Capi are quite attractive, but several of them which have been tol at Washington during the recess of Congress a sup analyzed were found to contain nothing conductive to ply of Maxim silen-ers should be provided. France has adopted the English word “home,” because slenderness, except a drug having a slight laxative effect. there is no equivalent in the French language. In Amer These reducing remedies are usually accompanied by ica we have the word, all right, but not the thing it is instructions to cat only about half as much food as usual, to take long walks, and be sparing in the use of bread supposed to mean. and potatoes. Following Ihese directions would tend to Charging him \ >th “straddling” on prohibition, the secure desired result, of course, without the chewing Birmingham Age Hm H declares that if President Coo- gum or the gum drops. lidge “does not come out of his own violation, he will be Doctors tell us that it i n’t healthful for fat people to smoked out.” Tf you <rct what that means. be slim, anyway. “Be yoiuself” is their advice. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TOO MANY IN COLLEGE HARNESS WASHED AltD OILED $ 2.00 D epartm ent of the Interior, President Arthur i. Hadley of Yale has recently made U. S. Land Office a t Vale, Oregon a valuable contribution to the current discussion con March 15, 1927. NOTICE is hereby given th a t H ar cerning the advisability of trying to make “college men " ry* B. Earp, of Nampa, Idaho, who, out of unsuitable material. Shoe Repairing It would natural^ be supposed that the head of a on June 28, 1912, made desert land Auto Tops Made and entry, No. «2323, for W % N E% , Sec- great university would stress the importance of a college Repaired regardless, but it is an encouraging sign that 12. Township 19 South, Range . education . . - „ 46 E ast, W illam ette Meridian, has leading educators are coming to realize that for the vast ROSS PARKINSON file,I notice of intention to m a k e . majority of young people the four years required by a final rro o f, t„ estahiish claim t o college course is largely a waste of time, money and ef- Nyssa, Oregon the land above described, before fort. Mfe quote Dr. Hadley in p a rt: Register, u. s. Land o ffice, at Vale, “People engaged in public instruction are inclined to ’¿ O r e g o n , on the 22nd day of April, go too far in thinging that everyone should be encourage T 1927. to purpose his schooling' to the furthest possible degree. •¡* C laim ant names as w itnesses: •j- VV. S. Brown, of Vale, Oregon; Alma They lament what seems to them the highly inadequate i Mcl.ing, of Vale, Oregon; Bee Sny- proportion of elementary school ebib.lpen wno go to the J der. of Route 1, Nampa, Idaho; F. nigh schools, and of hich school pupils who proceed to W. Stringfellow , of Nampa, Idaho. college; and they glory in any increase of these propor i I Daiwwn L n 1 net 1 ' Geo. VV. McKnight, Register. tions. They seem to forget that the classroom is not the und Ford Garage :: j B IS R T S C ’H No up-to-uat • fa ri^ " will believe he is actually re lieved until he can afford at least three automobiles. If we ever collect enough money to be able to go to Bermuda for a vacation it will be just our luck to get there at the heighth of the onion season. ¡BEZ3H S 3 ! THE B R A K E TEA 7 HOLDS y Oldsmobile # 4-Wheel No danger of your brake giving away on a steep hill and letting you crash ^ to the bottom. Í ABSOLUTELY SAFE. WE CARRY CARS IN STOCK Come and look them over POWELL SERVICE STATION til NYSSA, OREGON POULTRY SUPPLIES Custom Cleaning and Grinding NYSSA GRAIN & SEED COMPANY NYSSA OREGON Did you say MEAT? Sure , We've Got Meat! Come and Get It NYSSA PACKING CO. BURBBRIDGE & RAY, Prop. PHONE 6 NYSSA, OR. lllll 4"» M ' ■H I M FF4-T : BARBER SHOP solicits a par r 01 your Í NYSSA BARBER SHOP I Pat ronage G. E. BKRTSC ;l ♦♦♦♦■F+++* F* *»4HH"M"F-F»*-F-F-F+ 1 ONTHEOLDJOB1 H. D. Holmes ? Transfer and Baggage All kinds of hauling ir City limits Phone 5 Nyssa, Oregon j- ++++++-5-W-M-V+++-X" 1111 i n i t\ CITYDRAY LINE I C. Klinkenhcrg •*X**X*v*!«»!~X‘* only means of education: that a youth may get more intellectual ami moral training from practical work that he likes, than from formal lessons that he loathes.” Now, this does not mean to depreciate in the least the value of higher education to those who by intellect, tem Shaving, Hair Cutting perament and inclination are capable -of acquiring it and putting it to practical use It simply means that unless Hot and Cold Baths a young person has thex native ability to work with his Roy Pounds, Prop. brains, he had better be taught to work with his hands. Nyssa Oregon Ole Buck says that by keeping yourself full of bran, pour milk, carrots, spinach md other things recommend - — ---- -------- . ed hv health faddists you will have no fear of death. On the contrary you will welcome it. Remember the rood old days when the ladies’ spring hats were not put on display until spring? The price of e rrs is said to he lower this spring than M ean« M o re S a le s fo r for many years hut as yet nobodv has offered any legis You, M r. B u s in e ss M an lation for the relief of the American hen. When you begin advertising Our Advertising Service * in this paper you start on the road to more business. There is no better or cheaper me- diu.n for reaching the buyers si th.s community. We ran al-o provide A sixty-five year-old “Grandmother of the Tanks" won golf hon• v* in Florida the other day, which naturally re- i calls to mind the old-fashioned grandmother who sat in the corner all winter long and knit red woolen stockings. Art' Printing The next sixteen to one issue will doubtless he sixteen of every description. PROMPT DELIVERY automobiles for every family. | ____________________ _ Reasonable Rates f r kt t r i T v m n r “ " 7^e w n rnn rnpv mon’p rlo1,iep rn(i wenr the5r J j i i A l t * II I J U U K iim . Dr.ir cut the m seuhne way. but they’re going to he up rilO N E 1„ NYSSA, OREGON ¡against it •’'* linkers ever come back into style. ►♦♦♦♦♦ FFF« I !»»♦♦<♦♦» Hotel WESTERN J. W. SPENCER Prop- NYSSA OREGON Good Meals—Good Beds—Good Service Rates that will please you CUSTOM GRINDING And Chopping Flour, Feed and Recleaning Coal and Wood and Black Bear Roof Paint This business is for sale. A good business for the ¡ght man. Inquire at the Nyssa Flour Mill. P. M. Warren.