Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1927)
THE GATE CITY JOUER AL BASEBALL MEETING TOWN BOARD MEETS GROCERYMEN’S PACIFIC WOOLGROWERS GALLED TONIGHT ASSOCIATION MEETS TO STAGE WOOL SHOW MONDAY EVENINGi LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF - A m atting has baen called for Friday night, at Che Commercial Club with the idea of organising a baseball tea for the coming season. Keen intaraat U m anifest and a "real nine" should ba rerd'ly picked from the material an hand. Nyasa boasted of a good ball team laat year and the prospects are for a b etter and strong jr team this seaaon. Hand bills have baen distributed areund town and everyone interested in baseball, should be on hand Friday evening March 11. Mayor Ike Robinette, of Vale, presi. dent of the Vale league last year, eall. a m eeting for Monday evening, March 14th, a t Va'e, to organize a league for the earning season. Invitations have baen given the following towns to sand delegates to attend the meeting: New Plymouth, Fruitland, Parma, h'yssa, Ontario, Vale and Jamison. The Town Council n e t in reg- ular meeting Monday, M«r«h7th The usual business was transact, ed, bills being allowed and paid. The Marsal was instructed to hang a sign from flag halyard across Main street, notifying motorists to comply with the new ordinance of parallel parking. A new street lamp is to be in stalled at the corner of First St. and Emison Ave. An ordinance was passed a mending the Charter giving the Council authority to aell bonds to raise money forpublic improve mants subject in all cases to a confirming vote of the citizens. First vote under this amendment will be held March 22nd for tha purpose of improving Main St. Notices having been posted to that efYeet. The election board appointed are J. Boydeil, Mrs Elizabeth Marshall and Mrs Ethel Coward. + ■ » » + + » • » » » + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 > » 4 e C- » » » » t O 'M 4 'M -SH -M- l t 4 4 « m » v v 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .t 4 « » 4 l t .l 4 4 Mias l a v Swan, spent a few days iu W anted—Lady Cook, small cafe, In Bo<se this week, shopping and having quire a t Boydeil Real Estate O Ses, or dental work done, C G Hoover, Nyssa. C, A. Marshall shipped th ree ears of John Hunter, returned from Idaho cattle Friday to the Portia, d market. Falls Saturday, where he hae baen on The small son of Mr. and Mr*. Artie bueinese. Robinson has been quite ill with the Mr. and Mrs J . C Flemming, have •flue.” returned from California. While there Mrs. F M Cripps, of Ju ntura, who they saw John Reece, of Nyssa, and has been visiting at the borne of Mrs. report him as improving in health The Dependable Groeeryraea Association of this district met A wool show—the largest end aioat be held in the west, will at the Commercial Club rooms be put on by the Pacific Co-operative Thursday evening, about thirty Wool Grower« et the ^Pacific In te r, members being in attendance. national Livestock Expeeitlon nex t fall General business, pertaining in Portland, Oregon, aceordlngto a re to methods, prices etc. were dis cant announcemeat. This Is the t r e t wool show that haa been stags« a t the cussed and combined with tha International and extensive plaos sie usual social festivities, helped being made (o seeure the cooperation make the evening a success. of wool growers in this territory. These meetings are held from Three shows combined ie one, ia ths time to time over the district, program offered by these in charge, and will include a registered fleece grocery men from over the state stow, a g ra le or cross bred fleece show attending, but this is the first to and a mohair show. be held a t Nyssa for some time. ] Cash prise* will be awarded in the Robert Stout, went toOntario, Monday District Attorney Blodgett, reports evening, the a rr e s t laat week of Mr. and Mra. Bullips, proprietor* of the Malheur Mrs, S. Dennis and Mrs. J. Zinc were rooming house at Ontario, for having Ontario visiter* Tuesday afternoon liquor in iheir po session They were — i . ■ registered fleece show for ram and ewe Mrs, Geo. Corned is and daughters, placed under f360 bond each and the r n r i l / ■ lio n r n m im ° f Delaine Merlne, Rsrobouille* of Payette visited Saturday and Sun. case was a r t tor Monday, March 7th. H sm p.hire day at the home of the fo tm er’s moth They failed to apoear however, both Leicester, Oxford, Shropshire, South- Anyone w anting to see a real o d d . . , ' c , Uwold> L,BC0| n Bnd HuBBBy er, Mrs. L Barron who is soon toleave forfeiting their bonds. Rumor has it for Boulder, Colorado to make her th a t they headed toward Salt Lake should pay a visit to the local taxider. breads. mist shop of Kcss Parkinson, and see home. Citv. In the grade show cash prizes will be the animal which Mr. Parkinson calls given for the best fleece* of each of Helen Woods left Friday evening Mrs. Cahoon, *f Logan who has been his " a n g e l” the m ark et grades of wool. for her parents new boms in Nampa. visiting with Mr. Caboou’s parents is I t is a lamb brought in recently from Both adult mohair fleeces and kid Miss Mahal is staying at the Glenn the mother of a baby girl born Wed the Hub Ward sheep camp and mount borne in order to complete her school. needay a t ihe hospital in Ontario. Late ed by Mr. Parkineon. It iaoddly form •eaceg will be awarded prizes in the The school play held a t the L iberty mohair show. Barbara and Ethel Marie Miller, reports Wednesday w e re th a t Mrs. ed having one head p srfe c t'y formed Theater. Friday n ig h t was well attend, Following the state fair* and the Cahohn’s condition was far from satis on twin bodies. Two front legs are little daug hters of Mr and Mrs C. F. •d and enjoyed by the Nyasa public. California Wool Show, the Paeific In. factory convulsions developing. ju st as they should be, but there ara Muller are ill with the measles. The students taking p a rt are worthy ternational Wool Show will be the Anal Jess Thompson local grocer is driv. two legs th at lie over the hack from of commendable praise especially, due Mrs. Meyers baa returned from I competeing place for priie-w inniag METHODIST COMMUNITY the shoulders resembling a set of wings ing a new Essex Super Six. visit in Boise, Idaho. to the fact th at moat of them ware ill fleeces from the entire west. —hence Mr. Parkinson’s " a n g e l . " The NOTES and took p a rt under difficulties. Mr. Any wool grower, whether a member A. L Fries who has spent some time The O ntario.N yssa Irrigation Dis four hind legs a re on double bodies. About thirty parsons partook trict Messenger was forced to act as sub. of the Pacific Cooperative Wool Grow meeting was held Saturday, at in Michigan haa returned to Nyssa and Piotures have been taken and sent atitute for Don Sherwood, as the last of a fíne supper, furnished in ers or not, is eligible to ent<r ss many is greeting old friends. the office of J. Boydeil, over the country to determine whether hour, Don being to ill to attend. From pot luck style by members of the Jim Divens was a Nyssa business there isunotheruf the kind in existen -e fleeces aa he desires in any division of Shearing will soon ba in p ro g res s on a financial sta n d p o in t the play was a this show, says Association officials. official board and their families, visitor during the week. and no doubt some museum will be the Andy Little herd» a bout a mile aucoess. the proceeds helping diminish eager to procure the same. A baby boy was born to Mr. and on Monday evening After the south east of town. t h e atheletie indebtedness. meal a regular and also special Miss Pauline Fisher is assisting Dr. Mra Albert Bosch, Sunday, a t Ontario. I t is worth one’s time to look a t it Mra Bosch wag former'y Miss Zelma on display in Parkinson’s show window. meeting of the board was held. Sarasin at hia office. PASSENGER SCHEDULE Lackey of Nyssa. Rev. H S Hamilton was present Frank R sb -r g e r has gone to Poes, Main Line Eaatbound. Mr. and Mrs, A rthur Boydeil, Mrs. HOUSEHOLD NOTES to assist in the special business. tello where he is omployed in the gen. No. 26—Due 9:22 a. m. daily. Jesse Thompson and Mrs. John Cen- eial office of the Union Pacific. I r y hot gingerbread, split an i spread No. 6—Due 8:17 p. m. daily. Revival services will be held celmo were Boise visitors last Friday. with cream cheese mixed with chopped No. 24—Due 5:11 p. m. daily. The ladies of our neighboring town in the near future. Rev. Hines The announcement last week in our Mr and Mra M H Spell and Mr and dates and nuts. Main Line Westbound. of Ontario, organised a Civic Club re . psper of the display of wearing appar of Nyssa will assist. Mrs Tam Hill of Nampa were dinner No. 17—Due 3:22 a. m. daily. A rug that curls up and wrinkles on cently and opened the season with a ol to be shown at the Sharp building guestB at the McCoy home last Sunday. The sixth grade of ' the public a t the corner of M ainandSecondstreet No. 23—Due 1:36 p. m. daily. the edges needs resizing. S treteh it covered dinner At the Federation Club No 25—Due 6:84 p. ra. daily, school held a party in the base has baen postponed until a later date Mist Georgia Dennis hes been con. fane down on the floor, tack it firmly rooms, last Monday. They plan many Homedale Branch ment on Thursday evening and by the Smith Inc., of Nampa. This fined to her heme the past week suffer and sprinkle generously with »solution civic undertaking with the coopetatlon Leavea Nyssa a t 10:15 a. ra. Mon made by soaking and dissolving one- of the Business Men’s Club. Mrs. Dunaway's Sunday school was to be held in connection with a ing from the influenza. days and Fridays only. Why don't the ladies of Nyssa get qu arter pound of flake glue in half a subscription campaign foe the Nampa Mr and Mrs Ja c k Hunter, of Ontario class will have one next Thurs Free Press busy? were last week end guests at the home gallon of »«ter. Let it dry for at least day evening. Others are being W - have many things needing atte n 34 hours. The glue should not penetrate planned. It will b3 necessary to Now is time to rake and clean up of Mr and Mrs Dick Tensen. tion, calling for the aid and co opera to the rig h t side of the rug. Library Hours. rubbish to burn, before the weather tion of the ladlvs of the community. get your time arranged for in commences Rehearsels beg in n in g on "N igger a .turdays Only When drop cakessprcado ut toomuch to get warm and fliea ap Minstrels" to be given u n d e r the aus in baking the trouble is sometimes that Wo have no park, although the land in advance if you are considering pear. Open to town patron 2:30 to 5:80. pices of the Nyssa Band in the near the oven is not hut enough, ra th e rth a n has been purchaaed to r this purpose. Out of town patrons 2:80 to 7:30 such activities, as there will be Mrs. Chas. McConeli, returned to future, undardirectlonof Mr Joy Stoner th a t the mixture is too soft. Drop What b etter material for the ladies to constant demand far the us« of twr home in Nyssa, Wednesday, from of P a y e tte . This is an annual affair work onT Our cemetery can be beauti cakes bake best on a baking sheet the basement. the McConitl sheep camp where she and is eagerly sn t i a i p a te d by the pso. wiahout high sides, or an inverted pans fied. another improvement th at can be LODGE AND CHURCH successfully accomplished through the pie of Nyssa and vicinity. Sunday morning the theme for has been for some time. Odd Fellows mest every Tuesday In making chicken salad let the diced efforts of a Civic Club. the pastor’s sermon is “ What is Ex'ensive work ia to be done on the evening at 8 o ’clock at Odd Fellows chicken m eat stand several hours in a There is no limit for th* work of an ^ a Christian?” Sunday evening road to the dam. A road crew with hall. French dressing. This is called mari organization of this kind, and it in te r, ecessary rquipment went from Nvisa nating it. If you like to mako the feres in no way with any other club Rabekah lodge meets 2nd and 4th Mrs. Hershey will speak espee Monday, most of the chicken flavor, use chicken It would be well for the ladies of Tburs lay of month, 8 o ’clock at Odd ¡ally to young people on the sub The home of Mr. and Mn. fa t instead of oil for this dressing, end Nyssa to Call a meeting anil organise. The house on Main s tre e t west ofj Fellows hall. ject of ’‘Dreams ” the Journal office Is being renevatyd Audrey Mahan was saddaned gize it a suggestion of onion flavor by The R tbak ah Sunshine Club meets W. C. T. U. meets Tuesday, and repainted this week an d will be Tuesday by tha daath of their auaking a few slices of onion in the |H fk m 1 !%»■> .i|fri the first Friday of every month. vinegar b e f.r e mixing with the fat. March ICth at 2 P. M The pro osoupied by Dr. Bransford. fifteen month old baby, Use equal parts of chicken and Regular Masonic lodge held at Ma- gram for Union Signal Day is Prof and Mrs L M essenger, formally The death of the little one vinegar. ronic hall 7:30 2ud Monday of aacb e n t e r t a i n th e senior Claes a t I h e 'r came as a dreadful shock to the following: month. Song. Work for Enforcement home this evening. parents for altho’ the baby had C R and W W Campbell, b r o t h e i s Eastern s ' a r Lodge meets a t '7:30 Scrtptare and Prayer, been ill no real alarm was felt. o f Mrs M a then, are in Nysaa with The Junior Church, branch of the the 1st and 3rd. Wed ltsday of month trucks for the purpose of mov. M. E. Church entertained with a Minutes and Roll Call The little one had baen suffer motor at Masonic Hall. ing the M attnny household goods to Introductory Talk; The Union children’» party at the Chureh, S etu r. ing from intestiaal flue and waa American Falls, w h e re Mr M atheny METHODIST day afternoon. Games were p'ayed Signal is our Signal accidently burned with sealding will e ngage in fa rm in g . and enjoyed on the parsonage lawn Morning services An Exsrcise, "Help Needed and #nd dainty refreshm ents were served coffee, which doubtless caused Telephone number 19 y j u r news Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Help Secured” The entertainm ent was sponsored by too great a shock to rorahat and terns and job work. Junior Services 11 a. m. Mr in charge Prof. Messenger, who h*j charge of convulsions developed Tuesday Peem, “Just Subscribe” of L. E. Messenger. Union Signal Seng and Subscript* Ith* Jon,or Church, a delightful time causing death. Preaching 11 a. m. by pastor. waa enjoyed by the children. And all kinds of pastry. ion. Evening Services The people of Nyasa and vicin- Epworth League, 6:45 The Journal erroneously sta te d last lty sympathize with the parents Business Meeting. M Evening service, 8 week th at Frank Rader, of Ontario in their sad hour. xS V was resting a t the Va'e H ot springs EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOR SALE X X | sanitarium. Mr. Rader informs us Episcopal Sunday school Every Sun U Man to travel in MalbeurJJ Special orders for parties, rune Bred R iode.Island Red s e t ti n g he is enjoying good health and it day morning a t 10 o’clock. e g g s, incuba tor s e ttin g s , a specialty the job every day. Our mistake. jj^County (farmer preferred.) ^ loige «uppers, dance«, Services Sunday, March 13th at 11 Prices r e asona ble, s B Davis, m llfitf Drs. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, XFor particulars write or etc., promptly filled, A. M. at Parriah Hall. Rev, s. W. Another social, gathering the past licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Carver Creasy officia ing. week was enjoyed, when Mrs. Dick graduatee. Consultation and txxmin Xsee X Tenren and Mrs C. C. H u n t acted as atlon free. F ifteen years sue tessful hostesses to the O. E s. Club, a t the practice in the state. First door weBt home of Mrs. Dick Tenses. Games of bank, Nyssa, Oregon. formed e p a rt of the i f a r.ioon’s enter- m » j tain men t and a dainty two course lunch- N ysst, Oregon. Nyssa, Or. X I have purchased a new® | eon wae enjoyed by eighteen members. " F o r years I had gas on the stomach. Work is advancing on the new bun* The first dose of Adlerika helped. I X concrete mixer and am pre now sleep well aed all g»a ia gone it X pared to do all kinds oip? galow being erected by Brady Fowler also helped my husband.” (signed) ^concrete work, p i a s t e r i n g ^ l on his ranch. The cement basement is almost completed. Joe Meyers has Mrs M Brinkley. One spoonful Adler -«and kalsmining. etc. charge of the cement work. ika removes Gas and often brings as. Notary P. blic Bond Satisfaction Guaranteed tinishing relfer to ths stomach. Stops Pete Tensen shipped in a carload of Insurance Loan« th a t full, b.oated feeling. Brings out sd spuds this week. Harry Yost the old waste m s tt a r you never thought oongnnial "s p u d ” man helped with the was In your system. Adlerika is won distribution of same locally. w Nyssa, Or. We wish to announce derful for chronic constipation. Rev. Creasy willconduct the 11 o’clock the opening of our Lunch Nysaa Pharraacy. I X X X X X X X X X X X X X presching services at the Parrish Hall Room, in LaFrenz build aunday morning SCHOOL PLAY SUCCESS r KLAK LAM d o H u WN i CorrUd«le' < ■ CIVIC CLUB IS NEEDED IN NYSSA GOOD BREAD x xx x x x x x x x x x x ■ Pies Cakes Doughnuts WANTED! Chiropractors x ___ m J J . R . H u n te r * THE SWAN BAKERY IXMMMIIHMMMIE Wife and Husbatd ! Both ¡11 With Gas CEMENT WQRK * ANNOUNCEM ENT XXXXXXXXXXXXX To Ï - ........ *...... * J Joe Meyers The Public * Nyssa Realty Co. FOR THE Home of Good Eats TRY PASTIME LUNCH ROOM Nyasa, Ore. If X * X X X X XT X X Kj X X Mrs Frank Hall was hostess to Ihe Tuetday evening Bridge Club a t her home on North F irst s t r e e t this week. St Patrick Schemes were carried out in the house decorations and also the deinty refreshm ents which were ser. ved Mrs H atlan Diven won firstfavo r MrsGlen Brown second and Mrs. Ernest Wilson, consolation. A pleasant social evening was enjoyed. Lost Mule—Dark bay or brown year ling, coming two, branded W left shoulder. Fresh reached H Walters, Nyssa. Ore. m llS tf George Russel of Wilder, was in town a few days this week. ing next door to Bertsch barber «hep on i: Mon.,March 14 We solicit your patronage C. 6. Nyssa, Oregon )♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Liesse«! Real Estate Broker«. Farms and City Property Insurance Phone 53 Nyssa, Oregon All office work will be managed «■ in the past; only real estate transactions by Boydeil and W illouiltby. J. HOY DELL.