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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1927)
T¡ I£ GÂTE CITY JOURNAL >. V.OM Ali: XXV. NO. 4. MALHEUR WILL GET 30 DAY PHEASANT SEASON LOWER FREißHT nuts ON Rii CROPS IN EFFECT Filing of Now Tariffs Monday Marks Close Of Case Extending Over Two Years Local and joint freight rates con forming to the orders o f the public service comm: ¿ion under date of January 19 and August 29, 1925, were filed with the commission Mon day by all railioads operating in Oregon, effective Tuesday. Lower Produce Rates The new rates involve a general decrease in the carrying charge on interstate movements on farm pro ducts, potatoes and onions. In addition to the material savings in freight charges under the new tariffs, the railroads are under the necessity o f refunding excess charg es collected since the dale of the commission’s order, agg: egating sev eral Hundred thousand dollars. Affects Branch Lines Under the new tariffs, branch line differentials as heretofore ap plying in i " it« have been remov ed and sh ping paints on branch lines in the future will pay the same rate as farmers residing at an equal distance on the main line. Following issuance of the orders by the public service commission in 1924 reducing freight rates on farm product , the railroads brought suit in the courts to set aside the com mission’s order, appealing to the supreme court when denied relief in the circuit court. The supreme court a few weeks ago affirm« J the decree o f the low er court tind held the rates fixed by the public service commission to be just ar.d reasonable. Filing of the new tariffs Monday marks the close of this case, which has covered a period o f more than two and one half years. WORK UNDERWAY ON DREÛ0E TURNS COURTHOUSE VAULI FIRST SOD ON I DISILO FROM HARDER «MINE IS USED IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL DRAIN CANAL The new courthouse vault is under GOVERNMENT WORK GETS UN DERWAY IN WARM SPRINGS construction, under the supervision DISTRICT THURSDAY of County Surveyor J. F. Miller. The vault will be built on the west side of the building extended from the clerk’s office and from the county courtroom. Its dimensions are about 13 by 18 feet. In the construction material, dis Government Has Secured About ilo from the Harper mine is being Miles Of Right O f Way For used to make the walls perfectly The Drainage Canals compact. With good looking panel led exterior, it is believed the new vault will tend to improve the gen (From the Malheur Enterprise.) eral appearance of the courthouse. The first sod was turned by the «■lcctric dredge on the Purvis drain in the W a r m springs drainage district Thursday. The work start ed about twelve miles west of town and the dredge will work this way OWYHEE H. W. Bashore estimates that the The Alvon McGinnis and Claude drain ditch will vary in depth from Smith families and Miss Luella Car-! President, Mrs. Arden A. Reed, 10 to 12 feet, going down to gravel ¿on of Horn j J ile wore dinner guests t Brogan. lied, in most places. The canal will in the W. W. Smith home Sunday. Vice-President, Mrs. Ralph Ha- be about forty feet across tK; top and about, eight feet wide nt the Mrs. A. M. DeBord and daughters | worth, Wade. Florence and Verle of Payette were Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Frank bottom week end guests in the Klingback' Fry, Oregon Trail. The dredge will make an average home. 1 Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. speed of 500 to 1000 cubic feet each eight hour shift, depending upon the The P. T. A. o f Kingman Kolony Maurice Judd, Kingman Kolony. Slow progress is held their regular meeting on Fri- In spite of the stormy weather soil structure. in day. They are planning a party on and muddy roads a large number made in swampy ground and April Fools day. of patrons of the Weiser Annex some places timber mats will have A t a school board meeting in Ore district gathered in the schoolhouse to be used under the dredge to fur gon Trail on Friday the teachers February 18, to complete the organ- nish the necessary foundation. Running Two Shifts were rehired for the next year. Mr. i ization of their Parent-Teacher as- Marshal of Nyssa for the upper sociation. The district vice-presi- The electric dredge which has grades and Miss Ivers of Vale forw en t, Mrs. H. R. Udick, Mrs. Bruce started operation on Rinehart pro the lower room. I Foster, state director, and Mrs. Wm. perty is now running two shifts. Jimmie Wilson of Oregon Trail is Laxon- took Pa ,t- Mr- Udjck cx; Three shifts will be put on soon. quite ill with a severe attack of the j ht‘r willingness to help each Within a few days the work will below influenza. association; Mrs. Kester spoke start on the Mallett drain _ „ , . ., upon the aims and purposes of P. T. town. The Oce Schwe.zer were Mrs> Laxon discu„ ed coun- Ontano v.sitors on Saturday. ty dub work anJ a]so the work the ALL OREGON RAILROADS FILE j RATES CONFORMING WITH : SERVICE COMMISSION LOWERS BRANCH LINE RATES Nyssu farmers and Nimrods will welcome a longer open sea son on Chinese pheasants in Malheur county, obtained thru the efforts of J. A. Davenport, president of the Malheur Fish and Game league, and Charles McClees, deputy game warden. The birds are more plentiful in Malheur than in any other coun ty in the state, the game depart ment says. Complaints that the birds did considerable damage to farm crops resulted, and for this reason in particular State Game Warden E. F. Averill urged the legislature to pass on a longer season for Malheur. Next fall there will be a 30- day open season. October 15 to November 15 are the probable dates. Altogether only 93 birds were trapped and shipped from the county during the trapping sea son last month. V. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH l i , 1827. SOIL DETERMINES PROGRESS PAREflT-TEAüHtH NEINS OF COUNTY CIRCLES $1.50 l'ER YEAR VALE FARMER VISITS HOLLAND A IT E R 16 YEARS (From the Malheur Enterprise) Gerrit Smit, successful Vale farmer, has returned from his visit to the land of tulips, dykes and windmills in the northern coast town o f Beverwik, Hol land, where hp spent over four months with his aged parents, relatives and friends of boyhood days. He felt an appeal for the old home but after sixteen years o f farming in the great, open areas of the United States, he was a stranger in the quaint Dutch town. For one month af ter his arrival in Holland, there was rain every day. Malheur county sunshine was indeed a warm welcome when Mr. Smit arrived home the last o f the week. The return trip across the Atlantic required 11 days, longer than the usual time be cause o f stormy weather. Mrs. A. J. Smit and three children expect to return home this spring but a brother, M. Smit, and his three sons will spend the year in Holland. RILEY HORN SEES GREAT BRIDGE FEAT RAISING OF STEEL FRAME ONE OF GREATEST ENGINEER ING PERFORMANCES Friends in the county are interest ed in the progress o f construction on the Carquinez bridge across a part of San Francisco bay, which a group of financiers, including Riley Horn, director of the Fanners & Stockgrowers bank o f Vale, art- building. Mr. Horn sends a clipping which tells of one of the greatest engineering feats in the history oi bridge building. It reads: With the accuracy of clockwork, the 640-ton north span of the Car Mrs. A. G. Kingman arrived hoihe p T A ia doin(i toward juvenile quinez bridge was lifted and fasten last week from an extended visit in protection officers are E. J. Patch, ed into place. Lewiston, Idaho. - ^president; Mrs. Leonard Patch, vice- When the tremendous span was John Jarvis has been on the am . j president; Paul R. Raney, secretary- fitted and the last pin driven, mark list but is able to be around c.gai't. j treasurer. The president appointed ing success of the big undertaking, Mendizona Brothers are shearing Mrs Herbert Thomas membership 30,000 persons purst into cheers, One o f the outstanding herds of their sheep. Joe Challis on the Me- and Mrs. N. B. Patch pro- boat whistles and automobile horns Lafarty ranch will begin Monday. g ram chairman. There are fourteen splendidly bred Jersey cows in Mal adding to the bedlam. Lambing is practically over, the j cj,arter members. It plans to meet heur County is owned by Asbury At low tide the work began. The weather has been ideal and all own- the second and {ourth Fridays .of Pugh of Brogan. A record o f the falsework on which the suspension tests made by his cows during the ers report a good percent of lambs. each month. span had been constructed, many Mrs. Chas. Fisher, who has been Mrs. M. M. Greeling, district vice- past month ranges from 4.4 per cent yards from the bridge itself, was cooking in the Sid Skinner sheep pregident and aiso County Health for some of the grades, to 6.4 per knocked away, except at the ends. camp returned to her home last chairman, reports that the Kingman cent by a pure-bred Jersey. He has Then two great steel barges were week. Kolony P. T. A. held an interesting seven head of cows and one heifer floated under the framework. As Pete Grisgroshky formerly known meeting in February, the first since registered. He owns one pilre-bred the tide rose, these barges rose,— in Owyhee and Nyssa, is back in November. Ten members were pres Jersey which is the daughter of an and lifted the 33-foot, 640-ton span. Owyhee working for Albert Rust. ent. The association is anxious to island cow, and there is a strong These barges, were then towed to Rev. Snow, Sunday school mission hold regular meetings in the future. strain o f St. Mawes blood with a re midstream under the gap into which the Sybil Gamboge ary, and son Jason of Payette visit Because of a scarlet fever epi currence of the span was to fit. Then began With assurance by Fred Herrick ed Sunday school at the Kolony Sun demic in the community the Wade strain. the most delicate bit of all. The head o f his herd is a hand- j that he will proceed with completion day. We are all sorry to hear that P. T. A. was unable to hold its reg Down came a suartet of 2% inch o f a common carrier railroad be Rev. Snow has been transfered to a ular meeting during February. Wade some fellow, grandson of an Island cables from the projecting ends of cow, and of St. Mawes breeding, new field in Spokane. tween Porns and Senaca and with has one of the most active associa the bridge superstructure high over which in terms o f Jersey aristocra Mesdames R. R. Overstreet, T. M. tions in the county. timber operations in Grant county, head. These were fastened to the the St-nfield special committee of Lowe and M. M. Greeling attended The Valley View P. T. A. sponsor cy is equivalent to the haughty span ends. At the cables’ other ends the I'.iited States senate Monday a community meeting held in the ed a community dinner on Washing heights assumed among human be hung two great boxes of sand, weigh dismi sed the hearing. Charges of interest of the P. T. A. in the Big ton’s Birthday, the object being t o ; ings who boast descent from Schuy ing 40 tons in all more than the fraud and collusion btween the for Bend school house Sunday. bring the members of the community ler Vanrenssaller or Peter Stuyves- 640-ton span they were to counter Christa Minton went to Boise Sat together in the interest of the school ant. There are some beautiful indi balance. est service and the Herrick Con Island struction company had been brought. urday for a visit with his brother and the community. Mrs. Udick,) viduals, notably those o f And then, foot by foot, the great breeding. • Cletus. The findings o f the committee Mrs. Kester, and Mrs. Crail were in span was lifted from the barges. Farmers in Owyhee are seeding vited guests. The follows: affair was a It was at 2:25 that the work start 1— That there was no fraud in ob grain. most enjoyable one. ed. At 3:45 the last pin was driven taining the contract and that charg-1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley enter and the most ticklish engineering es rgainst Herrick and two former 1 tained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. feat in bridge building history had officials o f the forest service now C. W. Aldridge, Mrs. A. Stewart and been safely accomplished. in his employ, James W. Girard and I daughter Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. When the second span has been Frank Klobucher, are not sustained, Crawley and daughter Marguerite placed, the bridge will be ready for (By County Agent) all of Ontario on Sunday. by the evidence. its formal opening on May 21. Pres Roy Fugate, assistant in rodent ident Coolidge will press the button 2— That Herrick has possessed and control, spent a day in the county that will open the trans-straits high does possess financial responsibility UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR WILL last week preparing squirrel poison to execute his contract with the gov way. STUDY WILD FLOWERS OF | for distribution. The county agent’s ernment. The Carquinez bridge crosses a MALHEUR COUNTY office is selling this material at $1.00 north arm o f the San Francisco bay. 3— That Herrick has been dilatory in carrying on the work and negli Dr. Henderson, curator of the a sack holding from 8 to 9 pounds. gent in performance. botanical museum of the University i This is the best time o f the year BETTER WATER SUPPLY FOR WARMSPKINGS RESERVOIR 4— That the forest service appears of Oregon, will arrive in Malheur to get squirrels. They may not be Farm lands under the Warm- as noticeable at present as when to have attempted to the best o f its county soon to spend four months (From the Malheur Enterprise.) they have done considerable damage, springs project are assured a better ability to enforce the contract. in a thorough investigation o f the 5— Recommendation that in grant Governor Patterson signed the bill wild flowers indigenous to the far but this is the ideal season to hit supply o f water this year than for This material cannot a number o f years, it is advised by ing further extension of time to Her carrying an appropriation of $50,000 eastern county of the state. Miss them hard. rick the forest service should not for the relief of persons who lost Eleanor Davis, county librarian, has be mailed but must go by express, H. G. Kennard, water master. More than 90,000 aere feet has been run agree to anything less than that the property in the Bully Creek flood been much interested in research in filling outside orders. cutting of timber in substantial on Friday. A wire to this effect work o f this nature, and every year i The seed potato pool is closed. One into the reservoir, which has a ca quantity, shall begin not later than was received by Robert D. Lytle at has sponsored a wild flower contest car will be in about the 15th of this pacity of 170,000 acre feet and it I? October 1 o f this year and the mill 10:30 Friday morning. The news for school children of Malheur. They month, the other about the 29th. The expected that the reservoir will be near Bums shall be operated and was received with great appreciation have gathered many different var first will be the car o f certified filled within a few weeks. sawing lumb-r by January 1, next. by the many farmers and stockmen ieties for the librarian, and she in Cobblers. The fact that field mice have done Professor Clayton Long, extension 6— That if any doubt exists as to who were affected,, by the Vale Com turn, sent them to Dr. Henderson. horticulturist O. A. C. was in the considerable damage in the orchards ful application of requirements for mercial club and by the town in gen The many rare specimen that have operation o f the Herrick railroad be eral, all of whom have been fighting been gathered by children casually county March 7 and 8. Mr. Long in vicinity of Nyssa has been called tween Bums and Senaca as a com for the bill. It was sponsored by attracted to the desert flowers by ■«Iked on pruning and spraying. The to the attention of County Agent mon carrier, the extension of contract Senator George E. Davis at the leg their beauty, have been classified by meetings were in Ontario, Nyssa Shovel. The pests have been gird ling fruit trees. In looking for this .nd Brogan. „ shall make clear that carriage of islature and by Representative J. Pr. Henderson. He found that Many fruit growers are going to type o f injury, examine the trees passenger and freight without re D. Billingsley. The committee who some were now and that little is striction: shall begin as soon as the spent a month at the legislature in known of Malheur floral life. The have some bridge grafting to do right at the crown as in many cases the interest of the relief bill con wild flowers of the sage covered hills ihis spring. Mice in may orchards the girdling is underneath the sur road is placed in operation. sisted of H. G. Kennard, Percy Pur hidden gulches and those that flour and particularly those in which al face. The remedy for this condition grafting. The county E. O. Walters of Ontario was ap vis, D. A. Olore and R. H. DeAr- falfa or some other cover crop was is bridge ish along» the small streams of our pointed n anager o f the Malheur mond, all o f whom are overjoyed at used have done considerable gird agent’s office will be glad to assist county, scarcely noticed by the pass County Fair board at the regular its success. ling. This type of injury begins in instructing orchardists how to erby, will he the inspiration o f Dr. session of the co; nty court here at the crown of the tree and extends bridge graft and also furnish bulle A grin 1927 is proving a great Hmderson’ s visit. Wednesday. Commissioners J. D. year for Vale. downward and is not at all times tins for distribution on this subject. No doubt he will tell us many Fairmnn of Haro« ,* and Frank T. -eadily visible in a casual examina things concedin g the wild flowers Of the Twenty-two million dolls Women with red hair usually keep M org-n of Ny a - ere here for the tion o f the orchard. that will appeal to our interest and made in the United States during moi t '• usually brief their fair complexions unblemished imarination, after his is com- 1926, only about one million were Sirtv-two ner cent to me smoll amount of rou- to a more advanced age than thos* jpleted. blonds. with darker hair. Jinc- business on hand. BAS RECORD HERO j c h a ir m a n > w HEARTS CLOSED DESERT FLOWERS APPEÄL TO BOTANIST B ully Creek Flood Measure Signed Friday FARM NOTES SENATOR DAVIS HEAD DF STATE The appointment of George E. Davis of Vale, state senator from Malheur, Harney and Grant counties, to be state corporation commissioner was announced March 1st by Gov ernor Patterson. Mr. Davis succeeds W. E. Crews, resigned corporation head. The duties of his new office were assumed Tuesday morning. Mark McAllister of Salem, state re presentative from Marion county, and deputy corporation commissioner under Henry Schuldcrman, was made chief deputy in the department again under Commissioner Davis, Fred Meindl, Portland attorney, and a state representative from Multnomah county, is to be employed in the de partment as examiner. O. A. C. MILITARY BAND WILL VISIT MALHEUR COUNTY The Oregon Agricultural college military band will give a concert and dance in Ontario, March 30, the seventh on its ten day tour of north ern anil eastern Oregon and Idaho. Forty men will be selected from the organization by Captain H. L. Beard, director for 21 years, to make the trip during spring vacation. A special Pullman car will be chartered by the Hand for the entire Hip this giving the musicians a per manent place to stay while enroute. Stops on this twenty-first annual tour will be made at Gresham, The Dalles, Union, North Powder, Weis er, Idaho, Ontario, La Grande, En terprise and Pendleton. With the experience and training the band has had the last year and with many skilled musicians composing the different sections, the band is ex pected to repeat the good impres sion made on previous tours. RILEY HORN WRITES OF IMMENSE BRIDGE PROJECT (From tlie Malheur Enterprise.) An interesting letter and renewal subscription were receive*«! from Riley Horn, director o f the Farmers ft Stockgrowers bank, who lives at Peteluma, California, this week. Mr. Horn writes of the immense toll bridge in which he is interested, saying, “ Within a fw days when the weather and tide are just right, one of the two sections of the big bridge, built in one piece 450 feet long and weighing 750 tons, will be raised 135 feet above the water and tacked in place with steel pins 12 inches in diameter. The bridge will be open to traffic May 21, 1927.’’ County Statistics Real Estate Transfers Recorded. U. S. A. to Margaret F. McDonald Jasper-Lot 4, See. 31-20-46. 11-18- 25. Geo. V. Nesbit et ux to Hugh L. Taylor-2 tracts of metes and bounds, one o f 15 acres and one of 12 acres in Sec. 28-15-47. 2-17-1922. $12,000.- 00. Geo. V. Nesbit ct ux to Hugh L. Taylor-2 tracts of metes and bounds, one o f 15 acres and one of 12 acres, Sec. 28-15-47. 9-4-1923. $12,000.00. (Correction deed-. Hugh L. Taylor to F. O. Johnson- 2 tracts of metes and bounds, one of 15 acres and one o f 12 acres, in Sec. 28-15-47. 2-28-27. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). W. N. Grace et ux to Payette Ore gon Slope Irrigation District-NE14- SW14 Sec. 22-16-47. 2-24-27.. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). Malheur County to Malheur Land Co.-SW )48El4 Sec. 19-16-43. 2-2-27. $26.78. Henry Abrams to Ernest E. Sil- kett et ux-1 acre in SE ’A SW ’A Sec. 10- 16-43. 3-1-27. $308.65. (Q. Deed). J. C. Fleming et ux to State of Oregon-5.36 acres in NWt4NEt4 Sec. 18-19-47. 1-17-27. $400.00. Geo. V. Nesbit to Lola B. Nesblt- NV 4 SE 14 , and N ’A S W ’A Sec. 17-16- 47. 3-4-27. $920.00. (Q. C. Deed). Chas. B. Moores et ux to Albert N. M oores-NHNW % Sec. 36-19-42. 11- 10-19^4. $1.00. Pacific Savings ft Loan Assn to Conova O. McGonagill-Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 83, Ontario. 2-23-27. $ 10 . 00 . Conova O. McGonagill to W. B. Carman et u x-U ts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, Block 83, Ontario. 3-4-27. $666.62. Complaints Filed In Circuit Court. Arthur E. Kimball et al vs John A Hunt Feeder Co. et al. 3-2-27 Foreclosure of mortgage. $12,030.00. Petitions Filed In Probate Court. Guardianship of Leander W. Thom as. 3-2-27. C.