The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, February 25, 1927, Image 4

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v -H -H » W + S S -t* -* * + + < W
legislation on the C olum bia riv er, ac­
cording fo a le tte r received by the
chief clerk of the senate.
A bill extending the tim e for obtain­
ing th e s ta te soldiers' ‘bonus or loan,
was passed w ithout opposition by the j
Senate Holds Governor’s Fi­ house. It provides th a t one m ay ap­
ply for cash benefits up to Ju n e 30,
nancial Measures For
1030, and for th e loan to Ju n e 30,1945.
R ep resen tativ e P ie rce 's bill p e rm it­
ting dancing a fte r m idnight and until
3 A. M. in counties of th e sta te of
L ast W eek of Session la E ntered—
lesse r population, failed to pass.
H ouse A dopts R alae In L egislators'
Repeal of th e m otor vehicle c ertifi­
P ay— Soldiers’ Bonus Tim e E xtend­ cate of title law which w as sought in
ed— Repeal of M otor Vehicle Lav*
a bill Introduced, by S e n a to r Upton,
E xtended—S e n a te A pproves W ilson w as d efeated in th e s e n a te a fte r a
R iver Road.
lengthy and som ew hat h e ated debate.
T w elve se n a to rs voted for th e repeal
Salem .—W hen th e leg isla tu re con­ of the c e rtific a te of title law, while
vened M onday for th e la s t week of 15 se n a to rs voted a g ain st th e repeal.
V oters to P a ss on S alaries
th e sessio n a tte n tio n w as focused on
V oters a t the next general election
th e sen ate, w here th e governor's fi­
nan cial bills w ere held for action. Gov­ will pass on a proposed constitutional
e rn o r P a tte rs o n ’s financial m easures i am endm ent prohibiting sa la ry in-
passed th e house la st w eek w ith little creases for both sta te and county offl- !-4"P+++d-M"M-S-J 4-v >
upposltlon, but it was believed th a t ' cers during th e term s for w hich they
co n sid erab le opposition would develop j w ere elected, un d er a resolution intro-
In the sen ate.
duced by S en ato r Brown and approved
In addition to passing the tith in g by 22 of the 30 senators,
bill, so-called, which tak e s 5 per c en t i By 31 votes, th e house passed Rep- !
of th e gross e arn in g s of all s ta te re sen ta tiv e G raham ’s bill, w hich does
boards and com m issions for the gen er­ aw ay w ith the personal liab ility of au­
al fund, th e house passed th e gover­ tom obile ow ners or d riv ers fo r in ju r­
n o r's incom e ta x bill. T he incom e bill ies to th e ir guests. T he bill carries
passed tb e house a fte r b risk debate, an em ergency clause. It w as opposed
w ith 49 voting for, nine a g ain st and by m ost of the law yers of th e house,
who urged it was throw ing down the
tw o absent.
S hortly a fte r word of th e passage b ars for negligence and th a t it would
of th e Income bill by th e house reach ­ be declared u nconstitutional.
A bill Introduced in the house by
ed him G overnor P a tte rso n Issued a
sta te m e n t, regarded a s a w arning to Cram er, to prohibit livestock from run-
th e senate, In w hich h e said tn a t “ It nlug a t large in p recin cts through
would In m y opinion prove u n fortunate w hich a sta te highw ay runs cam e in
If th e bill should be m utilated try in- for a severe ro a stin g in th e senate,
d isc rim in ate am endm ent befure its and failed to pass.
T he se n a te reconsidered and ap­
final passage.”
W hile th is should be th e la st week proved a bill repealing the p re sen t law
of the session, it is g e n era lly believed m aking it incum bent on m en desiring
th a t it will be im ic ssib le to «..ear un to obtain a tn -rrirg e license to first
Iho t :!?ndars w ithin th e prescribed 40 s u b - i to a m rr'V al exam ination.
7 h a r i t e 'ndofinltely p o stp rn ed a
and tv -
s ;ion may extend
r e a r '- f -n p r o v ir - -- fa r a cons'itu-
leto th e f l lo - ing week.
• ’’r n? c rea tin g th e office
a T extbook Bill
of lie u ten a n t governor.
T he house p a sstd tho- so-calied free
G overnor May Be B udget O fficer
text-book bill a lte r conslderab/a arcu-
he sen ate ap p ro v ed a m easu re
m nt, the vote being 35 to 21. w ith
sponsored by G overnor P a tte rso n pro­
tour m em bers absent.
T he bill provides for th e vote of viding th a t he shall be the sta te bud­
citizens who may levy a special tax g et officer. T w enty-one se n a to rs voted
y e licol di tric ts, and those who for the bill and nine opposed. It pre­
elt t r.iay p urchase te x ts for school viously was passed by th e house.
T he budget bill gives th e governor
pupils, th e co st to be borne Dy the
special levy, not to exceed $160 for pow er to appoint a budget m aster, and
each pupil of e le m en tary schools, each a p p ro p ria te s 325.000 for the a dm inis­
tratio n of th e budget departm ent.
It was one of th e principles se t out
D istricts of the firs t class, which
m eans P o rtlan d alone, m ay choose the In the P a tte rso n platform w hen he
te x ts for school children to use In th e ir sought nom ination and election to of­
studies. O th er d istric ts of th e sta te fice, and th e sen ate vote g ra n ts to him
will follow recom m endations of the the pow er Which he told th e voters
s ta te te x t book com m ission a s to the he would seek of th e leg isla to rs and
books chosen. One d istric t o r m ore would use, If given to him, to reduce
This business is for sal«. A good business for the rigb
m ay tak e ad vantage of th e new law s ta te expenditures.
T he se n a te , by a vote of 19 to 9,
man. Inquire-at the Nyssa Flour Mill.
a n d o th er d istric ts m ay still elect to
h av e books bought by individuals as w ith tw o m em bers absent, approved a
a t p resen t. T h ere is no com pulsion house bill Introduced by th e Tillam ook
in th e m easure for any d istric t to use and W ashington county delegations
th e new m ethod it It does not desire au thorizing construction by th e state
highw ay d e p a rtm e n t of w hat will be
W ith only tw o d isse n tin g votes. Sen­ known as th e W ilson riv e r toll road
a to r E ddy’s educational bill, providing Senate O pposes Phone Inveetigatlon
T w enty-four m em bers of th e senate
for a sta te board of education of seven
recorded th e ir votes a s opposed to
laym en, passed th e senate.
T he m easu re would give th e board adoption of a m em orial Introduced by
of laym en au th o rity to p reparo the S enator Dunne requesting a federal
course of study. It differs from bills in v estigation of th e telephone ra te s
Introduced In 1923 and 1925 by S ena­ now effective in th e state. T he m e­
to r E ddy in th a t th e form er m easures m orial w as indefinitely postponed.
S e n a to r U pton hns introduced a bill
p re scrib e d th e caurse of study.
ubollshing th e sta te fish com m ission
R ustling Bill D efeated
and placing th e duties of th e d e p a rt­
E ncou n terin g stro n g objection from
m ent under the sta te board of control.
w estern Oregon re p re se n tativ es, a
C reating of the office of su p e rin te n d ­
house bill, desired by e a ste rn Oregon
ent of the Oregon sta te p en ite n tiary
in te re s ts to com bat c a ttle rustling,
was provided In a bill introduced by
w as defeated in th e house. T he m eas­
ure would h ave provided th a t a ven­
would have a u th o rity to a ppoint a
dor of livestock or hides would have
w arden and deputy warden.
to fu rn ish a vendee with a bill of sale,
T his bill is p a rt of th e a d m in istra ­
fo r each anim al or hide.
tion program to place th e various p ris­
C onstru ctio n of 100 m iles of the
c en tra l Oregon highw ay, betw een on Industries on a p rofitable basis.
M em bers of the board of control said
B urns and O ntario, asked for In sen­
the» su p e rin te n d en t would a ct as ex­
a te c o n cu rre n t resolution 5, w as ap­
ecutive officer of the in stitu tio n and
proved by th e house.
would be held responsible for the
A sen ate Joint resolution providing
m anagem ent of the p e n ite n tiary indus­
for a c o n stitu tio n a l am endm ent to
tries. He also would have general
ratso th e pay of leg islato rs from $3 to
supervision o ver the e n tire prison
|1 0 a day, w as adopted by th e house.
T he m a tte r will be re fe rre d to tbe
Salesm en Exem pt a s P eddlers
people a t the next election.
T he sen ate passed a road and high­
T he house also adopted a senate
jo in t re so lu tio n calling for the adop­ way com m ittee bill elim in atin g c o m -'
tion of "O regon, My O regon," as the m erclal salesm en from th e operation
of tho so-called peddlers m otor vehi­
official sta tu song.
By Indefinite postponem ent the sen­ cle license tax. U nder this law com ­
a te killed th e bill providing for old m ercial tra v e le rs w ere com pelled to
age p e n sio n s u n d e r a sta te com m is­ pay a m otor vehicle license fee 50 per
cen t in excess of the license fee a s ­
sion a d m in istratio n .
No danger of your brake giving away on a steep hill and ;;
T he se n a te postponed in d efinitely a sessed a g ain st o th e r vehicles,
you crash to the bottom. APSOLUTELY SAFE
bill au th o rizin g an ap p ro p riatio n of
150,000 for a w om an's building a t the ing th e peddlers' license tax. fixes the
old so ld iers hom e. T h is bill was spon- last hnlf of th e y ear for securing mo­
to r v h id e licenses as of Ju n e 1. Un­
sored by th e W om en’s R elief corps.
d e r tho p re sen t law the last half of
M otor R egulations Opposed
the y ear begins July 1. T he last half
S tre n u o u s opposition to additional license fee uu d er the new a c t would
Come and look them over
re g u la tio n s a ffe c tin g m o to r vehicle be based on 60 per cen t of th e total
ow n ers w as voiced in the se n a te when license fee.
a bill providing for Inspection of to u r­
S e n a to r B ailey has introduced a
ist cam p g rounds w as defeated.
joint resolution re fe rrin g to th e voters
S ixteen se n a to rs voted a g a in st a of th e sta te a constitutional am end­
bill to provide for d istrib u tio n of a u ­ m ent m aking the provisions of the
tom obile license plates by th e sh eriffs w orkm en's com pensation act compul
o f th e various co u n ties Instead of sory as affecting all hazardous occu­
th ro u g h a cen tralized office as now pations. U nder provisions of th e pro­
posed am endm ent, all em ployers and
T he le g isla tu re of W ashington has em ployes engaged in hazardous occu­
refu sed to a p p o in t a com m ittee to con­ patio n s would be brought u nder the
» « » » ♦ ♦ »*4
f e r w ith a com m ittee from th e Oregon a c t w ithout any o pportunity fo r eiec-
w ith re la tio n ta (ishio# Hü» ÿt rejection.
Poultry Supplies
Custom Cleaning
and Griir.ding
Nyssa Grain &
Seed Co.
Did you say
sure, we've got meat
Nyssa Packing’ Co.
Chine 6
Nyssa, Or.
Custom Grinding
and Chopping
Flour, Feed and Recleaning
Coal and Wood and Black
Bear Roof Paint
Good Meals--GoOd Reds
Good Service
The Brake
That Holds
We Garry Cars in Stock
Powell Service
county a sse s ,,>rs and county hoards eg
equalization. T be com m ission also
would h ave a u th o rity to fix th e valu­
atio n s of a n y p ro p e rty 1n th e sta te .
Tho purpose of th e bill is to obtain
uniform ity of a sse ssm e n ts and taxa-
Lawmskcrs Unable to Complete tl<-n. As a safeguard to tax p a y ers un­
der th is bill, th e se n a te approved a
Labors Wi hin the Consti­
m easure introduced by th e com m ittee
on a sse ssm e n t and tax a tio n w hich
tutional Limit.
provides for lim iting th e am o u n t of
revenue th a t can be raised un d er fixed
T ithing Bill Opposed in S enate— Wil m illage taxes. U nder the la tte r bill,
son R iver Toil Road Bill Vetoed— th ese revenues cannot be increased
Increase In P ro p e rty A ssessm ent m ore th a n 3 per cen t annu ally based
P roposed—Old Age Pension Law on th e m illage re tu rn s for the p reced ­
ing year.
The old age pension law failed to
pass the house by a vote of 22 to 19.
Salem —The leg isla tu re w as unabla
T he house refused to join w ith the
to com plete its w ork w ithin the 40-
sen ate in repealing the p re se n t law
day d institutional lim it, so it was
requiring m edical c e rtific a te s of physi­
n e ce ssa ry to extend the session over
cal fitn e ss from m ale a p p lic an ts for
into th is week. T he m ost im portant j
m arriag e licenses, and voted down a
piece of legislation l ift for considers- ,
hill w hich would h ave brought
tion w hen a d journm i nt w as taken
th a t about.
over th e w eek end w as tho so calh d
“ For H ire' C a rrie rs to Pay More
tith in g bill, w hich would d iv ert to the
g e n era l fund a p e rce n ta g e of all f i e
“A nyw here for h ire " tru c k s, and
cial funds except tru s t funds such as P ¡cngi r autom obiles not d esignated
school and funds of the1 s ta te accident as common c a rrie rs will be req u ired
com m ission.
to pay an additio n al am ount of 50 per
T he tith in g bill p assed th e house cent over th e ir re g u la r license fees
w ith little or no opposition, but there un d er the te rm s of se n a te bill passed
w as stro n g opposition in the senate, by the house. T he bill also rem oves
v e ry largely due to th e fact th a t it th e ow ners of com m ercial tra v e le rs'
w as believed it would affect the sta te cars from the class of m achines hav­
highw ay program because of tho very ing to pay th is e x tra am ount. H ereto ­
considerable sum it would d iv ert from fore, “anyw here for h ire ” m achines
paid on a capacity and m ileage basis.
road funds.
Only th re e vote3 w ere c ast ag ain st ns have comm on c a rrie rs op eratin g
th e a d m in istratio n s ta te incom e tax betw een fixed points,
bill In th e senate. T h ere w ere 27
The house killed a bill which would
votes in favor of the m easure, which have provided th a t the s ta te highw ay
had previously passed „ th e house of com m ission have ju risd ic tio n over all
highw ay signs erected in th e state.
re p re se n ta tiv e s.
O pponents held th a t It m ight p rohibit
Special Election in June
In the la tte r p a rt of Ju n e, probably com m unities from e rec tin g signs ten d ­
on T uesday, the 28tli, th e people oi l ing to d ra w traffic in, th e ir direction.
Follow ing a vigorous a tta c k by re p ­
Oregon will be called to Hie poll r to
sa y through the ballot box w hether re sen ta tiv e s from m any c o rn ers of the
th ey approve, o r disapprove, th e in­ sta te , a house bill providing for p re ­
com e ta x bill put th ro u g h the senate p rim ary p a rty conventions w ent dowm
to defeat in the house.
W ednesday by so decisive a vote.
C om pulsory liab ility insurance, for
S e c retary of S ta te K ozer, through
w hose official h ands the election ma autom obile ow ners was voted dow n in
ch^pery o perates, is checking up tin th e house.
A bill proposing to change th e m eth ­
tim e th a t ne ce ssa rily m ust elapse be
tw een th e end of the lég isla tu re and od of ap p ro p riatin g school m oney by
a convenient d a te for a special elec­ basing it on the num ber of e lem entary
school tea ch e rs em ployed Instead ol
T he W ilson riv e r toll road hill was on the basis of school census, w as de­
vetoed by G overnor P a tte rso n , In giv feated in th e house.
ing his re a so n s for re tu rn in g the lull
S ta te to Build Grade C rossings
w ith o u t h is approval th e governor
T he house, by a vote of 31 to 27,
say s th a t he fully a p p re c ia te s the val­ passed a s e n a te bill w hich would
ue and convenience of th e proposed place th e cost of g rade c iy ssin g s on
road, b u t th a t it is a local road and th e sta te highw ays je n tird ly on the
" its c o n stru ctio n a t th is tim e would sta te highw ay fund, W hereas a t p re s­
c o n stitu te a rad ical d e p a rtu re from e n t it is borne Jointly by th is fund
tlie program of econom y w hich is oi and th e individual county in which
such v ital p re se n t n e ce ssity .”
tho crossings a re constructed.
Owing to th e fin an cial condition o f
The house, a fte r voting a g ain st a
th e sta te , th e governor say s he does sen ate bill providing for th e licensing
not believe th a t a new and expensive of persons to p ractice and teach “cos
p ro jec t in any d e p a rtm e n t of the sta te m etic th era p y ," reco n sid ered
should be in stitu te d a t th is tim e.
passed th e m easure.
Bills carry in g a p p ro p ria tio n s aggre­
The sen ate refu sed to approve a bill
g a tin g $1,285.250 in connection with introduced by tho house com m ittee on
th e s ta te ’s building program during legislation
a u thorizing
institu tio n
th e c u rre n t biennium w ere approved heads w ith the sanction of th e state
by both houses.
hoard of control to tra n s fe r funds
S hortage A lm ost $4,000.000
from one budget classificatio n to an
Official figure’s furnished by the other.
clerk of th e joint w ays and m oans
A se n a te bill m aking insanity
com m ittee show th e s ta te ’s financial grounds for divorce w ent down to de
sh o rta g e to be $3,882.200.41 if the leg­ feat in the sen ate. Sixteen senators
isla tu re approves and th e governor voted to su sta in an a d v erse re p o rt on
signs all bills from th e com m ittee. The the m easure.
to ta l of th e recom m onded a p p ro p ria ­
A utom obile license fees a re to be
tio n s and c ontinuing a p p ro p riatio n s m ade the su b je ct for a stu d y by a com
is $12,097,478.41 a n d e stim a te d re ­ m ittee of five se n a to rs during th e next
ceip ts for th e two year# a re $8,215,272. two years w ith a view to recom m end
G overnor P a t t e r « « algned a bill ing to th e next legislative session a
w hich provides th a t th e h ead s of the schedule of fees providing for a mor«
various s ta te in stitu tio n s shall be equitable d istrib u tio n of th e license
know n a s su p e rin te n d an ts. T he board tax, p a rticu la rly as betw een new and
of control is au th o rise d to fix the old cars.
sa la rie s of th ese officials. It also is
The free tex t book bill w as Indefin­
provided th a t the board m ay fix the itely postponed In th e se n a te when
sa lary of Its se c re tary .
an adverse re p o rt of the com m ittee on
T he sen ate, a fte r adopting a report education w as adopted. T he bill p ro
recom m ending p a ssa g e of a bill ex vided for p u rch ase of books by th«
ten d in g until D ecem ber 31 of th is year school d istric ts if so voted by th e peo
th e tim e for m aking o p erativ e th e in pie.
ltia tiv e m easure approved a t the last
S h e riffs S alary Bill Killed
g e n era l
e lim in atin g
S enator U pton’s general sa la ry bill
w heels from the upper Colum bia riv er
for sheriffs w as indefin itely postponed
d efeated th e bill by th e n a rro w ma
and killed in th e se n a te on adoption
jo rity of one vote.
of an adverse com m ittee report. It
Dead Law s Repealed
provided th a t th e sh e riffs be placed
One th in g th is legislature' is notable
in six c lasses w ith sa la rie s ranging
for above o th er sessions is th e effon
from $2760 to $6000.
m ade w ith considerable su ccess to
By p ra ctic a lly unanim ous vote, th*
wipe off the law books a lot of dead
sen ate passed th e bill providing that
tim b e r In outw orn, obsolete and over­
m em bers of the public serv ice com
lapping law s. No few er th a n 85 bills
m ission should be appointive instead
w ere introduced by the com m ittee on
of elective as th ey now are. T he ap
repeal of law s, each aim ed a t some
pointm ents would be m ade by th«
m usty s ta tu te believed by th e comm it
tee to have outlived Its usefulness.
A bill providing th a t tax levies It
Tlie sen ate, by n vote of 27 to 2,
Oregon be m ade a s of Ja n u a ry 1, in
approved a bill providing for thé abol­
ste ad of M arch 1. one of the m easure)
ishm ent of the sta te em ergency board
p re sen te d by th e special committe»
O verriding the adverse re p o rt ©fits
th a t studied tax a tio n du rin g th e las
com m ittee on labor and in d u stries, the
tw o years, w as killed by indeflnlti
house passed a se n a te bill which
postponem ent in th e se n a te on adop
would strik e from the law th e section
tlon of an a d v erse com m ittee re p o rt
providing for a biennial ap propriation
A bill introduced by S e n a to r Most-i
of a sum sufficient to cover half tin
auth o rizin g the a p p o in tm en t of a su
a d m in istra tiv e expenses of th e Indus
p e rln ten d e n t of the s ta te p e n ito n tia rj
tria l accident coiatuisslon for th a two
also w as approved. U nder th is bil
y e ar period.
the su p e rin te n d en t of th e prison wouU
In crease of the pro p erty naseaenv’nt
nppeint a w arden and deputy w arden
In the sta te by approxim ately $250.
ii'ie cl to confirm ation by tha atat<
000.000 Is proposed in a bill Intrcducei
board of control.
by R e p resen tativ e H am ilton, whh-h
A reso lu tio n re fe rrin g to th a « t e r t
was approved by the aenate.
the question of rep ealin g tb e tBtgges
T he bill gives the s la te tax com
g u a ran tee law a s It a ffe c ts Irrigation
m ission supervisory control over th
and drainage d istric t« w as IndeftBfce!;
assessm en t and tax law s of tha sta te