« R GA' CONDSNABO m r u u f Poultry Supplies Mrs Lawrence Marshall, mother of Waiter Marshall, died at her home in Emmett Wednesday, January 26. Fsneral services were held at Emmett Saturday and the body takeu to Filer, Idaho, for interment. Custom Cleaning and Grinding Do not forget the Girl Scouts of Nyssa are going to have a baked food sale Saturday, February 5, 1827. Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA Mr and Mrs. Halton Stevens and Miss Morris motored to Caldwell Sat urday. OREGON. I I I >t t U l t i m i Did you say MEAT? 1 sure, we’ve got meat COME AND GET IT Nyssa Packing Co. BURBIDGE & RAY. Prop % Phone 6 - Nyssa, Or. h M lI f Library Hours. 8 .turdays Only Open to town patron 2:30 to 5:30. Out of town patrona 2:80 to 7:30 a B ertsch i v-e i tjarDer Shop Between Lawrence Gaa Station and Ford Garage Sol cits a part o f your trade i G. E. Bertsch t 4- K W t Holy Oil The holy anointing oil referred, to In the Bible had a base of olive oi and was scented with flowery myrrh sweet cinnamon, sweet calamus am1 cassia. These Ingredients were pi oh l ly mixed with the oil In powdci form, the mixture then heated unti1 the oil absorbed the odors and allowed to stand until the tnsoluable matter settled and the oil could be decanted Tbe O E S. Social Club will meet on Wednesday, February 9, at the home o f Mrs. J. Boy dell, with Mra, The Journal wil1 pay 36 each for first Boydell and Mra A H. Boydell correct ar.awera to the following quta hostesses. tiona, the money to be applied in .pay Mra R. J. Davis baa returned from ment of the coat of the new baaement Seattle, where she has been visiting o the victbodiat church: X. Where In the Bible ia the first for several weeks, she was accom par.ied heme by le r son Don. They d*3 Ot the week, commonly call Sunday, commanded to be kept aa the drove through, over 600 miles, and she guys she enjoyed every mile Sabbath? through (he rain and blow, the aleet 2 Where in the Bible ia there and snow she ia glad though, te be mention of the first day o f the week back to see the sun rise. having been observed aa the Sabbath? George Mscl.affertv is kalsoming 8. Where in ’ the Bible ia there ref rence made o f Sunday aa the and pa nting the Sheiwood house, known as the John Evans bou-e. It “ Christian Sabbath?” is expected that houses for rent will be scarce in the near future and this will odd oue more first class residence to the available list ity; to help you get your share o f it and to use that share with wiadMB. School Notes The Phantom Five o f Nyssa High won a victory Friday evening at Ontario from the strong Ontario boys’ team. The score was 17 to 5. Millar. ON3 ap onful Adlerika re moves G as and often brings surprising relief to tba stom ach. Stops that full bloated feeling Often brings out old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Excellent for chrome constipation. Nyssa Pharmacy. American Foreign Ruler The only American to rule a for eign country was William Walker, the “ filibuster" President of Nicaragua from 1855 to 18Q0.—Liberty. Day Dream BOUDOIR CREATIONS Bebe Daniels says: "D ar Dream makes me thin« o f green fields—clear sk ief—babbling broo a—and all the wonderful things the poet tells ua o f The perfume ia certain ly well named. NYSSA PHARMACY NYSSA, OREGON N y s - a R F _______ Marques L F ................ Hailey C...................... Thompson R G --............. Newby L G ............... Hyde Substitutiona: Nyssa. Cahoon for Marquis. Hoxie for Haley, Klinkenberg for Thompson, Ben t3n for Newby, Pratt for Hyde. Ontario— Madden for Huff man, Welch for Barrett, Bren- den for Baker. The Nyssa girls lost to Ontario by a close score of II to 5. our girls were at a great disadvant age on account of the slippery floor. LINEUP N y ssa O ntario R F Viola Llodgett H Brittingham L F Verna Thompnon Meda Daarbern C Helen Clement Hazel Johnsun R G Haxel Beam C Powers L G Cora Elliott Nancy Emery Lecture by Earl Pounds (Communicated) Mra J. C, Fleming returned to her On Sunday evening at the Methodist home at Ontario. Cal.. Wednesday. church, many old friends came out to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carven have hear Rev. E. C. Pounds deliver hie moved to Nyssa from Boise. Mr, lecture on “ Behind Grey Welle.” or Conditions of the Boise State Pen Csrven has accepted a position as itentiary. For four years ha haa been cook at the Rosebud. superintendent of the “ Idaho Society Mrs. Meyers has leased the Hotel for the Friendless ” He ia devoting Western to J. W. Spencer, who took bis time to personal work and spends charge the first o f the month. Mrs. part o f each week getting personally Meye.s will take a well d.-served rest arquainted with the men while they and will Spend some time \ jailing rela are serving their eentencee He as tives. sists them in heaping in touch with Hatching time will soon be here. If their families anddoee what he can to in need of an incubator call and see help thtm take a different attitude the Charters damperless incubators, toward society and our goveinment. eitt.er electric or oil or both—the best He said there are now 387 inmates in machine on the market. Our first the Boise penitentiary, o f whom only hatch February 12. The Goodrich four are women. This ia an increase Poultry House. Nyssa. Phone 47. j28 ovar the average number In answer, Mrs Artie Robettson visited at the rg a question aa to what he considered Harry Goa ert home in Emmett Sun the cause of this he laid "lack o f re day. spect fo i authority from tbe time Mias S I in a Norvell o f Spokane ia they are children.” visiting at the home o f her sister, Rev. Peunds told many touching Mrs. Leila Thompson. incidente of teses where he was able Biltie McConnell returned this week to assist men in prison and those who from a visit to hia mother and sister were paroled or released Mr. Poandi preached hia first ser at Elgin, Ore. Green Campeli has leased the Vea mon in this church eighteed years ago Gosbert ranch west of town and will and haa many friends and relatives in this community. They are all glad to move bis family out in a few days. see the fine testimi nica that show Mr and Mrs Frank Lynch want out what good work ha ia doing in this to the Ward lambing camp this week worthy causa o f helping the friendless. to assist in the work o f taking care of the little woolies Mra. Lynch will NOTICE act aa chel for the on-fit. Sealed bids will be received until Mrs Spier haa turned dc wn the o f fer ef 33010 for her store building and one o ’ clock p. m. o f February nine the proposed deal is of. Mr. Willowby, teenth, 1927, for puichase o f eight who intended purchasing the building, thousand dollars of six percept borda haa formed a partnership with J. of Malheur County school distriat Boydell and will engage in the real numbered eighteen; dated January tint, nineteen twenty seven with estate business. optional dates fixed by the board of The big oven for the Swan bakery P‘ , J. All offirs most be w.a completed this week. Mr aw an ! r,e t° " - . . . . , unconditional and bidder ■ net be pre xperts everything to bs in raadincsa^ pared to take delivery upon presents- sor the opening in a few days. tion. The board reserves the right to F or salh Rhode Island Red e g g s . reject any bids 50c per setting o f 16 eggs. Mrs. B f43t W o . 8chwslter, Clerk. 0 Fowler. f4tf DRAYAGE For Sal* Tire Chans when you NEED them price. 10 per cent off rag- Weed or McKay. Ail sixes. O ntario Huffman Bar-ett Williams Baker Rankin Thompson. Tractor and Plow. R. Qwiiaby residence, Hoxie Service Station LINEUP Sleeps Like anything and sleep like a log 1 bad Long, who have been living on the gas on the stomach and couldn t keep farm, moved to town and are occupy |ng tbe Foster house, vacated by Mr. food down nor sleep.” (signed) R. ( NTS*A. (HtMOM » . . It is expected that the con At tlM Clow o f Boot M OO Decoabor 11. ISM tract for the grading of the railroad to the damsite will be RESOURCES LIABILITIES 1404.464.61 let sometime this month. This Loaos and Capital Btoek____ ____ ........$>6,aao.ao *•7.78 information was obtained by the ' Building, Furniture. A Eixt. ! 8.6tMM>4 Owyhee district directors at the Other Raul Estate................ 6,318.0a Surplus sad Fr*8ta....... . . . . so,sìa ,i s 2,484.81 School Diet r id Warrants banquet in Ontario Tuesday Liberty Loan Bilia Payable.................. ___ HMS Bonds.......... 76,000.8» given in honor o f Engineer Rediscounts................... ■ONE and due Newell and Attorney Stoutemier Cash from Banka 110,466.86 DEPOSITS......... ........... ....... 516,711.61 The plan is for the government C ash R b s e r v b ........................ 196.486 86 to grade the road and leave the $621.702 04 (621,VM M laying o f the steel to the con COUNTY FUNDS ON D EPOSIT-M ONE struction company that builds OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS the dam Apparently the route H, J. Ward. President John Bay, Tie« President of the road is not definitely J, P. Dunaway. Cashier located yet, but is expected to O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Divea, Assistant Cashier J. F. Reece J. J. Sarasiu G. L. Phillips start near Adrian and continue on the south side of the river. Prempt and understanding service and our sincere desire to promote proape- The boya’ team played Crane here Wednesday. We won a victory o f 27 to 19. The girl’ s team won a victory from the Alumni Wednesday. Mr. Miller We are scheduled for a game Thompson, who haa been living Log, Eats Anything in Al town this winter, moved sut te the with Vale, a double header, for “ After taking Adlerika I can eat farm Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Pud Friday, at Vale. Chiropractors Attorney and Con fc »or at Law Practica in all courta Nvaaa, Ore «ron Rev William Baird o f l,a Grande was in Nyssa this week on official bus ness for the °reaby erian c urch Mr. and Mra. C.-F. Miller and two daughters left Moidxy morning for Mindon, Nebraska, «h ere they were oalled by the dea h of Mr. M'ller'x father. They exp« ct to be gone about a month. I r»y oitton ia taking care ol the ->ub station business during Mr Miller's absence. Inform ation Wanted The Caveman Writer Dra B. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, “There's one thing to be thankful licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Carver graduates Consultation and examin for," sighed the writer In the Stone ation free. Fifteen years successful age, “ I’ve had almost enough atories piactice in the state. First door west sent back to build my house." of bank, Nysa», Oregon. t£ M. B L O r 3S7TT For Sale- SUndard bronze terkey toma. Apply Mrs J H Forbes. f44t Mrs. H. J. Ward and her mother, Mrs. M. M. Maxwell, motored to New Plymouth and Boise last week. Mra M. M Maxwell left Saturday for Portland to visit her son, G E. Maxwell, foi a few weeks. R J. Davis, S. D. Gcahert and J. J Saraain, directors of the Owyhee Irri gation District, attended the banquet given in Ontario Tuesday in honor of Engineer Newell and Attorney Stout- mier, o f the Reclamation Dapartraent. For ta le —Ona touring car. (35 if bought aoen. Walter Marshall. j4tf The Ltdies Aid will meet with Mr. W W. Foatar next Thursday, Febru ary 10, at 2 p. m , with Mra. Waiter Marshall and Mra Foster as hostesses A good atlenuunce is expected To Let Contract Malheur County Bank I do all kinds of Drayage and Trans Enquire at H. fer. Call at livery barn. dSltf 0. A. Rippy. jTStpd High grade tires with standard warranty. Odd sixes, some 30xg, and S2x 10 per cent reduction from form er low price—bar. gains if you can use them H O X IE UNO UNOU THt O w rM tt PSOJCLT i D aho OP S E R V IC E Free Clinic Dr. Sarazin has arranged for a free Physiotherapy clinic, to b3 helJ at his office on February 8 to 11, inclusive. Specialists from the East will be present to tell of this method of treating diseases and give demonstrations of its efficacy. Nyssa people are urged to avail themselves of this opportunity. Consultations and demonstrations free, The definition of Physiotherapy as given in the American Medical Dictionary is “ the use o f natural forces, such as light, heat, air, water and exercise in the treat ment of diseasees.” Scientific men have discovered methods of applying the healing and life giving powers of sunlignt to any organ of the body, and the treatment is proving remarkably successful in certain classes of diseases. NOTICE OF ESTRAY MULE too** STATION yV JR D Y CH1X HATCHERY CO. filiated with Meridian Produce Co. - C. White Leghorns." We have »" V i led a modem “ Buckeye hatch- eryT*' Our dssira is to produce ‘ the best in the west” baby chix. Our S C. White Legho-rns are frbm atata accredited, blood tested flocks only. Custom hatching s specialty Bring us your eggs. Our prices are right. Customers are aasu.tcd the beat care and attention will be given their agga. Uaing Buckeye mae'ninery ia conclus ive proof -nat we can and will produce fluflier and sturdier chix. Write or wire for prioeB and literature. T. J. Rowe, manager. Me ridian. Mah!. Destructive Avalanche Twenty-three yeans ago at Frank, Alberta, half a squaiW mile of Turtle mountain broke off anti came sliding down on the little town, sweeping away great forests aa If they were mere handfuls of h:«y. Over much of the square mile of the township which was burled the chaas o f rock lies 44>> feet deep. Big Day in History On December 22, 1.020, according to the New Calendar, the Pilgrims land ed. It was also on this day about two hundred years Inter, 1S07, that con gress passed the embargo net, which prohibited all foreign comment*. Nyssa, Oregon. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that tbe undersigned has taken up. on February 4, 1927, and now has in his possession, one brown Mollie mule, First Nail-Making Machine about four years old, unbroke, weight On December 2X, 1810, was patented about 960 pounds, no brand. Said animal ia kept at the ranch of the first machine for making wrought Iron nails. Seth Hoyden of Fasboro, the Deseret Sheep Company, cbout 6 Mass., was the Inventor. The inven mile» southwest from Nyssa, Ore,-on, tion was of great Importance, because and ia being held under the terras of prior to this time nails were made by Chapter 87 o f the General Laws of hand. Oregon for 1923 Da'ed this 4th day o f February, Not So Easy 1927. Josh Hillings says after a man haz Deaerst Sheep Company. got a fust rate opinyun ov himself tin- next best tiling tew have iz the good F orR rn t -6 acre tract, 4 room house opinyun ov others. with cellar underneath. All in blue grass and alfalfa except quarter of acre for garden. Three quarters mile Inconsistent from school. Cash or monthly pay Sien are always Invoking Justice; ment«. See Willard Lynch or Malheur vet It Is Justice which should make' County Bank, j212L them tremble.—Mine. Swetchlne. Custom Grinding and Chopping Flour, Feed and Recleaning Coal and Wood and Black Bear Roof Paint This busineas is for sal*. A Rood business for th* rigti man. Inquire at the Nyssa Flour Mill. , P M. WARREN.