THB OATH CtJW JOÜRNAE S 'S 'îrg 'ilS » ,. .... j jj .i. ■ ■■ GATE CITY JOURNAL Published a vary Friday at Nyssa. Oregon, by 2-ZB. H. F. BROW N Entered at tha Postoffie* at N n s a Oregon, a* second-cixc- — Jr matter S U B S C R IPT IO N One year, RATES: in advance...............S1.5V ” :-r months, in advance........— .76 -•om o. o I’ ASSENGKR SCHEDULE Main Line Eastbound. No. 26- Due 9:22 a. m, daily. No. 6 Due 8:17 p m. daily. No 24 Due 5:11 p m. daily. Main Line Westbound. No. 17 Du>' 3:22 a. m. daily. No. 23 Due 1:35 p. m. daily. No 25 —Due 6:34 p. m. daily. Hnmedalu Hranrh Leave* Ny*s> at 10:15 a. rn. days and Fridays only lion* A N E N T PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES We wish to call the attention of the lawyers of Malheur county to thi law governing the publication of legal notices per­ taining to irrigation, school and road districts. Section 4, chap­ ter 2, General Laws of Oregon for 1919 says: “ Legal advertisemer ts and notices fo r ir rig a tc n districts, rchool districts a i l road districts, the publication of wh ch is now required by law, shall be publishtd In a rn «»p a p e r within the d strict, if there be a newspaper in such d iitrict, and if there be no news paper in the district, in the newspaper n an at to th ' district affected. “ REVIEW GF WGRK OF 0RE80N LEGISLATURE Income tax measure is scheduled to make itB appearance. THE BICLE V3. THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES 8enator Bell's bill providing for abolition of the state emergency board, Nat that which goetb into the mouth Liquor and tobacco defile end de which will probably have the supp >rt delileth a man; but that which cometh atrov the body temple, ardno man can of a majority of the members of the out o f the mouth, thie detileth a man. be a Chriatian who persists in th tir Prison Bills Recommended by joint ccmmlUca on ways and means. — Matthew 15:11 uae.—Signs o f the T im c a . It was indicated in a discussion of the Governer Patterson Pass proposed bill in that committee. Waxn't Ambitious W ould Encourage Reforesting. Kev. F. J. Norris wis acquit wi:h Little Ofticiation. “ How high are we now?" asked the Withdrawal from the tax roils of ap­ ted of guilt for the slaying of timid airplane passenger. proximately 2,500,000 acres of private­ D. E. Chipps. According to the “ About four thousand feet,” said Telephone Investigation Proposed — ly owned cut-over and burned-over judge's instructions, it seems the pilot. “ I haven’t started to climb T a x B ills Introduced — Petition forest lands which are largely unpro­ Methods Changed — Members Pay ductive, so that the owners may be that his belief th a t h is life was y e t " Increased— Instalm ent Dealers H it— encouraged to hold the lands during in danger was sufficient juitifi- „ bcfore we , tarted.. quavered the State A p ia ris t W anted. the time necessary to mature forest cation for the act, although as a passenger, “ hut I'm not at all aui- • crops now growing or to be grown matter of fact his life was not in bilious." Salem.— W hile no important meas* upon such lands, is provided for in a danger One can hardly imagine Christ killing a man under those circumstances, yet Mr. Norris’ thousands of followers strongly support him in the act, and no doubt his power to win souls to Christ will be greatly strength east! thereby, thus again provirg j tne Bible statement that “ all! things work together for goed to them that love God,’ ’ Salem. Ore., Feb. 20, 1925. Mr. H. F. Brown. Publisher Gate City Journal, Nyrsa, Oregon , Dear Mr R -spending to your le tte r o f the 19th instant I b r g to say that s c ion 4 nf chapter 2, General Laws o 1919, being the initiative measure initiated at the 1918 election, to which you refer, is now published as section 3247 o f Oregon Laws, and has nc v r been repealed, consequently is in full force and effect Very truly yours, I H. VanWiukle, Attorney General A Clever Husband Hostess— You can't imagine how had my husband's eyesight Is getting. Only today lie mistook me for the nursemaid. Friend—And she’s such a pretty girl, too.— London Tit-Bits. We often hear the statement made that “ while we cannot understand all the Bible we can THE PLAC E A N D THE GIRL understand enough to live right.” If that be true, then Clean Before Painting we would ask for an authortalive Surfaces which are to be painted statement as to whether or not ... . . . . . must be clean and dry. Dust must It is r ig h t to k ill a man i f you , ^ prusiled or washed off and grease. think he is endangering your whitewash and water paints must be life. The Bible says “ Thou removed. shalt not hill.” Does it mean that, or are we to understand it Intelligent Flivver soma other way? This is an LIT Gee Gee, the office vamp, says important question and should her flivver Is so In tel 11 p- nt that every morning It runs Out to see her, stands be settled so the honest Christian on Its hind wheels and begs for a will know hoar to act when quart of oil.— Heading Times. placed in the position that Rev. Norris w as in. Notice to Creditors This is an initiatiative law approved by the voters at the SHOW FAITH IN OREGON November ¿lection 1918. It is Expenditures totaling nearly six snd now published a3 section 3247 of one half million dollars in m ajor im Oregon Laws nnd is S till in force ¡provem ents and betterments have as th e following s t a t e m e n t from b‘>en mad* dnrlug the year just ended Attorney G e n e r a l V a n W in k le by e i“' ht puLlic utility «ompanlna dia- 8l)O W '. The Ship Rail Habit “ Sue SUbersheo, goes to Europe frequently, doesn't she?" "Does she! She's returned so often that every time she sees a banister site crawls up on It and begins to look around for the photographer.” — New Orleans Times-I’icuyune. tributing light'and power in Oregon, In addition to this large sum two pro jects ara actually under way involving an expenditure o f five million dollars more, one o f theae being a 13.333 horsepower plant, including a dan I n9—r Lewiston ay th- eastern border o f , hU „ t ite ttnd a go 000 voP terns In the County Court o f the State of Oregon for Malheur County. In the M atter o f the Estate o f A. D. Brough, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dereigned has been duly appointed and is the a ling and qualified Administra tor o f the Estate o f said A. D. Brough, deceased. A ll persons having any claim aga nst the estate of the said deceased are hereby notified to present the same to me at my office in Ontatio. Oregon, duly verified as required by taw within six montns from the date o i t ie fi st publication o f this notice C McGonegill, Adm inistrator o f the Estate o f A. D Brough, Deceased. Date o f first publication, Jan. 28 1927 Dato o f last publication, Feb 26, 1927 un s hatl passe(* both houses dur1u§ tha second week of the suasion when I the leSialature adjourned over bumlay, : >et mcsl oi the imPortant measures j of state wide interest have been in- j troduced and referred to committees, This week it is expected the commit- tees will settle down to work ana give serious consideration to the important bills. The spirit of harmony which pre- vailed between the governor and the legislature at the opening of the ses- sion was in evidence during the sec- ond week for the prison bills spon sored by the governor passed both houses with little opposition. They provide for the transfer of jurisdiction over the prison from the governor to the board of control, and for the head of the prison to be known as superintendent instead of warden, the second official to be known as warden. This session may set a record for proposed investigations. During the first week resolutions were offered to investigate the fish and text book commissions, also to make a survey of the state government, and the past week an Investigation of the telephone business was proposed. Telephone Investigation Asked. Without a dissenting vote, the house passed a resolution providing for a special commission to investigate the telephone companies operating in Ore- gon. The commission, to be compos- ed of the attorney general, ex-Gover- nor Oswald West, Colonel A. E. Clark and four members of the house, is instructed to initiate and prosecute any proceedings it may deem fit to bring about a reduction of telephone rates/ Following cn the heels of an investl- gation in Oregon, ordered by the house, of rates, service and intercor- porate relations with parent com- panies, the senate received a joint memorial addressed to congress call- ing on that body to institute an im- mediate nation-wide investigation of all phases of the alleged telephone monopoly existing in the United states, with particular attention to the relations between local companies and the present system. Undoubtedly some effort will be made this week to whip into shape measures to provide the revenue nec­ essary to take care of the increasing needs of the state. Petition C irc u la to rs H it. Circulation of petitions as now prac­ ticed in the use of the initiative and referendum is forbidden by terms of a bill Introduced by Representative Norvell. It provides that laws pro­ posed under that method shall be pub­ lished in newspapers and notice given that petitions are on file in the office Of county clerks where they may be Signed by interested persons. It is forbidden for anyone to solicit signa­ tures for pay. The bills propose a tax of 6 mills per annum on intangibles, and a tax of 16 mills per annum on corporate excess. Both these imposts have been found productive of much revenue in other states. The measures contemplate reassess­ ment of property throughout the state ao that existing inequalities may be smoothed out and a new determina­ tion of values had. To that end the mission line at an estimated rest o f $2,01)0 (.00. a d the other a 40.0CO horsepower plsnt at Prospect fe r th i California Oregon Pow er Go., requir­ ing an expenditure o f $3,000 010 During 1926 the Eastern Oregon l.ight £ Power Co. has constructed a , n w flume on Rock cveek, costing NOTICE TO CREDITORS I $50.030: h ereaas in Bteam plant ca IN T U B C O U N T Y C O U R T OF TH E ! pu. ity has coBt $35,C00 and $65,010 H T vT E OF OREGUN FOR T H E This should settle the question b s een spent in general extensions c o u n iy o f m a l h e u r . of the vaHdity of the la w , a t an i improvements a ip upon subau- In the Matter o f the Estate o f Mary A los-o ; Deceas'd least until it has been repealed T-i No. th w s te rn E rtrio C . ¡a T . undersign 0 hav e g bean sp or declared unconstitutional by exn ei $1.000.030 on tmpr.yveme- is the supreme court. It has, how- an liatt un uis tr. s t e m and ydio pin eii t. th> judge ot 'he oount c ui o he State ot Oregon, County ovor, b en repeatedly violbteil pt -m % id t -areasing the cap-ac tie- c*f 0 ilaih nr, -dm ii'i-irstot ot t ie • aid a Haqrant instance has just line md mb »tat era, » hi1»- the Mi ui tate o f Mary A Ulossun, deceastn occurrtd. A “ Notice of Filirp ’ * » States Power Co. hur. e*p-r:d d ar| bsvi g q ii fl d, notice is h let... • „ , ,,, . , *0 000 fo*- cl tv » 1 ru-.'l dial ■ th It n. 1 gi II I tne ■ redilois of, and a'l per of Petition for the inclusion of , , . Imc; *3 4 060 f r a 60,(00 » t nans tons 1 ving c a ms sg mat, the catatt c.Ttain lands within the Jordan mU(,,011 ,Jn. fr(III1 Albany to sP i, ot rate decease , to present them, Valley Irrigation District has field; $45 000 for transmission w i r » dui> vm fieu as provided by law, w ill just been published in the On jfiom >pringfl*ld to W endling, ann in six n with a fter publication o f th s tario Arpus. As this is the ('lass f o r a line from lilla iro e k to ntr.tce 10 aatd administrator . t t t of lepal notices covered by the Cl 'Varda'«. The same company hsa office of E. M B!odg tt. id the T o - r increased capacity of Bubststiuna about law quoted above, and rs the 40 per cent in the follow in g cities; o f NvSse, Msineur County Oregon that being the place hereoy d. signal Gate City Journal is from 12 to Albany, (65 030; C rvallis, $25,000; ed where said i.dminestrator will re If) miles closer to the district Springfield, $20 OoO; Salem, $25 000, cetve said claims. tiff cted thin is the Arpus a add Eugene, $20,000. George Cilosson, Administrator o f the Estate of Mn-y compliance with the law would A. Ciosson. Deceased. Plea for the Wicked have required its publication in Great God, have pity on the wicked, E. M. Blodgett, Attorney for Admin the Journal. So far as any lepal is teat of. for Thou didst everything for the value is concerned the notice good when thou modest them good.— First publication January 21, 1927, state tax commission is given added . had as well not been published Saadi. 1 ast publication February 18, 1927. authority over taxation and assess­ and any action taken in pursu Absolutely Outclassed ment laws of the state and it may fix a ice of its purpose will be ille­ The covered wagon Just imturallt the value of property in arriving at had to pass out. It was slow, ant! gal. uniformity of assessment. hardly e\er ran over anybody.— It. Tax Levy Appeal Favored. The Journal has expended trolt Free Press. Speaker Carkin introduced in the considerable enerpy and perse- verence in an effort to pet this law lecopniied. \$e first con suited several attorneys of the county but could^fet no satisfac­ tion. Apparently none of them knew‘ or cared whether that was the iaw or not. We next wrote the legal expert of the Portland Oreponian and in a personal letter in reply he cited us to an old law that had been obsolete for years. In despera tion we then took the matter up with Attorney General VanWin kle and after the exchange of several letters succeeded in pet ting the above statement. Inflammatory Reading The high spot in this issue is whnt cause* flies In grocery stores.— Trade Paper. Feed by the Month Good a lfa lfa hay and running water, on the old Fiaher ranch on the Owy­ hee. Elroy Huffman. d242t For Sale—Rhode Island Red cock­ erels. Chaa. B'adley. j212t It has been estimated that an adult man produce* In 24 honra enough lient to boil five or six pints of water. : : Thia is the season o f the vear t oJJ ' ’ get yonr harness oiled and repair- • ■ ed ready for the spring wmk We !! do first c ass work at.d guarantee J l • > satisfaction. Auto Tops Repaired Ta\ide"inist Work Ross Parkinson Nyssa Oregon. »♦ m u t i ) |. » + M--4 City Dray Line NYSSA BARBER SHOP G. KLINKENBERG PROM.! LELI VERY Riaso.-tabl* Body Heat Estimated Ì FARMERS! I S H A V IN G , H A IR C U T T IN G HOT A N D COLD B ATH S Rates PH O N E 15 Roy Pounds, Prop. N y«* a O re ga a SUMMONS IN T H E C IR C U IT C O URT OF TH E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR M A L ­ H E U R C O U N TY . Eleanor Park, Plaintiff, va. Graham Park, Defendant. To Graham Park, the above named defendant. In the name o f the State o f Oregon, you « ill hereby take notice that you sre hereby required to appear and an­ swer the Complaint filad againet you in t e above entitled auit on or before th « expiration o f eix weeks from lha date o f the tiret publication o f thia Sun moil a, ard i f you fail to do so, for want t. oieot plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the Complaint on tile herein, tow it; for a judgment and d cree of this court dissolving the bonds o f matrimony heretofore existing between plaintiff anil defendant and for a decree o f ab a lute dtvotce ai d for a decree da term im -g that plaintiff shall have tba sole and exclusive care, custody and control o f the two minor children, Alexander Graham Park ard Charles Rankin Park, and that it be further >r ered, adjjdged and decreed that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple title of: NJ at S W i N W JSW i, Sec 9,Twp l > South, Range 47. hi W M ; SfcJ NEJ sEJ See 8, Twp. 18 South, Range 47, E. W. M : N E* N E * BE} sec, 8, Twp. 18 South Range 47, E. W. M.; N E i NW J SWJ Sec. 16, Twp. 18 South, Range 47, E W. M. and that d fendant has no right, title or interest therein and that said prop erty be set aside to plaintiff as har role and exclusive property and neces­ sary for th-- support and care o f the minor children, and for such other and further relie f as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons is served upon you under and by virtue o f an or­ der of the Honorable Dal­ ton Biggs. Circuit Judge, duly made an 1 entered on January 4th, 1927, aathorizii g and directing service ot summons and Complaint upon you by pub'icatton of summons in the Gate City Journal, a weekly n.wspsper published at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, and o f general circulation in said county and state, for aix consecu­ tive weeks and seven publications thereof. R W Sw agler, Attorney fo r PUintiff. Residing at Ontario, Oregon D at j o f firat publication Jan. 7. 1927 Date of last publication Feb 18, 1927 bill introduced in the house by Repre- sentatlves Mott, Chindgren Peterson, Winslow and Stewart. A resolution providing for submis- sion t0 the people of a proposed con- stit'itlonal amendment increasing com- pensation of members of the ltgisia- ture [ rom $3 to $10 a day was pro- sented to the senate. The resolution followed the passage by the senate of tbe house resolution providing for paylnent of $5 a cay expense money t0 ad 90 members of the legislature. The measure does not require the governor's signature. It will increase the cost of tho session by approxi- mately $18,000. Would Repeal Auto Title Law. Repeal of the state motor vehicle certlticate 0f title law is sought by a bill jntroduced by Senator Jay Upton, Senator Upton also introduced a bdj changing the county allotment of funds received by the state from all motor vehicle license fees from 25 per cent ag at present, to 30 per cent, Accord|Bg to Upton's plan, 25 per cent 0{ ( be county fund would be used for road purptJSeSi while the remaining 5 per cent wouId g0 (or whatever pur- poges the county 8aw fjt. A bill introduced by Representative Mark p auiSOn of Silverton prohibiting nag of pictures of persons “ real or imaginary" in connection with cigaret advertisements was withdrawn by hint after the house committee on public morals returned a majority report against it. The house rassed the Briggs bill for removal of the county seat of Jack- BOn county from Jacksonville to Med- ford. The author of the bill recalled to the house that the question was voted upon by citizens of the county and removal received almost a 2-to-l verdict. Because of a technicality, be said, tho supreipe court declared tho ALIAS SUMMONS election void. Equity No. 3566 The senate, by a vote of 18 to 7, approved over the veto of ex Governor IN T H E C IR C U IT COMR T OF T H E S T A T E OF OREGON, FOR M A L ­ pierce, a bill passed at the 1925 ses- HEUR COUNTY. 3ion of the legislature providing in- creases in the salaries of the secretary George L. I ’htll ps, Pieintiff, ve. Ran­ dall Sage; G H Ross; J W. Rubin 0f state, s'ate treasurer and attorney- general. The bill provided that the j sen; George Robinson; H Y . Btsck well; Consolidated Wagun & Ma­ salaries of the secretary of state and chin) Company, a corporation; C. C. state treasurer shall be increased from Cotton; Bank o f Nyssa, a enrpnra- $4500 to $5400 a year, while the com- pensation of the attorney-general shall j tion; Frank C. tiramwuli. Superin be increased from $4000 to $5000. Tho j tendent o f Bank tor Oregon; First Na ¡,1 tal Bank of Hanford, C alifor bill previously was approved by the nia. a corporation; Idaho Bower house. Company, a corpo ation; Mrlheur Installment Dealers Regulated. County Bank, a corporation; 1 tv» Should a bill Introduced in the house 8toca State Bank, of Portland, O e pass, it will force each dealer in the gon, a corporation. D e fen d in '» state who sells articles, no matter j-, . . . _ ,, , , , ; iu -l vv. Robinson G eorge R .bins n how small or how large, on the in ........................ ..... \ _____ Consolidat'd Wagon & Mm-h r.e stallmont plan, to file his accounts Company and First National Bank with the county clerk of the district o f f ! mford, California, Defendants. n which he lives. Not only is every IN I HE N A M E OF T H E S T A T E lealer in the state affected, but every OF OREGON: Y-'u a»e hereby re myer. The measure almost means quireri to appear snd answer the com the entire abolishment of the install­ pi,li )t of plaintiff herein, filed against ment buying plan, now used by prac you in the above entitled sui eithin tioally all dealers. six weeks from the date o f the first The Moser committee, of the 1925 p t ilication o f this sumr. one, which session, at its final tgpeting. definitely date is January 28, 1927, snd i f you determined not lo recommend the fail au lo appear or answer, for want proposed compulsory .competitive in tie s e o f the plaintiff herein will apply dustrial insurance bill, the enactment to the Court for the relief prayed for of which is desired by the casualty in his complaint, tow it; insurance people of the state. For judgment against you for the The offire of slate apiarist is to be ptincipl sum o f $4,303 89 and interest created under the terms 0/ a bill h reon at the rate o f ten per cent per sponsored by Senator Elliott. The bill annum from October 11, 1820. and tha provides that the apiarist, who would be appointed by the governor, shall farther sum of $500 00 attorney’s fees an,l for his costs and disbursements be a person who has had not less than herein; for a decree o f this court fore­ five years’ experience in bee culture closing that certain r e d m ortgage o f His salary is fixed at $3009 a year. date October 11. 1920, record d In The purchase of supplies and equip­ ment of every kind would be taken Book 2. page 38 o f real m ortgage ree out of the hands of every board, com ords of Malheu- County Oregon, snd mission and institution of the state g ven on N E } o f NWJ, Section 25, T. government, front the janitor to the IS S R, 47, E. W. M., in Malheur state house to the executives of the County, Oregon, to Becure the pay University of Oregon. Oregon Agricul ment of a promissory note for the lural college and the state normals orincipal sum o f $4303.89 and o f even and vested in the state board of con­ drte therewith, and for, gn q r d ^ .p f trol should a bill put into the house this court directing the ssle'/offlfae by Representatives North and Bailey m/rtgaged property, and th* applies tion o f the proceeds o f such sals in of Multnomah county become a law. payment o f th* mortgaged debt. Bill Amends Marriage Law. This summons is served upon you by Representative Mann has introduced a i order o f the above entitled cenrt, in the house a bill whirh repeals the by the Hon. Dalton Biggs Judge law requiring a man to have a certifi­ thereof, and of date January 20. 19*7. cate of good health from a physician directing service o f this summons to before he can obtain a marriage li­ bs made upon you by publication cense In Oregon. thereof in the Gate C i»y Journal, a The move sponsored by the Leagur weekly newspaper published In tba of Oregon Cities to obtain a larger slice of county road money for use Town o f Nyssa, Malheur County, O r* gon, for a period o f six consecutive on city streets met with disapproval of the state senate, when the bill in weeks and seven consecutive issues o f . said paper. troduced by Senator Davis was indef WM. E. LEES, Inltely postponed. The bill sought tc increase the apportionment of county Attorney for Plaintiff residing at On­ tario, Oregon. road funds to the cities from 50 * First publication January 29, 1*27 70 per cent of all county road mono raised from property within the city Last publication March 11, 1927 house his measure allowing appeal to **le atal e board of control from the lttï *ev3r niaae bY counties and other municipal corporations, and to allow aPPeal "h e n the issuance of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness shall have been determined upon by coun­ ties and other municipal corporations. The bill, which generally incorporates what is known as the "Indiana plan.” is similar to one introduced by Carkin at the last legislative session. It was passed by the house but killed in the senate. An income tax bill with a property offset made its appearance in the house with representative Mark Me- Callister as its sponsor. The bill is a duplicate of tha,t turned down by tho people at the last election. This is the second income tax meas­ ure to appear in the house. Repre­ sentative James H. Hazlett of Hood River introduced a duplicate « f the one rut before the people by the state grange at the last election and voted down. U la understood that still another road diatricta.