THE GATE CITY JOURNAL HARPER L O I S 13 THE VALE $1.60 PER YEAR NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1927. VOLUME XXIV. NO. 47. OWYHEE ma : CRUNTV FAGESTHE * 1 IS is 0 ILLY NEW VEAN WIEN 11 * * ™ H ARCADIA IDAHO SPUD LAW MAY RESULT IN MALHEUR LABEL Reuben Saurs, wife and son re­ The Harva Otis and Beaumont turned to their home in Portland families were entertained in the last Wednesday. They have been Conrad Martin home on New Years here since last fall working in the Day. fruit and visiting Mrs. Saurs’ par­ Florence Bach who was home for OREGON STATE BOARD OF ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Zittercob. the holidays left Sunday to resume HEALTH SAYS WORK IS her teaching near Emmett. Evelyn and Helen Lackey of On­ HEALTHFUL Wade Nichols was taken back to tario were visiting their grandpar­ the sanitarium at Caldwell where a 1 | ■ ■ ■ — ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long last COUNTY AGENT SHOVEL BE­ Few people look upon their work week. J. D. FAIRMAN, PRESIDENT HAR cast was put on hi3 injured foot. He THRESHHOLD OF 1927 FINDS Mrs. Lester Lamb and little LIEVES NEW IDAHO REGU­ returned home Saturday MALHEUR COUNTY ON VERGE as an ally to their health, yet it is PER COMMERCIAL CLUB LATIONS PROVE BENEFIT Mr. and Mrs. Don Morgan left 0 F GREAT DEVELOPMENT and it should be so. All, except a daughter and Mrs. Clyde Long and WRITES ARTICLE for Twin Falls, Idaho. _____ ; favored few of us, have to work, j children were Ontario visitors Thurs­ The Fred Klingback family spent [and we are better off for it. The | day. several days visiting relatives on Mil I jfjllil CflQ |/l! C.fl JbV¡ICC work of an individual should be in-1 Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Shaver spent Squaw Butte last week. IHILUUH0 TUil YHLC U niH CL spirinK anJ stimulating. It should part of Christmas week with friends Clyde Benton was a week end -------- I be pleasant and profitable. It should and relatives in Boise. While at the Christmas program New Regulations Will Result In Mal­ Irrigation Project And Extensive Di- guest in the Klingback home. Appropriations Of About $3,000,00« have » definite purpose. If it would The Owyhee P. T. A. meets Fri­ atomaceous Deposits Will Prove heur Establishing A Reputa-tion Reclamation In Malheur Have ■meet these ends- his health would be | here John Molenaar, Jr., of Ontar­ day January 14th at 3:30 at the io had the misfortune of having his Vital factors In Development For Home Grown Produce Passed House And Senate [better. school house. j Strain should be avoided by those | new hat stolen. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis and Vir­ employed in work. Strain may b e1 Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt and two ginia May returned Monday from a daughters, Ruth and Thelma spent Copies of the new Idaho potato To succeed in any industry where f ‘w d ^ s visit ^ t h relativeT in 1 ' F[°m ‘he « alheur Enterpnse) | cither physlcal or mental. Good grading reputations have just been the production of a commodity Veiscr ldaho “ Vale and Malheur county face the p08ture wil, do much to prevent Christmas week in Boise. J. T. Long and son, Clyde were receive* at the County Agent’s office comes from the earth or soil, it is M —/j an 7 _ Mrs Frank Morgan Morgan ana and able ^ to 7 lonf, 7 * 7 a0Ught W“ h development 0f physieal 8trai" will ’ a"d r .' hramc the body do f“Ulty much to P°9it,°n help donating work at the M. E. Church and are of considerable interest to necessary to interest the local pop- children arrived home from Eugene, and growth in 1927. It will be a bring it on. A man who sits at his at Nyssa last week where they are Oregon potato growers, as the ma­ ula'ion and capital will come t.i as- o reg0n> Saturday after a six weeks banner vear Never before was the iu-c~oii __ j ,„„io putting in a new basement. jority of cur stock has in tne past sist in til« i stablishment of that IU- vjs:t wjtb relatives They made the v v c ■ , , . , . des*t a day s^ou*d Ket UP and wa'k Shorty Jenkins has moved from been marketed under the Idaho ,hp Hevelonment of the relatives, llrey made tne New Year ushered ln under brighter ar„und now and then, or work for a dustry and .he development of the tnp home ln a car and report that conditions. Vale is not alone in whiie standing up. The environ-: the Hunt ranch to Ontario. brands, fine section of the regula­ Morris Lamb and family have tions states as follows; surr°jnoing <-oun r • the roads were good all the way. facing an outlook so encouraging ment, as well as his mental attitude, With this conviction the Co - Born to Mr. and Mrs John Hite but Harper, Jamieson, Brogan and has much to do with his personal moved back to their ranch at Cald­ “Containers marked with Idaho mercial Club of Harper, in Malheur 0f Ontario, December 27th a daugh- othcr towns tributary will be affect- welfare The work place should in well. His brother Lester Lamb and Official brands must not be used as county, has encouraged local enter- ter. The little lady has been named ed through development of the Vale the first place be kept clean and family will run the place here and containers for the shipment of po­ prise in developing resources and Marjorie Lue J project. Nyssa and Ontario a r e free from dust. Dust causes irri- Mr. Lamb will divide his time be­ tatoes grown in any other state, encouraging new settlers to come Mrs. Pearl Marx of Diamond iooUng for a prosperous year a. tatjon to the nose and throat and tween the two places as his son, such act would be mis-branding and to its valley. Oregon, arrived last week and will a result of the 8tart of work on the predisposes to acute cold and other Hugh will run the Caldwell ranch. a violation of the Federal Pure Food Harper is located in the first dis- keep house for her father Oscar mamouth Owyhee project. C. W. Barrett had a good work & Drug Act 1.” infections which enter by these ca- trict under the Vale Irrigation pro- Pinkston on the MacLafferty ranch, A letter received in regard to this Has Senate Approval nals. Places where people work mare stray away or stolen last week. ject which the Government has now The Alvin McGinnis and Henry Mr. and Mrs. John Mull and child­ section of the new regulation states Now that the senate has passed should be well ventilated and airy. set under way. On this project will Slippy families were dinner guests the '¡nteiior bill including new ap- Lighting arrangements are import- ren took dinner with J. T. Long and that all violations of this section be expended within the next five Sunday of Andrew McGinnis on the propriatKns for the Vale and Owy- anf The light should be sufficient family Wednesday. will be reported directly to the U. S. Bureau of Chemistry Office at *20,000,0.» «° „ ,,h . l L p r o » . . . 0 ,,. b M l l b . .1 J , J f . l * A ¿ U i “ M Seattle, Washington. 170,000 acres of land, most of which Mr. and Mrs. Rex Johnson of d0nars that will be expended ¡n no^ j 00 jc directly at a light or have is in Malheur County. Caldwell returned home last week thig territory in 1927. The appro- it , hine into his face The force of In commenting upon the above With rich soil to till it is appar- after a Christmas visit in the Wal- priations pow stand at approxi- light should be directed clearly over regulation, W. L. Shovel, County ent that what we have needed ¡a tor Pinkston home. | mately $1,000,000 for the Vale, Owy- the left shoulder. Agent, states: “This new law has water, and this is now being sup- August Tuelson left Tuesday for. hee at |2,000,000—the figures fix- a very direct bearing upon the la­ Nature hates an idler. A man plied from the Warm Springs dam. a visit in Boise, Idaho. ed by tbe bouse. An appropriation beling of shipments of potatoes When our project is finished the The little son of Vincent Mendi- for the Baker project was also in­ who has nothing to do is worse off from Malheur County. There is no physiologically than one who toils JOHNSON, WELCH AND ONTAR­ supply will be sufficient to take ola is quite sick with pneumonia. question but that the products of cluded, which amounts to $450,000, care of several hundred families IO ISLANDS IN SNAKE RIV­ Malheur County are just as good Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGinnis a]tbough it has been stated that a good eight hours a day. Idlers whose surplus labor can be used in were host and hostess at a New Secretary Work is still hostile to form that vicious class of people, ER OPEN MARCH 4, 1927 as those of the neighboring state our industry at home. Years supper and party. | construction of the Baker project. who find time to write long windy but hitherto shippers have apparent­ epistles to newspapers taking ex­ For Harper is also the home of Grandma Bontager is quite ill p or the Vale and Owyhee there ly been ‘‘riding” on the reputation ceptions to every progressive move­ Johnson, Welch and Ontario Island the Whiteurth Company, which is with pleurisy. ^ | is still a balance of the 1926 ap- of Idaho rather than building up extracting from the hills which sur­ Mrs. Dwight Smith is spending pr0priation to be spent this year, ment. There is a most happy med­ in the Snake River have been opened one of our own. The best advertise­ ium Ijetween idleness and over-work, to entry, according to a notice re­ ment that a community could have round th-j Harpor various the week with her sister, Ms H ar-! The iinal completion of the Vale grades of the purest diatomaceous ry Goshert of Emmett, Idaho. j project will bring 30,000 acres of ••vli ch tvery useful citizen ought to 1 ceived from George W. McKnight, in building up a land settlement earth from what is said to be thej Mrs. Wm. Schweizer is spending the richest agricultural soil into try to attain. Hard work, properly j register at the Vale land office. The program such as this County, on ac­ approved plat of survey of the Is­ count of the new Vale and Owyhee largest deposit of this material in the week with her brother John Hite productivity, land which surrounds done, never harmed anyone. Health and efficiency always seem lands will be officially filed on projects, will need is a steady flow America. These hills do not rise and family of Ontario. this town. Vale will be the natur- abruptly but in folds which encom­ The Klingback family were guests a| and m0st convenient trading to go together. The combination March 4, 1927. The following regu­ of agricultural products of high pass the 12,000 acres of fertile lands of Mr. and Mrs. George Benton of pojnt for a big farm area, where of physical and mental health is es­ lations were contained in the notice: quality marketed under a name or (a) SOLDIERS’ PREFERENCE. brand carrying the identity of the through which flows the Malheur Nyssa on New Years. The Frank farrning and dairying will be the sential to the mind as it will not River from southwest to northeast, Debord family of Payette and Lew- cbiei factors. The coming of the perform wonders by itself. All per­ From March 4, to June 2, 1927, said district in which these products are coming in -i through u - a scenic --«..A- canyon ¡g< Elmer, and A. L. Debord of Nys- right kind of settlers will mean the sons who want to live rightly should lands will be subject to entry under grown. i- *- endeavor to cultivate « serenity of the homestead and desert land laws, which we hope will be the Central sa were guests also. greatest problem solved. “For ‘bis-, reason it may he that mind along with such physical bene- | by qualified ex-service men of the this .regulation will work out as a Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moses were ----------------------- Oregon Highway location, and ie- fits as fresh air, exercise, proper World War, PROVIDED applicants parting through a ten-mile canyon benefit instead of a hardship. Mal­ food, water, rest, proper care when file their applications to enter at cut by erosion and faulting in its heur County should be ‘“sold” to needed and avoiding disease. any time from February 12 to steep sides of lava rock. its own citizenship at least suf­ Real Estate Transfers Recorded. March 3, 1927. All such applications ficiently to allow the marketing of To the north and northeast of A. H. York et ux to C. E. Taylor- together with those filed on March its products under its own name. If Harper lie the hills of Whiteurth WKSWK, and SEKSWK Sec. 28; 4, 1927, will be treated as similtan- not, how can we expect to “sell” it rising to heights of from 500 to 1500 j EKNWK, SWKNEK, NEKSWK, eously filed, and conflicting appli­ to someone else?” feet above the surface level. They and NWKSEK Sec. 33; EKSWK, cations will be disposed of by lot. appear to be solidly white and from WKSEK, and SEKSEK Sec. 34; The preference right above pro­ DAIRY SPECIALIST IS seven different locations which are and SWKSWK Sec. 35-15-40. NEK- vided for is subject to valid prior from 300 to 700 feet above the Val­ COMING TO MALHEUR (From the Malheur Enterprise.) NWK, N%NEK, SEKNEK. and rights or equitable claims recogniz­ ley, the crude “Diato” is quarried The countywide campaign against SEK Sec. 3; and WKNWK Sec. 2- BOARD OF CONTROL VOTES ed by existing laws. and transported about six mites by Neal C. Jamieson, extension dairy UNANIMOUSLY FOR SITE Beginning with June 3, 1927, said specialist from the Oregon Agri­ truck over good roads coming down jack rabbits is on, but it is not too 16-40. 2-17-26. $10.00. (Q. C. Deed), late for a few remaining farmers C. E. Taylor et ux to P. H. Mar- OFFERED BY THE DALLES lands will become subject to entry cultural college, will spend three to the altitude of 2515 feet to the by the public. mill at Harper on the Eastern Ore- to get in. Conditions at present are cus-Lot 4, Sec. 2; Lots 1, 2, and 3, days in the county beginning Jan­ For twenty days prior to June 3, uary 10. Milled to the required screen mesh, ideal for rabbit poisoning and unit- Sec. 3-16-40; WKSWK and SEVi­ Salem.—The new state tuberculosis ed effort at this time will destroy SWK Sec. 28; EV4NWV4, SWV4- 1927, any qualified applicant may the material is sacked and trade r T j t h o u s a n d s of the pests and save NEK, N E K S W K , and N W K S E K hospital for Eastern Oregon is to execute and file his application. GEORGE W. McKNIGHT FINDS marked sy highway will be finished in have taken him to practically every crease in the tax rate for corpora­ the road from the “Y” to Vale and and Mrs. Suzanne H. Carter, of will not take much time, and th e , 5ix months, as the remaining unit tuberculosis hospital in the United tions from 13 to 13K per cent. Re­ Nyssa would be on the program Jacksonville, superintendent of Jack- time will be well spent. J of 32 miles in Malheur and Baker States, The Dalles location is the turn of income tax blanks by in­ next spring. The road from Ontario son county public schools, automat­ Farmers are urged to get in touch counties has been graded and nn- most sightly of any occupied by a dividuals must be accompanied by to the *'Y” will be given new oil, ically advanced to the presidency of with their local leader, one of the der contract for surfacing. This similar institution in the entire at least one-fourth of the amount the estimate said. Nothing was of the tax, Mr. Huntley has stated. said about oiling the John Day high­ the association. following: James Graham, Vale; will give a through road from Nyssa country. Trent Johnson, Vale, Ernest Locey, and Ontario, on Jhe Snake River be- — Field agents of the internal reve­ way from Arlington to Vale. The English Language is spoken Ironside; C. W. Pearce, Westfall; tween Oregon and Idaho, through The girls of Constantinople and nue department will start their an­ by more than 180,000,000 people, W. J. Scott, Jamieson; H. Washam, Vale and <.n as far west as Arr ng-| Angora are bobbing and shingling nual trip to all parts of the state The color of Apples depends upon while German is second with 120,- Malheur and Ohms. KepHngar, On- ton, on the Columbia River. Thaj their hair faster than those of New after the first of the year, to help their nitrogen content, the highest taxpayers to complete their reports. colored fruit having the least. tario. J. F Phelan, Bonita, Oregon.' length of the John Day ia 291 miles. I York or London. 000 , 000 . CROPS ADVERTISE COUNTRY SEES DAWN ÖFJEIIELOPNIENT OPENED Í0 ENTRY Errc £ ry F“',*r T POISONING CAMPAIGN UNDERWAY Teachers Favor Free Textbooks .*> ÍHE DALLES GELS STATE HOSPITAL Income Tax For 1926 Called For