Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1926)
VALUE OF TRAINING SNAPPY STUFF FEDERAL RECLAMATION STARTS AGAIN IN THE An unusually striking illustration of the value of WEST Rev. A. W. Orr of Kingston, Eng., will referee no The reorganization o f the Reclamation Service has more football games because players swore over some training is afforded through a study of casualty records during the World War. The central powers mobilized been completed. Some thirty million dollars have been of his decisions. 22,850,000 men and inflicted casualties numbering 22,- written off, a hundred thousand acres o f worthless soil' Henry Alberson o f Chicago was arrested on complaint !* l * ™ be?n o f ae neighbor" that0 his snoring w Ì a nuisance, but he! « 189,444 ¡ M g ¡ men, 2 ? S S S ï only l S o J ÏÏ S s ï ï ü S up up - yet inflicted 15,400,000 casualties based on the capacity o f the settler to pay and after a was released. on the armies of the central powers. lapse of almost ten years new construction is about to George Cooke o f Palatine, 111., had an ear kicked o ff In other words, in the case o f the highly trained troops begin, the President having authorized the Service to by a horse which he was trying to saddle. o f the central powers an average o f nearly one casualty proceed with the building o f the Owyhee and the Vale Gustav Zorn, a New York drug addict, was found to was inflicted upon the allies for every man mobilized, projects in Oregon. This is very good news for the West while it took nearly three men o f the allies to inflict have cocaine concealed in his ears when arrested. indeed. Better news for the intending settler, however, is the _________ _____ __ _____ w _____________ Mrs. Ruth Ahling o f Chicago has reclaimed her baby one casualty upon the enemy. Allowance must be made for the long distances some announcement that the raw, privately owned sagebrush whfc‘h'she ieft "in*a& movie Th7atre abo*u7*a year ago. o f the allied troops had to be transported and the fact land on these projects will be sold to settlers at seven . dollars and forty-two cents an acre. Before the Govern- l^ s o m e r , well-preserved Marseilles business that a good many never got to the front, still their greater losses were chiefly due to the time consumed in ment would spend a dollar, it compelled the owners to man ° f ^as ta^en a hride aged 48. sign contracts to sell their excess land at this price to Sol Nichinsky of London, arrested for spitting in his training, which gave the enemy, with well-trained and bona fide settlers. Thus the settler’s burden is lighten- partner’s eye, was placed under a peace bond for one equipped troops from the beginning, a tremendous ad vantage until overwhelmed by sheer force of numbers. ed and the owner has to go minus the usual speculative day, the bond being one penny. The profit. Fifteen»years ago much sagebrush land irrigat-: pepper scattered about St. John’s Church in Chicago,» As , with an army, . ov so with an individual. w„ii. i;fp trained a man ed with public funds was sold by private owners for ten cause(i so much sneezine that the service was nearlv man ^as a &reat advantage in every walk of life. A man and the ahilitv ability to do things well never and twenty times the price now placed on raw Owyhee broken up g lhat tne servlce wab nearly with character nnrf has to spend much time looking for a job. land. Anton Rinsburg of Vienna on his death-bed confessed Who said there was no progress?—January Sunset. a murder for which his cousin was executed in 1917. So live that when your summons comes you’ll have Thomas Caien of London was fined because he exhib- a good alibi. SHAKE, LITTLE OLD NEW YEAR, SHAKE! Consider the bootblack, who does not scorn to begin Hello, Nineteen Twenty-seven! Shake hands and 1 ited pigs with their skins eolored with rouge at the bottom. Miss Anna Caldwell, a New York show girl, sued J. W. promise to be as fine a chap as your predecessor. Ought One o f the greatest trials o f modern life is waiting to be easy, No "" elections worth mentioning while ‘ " you Hubbard for $500,000 and was awarded $50,000 for for the car to be repaired. ' ‘ ‘ breach of promise. are around. No important European troubles in sight.; Bandits seem to have cornered all the speediest cars No particularly loud troubles growling at home. Every James Sammons of Toronto slashed two armed burg thing running smoothly except in the cotton country, lars with a butcher knife and captured one o f then, and deadliest machine guns. Americanism: Demanding a room with bath, just to and nobody on hand with a spare monkey wrench to when they entered his store at night. impress the hotel clerk. toss into the machinery. Your job is a snap, little old Frank Mi.’ler oc Ottawa, Kansas, was jailed or u rob ’27. Especially out here in the West, in the wide open Few o f us appreciate the rousing time we have every bery charge after being trailed by dippings ;rom a spaces where a dollar rolls faster and further than any morning before breakfast. custad pie which had also been stolen. where else. Here, young feller, you’ve got a real snap. Unfortunately, the prettiest girls are often too modest Mrs. Mary Labatano of West Orange, N. J., broke her to enter the beauty contests. There’s nothing for you to do except to look pleasant. All the burning issues except the wet one were settled 10-year-old son’s leg while trying to pull o ff his boot. It takes the visit of a queen or prince to reveal the de by the sovereign voters a few weeks ago. Everybody’s Jimmie, half-brother of Rin-Tin-Tin, famous movie lightful simplicity of a democracy. going to Los Angeles for the winter, to Seattle and the dog, saved two kittens from a fire in New York. A woman has a right to change her mind, and often national parks for the summer. All you have to do is Russell Winter, aged 15, o f Leyton, Eng,, after being does it just as she starts turning a corner. to watch the procession go by, shedding coins at every called a coward by playmates, fought five o f them in Judging from the roasts, nations of Europe seem to revolution o f the wheels. The miners in the deserts ana succession and died from loss of blood. have formed a sort o f “ pan-” American league. mountains don’t want you to change the present pace; .January will be “ laugh month” at the movie theatres, the cowboys and the sheepherders are pretty well satis WHAT’S NEW ? during which we assume comedy films will not be shown. fied; if you’ll just bring enough moisture and keep un Mayor Nichols of Boston recently married the twin seasonable frost away, the farmers and fruit growers Unbreakable phonagraph records made of paper are won’t call for additional exertions on your part. Just being marketed in England. sister of his first wife, who died two years ago. give us the right brand o f weather and we’ll tend to the For preventing the ravages of boring insects, a meth I and of said District for the author- NOTICE. rest. i ization o f contract with the United od o f spraying metal on wood has been devised. Welcome, Nineteen Twenty-seven! Keep moving in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE States. .............. .................................. The world’s smallest phonagraph, only 4 inches in di- the direction established by 1926 and everybody will call STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL To the ONTARIO-NYSSA IR R I you blessed when you join the myriads of your fellows anjeter and less than two inches high, is the product of HEUR COUNTY. GATION DISTRICT, and to all free In the Matter o f the Petition of holders, legal voters and assessment in the motionless past. A machine has been developed which produces sugar the Board of Directors of the ON- payers in said District: Here’s our hand on it again— Shake!—January Sun TARIO-NYSSA IRRIGATION DIS NOTICE is hereby given that on ¡from corn in 10 hours. set. TRICT FOR THE JUDICIAL EX the 8th day of December, 1926, Mechanical dolls that walk with natural grace have AMINATION and judgment o f the J. B. Smith, S. D. Dorman and J. J. Court as to the regularity and legal OUR WONDERFUL AGE been produced for fashion displays. Sarazin, Directors of the Ontario- ity of the proceedings in connection Nyssa Irrigation District, filed in A seedier apple, without semblance of core, has been In spite of all its seeming evils, the age in which we with the organization of the District, the Circuit Court o f the State of live is the most wonderful the world has ever witnessed. produced on a farm near Montreal. and the proceedings o f said Board Oregon for Malheur County, their Happy are those, particularly the young, who can grasp i petition praying that said Court ju its significance. Astounding as the advancement of the dicially examine the proceedings fo r j the organization o f said District, last half century has been, it is only a beginning of and for the exclusion from said D is- greater progress yet to come. ! trict of the Right o f W a x o f the Thoughtful persons are doing a service by pointing Railroad Company, and the proceed out to tne younger generation the ever expanding oppor ings in the matter of the authoriza tunities which await their eager brains and hands. What tion of contract with the United States, and for an order and decree unexplored resources and unknown forces ol nature still o f said Court that all of said acts lie concealed, wanting only the keys which the human and proceedings were and are in all mind must supply to unlock their secrets! things legal, regular, binding and Dr. G. W. Truett of Dallas recently said: “ I had rath valid, and approving and confirming er live and have my strength and my, wits about me for | the same, and ihat said proposed the next twenty-five years' than any other five hundred contract, when executed by the pro per officers of Baid District, will be years the world has ever seen.” the valid and binding obligation o f Dr. Edward Mims of Vanderbilt University expressed said District, and for such other and the same idea in a recent address to an assemblage of further orders in said matter as to teachers, when he said: “ I had rather be a teacher for the Court might seem meet and equi the next twenty-five years than to be anything else at table in the premises, and that aaid any other time in all the history o f the world.” petition is now pending in said Court; and that by Order o f said While this wonderful age and the still more wonder Court duly made and entered in said BOOSTERS are the Public Spirited men who are al ful years to follow present great opportunities, they matter,the 13th day o f January, 1927, ways ready to stand back of the town in which they also involve equally great responsibilities. Are the at 1:30 o ’clock P. M., at the Circuit live, whether he is a merchant, resident or a farmer youth of today making adequate preparations to meet Court Room at Vale, Malheur Coun who calls that town home. A booster is a man who them? This question should engage the serious atten ty, Oregon, has been fixed as the wants to see his home town go ahead and is putting his time and place for the hearing of tion o f youth themselves, as well as that o f those who said petition. shoulder to the wheel in an effort to make it go ahead. are charged with their training and development. BOOSTERS What Are Boosters? FARM YOUTH PROGRESS Rural boys and girls are far outstripping their par ents in the study of improved practices in farm and home work, according to a recent announcement by the Department o f Agriculture, which shows that more demonstrations had been conducted by young people’s clubs than by those of adult membership. Considerably more than half a million farm boys and girls now participate in these demonstrations, which in clude the raising of various crops, animal husbandry, handling o f poultry, food preparation, designing and making clothing, home improvement and beautification and in fact every phase o f rural life. Instruction in these activities, imparted by farm and home demonstration agents, serves to aid these boys and girls in improving rural farm and home practices, thereby fitting them to become efficient farmers and homemakers besides teaching them the fundamentals o f public-spirited, useful citizenship. While the enrollment and results obtained in club work are gratifying, considering the circumstances un der which this effort has bee nput forth, the Depart ment points out that only about one rural boy and girl in twenty has the benefit o f this training at present. Here is a field for constructive achievement which should interest all who have a regard for the import-| ance o f improving the conditions o f rural living. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robeyn o f London sent to friends this announcement o f their marriage: “ Canoe, couple. Cupid, car, church, choral, cake, champaigne, confetti, continent.” .. ~ U Boosters Are Those Who Advertise The newspaper in your community is the biggest booster of them all. When some public enterprise is set afloat, the chances are ten to one that the local paper was the biggest factor in the lot in bringing about its accomplishment, so why not patronize the merchants that are boosting your town and thereby become a boost er yourself? Check over the paper this week and see just who the boosters in N.v»s;t are— and they want your trade too be cause they are asking you for it— THE’RE BOOSTERS. Trade With Merchants Who Want Your Trade The Gate City Journa NYSSA, OREGON And you and each o f you are here by notified that any person or party interested in said matter may at any time within ten days after the last publication of this notice, appear and contest the validity o f this proceed ing, or of any o f the acts or things enumerated or covered in the said ; petition; and that if you fail to so appear, the Court will proceed in its judicial examination of said proceed- ‘ | ings, and enter its judgment and de- I cree as to the regularity and legal- | ity o f such proceedings, and o f each and all o f the acts and things cov- 1 ered by said petition. This notice is given pursuant to the Order o f the Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judge o f the Circuit Court i o f the State o f Oregon for Malheur County, duly entered herein on the 8th day o f December, 1926, which order directs such notice to be pub lished for three successive weeks, being four publications, in the Gate City Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon, and the jurisdiction o f said Court in the premises will be com plete at the expiration of ten days after full publication of this notice, and the date o f the first publication is December 10, 1926, and the date o f last publication is December S I, 1923. Dated this 8th day o f December, 1MM. (Seal) (Signed) H. S. S A C K E T T , County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk o f the Circuit Court for Malheur County. Dec.1 0-Dec. 81st.