+** ********** ***< Ia 4*4 ♦ ***♦ ++*< f**i > *u * ***** LOCAL N E W S IN B R IB E Happy New Year and the best o f luck Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA - - *■*+** > ♦ OREGON. ************************** iy > ^ g We wish our friends and patrons much prosperity and success for 1927. ' Nyssa Packing Co. | BURB1DGE & RAY, Prop. Phone 6 "«WU—1 - Nyssa, Or. sud lM ■ uo^frw»mnay—wwflAy—w OUB MID-WINTER TERM Opening Dates MONDAY, JANUARY S and MONDAY. JANUARY 10 A GOOD THORO BUSINESS TRAINING is one of the best Investments of Time, Effort and Money one canpossibly make. It pays dividends for life. Ambitious YOUNG MEN and YOUNG WOMEN especially should be inter ested in our courses. WE TRAIN FOR SUCCESS Send for full information L IN K ’S B U S IN E S S COLLEGE and Secretarial Schoal. 1016 Idaho ¿¡treat, Boise. Idaho. B. C. Baathaaa, Manager. (Numeroua opportunities for girls and boya to wark for board • nd room wbils attending school. W W I'H K '. H H I I I M m M M I M M W M U M H H I Greetings To Our Numerous Client* and Friend« in and about Nyssa, Oregon. The Holiday Season brings ua ■ keaner apprecia* tion of old associations and of the value o f now friendships. hi this spirit wb hope all may have a very Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous New Year. Nyssa Realty Co. r M -+++ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith entertain ed to Christmas dinner the families of Dean and Dwight Smith, Earl Dean and family ot Payette, Emily Dean and family o f Emmett, Mr and Mrs. Frank Fry and Mrs. Lueile Johnson aad sons. Mrs. A. T. Bishop o f Fruitland wai the week end guest o f bar sister, Mrs. E M. Benson. Me. and Mrs. C. F. Miller and daugntera Ethel Maria and Barbara, ■pent Tuesday at the J. B, Treaty horns in Fruitland. New Year Greetings £ St. Pool’* Guild will meet at the horns o f lira. J. Boydall on Thursday, January 6 Election o f officers will ba held and all member! ara requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs G. J McCurdy hsd a Christmas present presented to them on Xmaseve in the form of a 91 lb boy. The baby was named Raymond Davia. Loya Marshall, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall, will return to his school at Monn outh tomorrow, after spending the holidays at his home in this city. J. BOYDELL Licensed Real Estate Broker ( Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for the Coming Year Mr. and Mrs. Fraik Phillips and children hare returned from Salt Lake, where Frank baa been employed for the past two months. Mr and Mra. J. P. Baxter and fam ily o f Wilder, Ida., wera guests o f the A. V. Cook family Christmas day. Miss Lucy Thompson o f Portland and Mrs. Leri Bldridge of Pilot Rock, spent Christmas week with their mother, Mra. Leila Thompson, ana family. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. MtCoy and fam ily spent Christmas with friends in Nampa. Mr. and Mra. H. T. Francis spent the waek end in Emmett with Albert Iredale and fam'ly. Mr. and Mrs, Troy fitton gueets at tha Frank Millar Christmas day. were home Experienced aamp cook would like position in some road camp or mining camp or would taka position with pi irate family in tawn. Am also ex perienced kn laundry work, Address Nelli* Reagan, general delivery, Nyssa. Oregon, or call at residence, oorner Second St, and Reeia Ave. Kenneth, son e f Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Smith, tas recovered from an attaok of pnaumonia. Miss Barniea Vorhles returned to the College o f Idaho tha first o f the waek, after (pending her vacation at her home here. Troy Sitton was engaged to have ehasga of the Shoestring pumping plant for the coming year at a meetirg of the board of directors held recently. Troy has mada an enviable record in the matter of cutting down power bills and general all around efficiency and the director« were gl.id to aecure hi» slrvices for another year Mr. and Mrs,Vernon Boeen,whohad spent the holidays with Mrs. Boeen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tbrashtr, re- tarned to their home at Meadows,Ida. Mrs. Jas, Hinshaw want to Boisa Thursday fos tha day. Mr. and Msa, C, H. Simpaon of Homedale’ visited with selstives In Nyssa Thursday and Friday. Doa Gambia was visiting relatives in Nysaa Thuasday. Mrs. It J. Davis, who is spending tbs wintes In Sestlte with her son Don, writes hems that she seems to have jumped from the frying pan into tha fire so far as the weather is con* corned. She has hardly see* the sun since she landed there Tha Tuesday evening bridge clnb was held Wednesday night o f this week at the home of Mra. Arthur Beydell. Three tables were in play. First prisa was won by Mrs. R. W Chapman, second by Mrs. Artia Rob ertson Delielous rafrashmrnts were seared by tba hostess. It ie surprising how much a few peo ple well organised and harmoniously cooperating cao do in «short tims. About ten days ago the official board o f the M S. Community ehureh and a few friends met to plan for mote room to accommodate tha growing Sunday sabool. After much disease- ing and planning it was decided to excavate a large room under tba church. But like the mice in tha fa ble, who had decided to ball tba eat, who was to do iiT Who wai to do tha work and furniah the monsyT Finally one man agreed to donate a week'« work to excavating, another agreed te bring a team and work, and others came to the rescue. Chat. Garrison was elected chairman and foreman in the work. R. A. Thompean waa elected treasures to collect funds and get what cash ha could. Monday after Christmas was selected as the day ta begin. Promptly at an early hear Moaday morning, with ground deeply covered with enow and the thermometer •tend ing abeut >0 below freezing, tha fore man with his sons and an enthusiastic band of workmen with picks, shovels, slips, a fresno and team, began work. An entrance was soon mada under th« west side of the church, and by night I broad runway thraugh under th< church to tha south side was complet ed. Tuesday single and double tea mi running tinder the church, a fracas, •lips and a plow ware at work takia| out the dirt. Doabtlecs by the tim< this is ia print all tha dirt will havi been taken out, pillar* put under thi foundation, and the room will bi r e ify for oonerete to bo put batwaai the pillars and on the floor. Much work will be needed to hau sand and cement, pat In windows ant doors, build steps,sad te put the large room In first class order. This is com munity work in which averyoao should be interested. Donations In work and cash wiM ba greatly appreciated. Those who donate work kindly port to Ohas. Garrison, fares Those who can help flnanaially report to R A. Thompson, A. M. May 1927 ba tha moat prosperous year, moral'y, spiritually and finan cially that Nyasa aad community ever had. Tru.'y, R. J. Davit, S. S. Superintendent, pro turn. MYBRA. r At tk* Clowe of J b m * rm ourcbb : L oads and Discounts______$4dt, 1M.V* Capital Sarpiaa ................................. 4SS.7I * Plat. IS.***.** Other M al Batate. kM M Bonds and W arranta... . . . . . I N * *1 C asw amd D o* Faon B ank * 108.NP.N DEPOSITS .... « 44,**h*f B n ,m a County Panda'for Which Surety Bonds are Fwrplshed-BO» K OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR* A. J. Ward, President John Bay, fla t J. P. Danaway, flashier O. fl. ■------ Assistant Cashier M. A. Divas. Assistant flashier J. P. Reece J. J. S.raaia O. L.J DEPENDABLE BERT IBS Ilappy Jew Year i 11 To all our friends and pa- trons. May your coming year be prosperous • . HOXIE SERVICE METHODIST COMMUNITY NOTES The werk of improving the church by tha addition o f a basement and new heating plant Is goiag on. This will provide mere comfortable as wall aa more roomy quarters foe the Sunday ■cheol and Juaias church, ac well aa STATION provide comb convenience» for tetial gathering*. 1 The revival meeting*, previously announced, will ba postponed until a week Inter baeauea e f tha eoaditiea o f the church building at this time. The watch night party and program Friday night will be held at tha sous- cil room instead of the church. H I I lfH Masons Install The local Masonic lodge held install ation o f officers Monday avaning, December 87, with C. D . McCullough installing officer. Officers installed ware aa follews; W. M „ 0 G. Bauer. S. W .,Geo. F. Newton. J. W , R. C. Hayworth. Tress , John E Holly. Sec., A. H Boydell. S. D., Charley D. Thompson. J. D , Robert Currier. Chaplain, F, D. Hall. S. Steward, Cliff Tiilmaa. J. Sttward, Sidney Burbidga. Tyler, Harry T. Francie. Marshall, Audrey J. Ward. Installation waa fallowad by a “ big feed ” and an hour o f good fellowship. Custom Grinding and Chopping Flour, Feed and Recleaning Coal and Wood and Black Bear Roof Paint This business is for sale, A good business for tko rigk man. Inquire at the Nyssa Flour Mill. P. M. WARREN. ' * 1 '-•-‘ -'-f-'r f-H -i-■ ' I I I I I I I M H I I I I I i m U H i H M t VonDtlla Baxter Married|| Word has betn received af the mar riage of Miss VonDella Baxter ta Mr, Walter Gr.ffin, both of Wilder. Tha ceremony waa performed at Boisa by C. A Williams, probata judge. The bride is a daughter o f Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Baxter, former Nysaa resi dents, and was popular with the younger set until her removal to Wil der about a year ago. She was an employee of the Journal for a time and we join with her many ether friend« in extending best wishes Atwater Kent RADIO When you purchase a Radio, better look and see what is behind it. It may be like the dog with tha firecracker, ready to blow up and leave you guessing. Or it may be an DRAYAGE I do all hinds o f Drayage and Trias- Mrs. J. A. Srhnaiter returned Thurs day from Gooding, Ids., where she far. Cali at livery barn. C A. Rlppy. was called by the il'ness o f her daugh d31tf ter, Mra. Al Schaeffer. W. W Foster and family retuined Feed by th* Month Wednesday faom Filar, Idaho, where Goad alfalfa hay and running watts, they had spent Christmas with rela en the old Fisher ranch on tha Owy tives. hee. Elroy Huffman, dSdtt Mrs. Ley! Eldridye and Miss Vir ginia Thompson wore businass visitors in Psyatte Tuesday. ■ Clair L. Pepperd, who ie attending University o f Oregon, arsived in Nyasa Saturday and it spending the holidays at tha J, C. Beam borne This ie the season of tha year to <j The following young people who got your harness oiled and repair- - ed ready for the epriog work. Wo | eae attending various institutions of leataing and bare spent the holidays do first class work sr.d guarantee satisfaction. in Mysst, will return to their schools Saturday: Chat Thompson, Frank Ante Top* Repaired Sharwooi. Clair Peppevd, Paul Taxidermist Work and Ruth Bershey. Lacy Thcmp son, who I* teaching in Port land, will also laare Saturday to re Nycca. Oregon. sume her wo-k. after spending the holidays at her borne here. ►MH ; FARMERS! II N Y SSA PH ARM ACY Malheur County Bank Wonderful! Ross Parkinson Atwater Kent with a twenty-three year old factory behind it, aa solid aa tha earth, with service stations everywhere. We carry them in stock. Call and let us show them Free Demonstration Powell Service Station Nyasa, Oregon