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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1926)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL VOLUME XXIV. NO. 45. RRIGATIQN BiLL NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, $140 PER YEAR some had offered a solution which The Christmas satisfied in part. He might assure humanity o f His love and lift men Light That Can up to the place where He dwells. Christmas bears witness to the fact God cares, and the universal Not Fail Us that response which the world makes to OWYHEE Mrs. Ellis Walters was a guest in the Newbill home Saturday. Dennis Toomes o f Nyssa has pur chased the ranch known as the J. P. McGinnis ranch on the Owyhee. Mrs. Rosie Fletcher, an old-time resident of Owyhee and Ontario died Dec. 1st at Portland. Mrs. Chas. Bradley called on Grandma Harris of Nyssa Saturday. Miss Florence Bach who is teach ing near Emmett, Idaho, arrived in the Kolony Saturday to spend the holidays with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cantrall were Payette visitors Saturday. Wade Nichols of Kingman Kolony was quite badly hurt Saturday when the horse he was riding fell on him dislocating some of the bones in his foot. He was taken to a Caldwell sanitarium where it will be neces sary for him to remain several days. Oscar Pinkston was a Homedale visitor last week. Smiths, Frys, and Klingbacks were to Ontario Friday sending telegrams to the north pole. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lane and son Donald of the Kolony were Emmett visitors last week returning home Saturday. Miss Ivers, primary teacher of Oregon Trail had as her guest sev eral days last week her sister Ruby of Vale. Mrs. Claud Smith and daughters DECEMBER 24, 192«. POSTPONES ACTION ON IRRIGATION BiLL HOUSE PASSES ON APPROPRIATIONS OW YHEEANDVALE the Good News, the soul hunger By Bishop Wm. P. Remington. which we find satisfied by the mes- The keeping o f the anniversary sa* » o f the angels, is sufficient o f the birth o f Jesus o f Nazareth Proo* that a11 mankind can look un- bears witness to an astounding in- to H m an<i be saved. REPORT GIVEN AT PORTLAND DISAPPROVAL OF PROPOSED nuence jn the worW immeasurabIy Sometime, we think that the HOUSE ADDS $100,000 FOR CON MEETING IS MATTER OF BILL RESULTS IN POSTPON STRUCTION OF WARMSPRINGS greater than any outward expree- I" ,racle Christmas is as great as . DISCUSSION ED ACTION BY CONGRESS DRAINAGE SYSTEM sion of the Christian faith. Mil- that of incarnation, perhaps it lions of people all over the earth ’ * mor* univeraal in its acceptance, who never join In a carol nor lift Many there are who cannot accept their voices in praise o f the new- the virgin birth and yet find their bom King, yet feel the spirit of “ tmost hopes re“ l'*ed in the love, Malheur Stands Opposed To Legisla the season, the grip o f the fin gers1 ® . Pemce* an<* good will of Legislative Commitee From County of the Christ Child upon their heart Chr,a^ “ a Day‘ tion Proposed By Oregon Recla For yo“ and me Appropriations For Vale, Owyhee And Baker For Next Fiscal Will Draw Up Measure Pro mation Congress Committee strings, and it brings a new look M Christians, the Good News has Year Go To Senate viding Single Cure into hard and selfish faces. The ; * a11 tha cherished memories of The report of the legislative com' message of the angels is so compell- Blble and eJ fed> °* caro,a and cn*- mittee o f the Oregon Reclamation „ , .. .. ,, , I ing that it breaks through all dis- ‘ °rm8’ and bIesaed Joyful traditions. congress made at the meeting of Carrying new appropriations for Probably as the result of dmap- J hatred. W , lift up our heart, in great trustees in Portland Tuesday and proval o f the measure by the le*>s- gordid , Q’ w ' alth and thankfulness. But let u . not for- the Vale, Owyhee and Baker projects 1 Q T l Vo /lAmmirrnn of rho I li*nn>A I rn _ ' ■ _ _ _1 ... a . n i. . n Wednesday, has drawn fire from in eastern Oregon, the annual in lative committee of the Oregon n Irri sensual get those wbo pay tribllte to the the tempting voices of Malheur county. The proposed bill terior department appropriation bill gation congress, proposing a new Season mes8aK ® > but do not yet know the pleasures, are stilled for a affecting administration affairs in was passed by the house Wednesday method and the creation of a s t a t e d “ “ ’ 7 , _ Messenger as we do. . , . . . , .. . . . . . ! and humanity is carried out of its ■ irrigation districts, drawn up by W. board to control reclamation districts ... , , . . 1 and sent to the senate. The house earth-bound prison into the free Lair Thompson, was not submitted no definite action was taken at tha added one hundred thousand dollars S t d H s t i C S to the appropriation for the Vale to Malheur county districts until the recent meeting in Portland. A re air of love, peace and good will. It C O U t l t U is as though the greatest ‘ ‘sending ° ______ last of the week, which fact has been project, as interior officials inform port in a Portland paper stated station” o f all, controlled by the Real Estate Transfers Recorded. censored. As a result a meeting ed the committee that they had un that the committee from the state Master hand, had issued a yearly Pacific Live Stock Co. to Deane was called in Ontario Saturday to derestimated the amount needed for congress postponed any action on decree—“ Clear the air for the angel Goodman-SWUNE'A and E$4SE!4 the proposed bill. As a result the the Vale project and that it should consider it. choirs, for the good news o f all Sec. 8; NW14NE14 and NE14NW>A Proposes Board committee from Malheur county dis have been $860,000 insead of $750,- Behold, I bring you glad Sec. 20; NKNW14 and NEVISW’A tricts, o f which Senator George E. ages. The measure proposed the crea 000 as provided for the next fiscal Davis is a member, will not take tidings of great joy which shall be Sec. 21-20-37; WHNW14 Sec. 9; S% year. tion o f a state reclamation board. to have the power to take from lo- Vivian and uMa* ine left Saturday for any action objecting to the bill un to all people, for unto yon to bom NEK and SE14NW14 Sec. 8; SE14- The additional $100,000 to be em cal districts control o f their affairs a visit with her parents at the less further developments take place. this day in the City o f David a Sav- NE!4 Sec. 19; E ttN W K , N E K SW tt ployed in construction o f a drainage Dalles, Oregon. iour which is Christ the Lord.” and Lot 4, Sec. 18-21-37. $10.00. Want Simple Remedy in case the districts were in strait system will be added when the ap John Reece is leaving today (Mon L. G. Pickell et ux to I. M. Dean- propriation measure reaches There is just one Light that nev However, a meeting will be held ened financial condition. Malheur tho day) for California. Frank Morgan and that Light glows WHSEÍ4NE14 Sec. 17-15-46. 10-21- senate. in the near future whn the commit er fails, irrigationists condemned the bill as will accompany him as far as Eu tee, consisting of Mr. Davis, Attor brightest when the Star o f Bethle- 26. $10.00. impracticable, stating that it would Owyhee Gets $2,000,000 gene to spend the holidays with rel neys Bruce R. Kester and R. W. hem shines over the hills and irrad-1 U. S.A. to Elmina Vinson-SWK- result in additional burden o f ex An appropriation o f $2,000,000 for atives. Swagler will draw up a measure, iates the earth. It Is a Light which NW14 and NW14SW14 Sec. 14; NE- the Owyhee, a sister project lying pense upon involved land owners. through which it is believed that the makes man aware both o f his char- !4, NHSE14, SW14SE14, SW14, S% in Malheur county and partly in Ida It was also the expressed belief that 15-28-46. ho, was also approved without ob affairs of irrigation districts which acter and his destiny. All the rest N W 14, NEKNW14 Sec. the bill would lead to stnte assump are in difficulties, can be righted. of the year he may think o f him- 10-16-26. tion of indebtedness, though this is jection and passed the house. Emory Cole et ux to Malheur The simple remedy sought is collec seif as a "go-getter," an active suc not contained in the measure. The An item of $450,000 for the Baker across project was included in the bill. This tion o f operation and maintenance cessful business man, but now be County-road right of way crowd unanimously opposed the bill. charges by the districts themselves, must see himself as a child o f God, Block 25, Brogan. 12-13-26. $225.00. is the sixth time that the Baker pro Want Change J. S. Fischer et ux to Union Cen ject has been approved by the ap instead o f by county collection. To a spiritual creture, one destined to At the meeting Saturday it was message is not tral Life Insurance Co.-Sl4SW l4 propriation committee although the also decided to seek a change in the SAYS JAMIESON MARSHALL, IN warrant approval o f bondholders, the immortality. The measure will leave the collection of simply for the chosen people o f God Sec. 13; N t fN W * Sec. 24; S fcS E tt secretary of the interior has not yet statutes which would allow directors STITUTIONAL ADVISOR interest and principal on bond pay the elect individual or nation, it is Sec. 14; NV4NE14 Sec. 23; SE14SW- declared the approval of the feasi of irrigation districts to collect their NATIONAL T. B. ASS’N. ments in the hands o f county offic for all, and that means everyone, % Sec. 14; and N E ttN W K Sec. 23- bility of the project. own operation and maintenance no matter how worldly or sordid or 16-46. JM l-26. $1.00. (Q. C. Deed). ers. charges, but to continue the present Gena G. Kime et vir to A. L. Lee- selfish or unlovable. The point system o f collection of bond and in “ Money spent by the state or a about Christmas is that on that day Lots 5 and 6, and west 75 feet of terest payments by county officials, county in building adequate saniior- a message is filtering through Lot 4, Block 8, Harper. 12-11-20. so that these payments may continue ium facilities for tuberculosis pat which is so universal in content and *10.00 (Q. C. Deed). to be mqde through the state’s of ients i3 money wisely invested,” U. S. A. to Elizabeth Powers-NE- meaning that it transcends the ficial agencies, thus not impairing •'■•aid Jam eson Marshall, institution bounds of race or color, nation or 14NE14, SWNE14 and N * S E * Sec. the collection of bond money. al advisor for the National Tuber creed. In its universality It satis 11; W ttN W ti and N W K S W tt Sec. Senator George E. Davis and Re culosis Association, who has accom fies the religious instinct o f man 12-16-38. 1-21-26. DAVID T. GRAHAM HAS FILED presentative-elect J. D. Billingsley panied the Oregon .Board o f Con Joseph Blayney Boydell to J. W. INJUNCTION RESTRAINING were present. County Commissioner trol in quest o f a site for the new ENGINEER RHEA LUPER POINTS because it is based upon the spirit ual character and destiny o f human Kygar et al-70 acres in SHNW14 OUT PITFALLS IN IRRIGA CHANGE IN BOOKS C. H. Oxman presided at the meeting Eastern Oregon Tuberculosis Hospi ity. The Son o f God came to earth Sec. 34-20-46. 6-4-25. $$1.00. TION LAWS It was said that the representative tal. “ Every phase o f the anti-tuber Sheriff C. W. Glenn to City o f On- in order that man might have auth districts at the meeting involved culosis campaign is aided by having David F. Graham, Jordan Valley oritative assurance of his inherit tario-Lots 3 to 8, inclusive, Block 200,000 acres of land or the largest enough sanitorium beds to accom- Salem. _ The proposa, of the legis- in 24; Lots 1 to 5, Inc., and 11 to 15, business man, whose home is ance as a child o f God. reclamation area in the state. odate patients who cannot pay for Iative committee o f the Oregon Ir- Of course, it was inevitable that ine., Block 273; Lots 11 to 16, ine., Vale, is among other prominent ed No delegate was sent to the meet " y a? _ “ r! ’ _u *_ Î ! Sa! i Sa,tUr; rigation congress for the creation of this Good News should tie given Block 206; Lots 8, 4, 6, and 11 to 15, ucators o f the state who have sought ing in Portland, but H. G. Kennard a day evening when he arrived in a state reclamation board to take state Ontario. 9-13-26. injunctions to restrain the a variety o f interpretations, just as ine., Block 29., o f Vale, a visitor in Salem, attended Portland in company with Governor over the affairs of delinquent irri the beauty and truth of the Creat $405.00. board o f education from entering in with State Engineer Rhea Luper and Pierce, Secretary of State Kozer, gation districts is unworkable in the Malheur County to Ed Parrish- to a contract which calls for new or has manifold expression in na others. Treasurer of State, Kay, and Dr. opinion o f State Engineer Luper, ture. The Light o f that Star of Lots 37, 38, and 39, Block 4, River text books for Oregon schools, claim There were representatives from G. C. Bellinger Superintendent of the Vale, Warmsprings, Owyhee, the State Tuberculosis Hospital at who declares that he will oppose Bethlehem has been broken up Into side Add. to Ontario. 11-23-26. ing this change in school books year adoption o f the law by the legisla the colors o f the spectrum because $86.14. after year means a useless and un Payette-Oregon Slope, Nyssa and Salem. ture. Under the provisions of the of the media through which It has Edw. Parrish et ux to Nels Raa- called for expenditure o f money. Ontario districts. ‘‘The curative phase of the work proposed law, M.- Luper states, the Objections have been made from been passed. If one really lovea mussen-Lots 37, 38, and 39, Block 4, is aided directly by the early care state would necessarily take excess the Light, he Is not disturbed be Riverside Add. to Ontario. 11-23-26. every part of the state to the action of the patient; the preventive phase ive losses in some districts or find of the text book commission in its cause it appears in different colors, $300.00. is served by removing the patient itself unable to resell the lands which Agnes Downs to A. G. Moore- change of personnel made in No hut he must Insist that It takes all from direct contact with his fam ily; had been ecquired through foreclos the colors to make the clear white N W K N W K N W * Sec. 11-18-47. 11- vember, which removed R. R. Turner the positive health or education ure. and named a Portland teacher in his light of truth. Perhaps we hare 3-26. $1,200.00. phase is aided by the fact that the As solution to the muddle into reached that Henry C. Dunagan et ux to U. S. place, thus giving control of the com tolerance of view “ Well here I am” said W. G. Mor patients and their friends lose their which irrigation matters have de which admits that others may be Yerax-NH, N *S E 14 , and NE14- mission to Portland without a repre gan, secretary o f the Harper Com dread o f tuberculosis by learning veloped in the state, Luper will pro worshipping the Christ Child, even SW & Sec. 29-28-46. 3-27-26. $10.00. sentative from Eastern Oregon. Mr. mercial club o f Malheur county, a that it can be checkel, cured and al pose to the legislature a bill mod if they do not sing the same hymn Sheriff C. W. Glenn to Paul Graham says the commission as it former Albany resident for a brief together prevented by following the eled largely after a law which has nor say the same creed. A t least Brooks-Lots 17 and 20, inclusive, is now is not a legal body. period, who arrived in A lbany for a rules of normal, healthy living.” been in effect in Colorado for a on Christmas the flood gates of Block 312; Lots 1 to 6, ine., Block As a result of present resentment Mr. Marshall’s services are fur number of years and which is said few days visit. love, peace, and good will are un 264; and Lots 1 to 20, ine., Block it is expected that the legislature Mr. Morgan is interested largely nished free to the State by the Na to have been found entirely satis loosened anti a person must be a 282, Ontario. 12-18-26. $165.00. will make some change in the text Tuberculosis Association factory in that state. in “ Whiteurth,” a new material used tional book law to eliminate the present Marriage Licenses Issued. markably strong swimmer to battle in cement work and for insulation which receives five cents from each The Colorado law, Mr. Luper ex Frank L. Hendricks and Elsie uncalled for waste o f money. .in t that Hood. To hold fast tc in wiring buildings. Tha product he dollar’s worth o f Christmas seals plains, provides for the refunding one’s own narrow conception o f the Neal. 12-13-26. is putting on the market is a new sold in the U. S. each year. o f the indebtedness of irrigation truth and of the purposes o f God, Complaints Filed In Circuit Court. discovery o f a material found in the districts by the issuance o f refund is indeed difficult on the annivers Walter Thompson vs Vera Thomp Malheur county in recent years that ing bonds, which limit the liability ary o f the birth o f Jeeus. son. 12-18-26. Divorce. is rapidly coming into demand, says of the settlers to a definite portion State of Oregon vs Wm. C. Tom We should give high praise and Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan is a of the district’s indebtedness. Any unfeigned thanks for the message lin, Jr., et al. 12-17-26. Foreclosure booster for his county and has much settler can then be relieved from of Christmas in all ages, but es of Mortgage. $2,229.44. to say about the proposed irrigation The County Agent’s office is very taxation for the payment of prin pecially In this Twentieth Century. Bank o f Jordan Valley vs Jordan, BALLOT ON projects by the government known anxious to get in interest of refunding If you don’t think the old world Is Vallay Hotel Co. 12-17-26. Recovery STATE REGENTS communication cipal and »«C A T IO N FOB EASTERN as the Owyhee and Vale projects. with dairymen wishing to have reg bonds upon the payment of his pro any better than It was, read your on note. $1,700.00. OREGON NORMAL He is of the opinion that great possi ular monthly cow testing service for portionate share o f the indebted history or go and live in some place bilities - are in store for the early their herds. J. B. Hallman, one of ness plus 15 per cent additional to where Christ is not known. Be a MARKED MALLARD DUCK ENDS FLIGHT NEAR VALE settlers or investors on the lands to the official testers o f the Weiser- cover contingencies. This payment real pagan, "a genuine barbarian, The state board of normal school The flight of • mallard duck that be irrigated. The expense o f the Payette Cow Testing Ass’n., Is go may be made in cash or in district and suffer their cruelties and lust. perhaps has seen the sunny south, regents on Monday afternoon select projects is based at $22,000,000, said ing to be able to give Malheur Coun bonds at par and enables the set Thank God for the Gool News of northern snows and has reached ed LaGrande for the new Eastern Morgan, and will bring into culti- ty enough time to handle approxi tler to take advantage of any drop Christmas, for there one finds a According from one comer o f this broad coun Oregon normal school. vaion 240,$00 acres. The land at mately ten herds. in the market value o f bonds by Four or five truth inherent in all religion, and to a press report, LaGrande and present can be bought at from $60 have already been secured but there puchasing them at their low price answer to the soul hunger o f every try to the other, was stopped by a bullet near Vale last week. The Pendleton were tied with nine votes to $600 per acre with water rights. is still opportunity for others who and turning them in at par on his child o f man. The great question little bird was no different from a each for the site of the eastern Ore Morgan suggested that investors are interested. It Is hoped that indebtedness. of life is not how God made me, gon normal, The Dalles in second have a great opportunity at this with this sort o f a start, by spring Bonds now outstanding, Mr. Luper but wjiat sort of a being am I now thousand others that have been bag place with six votes after the first ged by local nimrods since the seas time for making a good buy. the county will be able to support explains, constitute a contract be- that I have been made? The prob- The preliminary ballot on opened, except for the fact that balloting. He reports that there is 6,600,000 a cow testing association of its own. tween the district and the bond- |,,m 0f existance is not how much ing eliminated Arlington, Weston, it wore a silver (eg band, one con acres of land in the county and not holders which cannot be changed by ,.an , ?f,t out o f my three Redmond and Elgin. All other sites taining a number that had been put SCHOOL DISTRICT 16 IN a 100 acres o f timber land on the legislation without the consent of yParj, and ten, but how can I fit votes on by the U. S. Biological depart not eliminated received two tax roll. The timber all being in HANDS BOUNDARY BOARD both parties. ¡m yself for eternity? Before the ment. The bird was shot by D. A. each. the government reserve. He pro humanity groped A three day hearing on school dls- There are nearly 10,000 automo- Christmas, humanity CJor on Bulley Creek. The ques. poses to join with other counties in F /«e From T ax C ollector triet No. 16 resulted Tueeday In hile camps in this country, of which blindly in a region of shadow and tion is where did this bird hail from the state in a concerted action to Tax collecting Is a difficult task In finding that District No. 16 was qq per cent are in or near a city ^reat darkness. They wanted to and it will be solved by government secure revenues from the government an abandoned district and as such or town. j kr,ow whence they came and whith- officials. They use this method to Melanesia, off the east coast of Aus on timber lands which are exempt is In the hands o f the boundary ---------------------------- I er they went. Some light had been determine the average flight of var trails, for when the collector appears a tom tom Is beaten to warn the vil from taxation. board. Davis A Lytle represented w hat a beautiful winter! Plenty given, but there wasn’t any real ious game birds. A letter should lagers. who go Into hiding. The Col Mr. Morgan gave a demonstration the arties who were claiming that of snow, and mild, pleasant weather, certainlty for all mankind. Proph- be received from the government lector finds only cold hearthetonee mil o f the novel earth product at the t.he Cow Valley district was a n , Bo*! nt sI1. the snow assures plenty eta, teachers, philosophers had officials by next week. deserted dwellings. Willard Electric store last night.— abandoned one. ' ol water for a good crop next year, j wrestled with these questions, and Albany Democrat-Herald. < i MALHEUR UNITS OPPOSE R E M A 1 IÛ N BOARD i MALHEUR SEES EASY lEMED VALE PROJECT 6ETS $800,000 MONEY FOB HEALTH WISE INVESTMENT malheu T I n T akes UP TEXT BOOK FIGHT OPPOSE STATE BOARO FOR RECLAMATION W. 0. MORGAN GREAT BOOSTER FOR MALHEUR E GETS NORMAL SCHOOL Does Malheur Want Cow Tests? j