Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1926)
W IR E L E S S O V E R S E A the steamships Republic and Florida met in collision and their entire crews were saved by vessels called to their Just 25 years ago on December 12 one of the epochal ‘ aid by wireless. Since that time the number a f lives events in the development o f wireless communication oc from ^Enc- ■'"avet* through its agency has reached into the thousands. curred, when Marconi succeeded in si 0 Wireless telephony, now popularly knovvii a» radio, was land across the Atlantic to Newfoundland. , a later development, and it was not until 1915 that the ^ ! ^ rst spoken transoceanic message was sent from W ash the three dots o f the letter “ S .” But it was sufficient ington to Paris by this means. to demonstrate that oversea communication without the In wireless communication, as in many other depart- use o f wire cables was possible. The first successful ex- ments 0f science and art, the apparatus and methods of bles was periment was followed lonoweu by ov other ocner brief oriei signals, but oui it n was upon as crude beginnings. w a s; 1901 loni are now looked i00ked unon bee-innines. And a not until 1903 that the first complete over-sea message qUarter 0f a century hence the world may look back and o f consequence was sent. j view our 1926 equipment as being fit only for display Henceforth development o f wireless telegraphy was in a museum. rapid, installations being made on ships as early as 1904. In 1909 it was first used in calling assistance at sea when A L A Z Y M A N ’S ID E A :w vw vw w i. IS YOUR N A.,^ THE BOOK? If Not You still have time. Forms for the January issue of the Telephone Directory will close Dec. 27th. All changes in listings and or ders for new Phones to be in the book must be in by that date. Please notify our local office and your order will receive prompt attention. Someone has said that most labor saving devices have been the inventions of lazy men, to whom the world owes a debt o f gratitude. It was two lazy bank clerks of London that the clearing house idea was due. In the early days each bank sent messengers to other banks to cash checks over the counter, requiring much counting and carrying of currency. About the year 1770 two clerks, each going to the other’s bank, happened to meet in a tavern and it occur red to one of them that labor might be saved by exchang ing checks and settling the difference in cash. Other clerks joined in the scheme and the Five Bells public house near Lombard street became the meeting place for clerks to exchange checks. Finally the bankers adopted the lazy clerk’s idea and rented a room for their meeting place, and thus the clearing house was establish ed. Now it frequently happens that as many as a million checks are passed through the London clearing house in a single day. It’s hard to love your neighbor as yourself if he hap pens to be learning the saxaphone. OUR PANAMA CANAL LEADING BRITISH DITCH AT SUEZ IN TRAFFIC TONNAGE U.6.TRANSPORT" northern In c r e a s e o f F r e ig h t v ia P a n a m a R o u t e , L a r g e ly D u e to O il S h ip m e n ts , In d ic a te s R ise o f U n ite d S ta te s t o L e a d e r sh ip o f W o r l d ’ s C om m erce. pacific passing THROUGH the PANAMA NOTICE. BUDGET ESTIMATES ON PROJECTS SENT TO CONGRESS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL Budget estimates on the Vale and HEUR COUNTY. Owyhee projects were sent to con U-V6 PENNSYLVANIA AT CHAGRES In the Matter of the Petition of RIVER. C ROSSING gress on December 8 . According to a press report, the estimates as the Board of Directors of the ON- the Suez route, while 21 nations were By J U D S O N C . W E L L I V ^ B transmitted to congress Wednesday TARIO-NYSSA IRRIGATION DIS represented In the maritime caravaD One of the striking evidences of confirm the figures heretofore re TRICT FOR THE JUDICIAL EX America’s rapid rise toward commer at Panama. ported as estimated for construc AMINATION and judgment o f the The World War was not the only cial and Industrial leadership of the Court as to the regularity and legal tion of the projects in the next fis unexpected factor tn bringing Paua world. Is the Panama Canal, will al ma so quickly to equalitv with Suez, ity of the proceedings in connection cal year. most certainly handle more freight In nor the most important. The enor For the Vale project the amount with the organization of the District, 1*26 than will Suez. For several years mous Increase in Panama traffic in recommended to congress is $750,- and the proceedings of said Board and of said District for the author the two canals liavo been In a neck 1923 was represented almost entirely j 000 for the next fiscal year. and neck competition whose Implica by petroleum and Its products, mov For the Owyhee an estimate to ization of contract with the United tions are the more Interesting be ing from California to the east coast States. taling $ 2 , 000,000 was recommended. cause the Panama ditch is owned bv and Europe. In the year ended June Other Oregon projects that are To the ONTARIO-NYSSA IRRI the American Government, and that 30, 1924, tolls aggregating $24,290,000 found in the budget are Klamath GATION DISTRICT, and to all free were collected, of which 19,071,000 at Suez by the British Government. was from tankers carrying petroleum. $226,000, and for Umatilla, for nom holders, legal voters and assessment Of course both Canals are op> n to An even more striking statement of inal maintenance work, $10,000. The payers in said District: the ships of all nations; and the estimates award Crater Lake an in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, competition between them is not only the matter is that for the same year exactly 50 per cent of all tonnage crease over last year. that on the 8 th day of July, 1926, between the United States and Brit through the Canal was between the i J. B. Smith, S. D. Dorman and J. J. ain, but in a larger and oven more two ocean fronts of the United Successful transplantation of a ' Sarazin, Directors of the Ontario- significant view it Is co '.petition be States, that is, 13,500,000 tons; and toe to take the place of a finger Nyssa Irrigation District, filed in tween eld world and now world. of this, considerably over 9,000,000 has been accomplished by a New j the Circuit Court o f the State of When the Panama Canal was open tons, or more than two thirds was pe W A V W A W A V . . York surgeon. ed in 1915, Suez was already transit troleum. It was of course chiefly I Oregon for Malheur County, their ing about 25,000,000 tons of freight from California, en route to eastern petition praying that said Court ju annually. Almost nobody be’ ieved refineries. In the succeeding year dicially examine the proceedings for Panama could ever attract anything the organization of said District, approaching such a volume. But dur this petroleum movement fell off heavily; but for 1926 It is again In and for the exclusion from said Dis ing the war fear of German subma creasing and the Increase Is likely to trict of the Right o f Way o f the rines In the Medlt rannean caused continue for many years. But for the Railroad Company, and the proceed- many vessels to take the Panama petroleum traffic, the Canal would ings in the matter o f the authoriza- routn between the far east and Eu- have shown a deficit tn every year of tion o f contract with the United ™pean or. Amor,can port9 Thls *av* its operation. „ i f _,_________ i , Panama Us Introduction and it has The enormous petroleum business States, and for an order and decree _ . . . .. . , .. „ * " . , * , — — ^ , , not only held but greatly increased has been in other ways advantageous of said Court that all of said acts Hg buslne8a slnce the war In 1923 and proceedings were and are in all Panama transited 5037 vessels to Panama. A constantly increasing things legal, regular, binding and against 4621 for Suez; Panama han proportion of maritime shipping now adays uses oil fuel. Oil-burning ships valid, and approving and confirming dled 25,160,000 cargo tons against 22, seek routes on which they can most the same, and that said proposed 170,000 for Suez. This was the first cheaply buy oil; and because Cali contract, when executed by the pro year of Panama's lead. fornia oil can be put so cheaply Into A Close Race per officers of said District, will be the bunkers of vessels passing The following year Suez barely ex through the Panama ditch, there the valid and binding obligation of said District, and for such other and ceeded Panama’s tonnage; and in is a substantial Inducement to But prefer this route. This will In further orders in said matter as to 1925 comfortably held Its lead. the Court might seem meet and equi reports for 1926 to date indicate that creasingly favor Panama and mili- Suez is losing, owing to Britain's in trto against Suez, as the number table in the premises, and that said dustrial depression, while Panama is of oil burners Increases. Moreover, petition is now pending in said doing better and is pretty certain to Panama’s advantage will still further Court; and that by Order of said resume the lead. increase as the enormous oil re Court duly made and entered in said Tha present Suez Canal has been sources of Venezuela, Colombia, and B O O STE R S are the Public Spirited men who are al matter,the 13th day o f January,1927, In operation nearlv sixty years. Pan other South American countries ways ready to stand back of the town in which they at 1:30 o ’clock P. M., at the Circuit ama only eleven. Although few peo are developed. live, whether he is a merchant, resident or a farm er Court Room at Vale, Malheur Coun ple except antiquarians know it, the Great Service of Panama who calls that town home. A booster is a man who ty, Oregon, has been fixed as the first canal at Suez was built more if cheap petroleum has thus served It was in op wants to see his home town go ahead and is putting his time and place for the hearing of than 8,006 years ago. Panama so well, Panama In turn has eration as early as B. C. 1380; how said petition. equally served the American motor shoulder to the wheel in an effort to make it go ahead. long before, Is mere conjecture. Be And you and each of you are here fore the Christian era began the ditch ist, who consumes most of the world’s by notified that any person or party had been built, destroyed, rebuilt, petroleum products. For Panama has interested in said matter may at any silted up and built up again, time brought the Pacific Coast petroleum When Alexander the to the eastern market at costs which, time within ten days after the last after time. Great conquered Egypt the Ca hut for the Canal, would he vastly publication of this notice, appear and The newspaper in your community is the biggest greater. Thus the Canal has given X contest the validity o f this proceed nal was one of the oldest of engi i ho United States the cheapest pe booster of them all. When some public enterprise is ing, or of any o f the acts or things J neering works. Between 1904 and 1915 the present troleum products In tho world, and set afloat, the chances are ten to one that the local paper enumerated or covered in the said Panama Canal was constructed. It helped build the automobile Industry was the biggest factor in the lot in bringing about its and our modern highway system. petition; and that if you fail to so cost about $400,000,000, Suez about This mutually helpful relationship appear, the Court will proceed in its one fourth that sum. accomplishment, so why not patronize the merchants But Suez Is a judicial examination o f said proceed simple, soa-Ievel ditch across a sandy between the Canal and the petroleum that are boosting your town and thereby become a boost ings, and enter its judgment and de pialn; while Panama Is a lock canal, users is the more impressive when er yourself? cree as to the regularity and legal th» greater part of tts length lying one realizes that It was not even re motely anticipated at the time Presi Oheek over the paper this week and see just who the ity o f such proceedings, and o f each •5 feet above sea level, so that most dent Roosevelt started building the boosters inN\s <; are— and they want your trade too be and all o f the acts and things cov- of the distance from ocean to ocean Canal. So late, Indeed, as 1910, when is through an artificial freshwater cause they are asking you for it— T H E R E BOOSTERS. | ered by said petition. Admiral Evans wrote his articles lake. This notice is given pursuant to about the Canal and decided that It Early Profits Unexpected the Order o f the Honorable Dalton could not be profitable for several When Roosevelt started building decades at least, he based all hi» cal Biggs, Judge of the Circuit Court a» Panama, neither ho nor any other culations on the pr'bnble cost of coal i of the State of Oregon for Malheur prophet of optimism w uld have County, duly entered herein on the dared suggest,that within its first for bunkering ships. He did not 18 th day of December, 1926, which decade the Canal would earn a profit. dream that merchant marines were on the verge ol tho revolutionary order directs such notice to be pub Its chief Justification c mcerned the change from coal to oil. So he figured lished for three successive weeks, national defense, and the establish- that, as there is practically no banker being four publications, in the Gate meut of competition with the trans coal In the countries bordering on the i City Journal, published at Nysss, continental railroads Pacific, that ocean could not com Although both Cr lals are open to pete, by way of Panama, for a great Oregon, and the jurisdiction o f said The Court in the premises will be com shipping of all na ions, British ves ly Increased sharo of shipping. sels constitute the majority of those oil development overturned the proph plete at the expiration o f ten days using Suez (55.8 per cent), while after full publication o f this notice, American vessels re 54.5 per cent of eetes of Admiral Evans, and of all others who had f .-«seen that fuel and the date o f the first publication those using Pane .a. problems would make Panama an- is December 10, 1926, and the date For 1924, ship of 21 nations used profit.-bio. N Y S S A , OREGON o f last publication is December 31, , 1923. There are .".pprorimately 8.000,- Dated this 8 th day o f December, In 1880 about 90 per cent o f the 000 pianos ov.t of tune in America. M *. ' people of the United States lived (Seal) (Signed) H. S. SACKETT, The fort: -3 o f Saints Peter and Today only about 28 County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk ¡Paul in L .ingrad, long famous as on farms. of the Circuit Court for Malheur, a prison. 13 to be converted into per cent, do, in spite o f the to* County. Dec.10-Dec. 31st. a historical museum. 1 creased food demand. MALHEUR HOME TEL EPHONE CO. BOOS What Are Boosters? Boosters Are ihos Who A ivertise Trade With Merchants U ho Want Your Trade □ The Gate Citv Jc jrnal