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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1926)
Supplement < Supplement GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 192G "ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES” ‘ Ë1 i The program o fN e a r Hast R e lie f centers in the ch ild a n d is th e n a tu ra l o u tg ro w th o f th e s p ir it o f th e G o ld en R u le M aking the “ W hite House Rug' that was given President Coolidge, December, ¡925. Where 1000 boys eat daily. 1/35 of the total number to be fed. Food, clothing, shelter and loving care are provided for the homeless; school and religious training for the young and inexperienced. Every orphan is taught some practical trade that will make self-support possible at sixteen. Gentlemen I regard International Golden Rule Sunday as a movement of much importance. Begun in an attempt to care for the orphaned children of Bible lands, it has been extended to other countries. Practical help is the best expression of friendship. The aid we may give out of our abundance to those less fortunately situated than we should be of great value in bringing about the application of the Golden Rule to the settlement of misunderstandings among nations as well as among individuals. Skilled medical aid in case o f accidents. 1 ! The carpenter shop al Nazareth. I hope the voluntary observance of this may become increasingly prevalent in America throughout the World. Harvesting the orphanage crop -double the local yield. Every child goes to school. No illiterates among graduates. International Golden Rule Committee 151 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Increased production and improved methods lift the economic level. Coming from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre A RELIABLE ORGANIZATION, chartered by and responsible to Con gress. “ Easily the leader in the quality of its personnel.”—Felix Warburg. “ I can endorse without reservation its wise economic administration and the devoted and ably qualified per sonnel.”—John R. Molt. Serves to "create a more sympathetic understanding between peoples and thus helps us to progress a step further toward world peace.” Charles E. Hughes. International ^ A WORTH WHILE OBJECTIVE. Training children for self-support and future usefulness. "Its orphanage work is one of the finest pieces of con structive work I have ever seen.”— Cardinal O'Connell. “ Nothing in the history of the American people so becomes them as their attitude toward these persecuted people.” S. Parkes Cadman. Golden Rule Sunday December 5,1926 $5.00 means food for one month. $2.00 means full support for just over one week. $100.00 means a Sponsorship for one year. Definite child assigned, photograph and story furnished. $500.00 brings a ten year old orphan to full self- support. Your money in the hands of Near East Relief is yourself at work for these children a E A T A S IM P L E , O R P H A N A G E T Y P E O F D IN N E R T H A T D A Y : for e x a m p l e , - a s te w ( th e y h a v e m e a t b u t o n c e o r tw ic e a w eek in t h e o r p h a n a g e s ) , b r e a d , a p r i c o t s a n d cocoa, 't h i n k o f t h e o r p h a n s o f t h e N ear E ast. R e a liz e t o y o u r s e l f t h e i r c o n d i t i o n . Do for t h e m w h a t y o u w o u ld w a n t to h a v e d o n e for y o u r c h i l d r e n if t h e y s h o u l d ever be le ft d e s t i t u t e . M o re d e t a i l e d s u g g e s t i o n s c o n c e r n i n g G o l d e n R u le S u n d a y a v a ila b le u p o n r e q u e s t . Good Wishes pay no bills! T o help these children I will for one year pay N ear Hast Relief the sum indicated by my (x) mark ! yb«7 G‘ve! $100.00 Sponsorship for one year > T * 25.00 per m onth 10 00 per month. 5.00 per m onth 2 00 per m onth 1.00 per m onth. per m onth. * ti 4s •Definite child assigned, J photograph and 1 story furnished. Name C ity He ¿ives twice who ¿ives quickly ” State __ D ate N E A R E A S T R E L IE E \ . W. BRO O K IN G S, T re a su re r 613 Stock Exchange Building P ortland, O regon