The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, November 26, 1926, Image 4

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B f»“
says anything foolish.
A hick town is a place where you get as many gallons
Latest scientific figures show that light travels 186,-
as you pay for.
j 173 miles a second which is nearly twenty miles a sec­
ond slower than the original calculations. But still that
Fellows watching the girls go by frequently engage in
seemed to be fast enough.
a joint discussion.
Moving pictures are to be shown on liners coming to
The amount o f life insurance some persons carry
America in order to Americanize the immigrants coming
stamps them as rank egotists.
over. But won’t they learn the things which are shown
No domestic science course is necessary to enable a in the movies soon enough anyhow?
girl to make a traffic jam.
So far as we can learn no post-election expert has
Yes, Ben Bolt, the modern Sweet Alice doesn’t “ trem­ yet had the courage to state that the election was a vic­
ble with fear at your frown.”
tory for free trade, the League of Nations and the can­
A Pensacola hotel advertises itself as the “ Oasis o f cellation o f debts.
West Florida,” if you know what that means.
An Atlanta man is suing to recover $1,150 which he
he won on the election. This naturally leads to
Byron said “ ther’s music in the sighing of a reed,”
of who would have the nerve to bet on the
but he didn’t know Senator Jim o f Missouri.
election in Georgia anyway?
Wets and drys both won in the recent elections, and
Explorers say that the remains of the ancient Mayan
we can prove it by Senator Edwards and Wayne B.
reveal that these people had high culture. But we
won't believe they were really civilized until some ex­
A Boston fisherman saw a deer three miles from plorer excavates an antique saxaphone.
shore headed straight for the middle of the ocean. The
French wine makers are said to be hopeful that the
animal must have swallowed a bottle of synthetic Scotch
o f A1 Smith and the wet referendum in New
which had been washed ashore.
York will soon lead to the exportation o f champagne
premier Bruce of Australia, in a recent London speech, from France to America. Which shows just how well
declared that the American colonies were right in their these Europeans understand America.
aspirations for independence. Though coming a trifle
Lucie Sam stands to pet something out o f Queen Mar­
late, this moral support is appreciated.
ie’s visit. He will learn the Roumania anthem.— Boston
Almost daily new advances in commercial aviation
throughout the world are recorded, and there can be no
Isaac Davies, when arrested in Chicago as a tramp,
doubt that in the near future aircraft will occupy an
Thanksgiving is a day unique in the list o f holidays— was found to carrying two jars of face cream.
important place in the transportation facilities of all
not perhaps so unique in its conception as in the mean­
progressive nations.
G. A. Carey, 70-year-old alderman of Middlesborough,
ing which the day has come to have. We think of it as
Among recent developments may be mentioned the es­
saved a child from drowning at the risk of his
a day of getting together, with a wonderful dinner i
tablishment o f an airplane passenger service with sleep­
symbol, f aith in the goodness o f God and a revereiT
ing accomodations between Germany and England, and
prayer of thanksgiving is its avowed purpose.
An iron girder fell four stories into a street in New
its proposed extension to other countries. In these
missing three pedestrians by only a few inches.
“ Pullman” planes eight seats used during the day are
ulue u‘u,u
T £.
converted iSto four Sleeping berths at night
women who knew what meant to face hun^er’ to know
Mayor Maurice Thoumyre of Dieppe, France, drove
Regular passenger service between Norway and Eng- hunger and stick to an appointed task. That task hap-
ailtomobile in which he took his chauffeur to the
® pened to be the opening up of that new land which was
a , *
land is soon to be established, while regular passenger, ¡¡estined to provi^
bountifully for you and me who church for the latter s marriage
freight and mail service between Vienna and Venire is
SU uuu,ltliu11* iUX * uu anu I,MS W1,u, T.
. ,
already in ooeration
nave inherited
! Three different married couples were caught shop-
At Fredrichshaven, Germany, will shortly be launched
They wef e stickers-those from whom this heritage lifting in New Yorke within a week,
the world’s largest
"gest seaplane, capaoie oi carrying zo per-1 wTnt‘ fT a rln V th e ^ e e d of^strife^But;6 they s tu e fa n d ' W’ R‘ Drane of Yarmouth, Eng., recently saved a
sons and fuel for a flight of 1,650 miles. This new ma-
Thanksgiving Day was for them a sol-|child from drowning, which made his 1112th rescue from
the River Yare.
i e ^ r i f f i nctended f ° r ^ ^ .trans-Mediterranean Passen' eirnn rite. If th ey-th a t band o f Pilgrim men and wom-
on their trip to the farms which Mr.
These are but a few of the latest developments. As js « i - c o u l d f e e U o h o n ^ ^
hojmty _asj
Foster has been instrumental in as­
well known, arial transportation has been employed in
sisting them to choose in Oregon.
Europe for some time to a greater extent than in Amer
Dozens of other families on whom
to feel less. It was a solemn occasion but they were
the field representative has been
calling are now arranging their af-
However, under the legislation passed at the last ses­ happy.
¡ fairs so that they may be free to
sion o f Congress in aid of both military and civil avia­
There was nothing to it, Vale mopped up Ontario at The urge of westward migration locate permanently in Oregon,
tion, it is believed that the United States will not lag
did not cease with the covered wag-
For the next ten days, Mr. Foster
behind in the flying art, which our own Wright brothers the football game. You can’t keep . good ducks down. on, according to W. G. Ide, manager will be operating in the farm dis-
gave to the world.
Tom Middleton says he could enjoy this home made of the land settlement work of the tricts in the neighborhood o f St.
liquor a lot more if it could be taken in capsules.
i State and
Portland Chambers o f Paul and Minneapolis, where he has
, ] ,,
■» , i
Commerce, who has received word found large groups of families who
Maybe there wouldn t be so much cheating if the from Arthur Foster, the depart. feel the lure of the Northwest and
men were compelled to wear license plates the ment’s representative in the middle- are especially anxious to investigate
Crude oil production in the United States for the
west, that the John Day Highway, the opportunities to carry on dairy-
first week in November reached 2,386,000 barrels a day, same as automobiles are.
Old Oregon Trail and the Pacific ¡ng where there are mild winters
a new record for all time. The greatest daily produc­
Well the .international disarmament conference at Highway will serve as the routes for free from the long cold periods
tion previously recorded was 2,347,984 barrels in May, Geneva has failed but it wasn’t due to lack o f adver- farm families on their way to Ore- Which they experience in the east.
------------------- -
On Monday
families left I A Massachusetts man, rejected
Tremendous production from new fields in Seminole
Still it must be admitted that there are several rivers
county, Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle qnd California for Governor Smith tc ross between A’bany and Wash­ Murray County, Minnesota, by auto- in 1861 as ‘not strong enough* for
mobile, the Peters, Lokhorsts and the Union Army, died recently at
served to swell the total to an unprecedented figure.
Van Edens o f that county starting the age of 104.
The Semirfole pool was discovred only a few weeks
ago, yet its production now reaches about 120,000 barrels
3 !
a day, with many more weels being drilled. The indica­
tions are that the present high rate of production will
be exceeded in the immediate future.
Prices of crude oil have been reduced to some extent
as a result of overproduction, and this may be followed Notice is hereby given, that th e !
by correspondingly lower prices o f gasoline if the pres­
approved plat o f Larson’s Island has j
ent situation is long maintained.
been received at this land office, and
Although anxiety for the continued supply of crude will be officially filel January 13,
petroleum has been voiced by economists during recent
1027 .
years, the oil industry has been able to keep ahead of
Said lands, subject to valid ex- j
the demand so far, and in view o f present conditions it.
isting rights, will be opened to en­
is unlikely that there will be any shortage o f gasoline of try in the manner following:
allied products for a long time to come.
Armistice Day was again celebrated on November 11,
eight years after the World War. But although eight
years have elapsed since the roar o f guns ceased on the
battle fronts, the scars of war still mark the face of
civilization, and the issues resulting from it are far from
a final settlement.
From a material standpoint it is doubtful whether
Germany has suffered as much as some of the allied
nations which forced her to agree to the stern terms of
the Treaty of Versailles. All Europe is still in an unset­
tled state, and much suffering is still endured by the
poorer classes, while governments are in dire straits
with respect to their financial obligations.
In nearly every country the difficulty of international
relations is accentuated through internal strife of great­
er or less significance. Dissatisfaction over territorial
adjustments, reparations and war debts is widespread,
in spite of the efforts o f the League of Nations to
smooth out the differences which exist among the na­
The only encouraging feature o f the situation is seen
in the acceptance o f the Locarno treaties and the entry
of Germany into the League. These promise to avert
actual warfare for the present at least. But the fact
remains that eight years after the armistice the outlook
for the prosperity and happiness of the great mass of
European people is by no means bright.
The Gate City Journal Solicits Your
(a) Soldier’s Preference:
I January 13, 1927, to April 13, 1927,
Do you remember the good old days when the women said land will be subject to entry
had enough hair to have a genuine hairpulling once in under the h °raestead and desert-
land laws, by qualified ex-service
a while?
laW9’ by qua if,ed
men o f the Worid War, who have
An actress married an alleged doctor, who turned out been honorably discharged or sep-
from the Service, or placed
to be a rubber in a Turkish bath. Now she wants a di­ | arated
in the Army or Naval Reserve: Pro­
vorce and 8t*mds to lose the rubber.
vided, That such soldier preference
right applicants may file their ap­
plications to enter at any time dur-
ng the twenty days prior to the
date on which said plat will be of-
l ticially filed, that is, from Decem­
ber 24, 1926, to January 13, 1927.
All such applications, together w ith ,
1 hose filed January 13,1927, will be j
'reated as simultaneously filed and [
onflicting applications will be dis-|
nosed o f by lot.
The preference right above pro- i
vided for is subject to valid prior
i ights or equitable claims recogniz-;
cd by existing laws, but to avoid
confusion, any such rights or claim
hould be exercised during the twen­
ty-days simultaneous filing period
in paragraph
(a )
Beginning with April 14,
said lands will become subject to
entry by the public generally, under
any of the public land laws applic­
able thereto.
All Stationery Supplies
Gate City Journal
r y V W V W W W W t W W V W W A V W .W W .V J W .'.W V A W V .W .
For twenty days prutr to April 14,
1927, any qualified appplicant may
execute and file his application and
such applications presented within
such 20-day period, together with
those offered on April 14, 1927, will
be treated ns simultaneously filed.
Geo. W. McKnight, Register.'
This Paper Advocates and Practices the Gos­
pel of T ’ADE AT HOME and will appreciate
cooperation on the part of printing buyers
Check over your needs and order
now before the fall
rush of business
W e have Report Cards for use
• in rural schools at 25c
per dozen
Typewriting Paper, 8 1-2x11
at $1.00 for 500 sheets
It will be our policy to carry
■ large paper stock of staple
items. We have a well equip­
ped plant and guarantee abso­
lute satisfaction and reason­
able prices.
We will be pleased to help you
arrange your copy and design
any special forms, circulars,
booklets, etc. We specialize in
commercial, social and farm
Mail Orders Filled Quicker Than a Wink