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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1926)
Chicago gunmen will hardly get out of the alleys be STOP, LOOK AND MARRY ABOUT WOMEN fore Christmas. Under the old Michigan Marriage Law a couple could Mrs. Dora Sclorenco has been appointed Philadelphia’s While the weather forecaster forecasts, old Jupiter become engaged, get a license and be married within first woman constable, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of her husband. i ten minutes. Pluvius broadcasts. Eighteen months ago the legislature passed a second- women control and manage the Woman’s Bank Some who expect to set the world afire begin by thought law requiring a five-day wait after the license j of Chinese Shanghai, a flourishing financial institution. lighting another cigarette. is isued. Mrs. Klara Pal of Arad, Rumania, who once sat for Father’s most vivid impression of higher education is The marriage license clerk at Detroit checked his re the noted painter Munkacsy, has just celebrated her that it comes higher. cords at the end of a year under the new law and found 1120th birthday. one couple in every twenty never came back.—Col Miss Maria Urguidi served as secretary and interpre When a man marrys his stenographer he also usually that liers Weekly. ter for a financial mission recently sent to the United learns to take dictation. States by the government of Bolivia. We imagine that Saint Peter, too, has some difficulty PROPHETS OF DOOM Pressing a burglar alarm with her foot, Miss Loraine in thwarting the gate crashers. Zang frightened away three bandits who attempted to While timely warnings against dangerous trends in About the year 1950 it will be in order to erect a mon social, political, or commercial life may be of practical rob a bank at Covington, Ky. ument to the last pedestrian. benefit, the chronic pessimism of certian writers exerts Miss Virginia Savoie, one of the most famous of French nurses during the war, recently fell heir to a There is no telling what a jury may do, but if forced an altogether detrimental influence. large fortune and has married an American, W. B. Gor to hazard a guess it is fairly safe to bet on an acquittal. An illustration of this is seen in the recent pronounce don, a golf club manager. ment by Dean Inge of London, who prophesies the doom It is comforting to Houdini’s friends to know that he of Great Britain as a world power, and other dire calam Face powder and other cosmetics are barred from Esthonia, but the vigilance of customs officers is often could always get out of any place he didn’t want to stay ities. ineffective against “bootleggers” of beauty preparations. in. Another eminent Britisher, Sir Alfred Mond, the chem Mrs. Elizabeth Sulzer recently won the Rousseau prize If they ever really find Aimee’s prison shack, Henry ical magnate, takes the gloomy Dean to task for creat at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, for her tnesis Ford may buy it to add to his collection of historical ing “defeatist atmosphere,” which tends to hamper the on the Romance languages, in competition with several efforts of those who are striving to pull the empire male students. landmarks. through its difficulties. Sir Alfred said: The recent emission of 100,000 cubic meters of lava “It is almost intolerable that men who are experienced from a volcano in Java in two weeks may give an import neither in finance nor commerce should hinder our ef SELECT INSTITUTION DATES ON MERIT ant clue to the location of Hades. forts when we are trying to hold our ends up.” Various towns in eastern Oregon want the new nor The old-fashioned lady who corrected her erring hus Great Britain is not the only country which suffers mal school and a number of places, among them Bend, band with a rolling pin has a granddaughter who gets from the doleful whines of prophets of doom. They are I Baker, The Dalles, Vale and Umatilla the new tubercul heard in America, too, and if we took them seriously we osis hospital. The state board of control will locate the even more lasting results with an automatic. should sink into the depths of despair. Fortunately, we It is said that grasshoppers have ears on their legs. do not take them very seriously, and those capable of hospital and the normal school regents are to decide If politicians were built like that they would have less constructive leadership manage to carry on, usually where the normal school should be located. The intent of the voters was to have these institutions located strict difficulty in “keeping their ears to the ground.” with gratifying success. ly upon a merit basis, not at all upon a pork barrel basis. Needless to say, the hospital should be located where it HENRY GRADY’S ADVICE TIME TO REJOICE will be best for the unfortunate patients. The normal Celebration of the Vale and Owyhee irrigation pro Henry W. Grady, the great Southern editor and ora school should be placed where it will best serve normal jects is a matter of general rejoicing. Vale, Nyssa, H ar tor, died 37 years ago, but the advice he gave tp the farm students and others affected. That calls for study of per, Weiser, Payette, Caldwell, Nampa and Boise and ers of his native Georgia and the South many years ago various features and there are indications the normal regents will make such a study and make it thorough. many others will all journy to Ontario Friday in honor is as sound today as it ever was when it was uttered. One particular gem of his which has been often repub It is all that can be asked by anyone.—Pendleton East of the projects. Governors and governor-elect from Oregon and Idaho have been invited and the delegations lished is of particular significance just now. It applies Oregonian. in congress. There will be bands representing a number equally to North or South, provided the principal money crop of any particular section be substituted for “cotton,” Some onion land in New York States sold the other of towns. Friday is scheduled to be a gala day. Oregon’s delegation in congress have fought big odds where it occurs in the original. Grady said: day for $1,700 an acre. Raising onions seems to be the to secure appropriations for the Vale and Owyhee. There “When every farmer in the South shall eat bread from one skin game that pays. have been many discouraging delays, and now at last his own fields and meat from his own pastures, and dis it is said that charges of the sale of impure milk have the final obstacles seem to have been hurdled. It has turbed by no creditor and enslaved by no debt, shall sit caused a decline of dairy sales in New York City. But been announced that work will proceed at once. The among his teeming gardens and orchards and vineyards would take more than that to cause the New Yorkers new projects will benefit greatly all eastern Oregon and and dairies and barnyards, pitching his crops in his own it to cut down on their synthetic liquor. wisdom and growing them in independence, making cot the western part of Idaho. ton his clean surplus and selling it in his own time and A movie actress is asking $25,000 damages for the We join in heartily saluting our future with the rest of this great country at the celebration in Ontario Fri in his chosen market and not At a master’s bidding—get loss of two feet of hair. Most of the ladies we know ting his pay in cash and not in a receipted mortgage that are paying fifty cents to a dollar to get rid of it. day. discharges his debt but does not restore his freedom— Now that the election is over and the football cham- then shall be breaking the fullness of our day.’* NO FREE SERVICE oionships will soon be decided we expect before long to There is a growing belief on the part of business men The country can’t be going to the devil when books get our mind clear for the early Christmas shopping. that many concerns are carrying the idea of socalled on history and philosophy jump to the top of the best Some scientists can do humanity a lot of good by in free service too far. The fact is that no such thing as selling column.—Milwaukee Journal. venting an automatic windshield wiper for horn-rimmed free service exists. All service which costs money to per Vienna is making a great fuss over an appropriation spectacles. of $13,000,000 for public improvements. In New York form must be paid for by someone. Take such a simple example as that of free delivery of that much would only be pin money for the police de A philosophy teacher in a New York college was ar- sted for fighting. Evidently philosophy is another of merchandise sold, and it may be readily seen that the partment. maintenance of delivery trucks or messengers adds to A wild deer got loose in Central Park, New York, the 'hope things which aren’t what they used to be. Tt is about time for the first stories that the heavy the merchant’s expense of doing business. He must pass other day and caused quite a commotion. A wild dear rains will mean a shortage of turkeys and the usual this expense on to his customers in the form of an in on Broadway, however, doesn’t cause so much excite M p T i prices.—Indianapolis Star. ment. creased price for his goods. While this is fair and proper in principle, the injustice lies in that the customer who does not demand delivery ï HE must usually pay just as much as the customer who does. If no one required delivery the price might be corre spondingly reduced. That this is true is illustrated by the “easn and carry” stores and in a modified degree by the cafeteria system. I m p o rta n t c o n ti ibulim iH to public The same principle applies to all businesses which sup h e a lth w ere m a d e by th e A m erican ply “free” facilities or services to customers. In the Red C ro ss th ro u g h Its P u b lic H e a lth n S e rv ic e , long run someone has to pay, although it is not always N \n u d rsin In g In S n e tru rv c ic tlo e , n N in u tritio H um e H y g ie n e the customer who receives the benefit of the extra in d C a re o f th e S ick. In e v e ry f a te service. and A laelta, w ith th e e x c e p tio n ot PROGRESSIVE RED CROSS CAMPAIGN The Gate City Journal Solicits Your Mrs. Ida Cortin of Chicago was granted a divorce af ter finding another womans’ powder puff in her hus band’s pocket. A memorial stone was placed over the grave of “Judy,’ a donkey which was for 11 years the pet of children in a park in Liverpool. The “ghost” in a house at Tynant, Wales, which was reputed to be haunted was found to be an owl. V V V V W W V W V V W V W V W V W V W Y V V W \A A /V W W V W W W % V V V W TEACHERS! We have Report Cards for use in rural schools at 25c per dozen Typewriting Paper, 8 1-2x11 at $1.00 for 500 sheets All Stationery Supplies Gate City Journal D elaw are a n d N ev ad a , In n tru c tlo n w as g iv en by th e Ited C ro ss, a ls o In th e P h ilip p in e s, H aw aii. P o rto ltlco , tn d V irg in In lan d s. A to ta l o ' 57.370 w om en a n d g ir ls le a r n e d to m a k e a h y g ien ic h o m e, a n d c a r e fo r th e sick In t h e ir h o m es. T h e U n ite d S t a t e s P u b lic H e a lth S e rv ice e s tim a te s t h a t a d e q u a te r u ra l h e a lth n u r s in g s e rv ic e w ould c o s t Mt.OUQ oou a n n u a lly , b u t w ould sa v e a billio n d o lla rs In v a lu e of h u m a n life, e a r n in g p o w er, a n d eco n o m ic co n s e rv a tio n . T h e A m e ric a n R e d C ro ss, th ro u g h Its P u b lic H e a lth N u rse s , of w hom t h e r s w e re n e a rly 800 on d u ty th e p a s t y e a r, Is d o in g Its p a r t In m e s tln g th is r e q u ire m e n t. T h e R ed C ro ss, th r o u g h its n u t r i tio n S e rv ic e , ta u g h t th o u s a n d s w h at to e a t fo r h e a lth . In th is c o u n try , 24 S ta te s w e re s e rv e d w ith fro m o n e to te n R ed C ro ss C h a p ts r n u tr itio n p ro g ra m s la a a c h S ta te . In 38 S ta te s , n u tr itio n I n s tr u c tio n w as g iv e n e ith e r th ro u g h th e r e g u la r n u tr itio n I n s tr u c to r s o r th r o u g h v o lu n te e r d ie titia n s . D u rin g th e sc h o o l y e a r a n a v e ra g e ef 16,418 In d iv id u a ls a m o n th , ln clu d Ing p a r e n ts , te a c h e r s , pre-sch o o l, a n d school c h ild re n , w e re a s s is te d to s b e tte r k n o w le d g e o f food In Its r e la tlo n to h e a lth , an d how to a p p ly it to th e ir d a lly liv es. In M arch , 111,218 In d iv id u a ls re c e iv e d th is In s tru c tio n . w h ile d u r in g th e y e a r 3,588 c la s s e s w e re c o n d u c te d an d 8,450 c o n fe re n c e s an d h o m e v is its w e re given by u u tr l tlo n ls ts , th u s r e a c h in g th o u s a n d s e f In d iv id u a ls. T h e A n n u al R oll C a ll fe r M e m b e r ship fro m N o v e m b e r 11 to 26 Is a n In v lta tlo n to a ll p e r s o n s to a s s is t In m a in te n a n c e o f su c h s e rv ic e s I h i o u th a n o th e r y e a r by e n ro llin g In th e A m erican R ed C -oss. NYSSA, OREGON There are shout 70.000 buses in United States, operated by 6,- I IW W W W W W W WW W W V W W M W W W V W W W ftW y W W W 800 companies over 22,860 routes. th e PRINTING This Paper Advocates and Practices the Gos pel of TRADE A T HOME and will appreciate cooperation on the part of printing buyers Check over your needs and order now before the fall rush of business I ’ It will be our policy to carry a large paper stock of staple items. We have a well equip ped plant and guarantee abso lute satisfaction and reason able prices. We will be pleased to help you arrange yotw copy and design any special forms, circulars, booklets, etc. Ws specialise in commercial, social and farm printing. i j | > Mail Orders Filled Quicker Than a Wink